San Gimignano

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    • Day 22

      Lagerfeuer-Romantik in San Gimignano

      May 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nachdem wir Florenz unsicher gemacht haben, ging es weiter nach San Gimignano, einem Ort in dem die Zeit stehen geblieben ist. Im mittelalterlichen Stadtkern haben wir eine Eisdiele entdeckt, die 4x in Folge zur besten DER WELT gekürt würde. Unter anderem gab es Gorgonzola mit Walnuss-, oder Erdbeerkäsekuchen mit Tomate- Basilikum-Eis. Der Abend endete an einem geheimen Stellplatz im Wald mit Grillen und Lagerfeuer.Read more

    • Day 14


      August 19, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      The weather is amazing as is the location. Truly spoilt in this beautiful place.

      In the morning we went and found a laundry and washed our ever growing bag of dirty clothes, bought some food and then headed off in the car for an adventure.

      We headed to Cecina which is on the coast going through amazing villages and fantastic scenery. Arrived at Cecina and it was not the quiet little town I remembered! Firstly we found an Italian Aldi store which was amazing. Found a couple of beach towels and bits and pieces, then headed down to the beach. Absolutely packed beaches with umbrellas as far as the eye can see.

      We then drove on down the coast to San Vincenzo where we were looking forward to a seafood pasta, but no luck we arrived too late and the kitchen was closed, so we shared a kebab instead!

      On we drove and that’s when the fun began! We only had offline Google maps that had trouble keeping track of where we were. We found a gorgeous village called Rocca Strada which had lots of housed built into the side of the rock with narrow windy streets. Best part was we were the only tourists there!

      On we drove heading for Siena, where we took so many wrong turns and one time ended up going under a bridge that we were supposed to be going over! No we didn’t kill each other but it was getting pretty tense and in the ended we skipped stopping in Siena and we both agreed never again without a online map!

      Drove on and muddled our way back to San Gimi where we stopped finally at a local Pizzeria as Pete was desperate for an Italian pizza and I had seafood risotto to make up for missing out during the day. We were happy to finally be at home and we will remember the adventure of getting lost in Tuscany for years to come! Pete finished the day with Limoncello!
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    • Day 38–44

      Day 34: Gambassi Terme to San Gimignano

      May 26 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      A change of pace today - suitable for a Sunday. I didn't leave my accommodation until 10 am! It was only a short walk (15.88 km), so I took my time. Don't think I didn't have to work for it, though - there was a lot of climbing and descending, and it was hot! Fortunately, it was a good ratio of unsealed and sealed surfaces. San Gimignano is a massive tourist town and is full of people. The Basilica is impressive, as was the sacred art museum. The Basilica has some of the most beautiful and numerous frescoes I have seen. I'm here in the midst of a cycling event: the "Tuscany Tour".Read more

    • Day 3

      San Gimignano

      July 21 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Samo kratek postanek, ne moreva se mimo odpeljati. Enostavno ne gre 🥹.
      Samo... Je res vroč dan, je kar muka vsak korak ekstra... Dobro razumem tele nonote, da jim paše v senčki sedet in vadi Dolce far'niente. 🙂
      Ma, naju je vleklo naprej v Volterro, kjer sva si zamislili eno uživaško večerjo.
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    • Day 35

      Day 36 6 October IL Borgthetto Italy

      October 5 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Did you ever turn left when you should have turned right ?¿?
      Brucee did with wonderful results.
      The last 3 photos show the Canadian Camino couple I happily met again (when I took the wrong turn) 🤣 Then some kilometers later (again walking back from a wrong turn) this lovely young lady "Sarah" (last photo) stopped her car, asked whether I was lost, (I wasn't, but I was concentrating on checking Goggle Maps), Sarah said "I know IL Borgthetto" Get in the car!
      In an all too short time, we enjoyed one of the best short conversations I could ever wish for. Camino delivers🤗 Lucky Brucee
      Yesterday we spent the day in San Gimignano... mostly sketching (shopping for some). San Gimignano is a UNESCO World Hermitage site. It is located on a quite high hill. It has 15 of it's medieval towers still standing (originally 72).
      Tomorrow, Monday, we leave IL Borgthetto. Many fly home via Milan and other significant cities. Lucky Brucee heads south to VITERBO. The plan there is to walk south to Rome ☝️
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    • Day 35

      Day 40 10 October 24

      October 5 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      I walked today from Vetralla to CAPRANICA. The condition was windy but good. The 1st photo shows you the Via Francigena sign (from San Gimignano) I was hun
      looking for.
      The 2nd (photo) tiny, hard to see, sign on many posts, I missed.
      Still I made it to Capranica feeling I should not be stopping so soon.
      Capranica has a history back to Etruscan time. Many streets are cobblestone, narrow and their buildings are updated old structures.
      My photos are limited in number but I hope of interest to you.
      I'm planning the walks and days to arrive in Rome on the 19th.
      My flight home leaves pm 22/10. Tomorrow is a short walk to SUTRI .
      Lastly the last 3 photos show the Deer signs (I saw none), SMART car ... essential for the limited parking in Italy, and a watercolour I did on the last afternoon.
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    • Day 4–5

      Gambassi - San Gimignano

      June 30 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today's walk from Gambassi was so much easier than yesterday's mainly due to the temperature 'only' reaching 29° today. What a difference those 7° make when trying to keep one's body temperature at a safe level.

