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    • Pesto Impresto 🌿🧀 🍷

      12. kesäkuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Wow! Wow! Wow! ☀️🤩

      What an amazing experience this was!

      Nessum Dorma is a renowned restaurant that sits above a cliff top in Manarola. This is one of the few ways you are able to get in without a reservation. It was worth every single euro of the €60 we paid.

      Not only was the location absolutely amazing. Gobsmackingly beautiful& stunning but the staff and the presentation of the entire experience was out of this world! Perfect 😍

      The owner, Simone, won the piece of land the restaurant is on in a competition. Only three people entered and he won the right to build whatever he wanted overlooking the Manarola Bay. Surprisingly, there were only three people who actually entered the competition in total. Now that he has made an absolute success of it the locals are constantly trying to make it hard for him. It seems he is having similar experiences with some of the locals as Richard and I have had. Many of them begrudge others for being here. What a shame! He has done an amazing job. The pesto experience happens in the morning and then people are lining up down the path to come into the restaurant to eat. Without a reservation it is not going to happen.

      Anyway we were given all of the necessary ingredients of quality including local garlic, fresh basil, local cheese and pine nuts. We were told exactly how to perfect the most delicious pesto I have ever eaten. We were never rushed and constantly supported and always in good humour.

      Towards the middle of the experience we were each given a glass of local wine 🍷 which was slightly salty due to the region terrace agriculture and wine growing right beside the sae. Then came the most delicious 😋 platter: individually prepared and passed to every single participant. We were allowed to take as long as we like to enjoy and devour the food and the view. And also there was a competition to win a local bottle of wine… Everybody was a winner! 🥳👍🏻🍷

      I would put this up with one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

      Every single moment was perfectly orchestrated and we felt honoured to be part of the group. W🙃Right down to the moment that we were gently sprayed with mists of water that where perfectly constructed within the balcony frame construction. This is the true meaning of entrepreneurship. He deserves every success and we had the best time enjoying what Simone has created!

      The 10 gorgeous young Italian waiters added quite a significant benefit of this experience as well…🥰😝😝

      This was a brilliant way to finish our week in the Italian Riviera! 🍸👍🏻🥰

      This took place in Manarola, the final of the 5 towns (Cinque Terre)

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    • Päivä 41


      14. syyskuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      This is the post card picture town called Manarola :) if you see pictures from Cinque Terre, I bet it's of this town! The houses are literally built on cliffs and everything is either up or down hill! So great to stop and have lunch :) we also SWAM! It was a fairytale. The water was perfect temp (just a tad refreshing) and so blue, surrounded by magnificent cliffs and ocean.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 12–15

      Cinque Terre

      17. toukokuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Time for another coastal trip with hikes, Cinque Terre had beaches, views and gelato aplenty. We stayed in Manarola, a town that is against the cliff in the middle of the 5 towns. The visit was mixed. We loved the sunsets, the views and some of the hikes, however it was pretty crowded. Other highlights include sea kayaking around Rio Maggiore and swimming in MonterossoLue lisää

    • Päivä 97

      Cinque Terre

      13. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Cinque Terre besteht aus fünf malerischen, verträumten Dörfern an der ligurischen Riviera. Mit dem Zug kann man die Dörfer bequem erkunden. Von Dorf zu Dorf führen auch Wanderwege. Wir sind von Manarola nach Riomaggiore gelaufen. Dieser Weg führte uns steil hinauf zu traumhaften Ausblicken über das Cinque Terre und wieder ebenso steil hinab zu den malerisch bunten Häusern und Gassen. Dass das Gebiet leider kein Geheimtipp ist, merkt man schnell, da es an Besuchern nicht mangelt. So lassen wir uns verzaubern von den kleinen Dörfern, die auf so wenig Raum zwischen Meer und Bergen liegen, dass die Bahnsteige sogar im Tunnel verschwinden.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 13

      Von Volastra nach Manarola

      25. toukokuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Ich dachte das man im Nationalpark Cinque Terre nicht nur mit dem Bus die Landschaft genießen sollte, eine kleine Wanderung kann man gut damit kombinieren. Luftlinie von Volastra nach Manarola sind es nur gut einen Kilometer, allerdings knapp 400 Höhenmeter. Naja dann ist es wohl nicht Luftlinie, aber machbar, hat sich gelohnt, auch wenn Manarola extrem touristisch ist. Hier kann man auch mit der Bahn hin fahren, aber das kann ja jeder!

      Volastra ist dagegen recht verschlafen, hier verkehrt keine Bahn und die Parkplätze sind rar.
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    • Päivä 69

      The Cinque Terre

      10. heinäkuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today was a magical day - not because of the 40+ degrees temperature, but because of our time on the Cinque Terre - five villages on the coastline of the Ligurian Sea that date back to the 11th century and the time when nearby Genoa effectively ruled the known world.

      We started in Manarola, then caught the ferry down the coastline to Manarossa, where we had lunch - 'fantastico'.

