Piazzale Michelangelo

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    • Day 30

      Firenze due

      July 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      A day top and tailed by culture. We started off by going to the market on the other side of town and picking up some gourmet food (important for later) before spending about 3hrs in the Uffizi gallery. They had:
      - an exhibition on futurists from the early 20th century
      - a temporary exhibit on ancient Roman bankers (glorious)
      - all the usual bits
      Well worth the time. Following a siesta we trekked up the south bank to fight crowds, watch the sunset and destroy an antipasto (See earlier) that was the envy of the crowds.
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    • Day 3

      Piazzale Michelangelo

      April 27 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nach zwei Tagen in den Bergen ging es nun heute als vereinte Reisegruppe weiter in die Toskana.

      Damit wir pünktlich loskommen, wurde der Wecker auf 7:50 Uhr gestellt. In der Nacht spielte ich den Morgen schonmal in meinen Träumen durch. Leider lief der Generalprobe nicht so optimal. Im Traum klingelte der Wecker nicht und wir wachten erst 8:15 Uhr auf. Aber wenn die Generalprobe schief läuft, klappt der Rest. Denkste! Am nächsten Morgen klingelte der Wecker dann tatsächlich nicht. Somit verschliefen wir. Aber meine innere Uhr weckte uns bereits 8:05 Uhr. Somit kurz Andi geweckt und ihn kurz vollgerüffelt, dass er sich sein knurren sparen kann, denn wir haben verschlafen. Mit leichter Verspätung starteten wir in den Tag.

      Frühstück, Hundeauslauf und ein längeres Gespräch mit der Hoteldirektorin, welche unsere Hunde sofort adoptieren möchte bzw. sich uns für die Zukunft sich als Hundesitterin zur Verfügung gestellt hat, ging es dann endlich los.

      Da wir aus der letzten Fahrt über den Brenner gelernt haben, kauften wir uns dieses Mal eine Vignette und bezahlten die Maut für die Brennerautobahn. Somit kann nun nix mehr schief gehen. Getreu dem Motto wie man es macht, macht man es verkehrt. Dieses Msl standen wir 45 Minuten auf der Brennerautobahn im Stau und auf der Landstraße lief der Verkehr. Somit war mit dem Geld auch der Zeitvorteil weg. Aber wir haben ja Urlaub.

      Gegen 17 Uhr errichten wir Florenz. Nachdem wir kurz unsere Zimmer bezogen, ging es in die Stadt. Ziel war der Aussichtspunkt Piazzale Michelangelo. Von der Terrasse aus hatte. Wir einen tollen Blick über Florenz.
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    • Day 268

      Piazza Michelangelo, Florence, Italy

      June 30 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      A magnificent view of the city, plus a bronze replica of David statue in the centre makes this a must see in Florence for me.

      Unfortunately for me, it was so sunny and so hot. I could have spent hours taking photos here if I wasn't wilting in the sun - so maybe that's fortunate for Luke.Read more

    • Day 268

      Abbazia di San Miniato al Monte,Florence

      June 30 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      A really interesting church at the top of a hill above the piazza. There was a large cemetery surrounding it, which had some interesting burials!

      The actual church was stunning inside, the huge central part had high ceilings with various styles of decoration - from old chipping away murals, to lavishly painted frescos, with geometrical designs in between. There was then a lower area which had plain walls, a much lower ceiling intersected with columns.

      Definitely a diverse building!

      The outside was just as stunning, with the Basilica on top of the hill looking over Florence's skyline and a huge staircase leading down.
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    • Day 7

      The gangs all gone

      November 9, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      So it's goodbyes all around as Jayne and I head off for Florence while Steve, Dorothy, Lisa and Dan drive off into the sunshine and Rome. But not before dropping us off at the station first. Easy check in at the hotel then off to the market. Sooo busy but fortunately managed to fight for a table where we had the soup of the day; tomato, in a bun watching Chelsea v Crystal Palace on big screens. You don't get this in Blackpool!!!!Read more

    • Day 12

      New Year’s Day

      January 1, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      It turned out that not everyone had an early night last night. I went out at around 7:00 am - the streets were deserted but strewn with empty bottles and other NYE detritis.

      Florence wasn't messy for long though, By the time I headed back for coffee and breakfast, the street sweepers were out and the story book beauty was restored.

      Most of Florence was closed for New Years Day. It was strange walking over the Ponte Vecchio with all the jewellery stalls closed and locked.

      The Leonardo da Vinci museum was open so we spent an hour or so there. We went across the river and walked up to Piazzale Michelangelo to look out over the old city.

      Came back along the Ponte Grazie where George throws Lucy’s photographs into the Arno (because they were covered in blood).

      We visited Santa Croce then had dinner at Osteria del Gatto e la Volpe.

