Provincia di Catanzaro

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    • Gün 66

      Tourist Tour nel Parco della Sila

      4 Aralık 2023, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Siamo partiti stamattina costeggiando le splendide spiagge del mar Tirreno ⚓️
      Ci siamo poi diretti verso il Parco Nazionale della Sila, immergendoci nei boschi verdi, gialli, arancioni e pure rosso intenso 🍁
      Avevamo pianificato di passare qualche giorno nel parco che si estende tra Catanzaro, Cosenza e Crotone 📍 ma quando ci siamo fermati per pranzo abbiamo controllato le previsioni e scoperto che seguiranno giorni di neve ❄️ E noi non siamo assolutamente preparati 🙈
      Quindi oggi abbiamo fatto un tour turistico in Tana 😋 E qui inizia l’avventura 😂
      Siamo passati per Camigliatello (CS) per vedere il Treno della Sila che non c’era 🚞
      Ma abbiamo guidato tra boschi incantevoli 🌳
      Siamo andati a Croce di Magara (CS) per vedere i Giganti della Sila per trovare il centro turistico chiuso ❌
      Ma abbiamo coccolato dei maremmani bellissimi 🐾
      Siamo andati al lago di Arvo per fare veramente due passi prima che il sentiero si interrompesse 🙅🏻‍♀️
      Ma il paesaggio era indescrivibile 🐟
      E infine volevamo visitare il Villaggio Mancuso (CZ), sbarrato da transenne ✋🏼
      Ma abbiamo visto James Franco perché stavano girando delle scene di un nuovo film 😍
      Sfatti da questa giornata un po’ diversa dal solito abbiamo continuato a scendere sui ripidi pendii e sulle creste delle montagne ⛰️ per trovare dopo lunghe ricerce finalmente un posticino per dormire 💤
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 52–54

      Terme Caronta

      4 Haziran, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Eine frei zugängliche, öffentliche Terme, Wasser 40 Grad, wir geniessen zwei Tage gemütliche Entspannung. Sogar eine kostenlose Entsorgungsstelle ist vorhanden. Wir haben den Hinweis von Einheimischen erhalten, der Besuch hat sich gelohnt😊🌞Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 61

      Über Pizzo nach Caronte

      20 Mart, İtalya ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Nochmal schnell duschen, dann geht es los nach Pizzo. Dort soll es eine kleine Grotte geben, die mit vielen Madonnen und anderen Figuren ausgestattet ist und ein Touristenmagnet ist.

      Noch sind wir aber in Tropea und haben schon schwer in die Stadt gefunden. Raus ist es ähnlich und wir müssen wegen einer nur 1.70m breiten Unterführung wieder drehen. Mit einem relativ großen Umweg, finden wir endlich raus.

      In Pizzo angekommen geht es runter zum Strand und der Grotte. Leider hat diese wohl gerade geschlossen. Wahrscheinlich ist Siesta, denn wir haben mit Leuten gesprochen die wohl gerade drin waren und es "amazing" fanden.
      Weil aber das Wasser türkis scheint und zum Schwimmen einlädt, gehen wir noch zum womo und holen unsere Badesachen. Das Wasser ist kalt, aber herrlich erfrischend 🥶😂

      Wir machen noch ein paar Fotos der Höhle durchs geschlossene Gitter und fahren weiter. 20km weiter soll es eine Firma geben, die deutsche Gasflaschen befüllt.
      16€ ärmer, aber wieder gastechnisch obenauf, geht's es nach Caronte. Dort gibt es eine frei zugängliche Schwefeltherme, die wir besuchten wollen.

      Es sind bereits einige Wohnmobile Vorort, aber auch viele Einheimische.
      Wir parken schnell und schon geht es, erst für mich und dann auch für Gabi in das warme, faulig riechende Wasser. Eine Wohltat. 🫠
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9


      16 Mayıs, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      The accident held me up for three hours and in that time I got to know the lady in the car in front she gave me some biscuits and I gave her some sweets. She had a car full of shopping for her restaurant. Everybody chatted as we waited.
      When the road opened we were sent back the way we came so once again my Google maps instantly knew there was an accident and gave direction to get around it which took me through some lovely countryside.. My Garmin sat nav on the bike kept saying Do a U turn.
      I arrived at my accommodation at 7pm. I had guessed I would arrive around 2pm. I had messaged the hotel and they were fine. The bike is parked in the street and I'm sure it is safe.
      Tropea is a beautiful town. I had a quick walk around and took some photos before heading to the restaurant recommended by the lady in reception..
      I had only one croissant and two biscuits and two small coffees and a small cola all day so I was hungry and very thirsty.
      I drank 1.5 liters of water since arriving and enjoyed one of the biggest and best pizzas of my life. It was in sections each part stuffed with cream and large shrimps
      On top is salmon and cheese flakes..
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      On the way to tropea

      15 Mayıs, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      I'm writing this entry while I'm stuck in a tunnel halfway to my destination for tonight. I've been here for nearly three hours. Thank goodness. I'm in a tunnel and not outside at 32° .
      It's not nice. There's been a terrible accident ahead of me about 2 km. The road is completely closed. I don't know when it's going to reopen.

