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    • Dag 4

      2 Pässe und Tirano

      22 augustus 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nach einem guten Frühstück sind wir quer durch die Schweiz in Richtung Chur gefahren. Bis dahin war alles Autobahn. Kurz hinter Chur ging es links zum Julierpass ab. In Savognin, wo wir 2008 wunderschöne Ferien mit den Kiddys verlebten, haben wir eine Ehrenrunde gedreht. Leider hatte der Bäcker Mittagspause. Also weiter in Richtung Bivio auf 2284 m und dann runter nach St. Moritz und auf zum nächsten Pass. Diesmal der BERNINA Pass. Viele Radfahrer haben den 2330 m hohen Gipfel des Passes erreicht und sich oben in dem eiskalten Wasser mit sichtlich viel Spaß erfrischt.
      Nach 40 km sind wir dann in Tirano angekommen. Zwischendurch sind wir immer wieder über und auf Schienen gefahren, die, wie man auf dem einen Bild sieht, zur Rhätischen Bahn gehören. Ich bin gespannt, wo wir morgen mit dem BERNINA Express lang fahren.
      Den haben wir natürlich nach dem Abendessen auch noch pünktlich um 17.59 Uhr einfahren sehen.
      Gute Nacht und morgen könnt ihr auf den Bericht von der Bahnfahrt gespannt sein.
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    • Dag 12–13

      Door de Alpen

      6 november 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Vlotte verbindingen na een vroeg vertrek. Vanaf Zürich waren de meren al mooi; Na Thusis werd het uitzicht alleen maar mooier. De forse ramen gaven een ruimer beeld dan de camera kon grijpen en de lege coupees stelden ons in staat om hiertoe van bak- naar stuurboord te bewegen. Ann beschikt natuurlijk over de mooiste fotos en ze had haar camera bij zich voor dit doel. Ze zullen hier nog wel eens verschijnen. Dat het raam hiervoor af en toe open moest werd door 1 medepassagier minder gewaardeerd.
      In St. Moritz hadden we overstaptijd genoeg voor koffie met iets en bij Miralago werden we bijna verleid om op de stopknop te drukken voor het station (Ja, net als in de bus) .
      In Tirano (It) zijn de prijzen wat normaler maar de restaurant tijden al weer zuidelijk: de hongerig aangekomen reiziger moet tot 19.00 rondom het spaarzame restaurant blijven cirkelen
      Morgen naar Milaan.
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    • Dag 5

      Day 5 - Como & Colico

      9 september 2022, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Vandaag was erg chaotisch. ‘S ochtends hebben wij nog even bij het meer gezeten en daarna zijn we naar het station gegaan. Alleen toen we daar aan kwamen werd onze trein gecancelled en bleek dat er een staking was bij de treinen. Toen zochten we een andere weg om te reizen en zagen we dat we ook met de ferry konden gaan. Alleen ging die pas 2 uur later dus hebben we nog langer kunnen zitten bij het Como meer. Gelukkig is Como heel mooi dus het was niet zo erg dat we er langer moesten blijven. Toen we eindelijk met de ferry mee konden was er weer een heel mooi uitzicht vanuit de boot. Veel bergen. Maar toen waren we in Colico en bleek dat onze bus echt net weg was en de volgende bus ging pas over 2 uur dus zaten we weer vast in Colico !!!! Niet normaal. Maar oke ja daar was ook een mooi uitzicht over het meer, zeker een mooi stadje. En dan na lang wachten konden wij eindelijk met de bus mee naar Tirano.Meer informatie

    • Dag 4

      Day 4 - Nice & Como

      8 september 2022, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We hebben een tussenstop gedaan in Milaan en toen hebben we daar even rondgelopen. Het was heel warm. Daarna zijn we door gegaan naar Como en daar is echt een heel groot meer met uitzicht op de bergen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 6

      Day 6 - Tirano

      10 september 2022, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Vandaag was even een chill dag, heel even rond geweest in Tirano. Pizza en een ijsje gegeten. Maar toen zagen we op de weer app dat het ging regenen dus gingen we terug naar ons appartement maar ze hadden ons geprankt want het was gewoon heel de tijd zonnig !!!Meer informatie

    • Dag 29

      The Bernina Express to Tirano, Italy

      19 september 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Once again, we're winging it. The Bernina Express is another world-famous classic train ride. Our Eurail pass covers it, but not the $25 seat reservation for each person, each way. We're getting so used to just jumping on any train, that we didn't bother with the reservation. And we like the extra space in the first class compartment of the regional train.

