Marina di Puolo

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    • Día 20


      6 de junio, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      A summary of our day in Capri; fabulous, shit, fabulous.
      We went to the wharf in Sorrento at 8am for our 8.15am boat. 8.15 came and went, so did 8.30, 8.45. Finally we were collected for 9am boarding. The crew were all fussing around me getting on - "careful madam". Do I look like an idiot? They picked the wrong one. Graham sat on the side of the boat and then fell flat on his back on the deck, legs in the air. And that was our introduction to the 8 other people on board.
      Spent a few hours cruising around the island, visiting all the little grottos and seeing the line for the Blue Grotto. Stopped for a dip in one of the coves then headed for the island.
      Queued for an hour for the stupid little bus to jam us on board like sardines and deposit us at Anacapri. Queued for tickets to the chairlift. That bit was actually lovely. A great view over Capri. Ran around at the top to take a couple of photos then queued for the chairlift back down. As soon as we got off we bolted as we saw a big group heading in the direction of the bus stop. Beat them there as our bus pulled up, but it was full. Brett asked if they could please squeeze the four of us on, which they did. We stood on the stairs up against the doors, and luckily they didn't open.
      Power walked to our jetty as the boat arrived. And that is how you spend three hours on Capri. You haven't lived until you have been jammed onto one of their stupid little buses.
      Stopped on the way back for a swim or limoncello. Who would like to guess what I chose?
      A lovely day was had by all.
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    • Día 23


      13 de junio, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Our hotel in Sorrento is up the hill a bit out of town but it has fantastic views across Sorrento and the Bay of Naples. Having a drink on the terrace in the evening or eating breakfast looking at the view is pretty hard to take!

      Today we were visiting the Isle of Capri. It is only a 25 min boat trip from Sorrento and the views on the way were excellent. As usual it was very crowded and there were multiple ferries taking people across.

      Capri has been popular for centuries with numerous emperors having villas on the island. The towns are split into three main areas - Capri, Anacapri, and the Marina area. There are multiple small shuttle buses running between the various areas and being a bus driver would not be easy. Most roads in Italy are tight but the ones on Capri are even worse than usual! This was actually the first place I have seen cops helping to manage traffic.

      The town of Capri is the highest point and has great views. There are a few shops and restaurants so we stopped for lunch and a gelato. There is a chairlift taking people to the peak of the island but the queue was too long so we gave it a miss.

      Next level down is Anacapri and this is where the beautiful people hang out. There are all the big hotels and the expensive shops. Needless to say we didn’t stay here very long!

      To get between Anacapri and the Marina there is the fernicular - a kind cable car. The marina is very busy as it not only handles people but all freight being moved on or off the island so there are people, cars, buses, and trucks everywhere.

      We found a quiet spot for a drink and to people watch.

      After the ferry trip back and a freshen up at the hotel we went into the town of Sorrento for dinner - I had a pretty good pizza, T had the risotto - and a walk around. It is a very nice town with lots of laneways and alleys to explore. We took some photos and went back to the hotel for a nightcap on the terrace.
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    • Día 24

      Beautiful Amalfi coast

      14 de junio, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      On the northern side of the Sorrento peninsula is the village of Sorrento but on the southern side there are a number of small villages including Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello - it’s called the Amalfi Coast.

      The road in and out of these towns is tight and winding so we had to switch to a smaller bus. Buses can only go one way around the peninsula to avoid making the already bad traffic congestion worse.

      We stopped at a lookout above the village of Positano. Access to the town centre is so difficult we didn’t actually go through it as it requires switching to a small shuttle bus or coming in by water. Needless to say it was beautiful and there were a couple of super yachts parked off shore.

      We then continued on to the town of Amalfi. It reminded me a bit of the towns on the Cinque Terre being small and right on the sea. Our bus dropped us in the main port and we walked around town. Lots of people and lots of shops so we went up one of the side alleys and found a gem of a seafood restaurant. Lunch was tuna, calamari, and prawns all with a big dash of peace and quiet! Excellent!

      They actually had some police officers directing traffic in the middle of town but not sure they were helping that much as the traffic was so heavy. Even in the main pedestrian areas where it is really crowded with people cars and scooters will come through honking the horn to get people to move. It is chaotic.

      Our bus picked us up and took us to our next stop Ravello which is high up in the mountains behind the Amalfi coast. It was a lot cooler and a lot less crowded. The main square had the usual cafes and shops with the church taking centre stage. The composer Wagner found inspiration here to finish one of his operas so there are a few references to him around the town.

      We then hopped back on the bus to go through the rest of the mountains and drop us back at our hotel in time for an afternoon swim.
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    • Día 29

      Golf von Neapel: Sorrent

      8 de octubre de 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Die Amalfiküste ist wunderschön anzusehen. 2012 waren wir schon einmal hier.

      Und wie damals wählten wir den Campingplatz von Sorrent, denn
      Von hier aus ist gut möglich, viel zu sehen: per Boot, per Zug oder Bus. (Mit dem Womo lieber nicht, weil: enge Straßen und italienischer Verkehr).

