Monterosso al Mare

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    • Gün 6


      27 Temmuz 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Hüt heimer dr Zug vo Moneglia nach Vernazza gno, is Härz vor Cinque Terre. Dert hei mer üs die dezänt überfüllti Stadt agluegt u si denn ar Küste na gwanderet. Es isch sehr schön gsi und mau e tolli Abwächslig zu de Täg ufem Velo.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 41

      Monterosso to View Point

      14 Eylül 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Next Hike! We hiked to a viewpoint that you could see all 5 Cinque Terre towns from! So cool and so great to overlook the coast. So beautiful. Love love love! While we were hiking there were only older people walking! Good on them, we so were impressed!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Highspeed hike and french invasion

      12 Nisan 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Turns out backpacking got us quite exhausted, so today we slept in until 8, which is already pretty late for both of us.
      We had breakfast at our Beautiful hostel and it was wonderful. Gabriele had prepared homemade cakes, spinach tartes and had put fresh strabwerries, kiwis and bananas, nature yogurt and a cheese selection on the buffet for us. There were even Glutenfree Crackers, Müesli, Bread and Cookies. Once again, Bingo! After brekkie we got dressed, left the hotel and went to the beach. It was raining a bit but the atmosphere and the scenery were so breathtaking that the weather didnt bother us at all. We walked from Monterosso to Vernazza, stopped there for a bit, I bought earrings (Mami li vedi nella foto sul balcone;)) and walked on to Corniglia. It took us about 2 hours and 10 minutes for both tracks. We didn’t run but we walked quite fast, at least compared to the people aound us. Kai counted about 167 people, we passed. Again on our hike we had great conversations. I love how I can just simply say everything that comes to my mind without having to overthink even a word, knowing that Kai would accept it or if not, we would have an interesting discussion about it. Another funny thing was that most people we passed or crossed were french, so Kai and I pretended to be french from time to time. Oui, certainement, baguette.
      In Corniglia, after enjoying an ice cream with basil, honey and pistacchio flavour, we jumped on a train, which brought us back to Monterosso, where we took extended showers and sat down on our small balcony. Eventually the sun came out, WOW, so we took our wine glasses from our room and…. filled them with fanta and toasted to us, our amazing holidays and our hike.
      (Little update on Kai‘s italian: I always let him ask for everything, tell him how to spell certain words and teach him how to, you know, „act“ italian;) and even though sometimes he gets people a bit confused because he mixes up the order of words in a sentence or the letters, he‘s making great progress!!)
      Gabriele had recommended us to go to Ristorante da Eraldo and the food was really good. Kai had Pappardelle alla Carbonara and I had Calamarata con verdura grigliata.
      The day had gotten us really tired, when we were home at around 8pm we went straight to bed and after reading a bit we fell asleep.
      (Yes we sound like an old married couple in their 80ies, but we were tired so please dont judge:)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Angelos boat tours

      24 Ağustos 2019, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We start the day by wandering around Monterosso old town.
      I buy a pot holder with anchovies on it.
      (the little blue fishies look cute)

      Walk into the striped church which displayed photos of major flooding. Another gelato.

      At 12.00 we met Linda, the host, and Alessandro, the driver, at the harbour. We boarded with eight others. On a little fishing boat. And chugged along.

      I warmed to Linda straight away. She put on some great music and popped the prosecco.
      George Michael's 'Freedom 90' playing loudly made me bop away. Now this is my kind of boat ride.

      We were chatting to the others and then turned around to face wonderful Vernazza. Gorgeous colours.

      Linda spread food out before us. Olives, focccia, pesto, cheeses, salami, all so yum. She kept pouring the wine and I loved everything.

      We anchored for a paddle next to the cliffs. Snorkel and noodle in hand. I jump off the boat and it is glorious. This water is amazing to swim in. Not cold at all. Very salty.

      Everyone comments and one suggests to bring the tequila next time.

      Athena remains on the boat not willing to go into deep water. Me, I was like a kid and jumped off the boat with a big splash 💦.

      All the swimmers just floated and we all chatted. From Ireland, Canada, Seattle. One 50yr old woman with her daughter said she wants to go to Melbourne as hears it is one of the most liveable cities.

      She is a massive fan of the TV show Offspring. And let me tell you she is talking to the right person. Nina Proudman, Billy and Patrick are discussed. When in the water we all chat so freely and openly.