      Today my ride started from the ferry in Bari and it was raining. I was with Nick who I'd met on the ferry the night before. We traveled together for the first half an hour and then he turned off because I suggested he went to see Matera.
      Most of the ride was on the motorway and the rain stopped after an hour.
      I had a break at a very smart castle cafe and met some bikers from Croatia who are on their way home from Malta.

      My fun ended when I stopped by police at the end of a 2km queue. I was upset to hear the accident had claimed the life of a young girl.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 37


      27 Nisan 2023, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We've woke up with luck. The sleeping place we have chosen was right. No fog and the sun came already through. Walking back on the trail there has been fog again. If you hike on the ridge, it probably really depends which side you go down. The weather is not always the same on each side.

      So it was another first walk. Not really special. But most times nice ground and you walk all the time alone. We needed to cross lots of creeks. There is really a lot of water everywhere. You do not need to carry much.

      The sausages and cheese I have bought in Canolo yesterday have been very spicy and salty. It tastes not bad, but it is not really the best hiking food. The cheese gets also greasy if it gets warm. It is a mess to handle it.

      We've made it to Fabria quite good in time. So I decided to hike into it and go shopping for dog food especially. The mini supermarket has not had it. But she was speaking s but German and organized it. The Ferramenta (hardware) sie in town has had it. So I got 2kg. I must remember. Probably it is in other villages the same

      Now I have found a nice modern Cafe and charge the phones. So I can do an early start tomorrow again.

      54.000 steps - 41km
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 26

      Passo di Pietra Spada

      7 Haziran 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Heute sollte es nach einem weiteren Bummel durch die Stadt und einem Bad im Meer auf die andere Seite der Halbinsel gehen. Wir hatten uns da eine landschaftlich schöne Route herausgesucht. Google war mit unserer Wahl nicht so ganz einverstanden, konnte letztendlich aber überzeugt werden. So ging es von Meereshöhe auf den 1350 Meter hohen Pass Pietra Spada. Die Straße konnte zeitweise nicht als solche bezeichnet werden, eher Schotterpiste mit Teeranteilen. Vorbei an vielen Lost Places, auch an einer Ghost Town haben wir nach etwa 4 Stunden das Meer auf der anderen Seite erreicht. Ja, so kann eine Passüberquerung tagfüllend sein.....Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 26

      Villaggio Camping Poseidon

      7 Haziran 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Heute sollte es Campingplatz werden. Bei P4N klang der Platz Villaggio Camping Poseidon eigentlich ganz nett: "Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Platz am Meer sind, an dem Sie im Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen oder Zelt übernachten und neue Energie tanken können, sind Sie hier genau richtig!"
      Leider war die Zufahrt mit einer Kette versperrt und kein einziger anderer Camper stand auf dem Platz, OK, dann nicht! Wir haben uns schon nach Alternativen umgesehen als jemand kam. Eigentlich ist zu aber kein Problem, nun stehen wir als einziger Gast auf dem Campingplatz auf der Düne mit Meerblick. Cool! Gleich geht's nochmal ins Meer.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 38

      On the way to Serra San Bruno

      28 Nisan 2023, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today had been a nice sunny day. So forest walking. I haven't taken almost any pictures. It is just the same. The path had been a first road or sometimes a trail. Easy. A great day for relaxing. After having had a coffee and ice cream in the morning in Montana, I started chatting with a friend and actually calling her and chatting for an hour. Another hiking hour later, I've met a Hermon fellow sitting in the sun, eating and chatting. Lupo always used the break to sleep and rest.
      Normally we've wanted to hike into Serra San Bruno. The timing would be better. 40km after that village, there is another village with the last small supermarket, where I need to buy food for 3-4 days. Sunday here shops are closed and Monday is a holiday. And bigger supermarkets who have open in the morning will we not approach soon anymore.
      So 8km before San Bruno we stopped in the forest at a small stable. 7pm. So we slept early.
      9pm Lupo suddenly growled. A dog about 50m away started to bark. It was already dark! Here in the middle of nowhere a dog arrived at night! Lupo laid down again. So did I. I just did the same as my dog. The result was that the other dog barked for about 30min. But he did not approached us. Then it stopped. I knew he is still around. The barking started only a few times at night. So all in all it was fine. Actually at the end I have not seen that dog even once.

      38.000 steps - 28.5km
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 27


      8 Haziran 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Für ein Döschen ging es nach Frühstück und Morgenbad im Meer nach Badolato. Ein typisches italienisches Bergdorf mit extrem steilen Straßen, einige Häuser gut in Schuss, andere kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch. Zum Glück habe ich einen Parkplatz vor dem Ort gefunden, Google hätte mich in eine schmale, steile Sackgasse geführt. Dort ging es zunächst zur Cesa dell' Immacolata, die Kirche der "Unbefleckten Empfängnis". Sie steht auf einem Hügel in 250 Metern Höhe, von dem man ein herrliches Panorama genießen kann. Puh, so steile Gassen sind ganz schön anstrengend.Okumaya devam et

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