Sestière di Santa Croce

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    • Day 6


      June 22, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      One of our two shorter legs, we had about a day and a half here. Honestly, I was not enormously excited about going here, and it mostly met my expectations for it. There’s something both interesting and depressing about visiting a once-great city who is now obviously in an accelerated decline.Read more

    • Day 25


      October 12, 2015 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Took the train from Munich to Venice , passing though Verona , got to see the country side change from little hamlets near the Alps to countryside vineyards. We arrived in the evening and took a Vaporetto ride up the Grand Canal while listening to Rick Steves audio guide , then we went around St. Marks square while also taking in an audio tour. Had dinner in an Italian tapas restaurant and roamed the practically empty but safe streets at night.Read more

    • Day 4


      July 18, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Heute ging es wieder relativ früh raus (zumindest für Urlaub 😁) und auf nach Venedig. Da Venedig komplett auto-/ rollerfrei ist und die Parkhäuser am "Eingang" der Insel sehr begehrt sind, haben wir uns hier im Voraus einen Parkplatz zu einem ziemlich stolzen Preis gebucht. Aber so waren wir immerhin direkt mitten im Geschehen.

      Wir schlendern kreuz und quer durch die Stadt, durch kleine Gassen und über diverse Brücken. Sich hier zurecht zu finden ist gar nicht so einfach, da die Wege aufgrund von Kanalzugängen ohne Brücke oft nicht da enden wo anfangs angenommen. Trotzdem sehen die Distanzen auf der Karte doch deutlich länger aus als sie tatsächlichen sind, sodass man relativ schnell durch die Stadt kommt.
      Um bei dem Wetter gut hydriert zu bleiben, legen wir ein paar Pausen ein und gönnen uns das ein oder andere Kaltgetränk 😁. Zu unserer anfänglichen Verwunderung wird der Aperol hier mit einer Olive serviert, welches jedoch erstaunlich gut ist. Nachdem wir unzählige Kanäle und einige Plätze gesehen und uns gegen eine Gondelfahrt (60€ für 2 Personen 🤯) entschieden haben, wurde es langsam Zeit, wieder in Richtung Torbole aufzubrechen.

      Die von Kanälen durchzogen Insel ist auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert, auch wenn wir finden, dass sie abseits des Canal Grande bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen nicht gerade sonderlich schön ist. Es gibt unzählige alte, verlassene Häuser welche sehr verwahrlost wirken und mit Graffiti besprüht sind. Wir treffen die Annahme, dass in der Altstadt von Venedig, also auf der Insel, wohl nicht mehr sonderlich viele Einheimische wohnen und nur der Canal Grande und die Touristenregionen drum herum so wirklich gepflegt werden. Die Pflege der Brücken und des Markusplatzes wird auch von unzähligen Leuten bei Instagram-Shootings gewürdigt 😀.
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    • Day 17


      June 3, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Wow! I think this city was my favourite so far!

      Our campground wasn't actually in Venice, but a short ride over by water taxi. The mosquitos (mozzies, in Aussie-speak) were noteworthy, but the bug repellant helped.

      Venice is actually made up of 118 islands that are connected by hundreds of bridges of various types and sizes; everything from the opulent Rialto Bridge and Bridge of Sighs to a regular footbridge. St. Mark is the patron saint of Venice and the Basilica named in his honour is quite spectacular and the only works of art inside are mosaics. The basilica opens up onto St Mark's Square, which is quite large and home to thousands of pigeons.

      We started off our full day in Venice bright and early with a walking tour led by a really terrific tour guide that lives in Venice - she even pointed out her house. There are over 120 churches because, historically, each island had at least one church. There are no cars or bicycles permitted in Venice, which is great for walking around, buy it's an extra challenge to move goods (and even garbage) around the city, so everything is moved using hand carts (definitely contribute to the high cost of Venice).

      We had free time after our walking tour ended in St Mark's Square, so a group of us hit some of the high points (Rialto and Sighs) and went exploring. In case of emergency, we had a Mario, but it was fun just walking around the tiny streets, looking in shops, gelato and food multiple times. A few of us found a little restaurant and spent a couple of hours with pasta and vino, then we meet up with the whole group for gondola rides.

      Gondolas are pretty much exclusively for tourists at this point and I'm glad to have experienced it. There were six of us per gondola and our gondolier was one his cell phone almost the entire time, which kind of stunted what I'd pictured, but it was near anyway.

