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    • Dag 20

      Colosseum, Roman Forum & Pantheon.

      15 mei, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Rome is certainly growing on us. Although it doesn't have the charm of Croatia, it makes up with history oozing everywhere!
      So this morning we walked 400 metres from our accommodation to the Colosseum. Had some breakfast at a cafe close by and then met the other 4 participants of our small group guided tour led by a lovely Italian lady called Raffaella.
      We had a really good look at the Colosseum and Roman Forum over 3 hours. Not as crowded as the Vatican yesterday, but still no shortage of people!
      Lunch was an Aperol Spritz and some bread, cheese and tomato. We bought some chicken schnitzel from our local little market for dinner tonight - attempting to save some euros whenever we can without compromising our holiday.
      After a short rest we walked 1.5 km to the Pantheon (a very large Cathedral). It was impressive, however, nowhere near as spectacular as the Cathedral we visited for free near the Pantheon. There are 900 churches in Roma!
      We got a gelato en route to our apartment and sat on a seat outside and just watched the passing parade of people, limousines, motor bikes and scooters, all beeping their horns in the narrow street. Could have sat there for hours - it was fascinating!
      Home early for a shower, rest, happy hour and quiet night before our last day in Roma tomorrow.
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    • Dag 34

      The Colossal Colloseum and Ciao Europe

      6 december 2023, Italië

      My last day in Rome, and final day on this epic journey.

      I'm beginning to see the reason why the Italian carbs haven't impacted my weight too much. My jeans still fit. By 11.30am, I'd traversed 12km on foot. By the days close, this number grew closer to 20km.

      Today, I explored the Colloseum. It was splendid. Built in 72 AD, preserved beautifully, no grifters trying to fleece you of more. Another testament to the deep respect the Italian people hold for history.

      Whilst it did not evoke the same feelings of awe as I felt in Athens, Greece, I was profoundly grateful. Even more so of my stealth. I'd paid for a self guided tour with underground access, though I slid into a private tour group to gain access to other areas of the arena. #touristhacks. #notsorry.

      Vowing to enjoy my last day, I earned my last food rewards. More pizza. More pasta. Some cannoli. I think (I hope) the only impact is my overall fruit and vegetable consumption. Negligible compared to what I'd have at home, though our seasonal fruit and vegetables are spectacular right now.

      I have an extra spring in my step as I hold my loved ones so close in my heart. I'll be seeing them all so soon. There's nothing like being apart to remind you how profound the love you feel for your family and friends really is. And your dog. How I've missed my shadow.

      Over a month without hugs. A month without my little Ferdie by my side. Loving me at my worst. Loving me at my best. Loving me when I've eaten too much cheese and am re-enacting Pompeii.

      I've had an incredible trip. And I'm so ready to come home.

      I finish this post on the rooftop of my hotel. Sipping an Italian red. A rare indulgence during this trip. Salute Italia. Ciao Bella.

      I can't wait to be home and I have the biggest hugs ready for you all.
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    • Dag 3

      Colossal Colosseum

      10 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Feeding time at the zoo! 😳😱
      Our breakfast sitting was at 7:45 am… My anticipation was for the typical Italian breakfast table ladened with delicious fresh produce, but, nothing could be further from the truth! There were two tables hastily arranged with what seemed like stale pastries, basic generic cereals and bread 🍞 you would probably hesitate feeding to a duck 🦆 Oh! And Jugs of coffee and cordial. Very underwhelming! We certainly hoped this was not a sign of things to come!

      Mauritzio ushered us onto the “Blue Bus” 🚎 and we headed into the centre of Rome and did a walking tour around the Roman forum and Julius Caesar’s’ forum. It was a 33° day, and all of these historical markers were directly exposed to the heat of the midday sun ☀️ so excuse my ruby red cheeks 🥵

      We found another fantastic little place for lunch and enjoyed fresh, tomato 🍅 bruschetta, grilled vegetables 🥗 and another pizza 🍕 All washed down with Aperol Spritz & a litre of wine 🍷 It didn’t take long for the wine to wear off as we continued our journey using the Metro to get to Saint Peters basilica in Vatican City. Unfortunately we were unable to go inside the Museum because it is a Sunday. It was impressive to wander around the forecourt.

