Canale delle Galeazze

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    • Hari 9

      Amr’s birthday in Venice

      30 September 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Another lovely day! Had breakfast at our little place right under us…a fabulous eatery, and very popular…in the morning there is an array of pastries, and yogurt, fruit, granola, and by lunchtime it has transformed to pizza, bruschetta, focaccia, panini - all fresh and very appealing. And wonderful coffee, fresh juice (and wine, beer and the eternal Aperol!)…so we are well placed for food. Then we set off walking - this time over the Rialto and into the markets there (saw the baby calamari that I would love to buy in Oz)…then on to the station via the different route..all very lovely along the endless streets, canals, bridges and campos. I totally depend on Amr as a guide…totally lose my sense of direction in these learning some of the landmarks on the route to S Marco…!

      The high tide came up again and the walking boards came up in the piazza S Marco…it was receding by the time we got there and we sat on the dry side and had a drink watching the scene till our allotted time to visit the basilica. With great agony Amr had managed to book tickets online as we knew it reduced queuing time to get in, and we had watched the chaos of people trying to enter….so we went early thinking we’d have wait a bit, but to our delight we had immediate access, and were blown away yet again by the magnificence of the building, the gold mosaics just everywhere - quite dazzling. We even paid extra to see the Pala d’Oro which is an elaborate slab of gold and jewels, with enamel pictures…impossible to describe…created as an altar cover (instead of cloth)…altogether a beautiful visit.

      We are starting to understand the weather…it is fine in the morning, and in the afternoon it clouds over, and today it did rain - needed umbrellas - and was more than passing clouds! But never pouring rain. Amr has just told me that tomorrow and Sunday will be fine in Venice! We’ll see.

      Tonight we go to the concert in La Fenice, and we think we’ll have a little late dinner after. Tomorrow we plan to take a train to Vicenza, to have a look round there, and maybe stop off at Padua on the way back. It will be a bit of a break to walk along normal streets for a change - much as we love the alleys of Venice!

      Now back from our evening…the concert was was a Belgian sextet (the Phoenix Sextet) playing Wagner, Brahms and Schoenberg…not in the big opera theatre but in a smaller room suitable for chamber music…I think there are 3 halls - the opera hall, the concert hall and the chamber hall…we think we’ll do a tour if we can fit in to see it all. The renovation since the fire is beautiful…very light - white ceilings, peach coloured walls and trim, chandeliers.

      The concert finished soon after 9.30, and I hoped there would still be restaurants willing to feed us…but no problem - a small place just round the corner from the hotel was open (and a few more came after us)…we had a delicious meal - Amr had a veg pasta, I had gnocchi, and we had grilled vegetables…perfect. A good birthday I think!
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    • Hari 4

      A Presto Venezia

      23 November 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 45 °F

      I walked.36,668 steps I slept until 8:30. Honestly, I'd be okay with <10k today!

      I did the Italian breakfast again today. Since I'm not hungry, it's not worth the extra 7€. Afterwards, I took my time packing up. I ended up checking out at 11 on the dot.

      Using the backpack straps on my suitcase, I walked, very slowly, to the St Angelo vaporetto stop. It seemed closer than San Marco, plus it was less time on the boat. A Spanish speaking woman asked me for help finding her hotel on her phone. I was not much help. Even after that, I caught an earlier boat than I imagined I would. On the bus, I tried to soak it all in. It is a beautiful, sunny day and the Grand Canal was beautiful. Watching the gondolas, water taxis, delivery boats, etc is magical. I spoke to a woman from Melbourne who was spending 5 days in La Serenissima.
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    • Hari 2

      Hotel Mercurio

      21 November 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌬 55 °F

      I found the hotel--once I reached the theater, I knew where I was. I forgot about all the stairs! For some reason, I thought since I stayed with Mom here, there was an elevator. I checked in, and luckily, there was a person to help with my HEAVY suitcase!

      My room is on the top floor. Not as nice as our room last time, but fine. I started the unpacking/reorganizing project, then tried to take a nap. No luck, but I did rinse out my stinky clothes and took a shower to wash stinky me!

      At 5pm or so, I left for my adventures. First stop...euros!
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    • Hari 15


      22 Juli 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Zum Schluss durfte natürlich eine Gondelbahnen nicht fehlen und eine halbe std für 80€ war für uns drei Leute und 2 Hunde voll kommen in Ordnung !

      Aber wie sollte es natürlich sein , nach ungefähr 10 min meine der Gondoliere das wir nur noch 10 höchsten fahren könne da ein schlimmes Gewitter auf uns zu kommt !
      Und so kam es natürlich auch wir sind noch im Trockenen von der Gondel gestiegen aber dann…
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    • Hari 5

      I cant walk anymore!!

      27 Juni 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      It happened! I actually slept last night!! Our alarm woke us up at 8 this morning and I felt great. We grabbed breakfast in the hotel breakfast room which was really cute and had beautiful chandeliers decorating it. We had eggs, some type of savory egg tart, apricot croissant, chocolate croissant and plain Italian bread- just so we could put some blueberry jam on it. Delicious!

      We decided to just play the day by ear and started walking out past Saint Marks square and quickly decided we didn’t want to wait in the 2 hour line for the Doje’s palace. We instead walked the 26 minutes to the Jewish Ghetto- the first ghetto created and glad we did. As you approach the ghetto, you notice a change in the buildings. None of the buildings in Venice were very high, but now you have much larger apartment buildings- in order for more people to live there. You have to cross a small bridge and go through a low tunnel to get to the actual ghetto. This used to be gated off at curfew time so the Jewish people couldn’t leave. We decided to grab lunch and ended up at Majer Venezia bakery and had the most simple and amazing prosciutto and mozzarella sandwich on fresh ciabatta along with a slice of Mediterranean pizza. They were delicious!

