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    • Day 181

      Tag 179.2: Modica

      February 14 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Nachdem wir die Schikane hinter uns gebracht haben, ging unsere Fahrt weiter durch blühende Felder, Zitrus- und Olivenplantagen. Saftiges Grün, strahlendes Gelb sowie Weiß und im Kontrast der blaue Himmel.
      Ich hatte versucht online herauszufinden, welche Stadt des „Val di Noto“ noch am Interessantesten ist. „Modica“ wurde so beschrieben: „Im Stil des sizilianischen Barocks wieder aufgebaut, ist ein ruhiges Regionalzentrum mit einem der schönsten Stadtbilder im Stil des sizilianischen Barocks.“ Da „Modica“ auf dem Weg lag, bot es sich an das Herausfinden. Die Anfahrt war leider nicht so erfreulich, weil es ging erst mal zum Stadtzentrum ziemlich steil bergab und dann wussten wir schon was auf der Rückfahrt auf uns zukam.
      Am Parkplatz angekommen, wollte Robert den Wohnwagen nicht alleine lassen, weil er kein gutes Gefühl hatte. Also spielte er den Wachhund und ich machte einen Spaziergang mit den Kindern durch die Stadt. Zunächst ging es viel bergauf bis zu einem Aussichtspunkt und der wirkliche Spaß war dann der Bergablauf. Die Zwei haben 1,5 Stunden super durchgehalten. Fazit zur Stadt: es gibt irgendwie keine richtige „Fußgängerzone“ mit süßen Gässchen, wahrlich gibt es einige imposante Gebäude, allerdings auch viel Graffiti, zerfallene Gebäude und Gebäude, die überhaupt nicht zum Stil passen. Von oben hatten wir einen ganz schönen Ausblick, aber überzeugt hat mich die Stadt irgendwie gar nicht.
      Also nahmen wir wieder die steile Auffahrt zur Autobahn auf uns und waren auch froh, wie wir sie wieder erreicht haben.
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    • Day 14

      Modica farm

      May 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      This morning we left lovely Ortigia with no problem as a result of Craig’s continuing expert driving. We manage to find our farm stay rustic place on via San Filippo with some sheer luck and Diego welcomed us with a coffee and tasty biscotti. The drive and walk into Modica was more challenging but we had an outstanding cannoli at last and found two magnificent churches and a very interesting chocolate tasting and purchase. A thunder storm hit but all good for now. Still worried about Josy and Tony who are still in Frankfurt.Read more

    • Day 182

      Modica und der Weg dorthin

      October 20, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Die nächste Nacht verbrachten wir auf einem klassischen für-eine-Nacht-okay Camping mit open air Dusche in der Nähe des Natur Reservat Orientata Vendicari.
      Clarissa hoffte stark auf Flamingos aber die waren alle ausgeflogen. Deshalb gab es einfach nur einen Spaziergang durchs Gelände. Auf dem Weg nach Modica fuhren wir an den Höhlen von Ispica vorbei und entschieden uns spontan uns diese anzusehen. Die Grotten wurden teilweise schon in der Steinzeit in den Fels geschlagen. Hier gab es zur Entschädigung, dass wir keine Flamingos gesehen haben zwei Granatapfel frisch vom Baum.
      Endlich in Mòdica angekommen war naturlich wieder Siesta. Trotzdem hat uns die Stadt sehr gefallen. Die Gebäude sind zwar nicht so herrschaftlich wie in Noto dafür liegt die Stadt spektakulär in einer Schlucht.
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    • Day 58

      Osteria Ricotta & Co mangiare di casa

      March 10 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      What a stroke of luck! This morning I left Vela Vega with Luigi (Martinello's car) and am now sitting in the Osteria Ricotta & Co mangiare di casa in Modica, eating ricotta ravioli in sage butter and caponata.

      Of course the chinotto should not be missing. Of course, neither the cappuccino nor cannolo siciliano con ricotta scomposto. 😋😇.

      The super nice waitress (from Venezuela, her daughter lives around the corner from me in Rübenkamp and her son in Hamburg-Altona) just came and gave me breaded, fried ricotta. Just like that. This tastes great. Everything here tastes great. 🥰

      Of course we chatted away until the shouts from the kitchen became very loud 🤣. This Osteria is really a stroke of luck!

      Later at 1pm I will pick up Peppe in the old town at the Chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista. Peppe is a friend of Martinello who will drive to Ragusa with me, to the bus stop. He will then take over the car there and drive it back to Modica. I will then take the bus to Catania to the airport. From there I will take the plane to Hamburg.

      So I still have a longer journey ahead of me and I'm looking forward to being on the road again ❤️.
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    • Day 4


      February 25 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Modica gefällt mir bisher am besten. Barock und viel sizilianische Normalität. Vom Kirchturm gibt es einen beeindruckenden Blick. Man ist froh, dass die Glocken nicht gleich los gingen. Dafür habe ich andere gehört und viele Kirchgänger gesehen.
      18 Uhr Pizza ist keine Zeit für Italiener. Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten eine zu finden und sass dann lange allein da... bis ein paar andere Deutsche kamen.
      Morgen soll die Sonne scheinen.
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    • Day 13


      May 5, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Von meinem wunderschönen Platz in Punta Braccetto bin ich wieder auf sehr kleinen Straßen nach Modica gefahren.