      One of the ladies says she reckons my blog will be funny because I am funny. Yay!
      I just said 'just keeping it real'

      A storm approaches and wind and rain swell. But I am drunk and don't care at all.

      This boat tour is really personable. Highly recommend. Really, just do it.

      When the trip is over, I am toast. I high five all and wobble off the boat. We head back and rest for an hour. Me to blog and Athena to (definately not sleep 😴)!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Monterosso al Mare

      12 Haziran 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Paskutinis vakaras Cinque Terre. Išeiname pasivaikščioti ir randame dar vieną miesto dalį - tą, kuri kažkur anapus buvo pasikavojus nuo mūsų. Praėjus tunelį išnyra puiki senamiesčio dalis. Vakare jau +27, tad palaimingai kinkuojam galvom: atvėso. Pačiam senamiesčio centre Baylee randa kažką valgomo ir mikliai sučiaumoja, dėl ko timpteliu už čiuprynos ir pabaru, dėl ko gaunu ax*jienai daug velnių nuo pro šalį einančios aistringos italės, kuri ne tik barasi itališkai, bet ir demonstratyviai žiūrėdama man į akis, raunasi nuo galvos šiušį plaukų, tikėtina, aiškindama, kad taip daryti negalima. Tada ji nupirdolina į kažkokį namą (kaip paaiškėjo vėliau - savivaldybę) ir išlenda su policininku. Zjbs, galvoju, paskundė policininkui. Laukiu, kas bus, bet atrodo, kad skundė ji gal kažką kitą. Bet gaunu dar dozę piktos italės žaibų iš išsprogusių jos akių. Apsimetu, kad px. Ir vis tiek kažkuriuo stuburo slanksteliu laukiu kokio tais švilpuko, antrankių ir turmos. Fuf. Nebuvo.
      Einant namo sutariam užsakyti picos, bet ten, kur suplanuota - neduoda išsinešimui, tenka grįžti prie Lapo's ristorante. Ten užsakau paprastos prošiuto picos, svarbu, kad nedėtų svogūnų. 10 min. ir pica atnešama, "with onions" išdidžiai pasako padavėja. Ai, galvoju, susimaišė, nes prašiau "without". Tai dabar paspėliokim, ar buvo ar ne tie cipolle? Cipolle buvo, o va fungi - ne. Žodžiu, pakreatyvino mums vakarienę. Likusią vakaro dalį krapštau cipolle. Ir dar žiūrime Auksinį protą, su pauzėm, nes juk ne Italija pirmauja su kokybišku internetu (jei ką, Austrija irgi nepirmauja ir vynuogynuose wifi nebuvo).
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Cinque Terre

      2 Mayıs 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      La Spezia 🚆 Vernazza 🚆Monterosso al Mare ♥️

      Unser nächster Halt ist in La Spezia inkl. 2 Übernachtungen. Das Hotelzimmer, direkt im Bahnhofsgebäude, ist ideal gelegen, um die "Cinque Terre" mit dem Zug zu erreichen. Wir haben uns für die zwei Orte Vernazza und Monterosso entschieden und sind begeistert über die herzigen Gässli, Lädeli und typischen farbigen Häuser. Aber auch etwas erdrückt ab den vielen Touristen, obwohl wir uns in der Nebensaison befinden...
      Die Kinder haben am meisten Freude um am Strand zu spielen und haben auch schon erste Kontakte mit anderen Kindern geknüpft! ;-)

      Highlight von Eleni:
      Im Städtli La Spezia hat uns eine Möwe zwei Stücke unserer Pizza direkt vom Tisch stibitzt. Der Kellner hat uns daraufhin eine Wasserpistole gegeben, um die Möwe zu verscheuchen ;-) Eleni war Feuer und Flamme, die Möwe nass zu spritzen.

      Andri's neues Wort: Meer
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Monterosso al Mare

      11 Haziran 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nieko tam Monterosso nebepamatome. Spėju kelis kartus panirti į Ligūrijos jūrą, pažiūrime filmuką apie Lucca (filmuko miesteliai nupiešti Cinque Terre pagrindu) ir belieka laiko vakarienei ir ledams.

    • Gün 38

      Cinque Terre: the 5 villages

      15 Haziran 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      The Cinque Terre represent one of the most beautiful, unique and incredible areas of the whole Mediterranean. This stretch of coast of Liguria, about 10 km long between Genoa and La Spezia, is so called because here there are five wonderful seaside villages immersed in unspoiled nature.