      Heute haben wir erst einmal lange im Stau gestanden und dann den Campingplatz (wieder-)erkundet. Er ist ziemlich groß und erstreckt sich über mehrere "Etagen" und Straßen.

      Dann hörten wir Blasmusik und Feuerwerk - ernsthaft! Die Italiener lieben es zu Feiern, mit Blasmusik, wie zum Beispiel den Radetzki-Marsch. Und immer wieder schießen sie dabei Feuerwerk in die Luft. Tagsüber! Derzeit finden einige Erntedankfeste statt, verbunden mit Prozessionen und Feuerwerk.
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    • Día 30

      Badetag: Bagni Regina Giovanna

      9 de octubre de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach einem Frühstück, mit vielen Fliegen und 3 Wespen um uns herum, zog es uns ans Meer. Nur 1 km entfernt befinden sich die "Bäder der jungen Königin" = Bagni di Regina Giovanna.
      Es sind auch ein paar Ruinen zu sehen. Wir interessierten uns jedoch für das Wasser und badeten und schnorchelten den halben Tag lang.

      Schon beim Einstieg ins 26 Grad warme Meereswasser sahen wir an der Oberfläche einige Fische schwimmen, die darauf hofften, dass wir etwas Leckeres für sie aufwirbelten. Taten wir!

      Nicht nur die üblichen Mittelmeerfische tummelten sich dort: Meerpfau, Goldstrieme, Meerjunker, sondern auch einer, den ich bisher noch nicht in diesen Gefilden gesehen habe: ein rostbrauner, 10 cm klein, hielt sich zwischen Felsen auf (bisher konnte ich nicht herausfinden, was das für einer war.)

      Desweiteren war es auch sehr interessant, die Menschen zu beobachten, wie sie sich vorsichtig zwischen den Felsen ins Wasser hinein bewegten (oder auch reinfielen), ununterbrochen quatschten oder von den Felsen sprangen (die jungen).
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    • Día 65

      Ausklang am Campingplatz

      20 de mayo de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Vom Hafen werden wir wieder mit dem Bus zum Campingplatz gefahren. Wir schaffen es gerade noch im Pool abzutauchen bevor das Schwimmbad um 18:00 Ihr zu macht.

      Nun sind wir Müde und haben keine Lust zu kochen, so gehts ins Restaurant hier auf dem Platz und wir werden überrascht, es ist ausgezeichnet, ein schöner Abschluss von einem tollen Tag.Leer más

    • Día 64

      Camping Santa Fortunata/Sorrent

      19 de mayo de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Da die Amalfiküste für Wohnmobile gesperrt ist, fahren wir auf die andere Seite der Küste. Von hier aus fahren Busse und Boote die Küste entlang.

      Die Fahrt war zwar nur 109 km nach Sorrent, aber soviel Verkehr hatten wir schon lange nicht mehr.

      Der Campingplatz liegt an einem Hang und die Wege sind recht steil. Teilweise hat man eine wunderschöne Aussicht auf die Bucht von Sorrent, aber von unserem Platz aus leider nicht.

      Wir machen den frischen Büffelmorzarella und die frischen Ravioli, beides ein Gedicht.

      Dann bekommen wir noch Besuch, leider war ich zu spät mit der Kamera. Vielleicht war es eine Viper.
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    • Día 22


      9 de julio de 2016, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      After a long day in Pompeii, we spent the next four days in Sorrento having some much needed rest and relaxation!

      We spent our days playing in the pool and our late afternoons/evenings in the town eating and shopping. The view from our hotel was awesome and the town was cute with many small shops down skinny alleys.

      The wildest part, though, was watching the scooters, cars and buses navigate the roads! There seemed to be no rules for scooters but it seemed that cars and buses respected the lack of rules. It was better to watch this than to watch a movie!
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    • Día 6

      Choo Choo

      6 de abril de 2019, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      What a brilliant morning spent on a road train stopping at a limoncello factory, a monastery and some interesting villages with panoramic views. Got to try some limoncello, mangochello, orange marmalade, lemon water, various olive oils including lemon and freshly made mozzarella amongst other things. Beautiful views and good fun.Leer más

    • Día 10

      Olivenhain und Klippen

      10 de agosto de 2021, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Vom Vesuv sind wir weiter nach Sorrent in einen Olivenhain gefahren, um dort den Nachmittag und die Nacht zu verbringen. An unserem Parkplatz waren direkt angrenzend Klippen mit wunderschönem, kristallklaren blauen Wasser. Hier gab es einen kleinen Zwischenfall mit Franzi und einer Möve, mehr muss man dazu nicht sagen, aber Franzis Angst wurde bestätigt... Abends haben wir den Sonnenuntergang, sowie unsere Abendessen an den Klippen genossen. Leider stimmte die Aussage, dass es keine Mücken am Meer gibt überhaupt nicht, eher das Gegenteil war der Fall..Leer más

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    Marina di Puolo

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