      Modica wurde von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt. Sie ist zwischen zwei Schluchten platziert. Enge Treppen, die oft sehr steil nach oben führen, dicht gestaffelte Häuserreihen, die sich bis auf 450 mtr. Höhe hinaufziehen. Und natürlich jede Menge imposante und sehr alte Bauwerke.

      Es war unglaublich schwer einen Parkplatz zu finden. Autos ohne Ende. Und dabei waren noch keine Touristen unterwegs.

      Ich habe die schmalen Gassen und steilen Treppen erwandert und den Flair diese Stadt eingesogen.
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    • Day 10

      Granita, Sicily, Italy

      October 11, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      do you know granita? i love ❤️ it... granita is a frozen sicilian "dessert" with a sorbet-like consistency. the term comes from the latin granum = grain, because of its grainy consistency.
      the most common variant is made from sugar syrup and lots of freshly squeezed lemon juice. the mixture is gradually frozen while stirring and served in a goblet. there are a multitude of variants in which the lemon juice is replaced, for example, with roasted and ground almonds or coffee. the granita is often eaten with pastries such as brioches, especially for breakfast on hot summer days. from now on my favorite breakfast in summer!!!Read more

    • Day 10

      Modica, Sicily, Italy

      October 11, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      modica is known for its chocolate - let's go!!! 😜
      cioccolato di modica is a specialty officially recognized by the italian ministry as "prodotto agroalimentare tradizionale italiano". it is made cold (a freddo) according to a traditional recipe and not conched. of course, i had to look at it and searched for the most traditional chocolate factory and visited the kitchen. for six generations and more than 150 years, antica dolceria bonajuto has been producing its own chocolate, sweets and nougats by hand according to traditional recipes from modican and sicilian tradition. i had to be very restrained when shopping 😜...
      modica is also otherwise a very beautiful town. it is located at an altitude of 296m and 20km southeast of ragusa on the southern slopes of the monti iblei. the arabs conquered the city in 845 and named it mohac. in the 11th century the normans, took over the city.
      there are some beautiful churches, one of which is particularly worth seeing is the 12th century church of san giorgio. it is at the end of a staircase with 250 steps. you can climb the church tower for a fee and from there you have a great view of the city. like other towns in the val di noto, modica was destroyed by the severe earthquake in 1693, which killed 60,000 people in sicily. the city was rebuilt in the sicilian baroque style, including the church of san giorgio (in the 17th century by rosario gagliardi).
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    • Day 9

      Day nine. Modica Sicily

      April 4, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Last night at the hotel in southern Italy I came downstairs for dinner. There was one other person who looked like he had just arrived and he was wearing a motorcycle jacket so I asked him if he is a guest. He was.
      We got talking and he told me the most amazing story.
      He has ridden his bike from Lithuania starting last Tuesday. The first part of his journey was with the bike in the back of his van and he drove into Ukraine where he has several friends. He picked up a friend and they drove the van to Poland where they unloaded the bike and Gintaras continued south towards Italy. The van was a gift to his friend who then filled it with provisions for his family and friends and drove it back to Kiev.
      I asked Gintaras how far he had traveled yesterday which was the day I took off because of bad weather. He said 1200klm which is incredible. He came a similar way to me and told me there is now snow on the hills I came over the day before.

      Now it is Monday evening and I rode with Gintaras who is also heading for Malta which he loves. He wanted to get there as soon as possible as his girlfriend has already arrived from Lithuania using Ryanair. I was content to visit Modeca and get the ferry on Wednesday morning. We parted at Pozzallo on the coast where they made space for him on the ferry.
      I'm now in Modica which is half an hour north of Pozzallo and what a beautiful place it is. I didn't realise when I booked but I'm in a boutique hotel which is quiet amazing. The position is right next to the cathedral. What a beautiful building. Tomorrow I will explore and write more about Modica.
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    • Day 10

      Day ten. Sightseeing Modica

      April 5, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I'm not religious but I love churches so today I went for another look inside San Giorgio
      Click on this link to see a 360 degree photo

      then went to the other large church San Pietro
      Click on this link to see a 360 degree photo

      I'll post normal photos also.

      Then I took a walk to see the museum of Salvatore Quasimodo who I'm sure you'll remember won the Nobel prize for literature in 1959. It's a tiny place so I wasn't there long.

      Next I walked up and up and up to a viewing area called Belvedere. You will see the amazing view.
      Then I walked about a mile to visit interesting caves but Google was correct in telling me they would be closed so I came back to the hotel and as I came in I recognised an old man sitting as the artist whose work is being exhibited at the hotel. There are banners outside advertising his work. So I got talking via his agent who interpreted. He gave and signed a book to give to Mandy and I got a few photos of him.

      No holiday can be complete without a visit to the chocolate museum. So mine is not complete as it was also closed.

      Tonight I'm going for my last meal in Italy so it has to be pizza.

      Tomorrow I'm booked on the ferry to Malta so I need to get up early and leave here by 7.30. it's an hour and three quarters in a very fast catamaran.

      I'll summarise the trip when I get to Malta.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Modica, モーディカ, Módica, Модика, Muorica

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