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    • Day 6

      H-Day 4 - the walk to the sea

      March 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      A very interesting day all in all. We've had a worse night. Cold and lots of condenser water everywhere. I think it has even rained at night and I have not realized it. We've been cowboy camping. The forecast was dry. The tyvek around the sleeping bag was wet. The down sleeping bag also, but not too much. Everything around... Hmmm not dry.... So I stuffed everything together and we headed for an early start. Well.. It was 6am already. Summer time now!

      Nevertheless Lupo has had a chilly night and a tough last day, he started much better than I thought. Thanks god, we have not met so many aggressive dogs like the day before. That's really annoying that so many owner do not care about their dogs. They attack other dogs without reason. Anyway. The trail was super good most of the time. Thru hills and fields. At the beginning downhill, then really flat; often compact sand. We both speed hiked and have had lots of fun. Such a nice morning. Even a bed of flowers were layered down for us. I double checked, but this flower path was really our hiking trail. Wow!

      After awhile, it got much warmer again and we approached the next (ugly) city. Traffic. Lupo slowed down. Too warm! So we went for food shopping, and headed into the center. What I have realized, like the days before, that it doesn't matter which week day or time you have, you see always groups of older men (50-80) standing around. Everywhere. Most times they are more unfriendly. You see rarely women. Kind of strange. In some towns there have been really many men groups. Anyway.

      We've charged the phone in a bar, got a strong Espresso (the coffee here in the south is really dark roasted) and headed further into the plain to the sea. Standing on a platform of the higher elevated town, you could overview the valley and follow the road to the sea.

      Lupo slowed down immediately. Too hot and lots of wind. So we took a break to dry the equipment.
      And headed further after awhile. Luckily there has been a not fenced pond at the beginning of the valley. After a swim and having a wet dog, Lupo started his speed gear again and we speed hiked further thru the lonely heated valley. Sandy four wheel roads... Cactus here and there.... And the wind kept going...even got stronger.

      So, we got closer to the city and there are gas fields asking the way (I guess). You can see the industry and the pumps. And just before, we have passed a flooded pond. Great bath again for the dog. Suddenly surprise! Störche! So many... Sitting in the pond and starting as they heard us. Wow!
      A little bit later I have seen an Artischocken field. Never seen before.
      Because of the very strong wind now, we decided to hike into the center, get some water and find a sleeping spot behind the city in there darkness. ugly city. And again.... Everywhere men. We've payed a horrendous price for a chocolate bar and 2l water. And headed further. I know Lupo wanted to stop, but there is no other solution. We've followed busy roads in the night and walked thru suburbs. Until finally the path headed into nature again and we pitched the first time our tarp! Finally day over....

      55.900 steps - 41km
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    • Day 38


      February 19, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Today I would like to introduce you to my friends. May I introduce? Sandpiper family. They often accompany me on my walks on the beach.

      Calidris is a genus of Arctic-breeding, strongly migratory wading birds in the family Scolopacidae. These birds form huge mixed flocks on coasts and estuaries in winter. They are the typical "sandpipers", small to medium-sized, long-winged and relatively short-billed.

      Their bills have sensitive tips which contain numerous corpuscles of Herbst. This enables the birds to locate buried prey items, which they typically seek with restless running and probing.

      How wonderful to observe them! 🤩
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    • Day 30

      Ballo di gruppo

      February 11, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      First things first... A "ballo di gruppo" is a type of collective choreography where some individuals move their body parts in unison following the rhythm of the music. There are two types of group dance: those inspired by traditional couple dances and those created to specific music.

      For me this was more of an encounter of the third kind. I didn't think anything of it when Siri asked: "Gina, are you coming with us? We're going to eat and then dance." I thought to myself: Sounds good, I'll go with you!

      When I saw the location - I had no idea, but one thing was clear: hardly any tourists ever got lost here and thus it would be fun!

      The whole thing took place in a kind of sports and event facility. The building inside was brightly lit with very white light, but I know that from Portugal, Greece and Turkey. Blinding shock...

      So off we went to the reserved table - nothing works without a reservation. Then Italian home cooking and table wine and then they got started.

      People streamed onto the large area in the middle and then the music boomed so that the beams shook. Sound shock...

      At first they danced in circles like German folk dance and then they danced while looking in the same direction, more like robots. Last but not least there were a few couple dances. One thing was clear: everything follows a precise sequence of steps and every song has its precise choreography. No chance if you haven't learned that.

      There were people of all ages but the majority were over 45 and also many seniors. The whole thing is called “ballo di gruppo” and is ideal for studying people.

      What an experience!
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    • Day 21

      Torre di Manfria

      February 2, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today is Friday, so I'm free 😍.

      Since I have never been able to walk east to the very end of the beach during my lunch break, I used today to do so. I was told there is a tower behind the corner. So I walked to the end of the beach and put on my sneakers there.

      This is necessary because the cliffs there extend into deep water, so you have to climb over it. The cliffs have sharp edges, so flip-flops are not the best choice.

      Behind the cliffs is the Crystal beach. The name comes from the rocks that surround it on the coast, which are made of crystals. Unfortunately you can't get directly to the Torre, it's too impassable. So I walked over the crystal rocks up to the road and then from there to the Torre - il Torre di Manfria.

      To protect the coastal towns of Sicily from constant attacks by both enemies and African pirates, the Spanish government decided to erect a series of towers for defensive purposes, arranged on the coast in such a way as to constitute a strategic surveillance system. military.

      The high level of communication and connection made it possible to report any dangers and spread the news of impending incursions across the entire island.

      The Torre di Manfria was part of the warning system of the Coastal Towers of Sicily, built following the instructions of the Florentine architect Camillo Camilliani.

