Gambassi Terme

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    • Day 8

      San Gimignano

      July 7 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Am späten Vormittag machten wir uns heute auf Richtung San Gimignano. Die kurvenreiche Anfahrt schenkte uns wunderschöne Ausblicke über die hügelige Landschaft der Toskana.
      Auch das weltberühmte Eis in der Gelateria Dondoli ließen wir uns nicht entgehen.Read more

    • Day 3–4

      San Miniato - Gambassi

      June 29 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Today was definitely as challenging as we anticipated, but we're finally at our beautiful accommodation in Gambassi Town. The suite has a claw foot bath, and we've both enjoyed a lukewarm soak already. It wasn't too hot when we set off this morning, but the sun soon broke through. This walk goes through countryside that is exactly what one would predict - absolutely stunning and so good to be away from the crowds. Walking along Via Francigena it was not busy at all - we only saw one other couple the whole day. Perhaps sensible walkers know better than to walk "Under the Tuscan Sun" as the heat of summer begins. I spotted a plum tree, laden with fruit, along the way and we both enjoyed the sweet snack. It was too hot to contemplate eating much to be honest. I tried to take a variety of photos along the way to show off the beautiful countryside. Each day of our walk concludes at a hilltop town/city, which inevitably means an uphill slog just as one's energy has almost totally been depleted l. The total ascent today was 781m, much of which was in the final 5kms, so we're feeling pretty weary but also happy to have made it here. Tomorrow will be a case of rinse and repeat as we wend our way to San Gimignano tomorrow. Sorry there are no pics of Gambassi - I will try to take a few in the morning to post tomorrow. Ciao 😃Read more

    • Day 37

      Day 33: San Miniato to Gambassi Terme

      May 25 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Tuscany delivered again! Certainly, the first six kilometres were along the road, but after that, the Way moved to a dirt and rock pathway called the Val d'Elsa and I was treated to spectacular views and vistas on both sides as I walked up, down and around the hill crests. I encountered 14 pilgrims today; only two, Tammy and Alan, had I met before. All of the others were Italian, except for Stephan, who's German and an incredibly fast walker! Both yesterday and today, I had to climb into town and me being me, I happened to choose accommodation at the highest point in the area! The walk (27.41 km) wore me out, but on the plus side, I have panoramic views! Another great day on the VF.Read more

    • Day 21

      Via Francigena: Gambassi - San Gimignano

      July 17 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      The Via Francigena is a pilgrimage from Canterbury to Rome. Since we walked the Camino de Santiago last year, Angela and I were excited to walk a little bit of this path. So beautiful! It was an 8.5 mile walk through vineyards and olive groves. Another very hot day, so very tiring, but worth it.

      We had to take two trains and a bus to get to Gambassi, and then a bus and two trains from San Gimignano back to Florence. This was a little tricky and I was very proud that we made it!
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    • Day 14


      August 19, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      The weather is amazing as is the location. Truly spoilt in this beautiful place.

      In the morning we went and found a laundry and washed our ever growing bag of dirty clothes, bought some food and then headed off in the car for an adventure.

      We headed to Cecina which is on the coast going through amazing villages and fantastic scenery. Arrived at Cecina and it was not the quiet little town I remembered! Firstly we found an Italian Aldi store which was amazing. Found a couple of beach towels and bits and pieces, then headed down to the beach. Absolutely packed beaches with umbrellas as far as the eye can see.

      We then drove on down the coast to San Vincenzo where we were looking forward to a seafood pasta, but no luck we arrived too late and the kitchen was closed, so we shared a kebab instead!

      On we drove and that’s when the fun began! We only had offline Google maps that had trouble keeping track of where we were. We found a gorgeous village called Rocca Strada which had lots of housed built into the side of the rock with narrow windy streets. Best part was we were the only tourists there!

      On we drove heading for Siena, where we took so many wrong turns and one time ended up going under a bridge that we were supposed to be going over! No we didn’t kill each other but it was getting pretty tense and in the ended we skipped stopping in Siena and we both agreed never again without a online map!

      Drove on and muddled our way back to San Gimi where we stopped finally at a local Pizzeria as Pete was desperate for an Italian pizza and I had seafood risotto to make up for missing out during the day. We were happy to finally be at home and we will remember the adventure of getting lost in Tuscany for years to come! Pete finished the day with Limoncello!
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    • Day 86

      69. Etappe-Gambassi Terme-San Gimignano

      September 24, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Heute morgen habe ich wieder bis sieben Uhr ausgeschlafen. Habe mir dann noch Gambassi Terme angeschaut und dort Kaffee und Croissant gegessen und bin über einen Weg mit schönem Blick auf die Weinberge gelaufen, meine gestrige Focaccia unter Olivenbäumen gegessen und gemütlich nach San Gimignano geschlendert. Ich verstehe schon, warum dieser Ort so touristisch ist, wahrscheinlich das meist besuchte Dorf in der Toskana-gar nicht aufgrund des Dorfes, Stunden vielmehr wegen des bilderbuchartigen Umlandes-mit Olivenhainen, Zypressen und Weinbergen in kräftigem Grün, ganz so wie man sich die Toskana vorstellt. Es waren nur 14 km heute und ich traf zufällig auf das Fahrrad - Pärchen und verabredete mich zum Mittagessen. Ich trank einen Rosé für 7€, dieser Ort ist einfach sehr touristisch. Und wir gingen Pasta essen, ich hatte Ravioli mit Kartoffeln und Pilzen und Käse und einen Weißwein aus der Region. Hier ist einer der Chianti Gebiete, aber ich hatte keine Lust auf Rotwein.
      San Gimignano fällt sofort durch seine vielen Türme, insgesamt 15, auf und wird deswegen auch die Stadt der Türme genannt. Das besondere hierbei ist, dass diese in ihrer Höhe erhalten sind und nicht gekürzt wurden. Es handelt sich hierbei um die mir schon in Florenz, Lucca und Perugia begegneten Geschlechtertürme, also Türme, die von einflussreichen städtischen Familien zu Repräsentationszwecken erbaut wurden. In Lucca habe ich den Guinigiturm besichtigt, der bekannte Turm mit dem Baum auf dem Dach. In Lucca war es der einzige von einst 250 solcher Türme.
      Die Stadt war im 14. Jh. als Verbindung für Pilger und den Handel nach Rom auf dem Hauptverkehrsweg. Wohlhabend war die Stadt 160 Jahre lang durch den Anbau von Safran, mit dem man Seidestoffe färbte.
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    • Day 13

