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    • Day 414


      August 29, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      We have hired a car because the direct train from Solerno to Pompeii isn’t running this week.

      We can’t believe we are here in Pompeii, a place we have all heard about for years.
      It is more impressive than we could have ever imagined. The size and scale of the city, how well preserved it is and how sophisticated things were 2000 years ago. We love the stepping stones across the old roads that kept the residents feet up out of the dirty roads. The shops had sliding doors as well as counters with built in storage. The homes they lived in were beautiful and had courtyards, water features, mosaics and sculptures.
      Ruby and Colm enlighten us about different Greek and Roman gods when we see a statue of one or walk through a temple dedicated to another. I am amazed how they can recall complicated background stories and family trees of the different Gods they have read about in the books by Rick Riordan and Stephen Fry.
      Throughout the day I find myself looking towards Mount Vesuvius and thinking about the twenty feet of ash that fell and buried this entire city. We visit the casts of bodies found in the garden of the fugitives. It is moving to see them lying down, as they were when their died.
      We stay for most of the day, taking in as much as we can until our minds and bodies are overwhelmed.
      We head to the nearest Gelateria for the cure.
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    • Day 24


      October 13, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We caught the Freccarossa fast train from Rome to Naples...reaching up to 298kph on the way. Our driver and mercedes van were waiting for us at the station and drove us to the Pompeii ruins. A private guide then took us for a 2 hour tour of the ruins which was fantastic! After the tour she took us back to a restaurant, where the driver was waiting, who then summoned the waiter who set us up at the best table in the place...we felt like VIP's! After lunch the driver (who had waited for us for 3 hours by this stage), took us to our AirBnB at Sorrento.

      Unbelievable story of the burial of Pompeii from the rocks and ash from Mt. Vesuvius. Very interesting...
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    • Day 24

      Pompeji und Neapel

      August 5, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      Mein Schlafplatz haben ich diesmal bei einem wunderschönen Aussichtspunkt gewählt, ich konnte die Amalfiküste auf der einen Seite und den Vesuv auf der anderen Seite sehen. Nachdem mich ein Fahrradfahrer duschen gesehen hatte, kam dann auch die Polizei. Nach einem kurzem Check von meiner ID, Führerschein etc. habe ich mich dann aber nett mit denen unterhalten, sie meinten aber zu mir, „don‘t come here and shower again“ 😂. Die anschließende Tour durch die Stätten von Pompeji war sehr beeindruckend, unfassbar, wie sehr man das ehemalige Leben dort spürt, fast so, als wäre es gestern gewesen und krass, dass der Vesuv 1200m hoch ist und vor dem Ausbruch 2400m!, die Eruption war so heftig, dass es die Kuppel komplett weggesprengt hat 😳… Anschließend ging es nach Neapel, wobei der Stop hier nur kurz war, weil es wirklich schönere Städte gibt. In meinem Hostel in Rom habe ich dann ein paar Australier kennen gelernt, mit denen ich einen Pubcrawl machte. Ein schöner Abend, der tanzend in Rom in der Nacht endete 😊.Read more

    • Day 19

      Pompeii (by Andrew)

      September 5, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Pompeii got buried in ash and rubble and pumice from Mount Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD. Pompeii does not have any 🍅or🌽 because in 79 AD it is made in the USA. There were lots of ruins, broken houses and bakeries with ovens. 20 centuries ago(aka 2000 yrs) Mount Vesuvius “farted” (aka exploded) and shot out lava and rained rubble (aka ash and pumice). When I visited Pompeii, I felt pretty sad for the people who died when Mount Vesuvius erupted.Read more

    • Day 18

      Pompeii ii

      October 4, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      More from what has been an excellent day touring Pompeii. It is huge and It is incredible to think how much material has been removed in order to expose the ruins. Work is still continuing with much of the area still to be unearthed. You will need all day to visit this site and you will need plenty of food and drink especially in the summer when there is no relief from the sunRead more

    • Day 126

      I cant believe I saw Pompeii!

      July 25, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      Miles: 8.3 Steps: 18937
      Flights stairs: 10

      I remember learning all about Pompeii and Mt Vesuvius in grade school - seeing pics of the “frozen people” that had gotten caught in the volcanic eruption. And today, decades later, I found myself at the foot of Mt Vesuvius walking the streets of Pompeii! This trip is unreal.