      It stands on a hill overlooking the hamlet and is visible from all over the Gulf of Gela. It is currently privately owned and is in a reasonable state of conservation, except for the terrace which has some sections of the cornice now in ruins. It should be noted that it is one of the largest Camillian towers, it is in fact approximately 15 meters high with a base of approximately 12,5 metres.

      The tower itself is no big deal but the hike along the beach and over the crystal rocks rock 😂🤪🥰
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    • Day 240–241

      Naturschutzgebiet Gela 🌿🌾

      January 4 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Ruhige Übernachtung in einem privaten Naturschutzgebiet.

      Wir hatten netten Besuch hier 🐶 und einen wunderschönen Spaziergang durch die Anlage. Hier gibt’s einige Vogelbeobachtungsstationen 🐦‍⬛🪿🪶.

      Am Morgen danach gab‘s dann eine nette Unterhaltung mit einem Mitarbeiter - die sizilianische Gastfreundschaft ist wirklich bewundernswert 😊🙏🏻
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    • Day 21

      Riserva Naturale, kurz vor Vittoria

      May 4, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Ein schönes Naturschutzgebiet rund um meinen kleinen See. Hier soll es Vögel geben und Amphibien. Wir verbringen sich reine Nacht hier und freuen uns über die ruhige. Schöne und saubere Umgebung.
      Kein Service für Wohnmobile, aber ein toller Parkplatz.
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    • Day 74

      Jetzt geht's weiter

      January 11, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Denn da waren sie wieder, die zufällig netten Begegnungen auf dieser Reise! Die uns immer wieder begleiten und beflügeln🤗
      Kaum um die Ecke gelaufen und........😊
      Nee, du glaubst nicht was da steht! Schau da! Nicht wirklich, aber doch! Da steht ein Womo mit NF Kennzeichen. Mit Heimatgefühlen, wie nur irgendwas, kamen wir ins Gespräch. Tauschten uns aus und bekamen Tips von May Britt, die nur ein paar Dörfer weiter von uns wohnt (so klein ist die Welt ).😅

      Doch ganz Sizilien ist orange Zone (Region darf nicht verlassen werden), doch wir.......... ? 🤫
      Nun, nennen wir es Hummeln im Hintern! Ist doch ein triftiger Grund, oder? 😇
      Einwenig mulmig war's doch schon, als wir uns nach 3 Wochen Stillstand wieder auf die Piste begaben!
      Durchgemogelt 😄

      So war die Überraschung groß, als wir auf dem Wanderparkplatz bei dem Biviere See, der zu einem Naturschutzgebiet gehört, (in der Nähe von Gela) ankamen! 😉
      Zu dritt stehen wir hier und haben uns schon die super saubere Umgebung angeschaut (mal ohne Müll, was ja nicht oft auf Sizilien zufinden ist)!
      Ruhige Lage und viel Natur um uns herum, nur ein paar Vögel 🐦 und Hunde aus der Nachbarschaft sind zu hören. Fühlen uns sicher und geborgen.
      Genießen die Welt um uns herum und......😅
      Da liegt er nun, mein Fernsehejunkie, gemütlich im Bettchen und ich erstelle grad einen neuen Footprint!
      Doch in den nächsten Tagen soll es weiter nach Agrigento gehen! Was dann wohl eher mein Kulturjunkie ist😄

      Nachtrag: In der Nacht bellten die Hunde doch sehr viel, so war an Schlaf nur mit Ohrproppen zu denken 😴🥱
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    • Day 6

      Strand in Gela

      September 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Am letzten Tag unserer Reise werden wir von unserem Bus noch in das südlich von San Michele gelegene Gela gefahren, da man hier wohl einen sehr guten Zugang zum Strand hat. Es ist unglaublich warm an dem Tag, sodass sich gefühlt jeder einen Sonnenbrand geholt hat. Dennoch genießen wir den schönen Strand und das warme Meerwasser.Read more

    • Day 14

      Auf dem Weg nach Palermo

      July 5, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Fix und fertig und müde vom wenig schlafen geht's nun nach 1 Woche Pause im sizilianischen zu Hause....einem schönen Abend mit Gianni und einem tollen Mittagessen mit meinen sizilianischen Lieblingsmenschen (Ulisse, Simona und Davide)...
      Irgendwann werden wir die drei auch bei uns in Lemgo willkommen heißen.❤️‍🔥
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    • Day 36–38

      Westküste über Valle dei Templi

      September 25, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Morgens um 10:00 gestartet, an kargen Landstrichen vorbei, über Gela bis zum Parco Valle dei Templi Agrigento.
      Einmalig, was hier viele hundert Jahre vor Christi Zeitrechnung erbaut wurde.
      Eine riesige griechische Tempelanlage, von Herkules, Herakles, Hera bis zu Concordia ( letzterer sehr gut erhalten, da die Christen ihn weiter verwendet und dementsprechend gepflegt haben), mit Stadtmauern von 12km Länge, Opferstätten, Altaren, Atlanten
      (oder auch Telamonen; männliche Stützfiguren).....
      Leider hat uns ein heftiger Wolkenbruch mit seinen Ausläufern erwischt und wir mussten 15min in die Stadtmauern mit ihren Ausbrüchen und Gewölben flüchten, bis es dann relativ feucht zurück zum WoMo ging.
      Weiter über inzwischen wieder grüne Landschaft bis kurz hinter Sciacca in Menfi, auf den Campingplatz la Palma; überschaubar, alt aber sauber, Strom mit 5€ /Tag etwas happig, aber ein schöner Platz , weit vorne mit Blick auf das Meer.
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