Mount Zion

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    • Day 17

      Jerusalem zu Fuß

      May 23, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Heute machen wir uns zu Fuß auf, Jerusalem zu entdecken. Unser erstes Ziel auf dem Weg zur Altstadt war das Grab von Oskar Schindler.
      Danach zur Klagemauer und dann zur Grabeskirche. Zuvor holen wir aber unsere Geschenke ab, ..... typisch hebräische Sandalen mit langen Riemen um die Krampfadern komplett abzuwürgen. In der Grabeskirche teilen sich die Wege, nicht alle wollen anstehen um ganz ins Grab zu kommen und gehen fürs Abendessen einkaufen. Nur zwei schaffens zum Damaskustor, der St. Anna Basilika, den Garten Gezemane und in die Kirche aller Religionen.Read more

    • Day 17

      Volkswandertag auf den Spuren Jesu

      May 23, 2022 in Israel ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Der Fuhrpark der königl. Karawanserei hatte heute Pause, die Kameltreiber haben sich die Sohlen heißgelaufen in Jerusalem und Bethlehem. Zum Glück gab's im Basar neue Lederschlappen, wir sind also Dank Orly (Orga-Chefin Israel) frisch hufbeschlagen.
      Stay tuned for details and more pictures. Erstmal Abendessen.

      P.S.Und auf vielfachen Wunsch Einzelner nun mit Büßerschlappenfoto.
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    • Day 17


      May 23, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Es hat in hiesigen Gefilden, Ecke Jerusalem/Bethlehem, ja eine gewisse Tradition, dass sich die Herbergssuche etwas schwieriger gestaltet. Gestern Abend begab es sich, dass wir nach der Rückkehr vom Abendmahl unseren Camp-Platz verwaist vorfanden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass wir (wie alle anderen Teams) am falschen Ende des Großparkplatzes aufgebaut hatten. Und so kamen wir zur einmaligen Gelegenheit, mitten in der Nacht fertig aufgebaute Igluzelte durch Jerusalem zu tragen. Kann auch nicht jeder behaupten.

      Für heute hat sich uns ein Einheimischer als Stadtführer angedient. Es wird also ein lehrreicher Tag.
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    • Day 16


      May 22, 2022 in Israel ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Fast alle Teams vom Toten Meer in Jerusalem angekommen.
      Vor 3h noch in Badehose bei 38°C und jetzt bei gefühlten 15°
      Lange Hose und Jacke ....... Socken, Mütze und Bettfläschle...

    • Day 8

      David's Tomb and the Upper Room

      May 14, 2019 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Just outside of the Zion Gate and the Old City of Jerusalem wall, there is a site considered by some to be the burial place of King David. The majority of historians and archaeologists do not consider the site to be the actual resting place of King David. The Bible tells us that King David died and was buried in the City of David (1 Kings 2:10).
      Above David's Tomb on the next floor of the building is the location of a Christian tradition - the Upper Room. This is where it is believed that Jesus shared his last meal with His apostles. Mark chapter 14 records this event: Jesus said... "And you shall say to the owner of the house, ‘The Teacher says to you, “Where is the guest room in which I may eat the Passover with My disciples?” And he will show you a large, furnished upper room; prepare it there.” And they left and found everything just as He had told them; and they prepared the Passover...While they were eating, He took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it, and gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is My body.” And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, and they all drank from it. “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,” he said to them." This location has been rebuilt and changed many times. The tree trunk represents the gentiles who were grafted in.
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    • Day 17


      May 23, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Viel gelernt heute über die Merkwürdigkeiten von Religionen und über die Absurdität des ewigen Kampfes um den vermeintlich einzig wahren Glauben. Und geradezu bizarre Formen von Frömmigkeit erlebt an der Wiege dreier großer Weltreligionen.

      Mit Muriel hatten wir einen profunden und unterhaltsamen Stadtführer auf unserer Humor-Wellenlänge. Er hatte uns am Vorabend am Parkplatz angesprochen und seine Dienste angeboten: "You pay what you think is adequate."

      Am Ende des Tages dann große Fragen: Warum nur können die Religionen nicht einfach friedlich koexistieren? Und warum werden sie ein ums andere Mal politisch instrumentalisiert?