      After lunch we headed back to get tickets to our tour of the ghetto. It was interesting to note this has been the only place we’ve come to so far that has checked our bags and put us through a metal detector. Tells a sad story, but it needs to happen. We then started the tour. The ghetto was established in the 1500s and it was interesting that Jewish people from all over came there and requested to be let into the ghetto. This was because the ghetto had become a place of commerce for the Jewish people and where they were given approval to live and work. We then went to the leventine and the Sephardic synagogues and they were absolutely beautiful. The detail and designs were gorgeous and the synagogues were still in use today.

      After the tour was over, we did a little shopping and then started to wander again. We ended up at the end of Venice with a beautiful view of Murano (and a nice breeze). Back we went to Saint Marks square where we sat and each had an aperol Spritz aperitivo and listened to the beautiful orchestra serenade us. That is, until a soundcheck started for the concert that evening and we were surrounded with terrible practice music blaring from concert speakers.

      We left to do some more walking and searching for shoes (it’s very important to have sandals here we realized) and ended up back at the hotel where I started today’s blog. 1 paragraph in and I was asleep! So a quick nap, shower, and we were back out again.

      Now here’s the best part of the day. We wandered over to intercept Becky and Mike as they got off the boat. The Oliver’s made it! Woohoo! One more quick stop at the hotel, a little more wandering to show them Saint Marks square and then dinner at Vino Vino near our hotel where we chose to sit in a cute little garden in the back.

      Of course we all got drinks and had to split a charcuterie tray. Plus, Dave had been wanting to try the Venetian specialty of fried sardines. I think we all agree we could have done without them. Main meal consisted of gnocchi for Mike, carbonara for Becky, ravioli for me and a whole fish for Dave. We finished and then you guessed it, we wandered a bit more to gelato at Suzo again. It was delicious. Now we are off to bed. Tomorrow we will explore Venice bit more then we are off to Tuscany (via rental car…gulp!)

      Walking tally: 27,170; 11.06 miles
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    • Hari 2

      Gran Teatro La Fenice

      6 Desember 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      La Fenice ist wirklich ein grosses Theater. Über 170 Logen und ca. 1000 Plätze. Einige Male abgebrannt und wieder aufgebaut. Wunderschön nach alten Plänen hergerichtet und technisch modernisiert. Maria Callas spielte hier. Und noch heute ist es sehr beliebt.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 10

      Venedig San Marco

      23 September 2019, Italia ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Venedig ist ein einziges Museum unter freiem Himmel. Die vielen malerischen Kanäle, welche von Brücken überspannt werden, singende Gondoliere und die bröckelnden Hausfassaden. Hier kann man abtauchen in eine eigentlich nicht mehr zeitgemäße Welt.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 21

      Four Trains and a Ferry

      26 Mei 2018, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Had a fabulous time in Vernazza but off to Venice. Graham carried the two cases down the steepest stairs I have ever seen. Well done to him. Got on the first train with time to spare. Had a 30 minute lay over before the second train from La Spezia to Pisa so all relaxed. As we were in first class we wandered to the end of the platform. The very, very long train arrives with no first class in sight. Where is it? Down the other end. Sprinted from one end of the platform to the other and Graham threw the cases up the stairs. Just made it, but because we were late had to store the bags in the doorway so I spent the next hour of what should have been a relaxing, first class train journey pacing up and down to check on my suitcase.
      Got to Pisa and had 10 minutes to get down through the underpass and up the other side onto the next train, so threw the cases down the stairs and then Graham had to carry both up. Made train number 3. Fifteen minutes at Florence to get train number 4 but by now I was a tad stressed so when we were queuing patiently to get on a lady pushed in front my inner bitch came out and I just about flattened her with my suitcase. Wrong day to push my buttons lady! Once again Graham was throwing cases up into trains and off again.
      Finally arrived in Venice, and now for the fun of the ferry with suitcases. After waiting for three ferries to get on one a young man tried to push past me so I ran over his foot with my suitcase. When will they learn.
      So we made it to our hotel in one piece after a very physical journey and we are still talking. Lucky we have lost weight and Graham has been working out – that’s all I can say!
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    • Hari 13

      Enjoying a day of discovering Venice

      19 Oktober 2015, Italia ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      More pics from beautiful Venice. For lunch when they brought us our wine, they also brought a bowl of potato chips. Funny combo! Of course, I made sure I got one more gelato before we went home! Much smoother and tastier than any ice cream in the USA!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 3

      Rigoletto, Musica a Palazzo

      25 Agustus 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Rigoletto, Oper in drei Akten von Guiseppe Verdi. Das Libretto stammt von Francesco Maria Piave. Die Uraufführung fand am 11. März 1851 im Theater La Fenice in Vendig statt.

      Im Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto lädt „Musica a Palazzo“ zu einem ganz besonderem musikalischen Erlebnis und verzaubert mit seinen Aufführungen sein Publikum. Eine gelungene Kombination von Opernaufführungen im historischen Ambiente des Adelspalastes.

      Musica a Palazzo ist ein eingetragener Kulturverein. Die Zuschauer erhalten daher eine Mitgliedskarte, welche die persönlichen Daten enthält. Die Karte beinhaltet den Konzertticketpreis - es fallen keine weiteren Gebühren an.

      Interessanter Opernabend, ausgezeichnete Aufführung

      00:45: Venedig, gute Nacht
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