      Fortunately, we pre-booked a Twilight tour of the Colosseum, thus saving us being part of a line that snaked around the outside and luckily we were part of the final day entry into this magnificent Stadium, which, incidentally, was built in only 11 years! By the end of this expedition, I was plum tuckered out, so decided to sit and people watch along the road built by Mussolini while German continued to walk around and work off the carbs 😝

      We had a couple of quiet drinks in the gay street right next to the Colosseum and thought we had it all worked out until we got to the Metro station and replacement buses were in full force… Now, if you thought catching a replacement bus is hard in Melbourne, you ain’t seen nothing like trying to find one that takes you to the middle of nowhere in Rome! I won’t go into detail except to say that it was an experience like no other! The bus ride could only be compared to a white knuckle ride at any amusement park! 😳😱🤯🫣🫨
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    • Dag 6

      Colloseum, Forum Romanum und Palatin

      19 juni, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Das Colloseum ist von außen extrem beeindruckend. Von innen eher weniger. Stark restauriert und man sieht, dass leider nicht viel übrig ist.

      Umso spannender ist das nebengelegene Forum und der Palatin.
      Hier spazieren wir stundenlang herum, schauen uns die Geschichte der Ruinen an, spekulieren was damals alles passiert ist und wie das Leben dort war.

      Die Städte der Römer müssen unglaublich gewesen sein.
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    • Dag 8

      Schlechter Aprilscherz

      1 april, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Unser Tag begann auf einem Friedhof, ca. 9 km von unserer Unterkunft entfernt. Warum?Weil Norman zufällig am Abend einen kurzen Ausschnitt aus der allersten Berliner "Wetten, dass...?"- Sendung von 1983 gesehen hatte, in der Bud Spencer und Terence Hill zu Gast waren und in der Bud Spencer Frank Elstner verriet, dass er Neapolitaner war, woraufhin Norman in Erfahrung brachte, dass Bud Spencer zwar in Neapel geboren, aber in Rom begraben lag.
      Und nun konnte man Rom natürlich nicht verlassen, ohne Bud Spencers Grab gesehen zu haben. Während Norman sich vor Ort alles genau anschaute und Fotos knipste, suchte ich schon einmal nach einer nahegelegenen Pasticceria, in der wir uns für den heutigen Sightseeing-Marathon stärken konnten. Mit unserem zweiten 100-Minuten-Busticket fuhren wir zum Bahnhof "Roma Termini", wo wir uns angesichts der vielen Leckereien kaum entscheiden konnten und so viel kauften und aßen, dass wir den Rest des Tages keinen Hunger mehr verspürten. Unsere Sightseeing-Tour begannen wir daraufhin in der Basilika di San Pietro in Vincoli mit der Moses-Statue von Michelangelo. Passenderweise fing es anschließend an zu regnen. Anders als Moses hatten wir nur leider nicht die Fähigkeit, das Wasser zu teilen und auf trockenem Boden durch Rom zu spazieren. Ganz im Gegenteil: Nach und nach wurden wir pitschnass. Unsere lange Liste an Sehenswürdigkeiten wurde auf ein Minimum gekürzt, denn schon nach dem Kolosseum war uns die Lust auf weitere Aktivitäten vergangen. Statt der Besichtigung des Forum Romanum und des Aventin wünschten wir uns nichts sehnlicher als eine warme Dusche und trockene Kleidung.
      Und doch gab es noch eine Sache, die ich Norman unbedingt zeigen wollte: das Innere des Petersdoms. Tapfer stellten wir uns also in der Warteschlange vor dem Petersdom an, während es weiterhin wie aus Eimern schüttete. Angesichts der fortgeschrittenen Zeit und der Wetterlage war die Schlange kürzer als üblich, sodass wir glücklicherweise nicht allzu lange warten mussten. Triefend und tropfend schafften wir es schließlich in den Petersdom, der uns für alles entschädigte. Diesen Dom konnte man unzählige Male besuchen - sobald man ihn betritt, öffnet sich vor Staunen ganz automatisch der Mund und bleibt offen stehen, bis man ihn wieder verlässt. Wenn man ihn denn verlässt... Denn eben diesen Abschied versuchte ich mit einem plötzlichen Interesse an sämtlichen Engelfiguren im Petersdom hinauszuzögern, als ich sah, dass ein Ende des Regens nicht in Sicht war. Doch auch im Petersdom ist die Anzahl an Engeln begrenzt. Deshalb traten wir irgendwann den Heimweg an und bereiteten die morgige Abreise vor. Vielleicht würde Rom uns ja wenigstens zum Abschied noch ein paar Sonnenstrahlen schenken.
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    • Dag 2

      Ab zum Abendbrot

      13 december 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Vom Vatikan ging es zurück. Annette wieder mit Bus und ich konnte laufen. Abends mit wenig Menschen war es wirklich schön. Eine Ruhe und tausend Dinge zu entdecken. Ziel war das Colosseum (direkt bei der neuen Unterkunft) und Abendbrot.Meer informatie