      P.S. Wenn es darum geht, den Menschen Devotionalien zu verscherbeln, sind sich Juden, Christen und Moslems plötzlich auf wundersame Weise einig. Auch das sieht man in Jerusalem.
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    • Day 9

      Days 7 & 8 - First Days in Jerusalem

      May 4, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Our last night in Jordan, we had a delicious Lebanese meal, outdoors, overlooking the Dead Sea.
      On the morning of Day 7, we crossed the border into Israel, where we’ll be for the rest of the trip.  We crossed at the Allenby Bridge, named for British General Edmund Allenby who is portrayed in “Lawrence of Arabia,” as he was, at one point, TE Lawrence’s commanding officer.  Met by our guide and driver, we have now had, among the A&K team supporting us, Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
      We’re in Jerusalem for four nights; it’s been around since roughly 3,000 BC, has about 1m people and is roughly divided as 64% Jewish, 34% Muslim, and 2% Christian.
      Our first two days happen to be on Israeli holidays - Remembrance Day - day one, a national day in which respects are paid to the people killed in supporting the State - and Israeli Independence Day; on the Gregorian calendar, that day is May 14, but Israel uses the Hebrew calendar and, so, the date changes slightly each year.
      Upon arrival we drove to an overlook of the city from where we saw the walled old city and its contrast with the new, the lushness, and the hills.  The Western Wall, Temple Mount, Dome of the Rock, and Church of the Holy Sepulcher all stand-out.
      Then it was several hours at Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center - Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust as well as the Jews and non-Jews who aided Jews during the period.  Educational, enlightening, saddening, maddening, and deeply moving.
      Dinner on Day 7 (Tuesday) was at a restaurant on the roof of a building owned by the Vatican, with glorious views of Old Jerusalem.  Several of us walked through the old city back to our hotel - the famous, old, and beautiful King David Hotel.
      Day 8 was primarily spent on a walking tour of Old Jerusalem, split into four quarters - Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Armenian – partially along the Via Dolorosa, and ending with a visit to the Western Wall.
      @aktravel_usa #Israel #Jerusalem
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    • Day 10

      Day 9 - Jerusalem, Bethlehem

      May 5, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Thursday, May 5th, took us, first, to a few locations in-and-around Jerusalem:  the Garden of Gethsemane (where Jesus is said to have prayed with his disciples), the apparent location of the Last Supper, a large-scale outdoor map of Jerusalem in 66 CE (fantastic!), and the Dead Sea Scrolls (which date to somewhere between the 3rd century BCE and the 1st century CE) and the Aleppo Codex (10th century CE) – both amazing to see and the stories of how they were found and how they made it to the museum is equally amazing. The two containers that the first scrolls were found in by Bedouin herdsmen are nicknamed Laurel and Hardy.
      From there, we headed into the West Bank for lunch at the home of a Christian family followed by a visit, in Bethlehem, to the Church of the Nativity, a basilica from the 6th century that sits over a cave believed to be the place where Jesus was born.
      The family whose home we visited was deeply warm and hospitable, and they served us homemade mezze, couscous, a kind of beef stew, and local wine.  The mother, Faten (she is named after Omar Sharif’s wife), was raised in Germany before her parents returned to the West Bank, talked to us about her family – we met her husband (who was working in their kitchen most of the time), four of her grandchildren, and one of her sons, who was our tour guide in Bethlehem.  Overall, in the West Bank, Christians only make up about 2% of the population.
      Bethlehem is no longer “oh little town,” as its population sits at around 25,000, and it is jammed with stores and traffic.  Of course, the souvenir shops, which probably have been there for 2,000 years, are vibrant.
      #aktravel #Israel #Jerusalem
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    • Day 2

      Jerusalem overlook

      February 3, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      For a 1st post from Jerusalem, here's a series of photos taken from the top of the tower at the YMCA Three Arches Hotel. I would have taken a continuous panorama, but the balcony isn't continuous: each of the 4 sides has an individual door and balcony.
      The 1st pictures look towards the old city (see what will probably be multiple posts). The pictures look around the tower, moving in a counterclockwise direction.
      My 1st impressions of being here are an interesting sense of comfort. I feel comfortable here. I've enjoyed the scale of the place, the diversity of people, traditions and cultures, the history and the food.
      One of the joys of travel is meeting up with travel friends. I enjoyed a beer with an Israeli friend I met at Uluru in Australia.
      I'll be in country for almost a month. Stay tuned.
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    • Day 5

      Last Supper Location

      September 9, 2023 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      The upper room 😍

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