      Today was a great gelato day. I have discovered an unbeatable combination - hazlenut (or could be nocciola or baci) with cherry (whole soft stewed cherries in a sort of fior di latte).
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    • Day 77

      Florence @ night

      October 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Awkwardly asked Hannah (Australia) if she was traveling alone and wanted to join me to watch the sunset and have some wine that I bought. She gladly accepted. Then we got dinner with her friends after.Read more

    • Day 1

      Hoch hinaus

      June 6, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Es waren zwar ein paar dicke Wolken am Himmel, aber insgesamt sah es ganz gut aus. Also bin ich hoch zum Piazzale Michelangelo. Von dort hat man einen tollen Blick über Florenz. Ich habe mir extra im Supermarkt ein Bierchen gekauft, das ich dort trinken wollte, leider lag der Öffner im Hotel und ein Feuerzeug hatte ich nicht. Nur so viel: ich bin jetzt im Besitz eines hässlichen Touri-Flaschenöffners und habe 0 Euro gespart. Dann zogen dicke Regenwolken über der Stadt auf und ich habe mich fix in die Kirche San Miniato geflüchtet. Sie steht an einem der höchsten Punkte von Florenz und gilt als eine der schönsten Kirchen Italiens. Kann ich nachvollziehen, vor allem die Fassade im typisch florentinischen Renaissance-Stil macht echt was her. Es war schön da oben.Read more

    • Day 1

      Southern Florence

      June 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Without having to worry about travelling and trains and flights, this felt like my first full day of sightseeing without having to be on a schedule. I had booked in for free tours on the Northern part of the Arno River, and as such, I stuck around the Sothern end where my accommodation was. There was still plenty to do, and I am glad I split it up this way as I managed to fit just about everything into today that I really wanted to see. My plan was to go see the views from the top of the hill, track back down to the river and then finish off by heading West and seeing everything to see on the Southern side of the Arno.

      It started off with a bit of a long walk up the hillside, but the view at the top was definitely worth it. The red brick roofs, colourful exteriors, and colossal monuments that protruded from the rooftops (such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence and so forth), made for an unreal view. Once again, the photos don't do it justice, but it was truly incredible. Then, after some more aimless wandering, I ended up in a war memorial park that had a quite sombre feel about it, but it had some amazing views of the Italian countryside just to the South. Florence is actually a very small but compact and functional city. After completely circling the strange stone structure that the park encapsulated, I ended up at the entrance to the Basilica di San Miniato by complete accident. Unfortunately the Basilica itself was undergoing works so that made getting a good photo much harder, but even just walking through the graveyards and into the church itself was an experience on its own. The inside was so incredibly well built and maintained that it was hard to believe that it could ever have been built during the 11th century. This is likely the first of many churches that I will get to view, but if they're all like this, I won't complain. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be taking pictures in the cemetery part of the Basilica, so I held back sometimes but still managed to take some good ones. The size and extravagance of some of the burial sites were unbelievable - this wasn't something i was going to see, but I'm glad I stumbled upon it. After another smaller church and walking through the Piazzale Michelangelo, it was time to head down the hill again toward the river.

      On the way down, there were these extraordinary waterfalls inbuilt into the architecture that were just amazing to me for whatever reason. There were no rivers running down the hill, but these waterfalls just seemed to appear from out of nowhere and looked amazing. I can barely describe them, the water fed into this big pond at the bottom with fish all through it - definitely worth a look through the photos to best describe it. After this, I was by the river and began tracking to find some lunch, but first, I was tempted by the house of Galileo that was just up the road from where I was. It wasn't far, but it sure was steep. I had high expectations for the house when I got there, but unfortunately, it was just a house that you couldn't walk through or even see anything exciting about. I almost missed it if it wasn't for maps saying I was right out the front. It had a picture of Galileo, but other than that, you would have never guessed it was his house, I think people live in there still.

      Next, i went to the famous Ponte alle Grazie bridge, where houses and stores are run on the bridge itself, often overlapping. This was so cool and incredibly busy, but that is expected in these types of areas. As they sell mostly jewellery, I saw little reason to stop, but it was still cool to look. I then tried to visit the Medici garden, but it closed at 7, so I was left with not much to do with my afternoon. As a result, I found a calzone to eat for dinner and went back to my apartment for bed.
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    • Day 9

      Piazzale Michelangelo

      May 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Pizzale Michelangelo!!!
      Went to dance the night away after a good dinner where she say some awesome sunsets, did some fun dancing, and sat on the steps on church to celebrate our first night Florence! I was excited to live and truly overflowing with happiness at this wonderful place that would be my home for even a fraction of time :) These two men do the show every night!!
      FYI Sara Perche Ti Amo is one my favorites which you’ll here a lot along with Maria and Nessuno! Pls listen to Italian music they have some bangers!!
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