San Biagio

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    • Dag 3


      2. juni, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Hoje está um dia ligeiramente fresco e com chuva. Enfiámos os casacos e seguimos caminho. A primeira paragem foi na igreja .... Onde encontramos um presépio gigante e tentei explicar um pouco da história a Benji.

      Como não parava de chover, fomos visitar a Cantina Ercolani, dizendo ao Benji que era a gruta do lobo. Claro que não conseguimos nem ler, nem ouvir a história da adega, apenas inventamos que o lobo estava a dormir num dos barris e que os outros tinham vinho para o papá e para a mamã. Dizia ele:"xiuuu o lobo está a dormir" e queria calar um senhor que andava a tossir e podia acordar o lobo.

      Montepuliciano é muito conhecido pelo seu vinho nobre e pelas suas dezenas de adegas (cantina) muitas delas construídos no subsolo por baixo dos edifícios históricos.
      Apanhámos um mini autocarro com explicação áudio de cada ponto que nos permitia sair e voltar a entrar. Percebemos logo que foi uma excelente ideia. Para além de chover esta cidade tem um grande declive e nunca teríamos chegado ao ponto mais alto se não fosse assim.
      Aqui comemos no restaurante Romantico, uma explosão gastronómica, entre sopa de tomate e ricota, uma tarte de espargos, uma seleção de queijo e a finalizar com tiramisu. O único problema é que este Benji está se a habituar a comer do bom e do melhor e qualquer dia não vai querer comer na cantina da escola.
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    • Day 27 - Tuscany

      5. august 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Today we woke up in Tuscany to rolling hills and fruit trees out the window with hardly any noise around!

      We had talked to Gianni last night about places to see and do, I already had some thoughts but he added to them and made our plans concrete.
      We first off drove to Bangui Di San Filipino, a sulphurous hot spring surrounded by thick pine forest and limestone hills. This isn’t as busy as some in the area, it did get busy as we were leaving though. We soaked for an hour, it rained a little and as the temperature was about 17degrees, hot springs was a very nice touch to start the day. I was very happy that afterwards our skin felt very soft instead of feeling like I had just bathed in sulphurous water!

      After the hot pools, we drove over the a village called Radiofani, this has Fortezza Di Radicofani that is dated back somewhere to 973AD, this is a fortress that can be seen far and wide - we saw this ages away before coming in the area while driving. It sits at 810m above sea level.
      We walked around the village, grabbed lunch from a local grocer that makes sandwiches and sat in a sunny court eating away.
      This village had amazing views of the country side we admired from different points, every where you look you see another village in the distance.

      After this we drove to Bagno Vignoni, it situated on a hill above the Val d'Orcia in Tuscany. It is a popular tourist destination and well known for its hot springs, the Romans used to bath in the square now where you can admire the water from restaurants or the path around the square. The swimming area is down below the town, but as the water has to travel and jump a waterfall, by the time it hits the pool it is cooler than up top. This would be nice on a hot day though. We had some coffee in town and walked around admiring the old buildings.

      We then drove to a fortress 10minutes away we could see sitting on a hilltop, Rocca di Tentennano. Built as an extension of the rocky spur, and surrounded by several walls that made it unbeatable to any type of attack, the Rocca di Tentennano is the only fortress in the Val d'Orcia that has never been conquered by force. The Spanish tried a number of times but never succeeded.

      We knew we had to sort dinner so we drove back to Montepulciano and parked the car. Went into a local grocery for supplies and browse the weird and wonderful things - milk cartons that contain wine! - we then booked into dinner at La Vineria di Montepulciano, number one on trip advisor for their cheese and meat boards for 7pm. We had an hour to kill so walked around the beautiful village of Montepulciano, taking in the views from the hill where we could and the amazing buildings.
      We went back for dinner and if any one reading this has a trip to Tuscany, come to this restaurant, this was the best meat and cheese board and the house wine was fantastic. The servers were really nice as well - you may not like the music but we had a great time to the upbeat music playing!
      For those playing at home, Montepulciano has played host to the Twilight movies of late… No I didn’t know this until tonight FYI!

      We ventured back to our BnB where we watched the sunset in the horizon… romantic and cheesy yes I know! I am now sampling the wine bottle I mentioned with Katie proof reading everything I am writing as Katie doesn’t drink red wine… sorry to her, this is beautiful wine!
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    • Dag 23

      Umgeben von Wein in Montepulciano

      22. mai 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Weinberge wohin das Auge reicht auf dem Weg in die Hügelstadt Montepulciano. Nach einem kurzen Abstecher in die Stadt, ging es für uns weiter in Richtung Val d'Orcia. Das Tal gehört zu den schönsten Landschaften der Toskana und wir bekommen nicht genug von diesen traumhaften Aussichtspunkten.Les mer

    • Dag 34

      #17 Montepulciano

      29. mai, Italia

      Gerade bin ich zurück nach Florenz gekommen, musste mich erstmal orientieren und alles "aufsetzen". Heute bekomme ich Besuch aus Deutschland, daher werde ich erstmal keinen neuen Beitrag schaffen. Aber hier schonmal ein paar wundervolle Fotos aus Montepulciano!

