Palazzo del Monte di Pietà

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    • Dag 1

      Róma, hotel Regola

      26 mars 2015, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Akkor mégis folytatom.Lisztfecóbeli szokásos Vipezés, majd szerencsére eseménytelen repülőút-Róma mindig mosolygós/napsütéses arcát mutatja, olyan mintha hazajönnénk.Minden a szokásos, mégis imádjuk, már az olasz nyelvet hallva is mintha simogatnák a fülünket...Vonattal Trasteveréig, 8-as villamos és máris a város szívében vagyunk, a Campo Di Fiorinál, kedvenc sétálóutcánkon át besétálunk kedvenc szállodánkba, ahol a recepciós a Ciao köszönésre Mariannázva üdvözöl, csak a hangom alapján.Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Hotel Regola

      26 mars 2015, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      És végül-mint aki jól végezte dolgát- vacsi a Baccanaleban, a Campo sarki szokásos éttermünkben, spaghetti alla vongole és bolognese sok parmival, vino rosso de la casa és egy kis macchiato ahogy az olaszok isszák... Aztán már csak pihi, holnap újra szétcsapunk!Läs mer

    • Dag 35

      Rome 1

      4 maj 2018, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      My fav European capital city!
      Staying in a 15th century apartment in a cool, old neighborhood.
      Saw the Colosseum, Piazza Venezia, Foro Romano ruins and the arch of Titus.
      The highlight was a lunch feast and eating three icecreams over the course of the day!Läs mer

    • Dag 36

      Rome - Vatican

      5 maj 2018, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      3 hour guided tour with Jesse limping through the Sistine Chapel on crutches.
      St Peters basilica and square were awesome.
      Another lunch FEAST at Piazza Navono after a huge day of walking made the pasta and beer taste SOOOO GOOOOOD!!!!Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Hotel Regola

      26 mars 2015, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Kis pezsgőzés után nyakunkba vesszük a várost- először végigjárjuk kedvenc üzleteinket-persze némi shopping azért jár-és utána jöhet mi szem-száj ingere, azaz sült gesztenye, macaron, fagyi, Navona,Trevi (még mindig tatarozzák :(( ), Pantheon,Corso, stb.Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Harmadik-uccsó nap :(((

      28 mars 2015, Italien ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Ma végra süt a nap, gyönyörű koratavaszi hidő- ez az amit Rómánktól elvárunk! Szombat délelőtt jó kis paradicsomkiegészítéses reggelink után irány a Campo, isteni a délelőtti piac,egyszerűen beleszeretek a broccolikba a melanzanokról nem is beszélve! Végül is két helyes sajtos fiúkánál addig kóstolgatunk, amígbeadjuk a derekunkat és veszünk is- zseniális! Persze jó kis bevásárló utcánk sem maradhat ki, kedvenc üzletünk eladója régi ismerősként köszönt és ékes olasz nyelven hosszan elcsevegünk a gyönyörű Farnese palota csodás esti díszkivilágításáról. Aztán némi vásárlás után irány a kedvenc táskásunk, aki elmeséli hogy kell egy kis közönséges vazelinnel regenerálni a táskámat, majd a Trasteverénk kacérkodunk Mackó szandálcsináltatásával, de végül nem jön össze.Tiszta haszon, spóroltunk egy halom pénzt.Kis pizzaszelet, majd az Isola Tiberina túlpartján egy aranyos kézműves lánnyal cseverészve ellessük a gyűrűkészítés rejtelmeit. Innen a zsidó negyeden keresztül végre eljutunk kedvenc Campidoglionkhoz és bemegyünk az Aracoeli templomba, ami azért kívülről sokkal szebb a maga egyszerűségében, mint belülről. Herevere a lépcsőkön a szikrázó napsütésben, közben pisztácia fagyit nyalva -mint Örkény "magyarni egypercesében"- ez az élvezetek netovábbja. Még egy panorámakép a Traianus csarnokról, kupolákkal, pineákkal és a valószínűtlenül kék éggel, majd futunk a délutáni traccspartira Eszterrel. Jó kis Aperol mellett újra felvesszük a fonalat egymás életéről, Eszter szép, fiatal és nagyon édes minden baja ellenére, aztán irány haza mert Mackó megy a fiúkkal az esti rómázásra.Aranyosak, nagyon hívnak de ezt most kihagyom, irodalmazok és pakolok egy kis vbor mellett...Läs mer

    • Dag 2

      Második nap a Regolaban

      27 mars 2015, Italien ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Szokásos kiadós reggeli (én még a maradék pezsgővel is megkoronáztam) nyakunkba vettük Rómánkat. Az idő so-so, de a Fiesta lelőhelyet is felderítettük :) Aztán át a hídunkon a lusta táskásunk mellett Trastevere külsőre, ahol elmélyedtünk a sarucsináltatás rejtelmeiben- de a megvalósulás még függőben van.Utána szokásos SanPietro körünk, napfény sehol de zaránd minden mennyiségben, úgyhogy futóra vettük a dolgot.Közben az idő is bekaka, ezért kénytelenek voltunk kedvenc üzleteinkbe visszavonulni az Ottavianon és a Corso Popolohoz közeli részén- nem eredménytelenül :) Mire a Spagnara értünk a nap is kisütött,aztán kis pihi otthon majd esti Trastevere.Isteni prosciutto tál és csokipohárban rum...Läs mer

    • Dag 28

      Antipasto for dinner

      23 september 2017, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Because we can't possibly have walked enough today, Craig and I decided to find a delicatessen and buy some various antipasto ingredients for dinner tonight. Google Maps gave us an option which was a 3km round trip, which seemed reasonable for some authentic Roman fare. So off we set. Unfortunately, Erzinio Food has not lodged the correct opening details with Google Maps! Our other option was Roscioli which turned out to be a 4.2km round trip.