      Getting to San Gimignano

      August 18, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      So what a drama!! We had paid for a hire car to pick up in Florence from Hertz. After finally finding the office, we waited and waited to be served. Finally we were told to go across the road to pick up the car. Ha ha that was a joke. We wanted to change the driver to me and all of a sudden we were told they would not honour our reservation. So here we were in Florence with no way of getting to our next stop. So I said to Pete, no stress it’s part of the adventure 😂😂😂

      We ended up at Budget, with the same paperwork and within 10 minutes we were on our way with a car. Lesson - don’t hire with Hertz, absolutely no customer care and would not help!

      Anyway we got over that eventually and found our way back to the BnB and picked up our luggage and set off for San Gimi. My favourite place! The driving was pretty good, I just need help remembering my left and right. Pretty important when driving on the other side of the road!

      Our BnB is amazing and we spent some time exploring San Gimi till the heat got to me and also the drive i think. We went back to the BnB with our snacks and had a swim and a yummy dinner. So nice to be in the county side!
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    • Day 74

      Gambassi Terme 15 miles

      September 24, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      While putting my socks on this morning I noticed I have been using my feet to clean the mangy floor. Required washing asap. Choice was shower - no good as just an overhead shower head and it seemed silly to shower when only my feet were dirty, bidet - if the floor was that dirty I wasn’t putting anything near that, which left the basin. Despite not being at my Stretch & Mobilise classes for a few months that was no problem. Never mind standing on one leg while brushing your teeth I think I could recommend regular washing your feet in the basin to help maitain your balancing ability. Stephen, you are excused that one, no-one wants to see your hernia yet again.

      It is a sure sign of a tourist trap of a village when I passed numerous restaurants on my way out but not a single useful shop. No food for today. Still it’s only 15 miles so not too much of a problem. I was also out of water but there were fountains apparently somewhere on route.

      Lovely walking today. Tuscany looking good although late in the year so not nearly as green as it would have been earlier. Don’t know what crops were there but they are long gone, leaving brown earth.

      No end of other walkers about. I must have passed at least 15. Almost all in 2’s or more. Not that I am walking faster than them all, I think, I just don’t stop to fidget as much. For example lots of folk need to stop to have a drink. Basic mistake. You really need to be able to take your bottle out of, and back into, your rucksack side pocket while walking, especially if in a group of 3 or 4. No idea where they are all going, or started from, I didn’t say more than hello to any of them. I’m not here to chat. Tomorrow I will start earlier and avoid this nonsense hopefully. At least 3 couples were American judging by their voices. Common factor is they were all just carrying what looked like day bags. They must be using a baggage transfer service.

      Passed a small memorial for the first batch of 150 Swiss troops that rested here on their way to Rome to become the Swiss Guards at the Vatican ever since. It is things like that that are reminders that the Via was the main route North to South for an awful long time.

      Arrived about 2.30pm but couldn’t get into my room until after 3pm. Plenty of time for a welcome ice cream. I asked in the local bar what time they served food tonight and got the reply 8pm. Bit late. No wifi in the b&b and no signal so I needed to head back to the bar to buy some water and use their wifi. It was pay-day at the playgroup and I had work to do. It’s amazing how long a Scot can drag out a bottle of water. While there I noticed that some folk seemed to be ordering food at 6.30pm. I moved fast. It seems that if you want something that they have already prepared, like lasagne, they were happy to heat and serve it straight away but if it needed actual cooking then you would have to wait. Excellent. Ordered and eaten before 7pm. Interestingly it is now about 8pm and there isn’t any sign of any cooking or anyone interested in food. Really don’t understand this country sometimes. Been forced to have a couple of pints while following the rugby and writing this epistle. Better get to bed now rather than hang about which would need another.
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    • Day 8

      Ab ans Meer

      July 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Oz haveinsa puspei inagada dapli stuiu pachetar ensemen nies uorden e semetter sin via. Sco emprem essan stai a mirar San Gimignano, il Manhattan dalla Toskana sco ei ha num. Ei ha absolut rendiu da prender sin nus la via. Il marcau era u bials, ed era la cuntrada era puspei sco ord in auter mund. Silsuenter havein semess sin via direcziun mar a Piombino. Arrivai sin il mega camping cun meeega bia glieud (Hilfe) havein bagegiau si tut, e lu entuppau Marta, Robert ed Anita. Chillau sper il pool ed la sera tschenau ensemen tier els. Suenter aunc stai a mirar il marcau che era gliezza sera sil campadi e lu ir direcziun letg.Read more

    • Day 5

      5 . Tag Certaldo

      April 12 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Heute ein Relax Tag auf dem Campingplatz - trödeln lesen kruscheln. Fahrradfahrt zur mittelalterlichen Festung.
      Stadtbummeln mit 1pizza kalt vom Bäcker so lecker und Eis mmm. Ausklang mit Bulgursalat.
      Es war ein guter Tag.
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