      I'd mentioned to Cobey and Amelio how much I enjoy bringing back art from trips because it's something that I can display at home and bring back memories from travels. As we were walking back from the gondolas, they came across a man drawing with charcoal and they brought me over... His pieces were amazing! It was a tough decision, but I decided on a charcoal sketch of the Bridge of Sighs. Perfect, since I was definitely hoping to find something in black and white for home. It won't smudge and is sandwiched in cardboard to keep it safe until I get home! I took a photo with the artist and Cobey took a time-lapse of his sketching while I was deciding... Amazing!

      It's hard to explain, but I really enjoyed the vibe of the city as a whole. I'm glad I found a terrific souvenir from this terrific city!
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    • Day 26

      Venice hotel

      June 30, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Here is the view from our room in the hotel. Not a bad place to be stuck for 2 days, eh?

      It is a very old fashioned hotel with big clunky room keys that you leave at the desk when you go out. That is a first for hotels on this trip. There is also a cord hanging in the shower that you can pull to ring an alarm if you fall. It is so tempting to use as a clothesline that I suspect it has been disconnected, but I am not going to test it out.

      Speaking of accommodations here are some interesting things I have noticed about European bathrooms so far (some I knew and some were news to me):
      - every single bathroom, every single public toilet stall has its own toilet cleaning brush. Heaven forbid there would be cross contamination.
      - (almost) every single full bathroom or women's toilet stall I have been in has a dispenser for little plastic bags hanging on the wall
      - we didn't see bidets until we got to Italy and have seen them in both hotels so far
      - washcloths are rarely found in hotels. Evidently many Europeans would sooner use someone else's underwear before using a public washcloth.
      - Italian hotels provide bath towels and towels I would liken to linen dish cloths. No other small hand towels. I think it goes along with the bidet thing.
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    • Day 3

      Chiesa dei Ss. Geremia e Lucia

      August 25, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Ein Geschäft in der Kapelle Santa Reparata?
      Ah, "Verborgenes Venedig".
      Nichts zu finden...
      Laut Auskunft: "...gibt es nicht mehr..."

      Die Kirche birgt die sterblichen Überreste der Heiligen Lucia von Syrakus, einer der am meisten verehrten Heiligen der Christenheit.
      Na dann...
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    • Day 5

      Explore Venice

      June 23, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We had an extremely late start. We originally planned to eat breakfast at the Rialto Fish Market but by the time that we got there, the vendors had already started closing down. Instead, we had brunch at a Pizzeria, Farini, where the pizza was simple but delicious. After our meal, we crossed over the famous Ponte di Rialto (Rialto bridge). It was extremely crowded and honestly, it looks better in the photos. There was, however, a great view of the Grand Canal and a great photo spot. After we crossed the bridge we were confronted with the grand St. Mark’s Basilica. This was one of the few Basilicas we went to that was as grand on the inside as the outside. Since the tickets were free there were enormous lines. It took at least 30 minutes to get in. Once we entered we were greeted with the huge murals that covered all the walls. We also laid out eyes upon the Basilicas most precious treasure, a nail from Christ’s cross. After our adventure through the Basilica and it’s terraces we decided to just walk by Doge’s Palace without entering it. We were tired and thirsty and decided to stop at a cafe for Coffee and gelato. After our quick snack, the plan was to go back toward the apartment. On the way, however, we joined a line for a gondola ride, since we knew we could not leave without doing one. It was a wonderful experience since it wasn’t that hot. We took a lot of photos, relaxed, and enjoyed Venice by boat. After our quick detour, we still headed back to the apartment and took a nap. That evening we had planned to eat dinner in the Cannaregio area but decided to eat close to the flat and call it a day.Read more

    • Day 16

      Trattoria Alla Palazzina, Venice

      September 14, 2018 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      We ended our day at a lovely restaurant just around the corner from where we are staying. We needed somewhere close to home so we wouldn’t have to walk far. And I had been hanging out for authentic Italian gnocchi since our last visit to Italy.

      Unfortunately I was very disappointed with my meal, it tasted like little potato pellets with tin tomato sauce. Brad on the other hand was exceptionally pleased with his seafood pasta, piled high with fresh seafood. He was not disappointed at all. The biggest thing for the night was Brad actually ordered a glass of wine with his meal - first time ever!!

      We sat out in the lovely garden bar, Brad enjoyed his meal, we both enjoyed the Italian wine, and we really enjoyed the slightly cooler temperatures.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sestière di Santa Croce, Sestiere di Santa Croce

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