      Finding ourselves in a stuffed-to-the-hilt deli where everything was in Italian was only slightly daunting ;-) We walked away with fresh pesto, whole baby caramelised onions, artichoke hearts and more than what we asked for of the €150/kg prosciutto. It took him a good 20 minutes to cut the prosciutto by hand, so it was a bit of a masterpiece.

      Roscioli also had a forno (bakery) a little further down the lane, so we bought some crusty bread there from an equally stuffed-to-the-hilt-with-bread-and-people shop, and some cheese and salami and grapes from yet another shop, and our hunter-gatherer duties were done.

      A meal fit for a king, only topped by gelati from the shop downstairs (dangerous to live close to too many gelati shops!) I feel slightly vindicated by the additional 4.2km walk we squeezed in on top of all the other walking we did today.

      On the topic of lots of walking, and tangentially related... the kids are somewhat enamoured by the bidet and keep asking us if we have used it yet. After the extra walking this afternoon, I think the perfect use would be to fill it up with some warm water, add a splash of Radox, sit back on the loo next to it and soothe the sore feet!
      Läs mer

    • Dag 35


      4 maj 2018, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Waking up in a 16th century AirBnB in Campo di Fiori!!

      Saturday night:
      48 hours into this incredible city- a whirlwind! Staying in the most amazing 1500's apartment. You drive through a maze of narrow, cobbled streets to get here. The building front has super-thick massive wooden security doors which lead through an arched hallway into a 4-story courtyard complex, smack in the middle of an authentically Italian neighbourhood- but also within walking distance of all the main sights. Even though it has been modernised, the exposed hand-carved wooden ceiling seems to be the real thing, as well as a few stone features.

      Yesterday we started off wandering about with no specific intentions- just in the direction of the Colosseum. We found ourselves in the Jewish Ghetto (in the 1500s the Pope made all the Jews live there), then strolling past the Teatro de Marcello and ruins from the Temple of Apollo. Wandered into a gorgeous church (randomly), and then in front of a National War Memorial, which had a lift that took you to amazing rooftop views of Rome. Brief pizza/gelato stop to recharge the batteries and then into the Colosseum and a stroll through Palatine Hill area.

      Jesse definitely seems to have fractured his tibia from skiing. Our amazing AirBnB host had a spare crutch to lend us. He carried on like a champ but was hurting a lot by the end of the day.

      Today we hit the Vatican, St Peter's Basilica, and Sistine Chapel. Took a 3-hour tour which was sooooo interesting and worthwhile. Boys' history (& mine) definitely schooled up. Maria, the tour guide, pointed out so many historical anecdotes and small details that I would have never noticed. The Vatican lets in 35,000 visitors per day, though- so we were packed in like a Chinese subway carriage. And there's just too many amazing pieces of art- by the end of the Museum part of the tour we just walked passed original works from Chagall, Dali, Matisse, etc. because there's literally too much to see.

      I do struggle a lot with the grotesque wealth of the Church and how so much of that wealth has been acquired in very dubious ways (to put it mildly), as well as the massive scale of abuses they have tolerated- even supported- which has become even more clear in recent years. So I was actually against taking us to the Vatican, as if felt somehow complicit to get tickets. But Buz vetoed me... & it is a jaw-dropping place (even the boys appreciated that). but I had to suppress a gag when the tour guide said at the beginning that the Vatican has few ways to make money - it relies on the generosity of the Catholic community. You only have to look at the priceless artwork in there to understand how they are one of the most wealthy institutions in the world.

      To avoid the dangers of dreaded 'hanger' after that 3-hour tour we grabbed a taxi to Piazza Navona and watched artists make some cool stuff and then feasted on beer, pasta, and a shameless platter of desserts!

      Tomorrow should be an easier day of a short stroll to the Pantheon and lots of gelato breaks.
      Läs mer

    • Dag 12

      Drive to Rome

      30 juni 2018, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We woke up early and ate breakfast at the hotel. It was a continental breakfast, it was simple but filling. We had a Vatican tour at 2:30 in Rome and had to drop off the luggage and return the car before that. Once we arrived in Rome, it was a rush. We checked into our apartment while Raghav went and returned the car. After we checked into the apartment, the host informed us that there was a delicious Pizza place right under the apartment. We quickly eat there for lunch and packed some pizza for Raghav. Raghav met us at the apartment and we drove to the Vatican City. It was by far the most crowded place we visited all trip. We learned that over 25,000 people visit every day. We saw the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica. They were all grand and beautiful but very crowded. After the tour, we returned to the apartment, freshened up, and headed to Ponte Sisto for the river festival. There was a lot of activity, we played arcade games, shopped, and ate dinner on the river bank. After dinner, we retired to our apartment, a very hectic but fun day.Läs mer

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