      Da Montepulciano mittlerweile recht lange her ist, hier nur stichwortartig, was mir noch im Gedächtnis ist:
      - Montepulciano ist wunderschön und genau so, wie man sich ein typisch toskanisches Dorf vorstellt: wahnsinnig viel grün, die charakteristischen schlanken Zypressen
      - leider ist es auch wahnsinnig touristisch. Das bedeutet, dass man kaum Einheimische trifft und alles teuer und das Meiste weniger hochwertig oder authentisch ist - so zumindest hatte ich das Gefühl
      - der Wein ist SEHR lecker!
      - Hier gibt es ein Foltermuseum - faszinierend, abschreckend und krass, was hier im Mittelalter so für Praktiken angewendet wurden!
      - das vierte und fünfte Foto zeigen Teil des unterirdischen Tunnelsystems von Montepulciano, wo unter anderem geheime Treffen abgehalten wurden.
      - Montepulciano wirkt insgesamt sehr mittelalterlich und ich komme mir vor wie in einer anderen Zeit
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    • Dag 22

      Weingebiet Montepulciano

      30. juni 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Heute ging unsere Reise weiter in eines der berühmtesten Weingebiete Europas! Wunderschön waren auch die beeindruckenden Zypressen Alleen die es hier überall zu sehen gibt! In Montepulciano wurden wir von einem heftigen Gewitter mit sintflutartigen Regenfällen „überrascht“! Dann ging die Fahrt weiter nach Castiglione della Pesciaia. Ein schöner Ferienort am Meer.Les mer

    • Dag 9


      20. juli 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Jetzt aber wirklich der allerletzte Städtetrip. Montepulciano, zum Teil Drehort des zweiten Teils der Biss-Reihe. Namentlich genannt als Volterra, wurde wirklich gedreht in Montepulciano.
      Morgen geht's dann ans Meer und es gibt sicher nicht mehr so viele Footprints.Les mer

    • Dag 32

      Cantina Gattavecchi

      9. juni 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Historic winery of Montepulciano, Gattavecchi is the name of a family engaged for four generations in wine production.
      In the late 1940s, Valente Gattavecchi rebuilt, with the help of his mother Sidonia, the wine business of his grandfather Vincenzo, tragically interrupted after the bombings of 1944. With the purchase in 1958 of the Simoneschi-Baroncelli winery, which had already belonged to the fourteenth-century convent of the Servite Fathers, the Nobile Gattavecchi is placed to mature in a unique and ideal environment.
      Selected grapes, coming from the farms of Argiano, Cervognano, Le Caggiole, are vinified to produce a high level Noble Wine. We had the pleasure of sampling a few wines along with local charcuterie from the farm. The cellar was impressive, which dated back a thousand years to the etrucean times.
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    • Dag 32

      Montepulciano, Tuscany

      9. juni 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      On the ridge that divides the Val D'Orcia from the Val di Chiana, Montepulciano stands on a the hilltop. Everywhere you turn you are confronted with views made for postcards of vineyards and the beautiful Tuscan landscape. Thanks to its superb vineyards, the Montepulciano area is considered one of the finest winemaking regions in the world. Every August the contrades (burrows of the town) compete in a race to push massive wine barrels through the neighborhood. It's their version of the Palio di Siena we mentioned earlier.…
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    • Dag 74

      Montepulciano Day 1

      23. november 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Montepulciano is a quaint medival town. Very difficult to get to by public transport because it is difficult to find and or takes hours to get here. Ruby finally found a route that took a bus, train and bus from Firenze.

      Our host at the Airbnb was very good and did give us very clear instructions how to get here and finished by saying that it was a mere 150m walk from the bus stop to the apartment. What he didn't tell us was 150 m up steep steps. In the last 20 steps or so, a lovely young man bounded down from above, like an angel, and asked if we needed help. He then gathered all our bags and bounded back up the steps despite protest from Ruby that we could manage the small bags ourselves. What a lovely kind strong man, another travel angel.

      Montepulciano is a sleepy town when we arrived. The sunset was beautiful.

      Osteria Aquacheta for dinner was an interesting experience. We were seated at the end of a long bench right next to a family of 4 from Texas. The culture in this restaurant was you just speak to the person next to you and the family from Texas assured us that Montepulciano transform and comes to life in Saturday and Sunday because the locals from neighbouring towns come to the Christmas markets. Another interesting event was when we ordered a 250ml carafe of house wine. Carafe came, and waiter said something about one glass, so we thought we only get one wine glass for this small amount of wine, but no wine glass came. When we asked again for a wine glass, after more Italian/English explanation, we realised what he meant was that we have to use our glass for water for the wine as well. One glass.

      Distance walked 7.7 km
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    • Dag 6

      Rapolano Terme und Montepulciano

      28. mars, Italia ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Da wir gestern nicht zum Baden kamen, fuhren wir gegen Mittag los zur Terme San Giovanni in Rapolano. Es waren grosse Schwefelbäder. Der Geschmack dieser war sehr speziell aber man gewöhnte sich bald daran und wir konnten uns entspannen.
      Nach dem Baden kam wie üblich der Hunger.

      Nach der Pasta Überdosis der letzten Tage suchten wir uns in Montepulciano eine Pizzeria. Die Pizzeria Lieviti erfüllte all unsere Wünsche.
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