    • Dag 4

      Kurz blauer Himmel über dem Kolosseum

      12 november 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Im Areal des Forum Romanum gibt es extrem viel zu sehen. Bevor wir aber einmal durch das Areal gegangen sind, sind wir erst mal zur Ruine des Tempel der Venus und der Roma. Vor dieser Ruine gibt es einen gigantischen Ausblick auf das Kolosseum. Sehr toll war dabei, dass genau jetzt zum ersten Mal heute die Wolkendecke aufgerissen war und wir somit eine Mischung aus blauen Himmel und teils dunklen Wolken hatten. In Kombination ein hammer Anblick!Meer informatie

    • Dag 66

      Rome Nu.1

      26 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Our travel day from Dobrota to Rome was one of our biggest and longest yet. It started from 6:00 am and ended at 8:30 pm. We walked for a hour and 45 minutes to the bus stop with our bags. Which was fine because we got up before everything got too hot. Then we got on a bus back to Dubrovnik where it started to rain but it was good because we were all really hot. Then we got an Uber to the Airport and hopped on a tiny plane to Italy, which was kinda scary because I had never been on a plane so small. Then we arrived in Italy and waited an hour for our bus, and we got to listen to all the Italian accents and languages. We then arrived in Rome and met the guy who owned the place who was super nice. The apartment building also had this tiny lift that only one person could fit in. We settled in getting ready for exploring Rome for the next few days.

      We had a slow morning before we started to Rome around the streets. (Pun intended) we wanted to go to St Peters but they wouldn’t let us in because our clothes weren’t suitable enough so instead we went to the Trevi fountain and as a bonus we got to ride a bus because everything was so much cheaper in Rome. There were so many people at the Trevi fountain and we had to hold onto our pockets because there were a lot of pickpockets and after that we went and got an ice cream and went back to our apartment.

      On our 2nd day in Rome we got up early to get in line for the Vatican which was free that day. In the line we met this girl who was really nice and then we did the whole tour with her and we became like friends. She was from turkey. It was also good because we had a deal going on. She got to listen to our tour guide in our phones and she took photos for the 4 of us. Win win for everyone. In the Museum thing there were thousands of statues and roof paintings. We also saw that famous one in the Sistine chapel where we weren’t allowed to take photos. I was abit sneaky and took one of the ceiling before the person caught me and I felt bad for the rest of the day, but it was worth it. That night we went out for dinner and it was soooooooo good. I had bolognaise (obviously I would never choose anything else) Mum had risotto, Dad had a pizza and Jemilla had carbonara.

      P.S I will have to split this blog into two parts because there are too many photos.
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    • Dag 86

      Rome in a Sidecar

      27 juli 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      This morning was a highlight of our trip.

      We toured Rome for three hours in a Vespa sidecar. Our guide was Marta and our driver was Fulvio. We went to all the main attractions, had coffee and a croissant and really enjoyed it.

      Going into the Pantheon was a highlight, as was the information about Rome and its history, which really added to everything we have already learnt this trip.

      If you are ever in Rome, then Rome In A Sidecar is a definite 'must do'.
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    • Dag 54

      Sightseeing mit Alina

      3 juni 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Mit Alina, der besten Stadtführerin der Welt, wird Rom zu einer besonderen Erfahrung. Für mich ist es das erste Mal in der italienischen Hauptstadt. Früh morgens um 7:20 Uhr stehen wir bereits am Trevi-Brunnen. Trotz der frühen Uhrzeit posieren schon hunderte grinsende Touristen vor ihren Selfie-Kameras. Über die Spanischen Treppen geht es zur Warteschlange vor dem Colosseum. Die schier endlose Schlage geht irgendwann doch schneller voran, sodass wir bald das beeindruckende Amphitheater von innen sehen können. Danach ist erstmal Entspannung im Park angesagt.

      Von unserer gesamten Reise ist Rom die Stadt, in der es für uns am schwierigsten ist, spontan eine günstige Unterkunft zu finden. Nach vielen erfolglosen Anfragen und Abweisungen bei Hotels und Campingstellplätzen (nebenbei bemerkt: Auf dem einen Campingplatz soll eine Nacht mit unserem Mini-Zelt 64€ kosten), finden wir über die Plattform unsere nächste Bleibe. Das Konzept ist wie bei AirBnB, nur für Campingstellplätze. So landen wir bei Paola im Garten. :-)

      Nachdem wir den Vatikan besichtigt haben, spazieren wir vorbei an der Engelsburg über den Tiber zum Pantheon. Hier ist es so voll, dass wir uns doch entscheiden, direkt ins Forum Romanum zu gehen. Das antike Herz von Rom ist faszinierend. Mit Audioguide und Vorstellungskraft lassen sich römische Tempel, Marktplätze und Thermen wieder zum Leben erwecken.
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