      Then we caught the train back to Sant Margherita Ligure, where we caught another boat down to Portofino - another magical place.

      Today was one of our best days ever - amazing scenery and great food. This area of Italy is a special place.
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    • Päivä 11

      Cinque Terre

      5. syyskuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute waren wir der frühe Vogel, da wir bereits kurz nach um 8 Uhr im Zug sitzen wollten, um die Cinque Terre anzusehen. Das Wetter verkündete schon morgens einen heißen und sonnigen Tag. ☀️ Wir kauften uns am Bahnhof die Cinque Terre Card und setzten uns in den Zug nach Monterosso, dem ersten Dorf. Von dort aus wanderten wir knapp 4 km zum zweiten Dorf, Vernazza. Ein wunderschönes Dorf, welches uns mit einer herrlichen Ansicht der bunten Fassaden vom Wanderweg aus begrüßte. Da man von Dorf zu Dorf mit dem Zug fahren kann und nicht zum wandern gezwungen ist, waren wir zu Beginn noch relativ allein, in Vernazza selbst merkte man dann aber schon, welche Touristen Massen tagsüber durch die Straßen strömen.
      Wir setzten uns zunächst mit einem kühlen Bier ans Wasser und akklimatisierten uns, bevor wir das Dorf erkundeten. Danach beschlossen wir, den nächsten Wanderweg nicht anzutreten, sondern auch mit dem Zug zu fahren, da die Hitze und das ständige rauf und runter einem schon ziemlich zusetzen. 😄
      Wir fuhren bis zum Letzten der 5 Dörfer, Riomaggiore und erkundeten auch dieses.
      Danach beschlossen wir aber, die Mittagszeit am Meer zu verbringen und fuhren nach Levanto zurück. Zum Sonnenuntergang ansehen fuhren wir dann nochmals mit dem Zug los nach Manarola, stiegen auf einen wunderbaren Aussichtspunkt und genossen die letzten Minuten der golden Hour. 🥰

      Morgen gehts weiter in die Toskana und nach Florenz. 🤗
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    • Päivä 6–8

      Von Prevo nach Manarola

      16. marraskuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück sind wir bei der Lodge oberhalb von Corniglia wieder losgestapft. Ziel: Manarola. Das letzte Dörfchen, in dem wir übernachten werden. Über Stock und Stein, viiiiele Stufen, durch einen knorrigen Eichenwald und schließlich entlang der Weinberge an der Küste führte uns der Weg. 2,5 Stunden laut Karte. Wir haben gute 5 gebraucht. Aber das hatten wir schon eingerechnet. Bergab ging es wieder über unzählige Stufen, immer das Meer und Manarola voraus. Sehr hungrig kamen wir an und haben gleich im nächsten Bistro, das trotz Winterpausen reihum offen hatte, ordentlich gefuttert. Jetzt heißt es wieder Beine hoch, Füße entspannen. Und mal sehen, ob wir morgen tatsächlich wie geplant noch eine Tageswanderung nach Riomaggiore machen... Der Zug fährt ja auch.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 41

      Cinque Terre: Corniglia - Manarola Hike

      14. syyskuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      When people say it's picture perfect, it really is picture perfect. Wow! I spent my day with Julianne :) she's such a cool person, worked in Mexico for 6 months and Hawaii for a year!

      We started our day off early because the weather man said we were expecting rain (never trust the weather man!) Our hike was phenomenal with perfect views. We got to see the water and hike through vineyards. It was HOT. I was drenched in sweat so I was ready for a swim when we got to Manarola!

      (Also met a Canadian guy from Hamilton on the trail! Small world!)
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    • Päivä 4

      Cinque Terre

      11. lokakuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      After another lovely breakfast, this time al fresco at Villa Rosmarino, we set off towards Tuscany. On the way we planned to stop to visit the Cinque Terre. After an hour's drive we turned off the motorway and spent about 30 minutes driving down, then up and down again song some very very windy roads before ending up at Monterosso, the first of the 5 villages.

      We found a car park and then wandered along the sea front. It really was very bustling and not for the first time we were glad that we were visiting in October and not July!

      After a pit stop for a small beer and a comfort break, we eventually decided that we would take a ferry along the coast to one of the other villages, in this case Manarola. We travelled along the coast, stopping at Vernazza, and passing Corniglia before arriving at the drop off point.

      The weather had definitely taken a turn for the better from yesterday with warm sun and calm conditions. On arriving at Manarola, we explored the village. Again, the village was very busy with tourists exploring the gift shops and having an Italian version of fish and chips. We didn't have much time, but I had a gelato while Ed had a beer before we headed for the railway station to catch the train back to Monterosso. The train travels right along the coast although mostly in tunnels.

      On getting back to Monterosso we located the car and then started on the journey of about 170 miles to our next stop near San Gimignano in Tuscany, arriving just as the sun was setting.
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    Saatat myös tuntea tämän kohteen näillä nimillä:

    Manarola, Մանարոլա, マナローラ, 마나롤라, Manium Arola, Манарола, 马纳罗拉


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