      The five villages, in order from West to East, are Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore. They are well known all over the world and it is not possible to think of one without thinking of all the others. But each of these villages has its own history, its peculiarities and its secrets. Together they represent one of the most popular Italian tourist resorts. For us Monterosso was the winner, namely due to the beach. We enjoyed a sun filled day of swimming and lounging as well as town hoping by train to check out all that Cinque Terre has to offer.

      In fact, in 1997 they were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Monterosso al Mare

      9 Haziran, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Hoje é dia de descanso e praia, principalmente para o Benji. Decidimos ficar mais uma noite em La Spezia, a nossa base para visitar Cinque Terre.

      Apenas faltava visitar Monterroso, a maior das 5 aldeias e a única com praia de "areia". Aquela areia grossa que mais parecem pedrinhas sobre as quais temos que andar devagar para não magoar os pés.
      Mal o Benji viu a praia não queria mais nada se não ir à água, não queria comer, nem nada.

      Acabámos por parar num sítio qualquer, comer a pior focaccia e ir á praia. 3/4 da praia são para quem paga os guarda sois, o povo aperta-se no cantinho que sobra.
      Ainda por cima como o céu está meio nublado não está calor suficiente para um chapéu de sol.

      O mar está bem agitado, mas a praia tem um pequeno rio onde dá para brincar. O Benji ficou entretido a tarde inteira, feliz e contente. Mas sem ser a temperatura da água, as nossas praias portuguesas dão 15 a 0.

      No final, conseguimos convencê-lo a dar uma volta pela aldeia de Monterroso, com alguns recantos encantadores.
      A igreja de San Giovanni Battista com o seu estilo gótico genovês, e a sua fachada às riscas de mármore branco e pedras pretas.

      Colada a esta igreja, está a curiosa igreja, ou melhor, oratório da Irmandade Negra Mortis et Orationis, também conhecido como companhia da morte. Uma igreja com decorações de caveiras com dois ossos cruzados atrás e uns esqueletos lembrando-nos a natureza fugaz da vida.
      Irmandade Negra desempenhou um papel muito importante nos séculos XVI e XVII, principalmente para enterrar pessoas menos abastadas, numa época em que era comum não ter dinheiro para este último ato de caridade.

      As contínuas guerras e fomes daqueles séculos resultaram na morte de dezenas e dezenas de pessoas, em muitos casos deixadas à própria sorte. 
      Os irmãos usavam hábito preto, com corda preta, capuz e gola, que também servia de máscara para tentar se defender do forte cheiro de decomposição.

      De volta a autocaravana, o Benji fez um amigo espanhol, o Ian de 6 anos com o qual brincou até cair de cansaço.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      Ultima serata, bagno freddo e fuoco

      13 Nisan 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      After our dance session we came down from the top balcony and bumped into Gabriele who provided us with breakfast for tomorrow. He gave us yogurt, fruit, muesli, bisquits and more. We then headed down to the lobby, did the check out and went out for dinner to l‘Osteria where Kai commited blasphemy against one of the central pillars of italian cuisine by putting parmigiano (which was meant for the pasta) on the focaccia with olive oil and salt. Lisa was not amused and one of the waitors even rolled his eyes.
      Dinner was „spettacolare“. Kai composed a list of things one should know when travelling with lisa upon her request. The list got very long - you‘re seeing a short excerpt.
      Back at the hotel we bade a long and sincere goodbye to Gabriele and told him about lisas marriage plans (you‘ll probably get to see that one day) - the hotel‘s booked already. Then we went to our room and unwrapped our lampion which we had bought in Florence. We snuck out of the hotel because we had already said bye to Gabriele and thought it was weird to say bye again and went to the beach. We tried to light the little thingy in the bottom of the paper lamp but set the whole thing on fire. It drifted vertically for three metres before falling into the sea. Kai could barely fish it out again and when he did it looked like an abused elephant condom. (Oh god we‘re having so much fun writing this). Then we had the best idea of the entire week and decided to go swimming. Kai surprisingly was already wearing his bathing suit, Lisa had her underclothes. The water wasnt as cold as expected but the wind was. We dodged the street lights as we walked the 100 metres back to the hotel, said goodnight one last time to Gabriele, made sure not to get too much sand in the hotel but Kai still spilled some „beach“ all over our bathroom floor. After we had both showered, we warmed ourselved up with the hairdrier and wrapped ourselved in our blankets.
      What an evening - and we still have to pack.
      Okumaya devam et

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