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    • Day 3

      Picturesque Ponza, Madness Miseno

      September 10, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      After morning coffee and breakfast in the cockpit watching the fiery sunrise reflecting on the fantastic rock formations, we lifted anchor and moved into the harbour so we could row to the beach and wander the town. Of course things don't always go smoothly or easily but after an hour of sweat 🥵, Bob fixed the dinghy and off we went. The harbour traffic was something to behold with every boat size, shape, power and noise and all going in every direction on the compass! Little did we know...
      We wandered the town and had Tiellas in a café above the harbour where the Italian Mamma recited her menu and told us in her limited English that she was born in Ponza and has a sister in Sudbury! Like many, she imagined Canada/Vancouver was cold like Sudbury! We anchored back at our previous night's anchorage and had a glorious swim but with all the weekend boat traffic, decided we'd move to a quieter spot. It was a clear, starry night but spoiled at 5 a.m. when a power boat motored in, anchored and played music! At 6:45 a.m. we decided to get going to Miseno.The trip took 12 hours sailing and motoring: stopped the boat and had a brief dip in the middle of the deep, dark sea, had a visit from a pod of dolphins 🐬, and a heart stopping last hour dodging ferries and power boats, while pitching and rolling in their wakes 🌊. We thought last Spring's gauntlet at Capri was bad; this was much worse! It's hard to imagine what it's like in high season! 😱 The power boaters have no consideration of their speed, wake or proximity to others. It's frightening. I have no photos of the maelstrom as I was too busy holding on and praying!
      We arrived hungry and with frayed nerves, but a small, calm harbour, dinner and a quick chat with Nicholas, Ella and Alexa soon calmed us.
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    • Day 59

      Last sailing day

      June 1, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Up before the sun as we planned a long day (66 n.m. 11 hours) to Fiumicino/Rome where we leave the boat for the summer. We left with the ferry and motorsailed for awhile, then motored, then sailed. A beautiful day ( maybe we should have stayed in Ponza at the beach? 🤔) with very little boat traffic and what we did see was far off and heading south to our north. One power boat was aimed at us but he changed course before Bob blew the horn and after I tersley told him to call on the radio or change course! I don't like playing "chicken"! I called the marina to advise we were at the mouth of the river and they hailed us and took our lines as we rafted up to 2 other boats. Lovely not to have to leap off! The marina staff were welcoming and helpful, even offering to loan us a car. I'm not prepared for another wild and thorny walk! The evening was calm on the river with an otter swimming by, birds calling and chirping from the island in the river. Peaceful. A perfect ending to our last sailing day.Read more

    • Day 58

      Spectacular Ponza

      May 31, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      After a sleepless night for me, I was able to catch 40 winks after Bob got up at 6. The wind and waves had lessened but it was still bouncy so we decided at 0715 to go around to the west side of the island. As we rounded into the bay, there were 14 other masts! Some had left the harbour in the dark to escape the east wind and swells. Although there were lots of boats, it was not crowded and there was plenty of room between us. Spectacular cliffs, caves and rock of different colours. The water was beautiful with a sandy bottom and occasional rocks and grass but we couldn't see any fish life. We motored in the dinghy to explore the shore. By the late afternoon, the wind and waves had shifted and were coming at us from the west so we packed up and moved to the east side again. Fortunately, when it shifted again it was light enough and of no concern. 2 ferries came in and left, other boats arrived from the west side, the church bells chimed a tune every half hour and the setting sun lit up the colourful houses. A calm and restful night.Read more

    • Day 57

      Isola Ponza

      May 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We spent Monday wandering Old Gaeta and discovered the Italian national pastime of closing attractions ⛪🕍🕌 and museums🏤⛲🎠 whenever it suits them! The town is a maze of alleys, lanes, staircases, arches, broken buildings and lovely homes with rooftop gardens and views. We met a German fellow who lives aboard his catamaran with his wife and 10 month baby and another baby arriving! He was busy putting nets around the lifelines. 👍A calm night and we set off the next morning for Ponza, by all accounts, a place with gorgeous water and spectacular rock formations and cliffs. Once again there was little to no traffic so a lovely transit although little wind. We anchored off a lovely beach and Bob dipped his toes while I swam around the boat. The water temp was 24C! The wind started blowing in with some waves but the forecast was for light wind and waves. LIES! We thought we were settled for the night but we got bouncier and blown so made a decision to move around to the other side of the island even though it was dark. Donned our life jackets and we motored out, bouncing, splashing, crashing in the waves. I vetoed Bob's idea of trying to lift the dinghy while bouncing in the waves and decided to go into the town harbour rather than around the island. It was still an exposed harbour but somewhat less and there were other boats anchored so we joined them. Needless to say, a rocky, scary ending to what had begun as a glorious day. No sleep 🥱for me!Read more

    • Day 423


      September 7, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We have a great sail from Ventotene to Ponza, the largest of the Pontine islands. Today’s weather conditions lead us around to the north of the island. We anchor in a gorgeous bay of white cliffs and rocky shores with a little port tucked in at the far corner.
      I make the happy discovery that we are within swimming distance of one of Ponza’s gems, the piscine naturali. In the morning we put on our snorkelling gear and swim over to explore it.
      We swim under an arch in the cliff and are now inside a large pool with a big circular opening on top. It’s incredible. Swimming under another arch we come into a bigger pool with a cafe perched on the rocks. There are parasols and sun loungers for rent on the low flat rock which separates this pool from the sea. We swim though the natural tunnel that small boats use to come in and out of here. We find a deep dark cave and dare each other to swim in as far as we can. Ronan wins. He finds another dark cave to explore and sees a light in the water beyond. He dives down and disappears and after a few (slightly worried) moments, returns again. This time we follow him down into the light and we emerge in another pool. We explore several more little caves and tunnels here and later we snorkel again, this time under the high white cliffs. I often pause to watch Ruby and Colm swimming into a cave or diving down to swim amongst the fish, it’s magic.
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    • Day 101


      July 3, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      From Ventotene to Ponza with its incredible rock formations, we anchored just north of harbour with only a couple of others but by 18:00 it was really busy. Ashore and although a bit developed no high rise and a lovely feel to the town, we drank our most expensive drinks to date at €8 each for a GnT and Aperol spritz but comfortable easy atmosphere and lovely views. Can’t believe we only have 2 more nights before we get to the boats summer rest stop. Then lots of work to do cleaning and stowing etc before we head home, can’t wait to see the island and everyone there.Read more

    • Day 9

      Isola di Ponza

      October 8, 2023, Tyrrhenian Sea ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Dopo la traversata notturna ci avviciniamo all'isola di Ponza dove getteremo l'ancora per fare colazione

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ponza, Понца, Պոնցա, ポンツァ, 폰차, Pontia, 蓬扎

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