      We are still relishing the beautiful Tuscan scenery as we look out over vineyards and olive groves dotted all over and are often framed as we walk by the very distinctive Italian cypress trees.

      Halfway through our 17km walk today we happened upon a hotel with an open bar and thoroughly enjoyed our ice-cold Cokes and a packet of chippies.

      The walk was still quite hilly today with 595m of total ascent, but overall it felt pretty cruisy.

      We arrived in the stunningly beautiful hill top town of San Gimignano around 2pm to find our accommodation ideally positioned in the centre of this tourist town. After a welcome gelato and a wander around the Sunday markets it was time to bring out the clippers and tidy up each other's hair! Time now to head out for dinner. Ciao 😃
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    • Day 5

      San Gimignano

      September 19 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      San Gimignano - srednjeveško mestece uvrščeno na Unesco seznam svetovne dediščine.
      Proti koncu srednjeveške obdobja je bilo zgrajenih 72 stolpov - konkurenčne družine so gradile svoje rodbinske stolpe in vsak je hotel višjega, do odredbe lokalnega sveta - noben stolp ne sme biti višji od stolpa v bližini Palazzo Comunale.

      Danes je ostalo še 14 stolpov in na enega od njih sva šla gledat razgled na Toskano.

      Pa da ne pozabimo na najbolje ocenjen gellato, kjer Sergio iz lokalnih sestavin ustvarja vedno nove okuse🤤🍨
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    • Day 34

      San Gimignano

      November 14 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Ce matin je prends le train de 11h10 pour aller à Poggibonsi puis un bus pour San Gimignano. J’arrive vers 12h40. Je me pose tranquillement pour manger à un point de vue puis je me balade. Je vais au « Parco della Rocca » où il y a un beau point de vue la ville et la campagne environnante. C’est très jolie la Toscane. C’est tout vert avec des petites collines, il y a pas mal de champs. La ville quant-à-elle, est très jolie et assez particulière. Elle est fortifiée et perchée sur une colline mais surtout, il y a plusieurs tours. En fait, c’était une façon de montrer ta richesse à l’époque. Il fallait avoir la plus grande tour. Je vais à la place de la citerne, la place del Duomo, je rentre dans quelques boutiques… Journée très tranquille car le village est petit. Je prends le bus retour à 17h15, puis le train. J’arrive à l’auberge vers 19h, je prends ma douche, je prépare à manger pr demain midi et je passe la soirée avec des gens. Ce soir il y a beerpong puis soirée dans la boîte au sous sol de l’auberge. Je reste danser un petit peu mais je suis ko, je pars vers minuit.Read more

    • Day 10

      San Gimignano

      November 10 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Die Nacht war sehr ruhig und am nächsten Morgen haben sich mindestens 2 Dutzend Jäger vor dem Platz versammelt - um 9.30 Uhr ist alles wieder wie vorher😇.
      Heute fahren wir mit dem Moped nach San Gimignano, da wir gestern auf der Hinfahrt nach Greve hier keinen ortsnahen Parkplatz für den Camper gefunden haben, bzw. alles voll oder zu klein war.
      Die Fahrt geht durch traumhaft schöne Landschaften, das herbstliche Farbspiel, teilweise von Nebel umrahmt, und der Licht-Schatten-Kontrast sind ein Gedicht🤩.
      Trotz Sonntag ist es vormittags noch einigermaßen entspannt, wir streifen durch die hübschen Gassen.
      Jede Menge kleine und kleinste Läden und Gastros, alles, was das Touri-Herz begehrt.
      Bekannt ist der Ort San Gimignano (auch Mittelalterliches Manhattan oder Stadt der Türme) an der Via Francigena (Frankenstraße = mittelalterlicher Hauptverkehrsweg für Händler und Pilger von Norden nach Rom) für seine heute 15, zu Hochzeiten 72 Geschlechtertürme (zu Wohn- und Verteidigungszwecken, aber nicht luxuriös). Jede Patrizierfamilie, die etwas auf sich hielt, hatte im Mittelalter einen. Die beiden höchsten der noch erhaltenen Türme sind über 50 m hoch. Vielen Dank an Christiane für diesen Tipp🤗, wir haben vorher noch nie etwas davon gehört.
      Die Rückfahrt führt uns spontan in den kleinen Ort San Donato in Poggio.
      Wunderhübsch und vor allem wohltuend ruhig. Wir verspeisen hier unsere erste Focacchia mit Salami und Käse, ein Genuß in der Nachmittagssonne.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    San Gimignano, סן ג'ימיניאנו, サン・ジミニャーノ

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