      We braved the intense heat and took a day trip, about 45 min south, to Pompeii and walked through the archeological site. Fascinating seeing the remains of the village, the whole time with the mountain looming in the background. The famous eruption that buried the village in 17ft of ash took place in 79 AD. It happened in the morning, when most were still asleep. The last time it erupted was 1944, but it was fairly minor - it is still active today, and they feel the next eruption will likely be as deadly as the first.

      Seeing the plaster casts of the villagers was really sad - to see that it hit so fast they literally were killed and then preserved in the exact state they were in. It was an amazing visit.

      After, we headed to a local winery/vineyard for a tour, tasting and lunch. It was located in the national park and was even closer to the mountain. Great view and great experience!
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    • Day 40

      Pompeii und die beste Pizza der Welt?

      November 6, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Blauer Himmel, Sonnenschein und ein klarer Blick auf den Vesuv - das erwartete uns heute morgen nach zwei Tagen Unwetter. Wir haben uns schon die letzten Tage gefragt, warum es für Pompeii am Sonntag keine Eintrittskarten gibt, aber dann ist Max eingefallen wieso: Jeden ersten Sonntag im Monat ist der Eintritt frei - 44€ gespart! 🎉
      Deshalb haben wir direkt beschlossen nach Pompeii zu fahren. Tatsächlich hat es problemlos geklappt umsonst reinzukommen und wir konnten knapp 3 Stunden die ausgegrabene Stadt mit Audioguide begutachten. Wirklich sehr beeindruckend, vor allem, wenn der Vesuv im Hintergrund zu sehen ist und an das Schicksal der Menschen dort erinnert…
      Danach ging es nach Neapel, um die angeblich beste Pizza der Welt zu essen. Doch natürlich war es an einem Sonntag sehr voll dort, also sind wir ein paar Straßen weiter gelaufen und haben Pizza und Bruschetta für 3€ und 4,50€ gefunden. Und wir müssen sagen: Für uns war es die beste Pizza unseres Lebens! 😍 Es war auch so viel, dass wir gerade mal die Hälfte geschafft haben und den Rest mitgenommen haben. Anschließend ging es noch zur Via San Gregorio Armeno, welche als “Krippenstraße” bekannt ist. Dort gab es Unmengen an Krippenfiguren und für uns noch einen “Baby Aperol Spritz” als Abschluss.
      Ein gelungener Tag und auch unser letzter richtiger Tag in Italien und Europa.
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    • Day 66


      June 26 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      1. Is a farm house that shows just how much volcanic ash fell over the area.
      2. These are stepping stone people would use to cross the street.
      3. This is a fast food restaurant back in the day.
      4. This gives you and idea how close the volcano is and how many building are currently closer to the volcano then Pompei.
      5. This was the stadium in Pompei that is now hosting music concerts.
      6. The last two pictures are court yards that where commonly shared between a few different residences.
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    • Day 11

      Die Ruinen von Pompeji 2/2

      July 26, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Hier wollen wir ein weiteres Mal herkommen, es gibt ganz sicher noch mehr zu entdecken - nur dann nicht unbedingt im Hochsommer, es war so super heiß…

      Zum Abschluss waren wir dann noch im Antiquarium, da hatten wir dann schon ein mulmiges Gefühl wenn man die versteinerten Menschen und Tiere so daliegen sieht.

      Es war wirklich super interessant aber auch sehr anstrengend…

      Nach knapp 5 1/2 Stunden ging es dann zurück zum Campingplatz und es war erstmal eine kalte Dusche angesagt!
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    • Day 8


      March 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Après deux nuits à Capri, on quitte la côte pour aller dormir à Pompéi.
      C'est magique. Du monde forcément, nous sommes dimanche, mais le site est tellement grand. La journee est longue. On a peur de louper quelque chose dans cette cité Hors du temps. Les corps pétrifiés sont très troublants. On sent la douleur...
      Dernière étape à Naples le soir ou nous poserons les sacs pour 4 nuits.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Pompei, Pompeya, Помпеи

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