      From St. Moritz, we headed south and soon encountered the first glacier we've seen from a train: the Morteratsch Glacier. It's lovely, but I just gotta say that the Glacier Express we just completed yesterday allows no views of glaciers and is by no means an express. It's like the Holy Roman Empire over here, in that none of these words describe reality. I'm not complaining, because we love the slow trains. But be warned that the Glacier Express is just a branding term.

      For most of the ride, there was just one other couple in our compartment. They were German and only the woman spoke English. They had traveled quite a bit in the US and were on a short vacation to Switzerland and even she commented on how expensive Switzerland was. All of us were excited to see the scenery and we had plenty of room to move around the compartment to change seats. They're from Straubing, in Bavaria and mentioned that their 50th wedding anniversary was this Saturday. They met at the Octoberfest in Staubing, the 2nd largest Octoberfest in Europe. Long live beer!

      There were dozens of bridges and tunnels on this stretch, and the engineering feats were impressive, especially towards the end of the ride at Busio, where the famous Busio spiral viaduct takes the train down at no more than a 7% grade in a corkscrew ramp. We ended at Tirano, Italy, which lies just south of the Swiss border. What a difference! It was under 40 degrees when we woke up in St. Moritz and we arrived to sunny 70 degree weather in Tirano. But that's not the only difference we noticed right away. Literally right after we crossed the border (no checkpoints, this is all the Schengen visa area) I noticed a shirt drying on a balcony. In the 10 days or so we were in Switzerland, I never saw laundry drying. Is there a law against it? It's not like they use clothes dryers a lot in these parts.

      People were more animated. They talked with their hands. Wine was literally 15 - 25% of the cost in Switzerland, just 5 miles north. Food was much cheaper at the store. Unfortunately, we've only got one night here. But we'll get back to Italy at the end of this trip.

      We walked around town after the other Bernese expressers caught trains out of town. Deanne stole a grape from a vinyard. Kids played in the park. Local guys drank and sang loudly at 4pm at the pub across the piazza from our apartment on a Monday. What a contrast to the reserved Switzerland we just left.

      We scored big time on the apartment I booked. It overlooks the main piazza near the station and was recently remodeled. And it's big by European standards

      In the morning, we backtrack on the same route we took, up to Chur. From there, we'll pass through Liechtenstein and make our way to Innsbruck, Austria. It should take about 7 hours. My thoughts on Switzerland are that it is indeed expensive. It wasn't much of a shock coming from Sweden and Denmark. However, it's a once in a lifetime experience for me. The air and water are so clean and everything just works. I've never seen such well-marked trails and signs. The cost of visiting the Grindelwald area is high, but considering the cost to run the trams and trains and the trail maintenance, it's well worth it.

      More photos and videos are here.
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    • Dag 5

      BERNINA Express

      23 augustus 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute 8.06 Uhr war es soweit. Pünktlicher Start mit dem BERNINA Express in Richtung Chur. 4:16 Std. hin und 4:25 Std zurück, Plätze am Fenster, feinste Sonnenstrahlen und Klimaanlage.
      Die Fahrt war wie in eine verzauberte Welt. Die Berge, Seen, Gletscher, Züge, Häuser, Kirchen, das viele Grün und die technische Höchstleistung, die Höhen zu überwinden.
      Bis auf den BERNINA Pass musste er teilweise pro km eine Steigung von 70 Metern überwinden. Viele Brücken und Tunnel halfen dabei. Manchmal etwas verwirrend, wo man wieder rauskommt.
      An der Alp Grüm hatten wir hinzu 20 min Pause, weil wir auf den entgegenkommenden Zug warten mussten, und konnten so herrliche Bilder vom Gletscher und dem Zug machen.
      Dann ging's erst mal wieder runter Richtung Tiefencastel, um dann den nächsten Anstieg zum Albulapass zu meistern.
      In Chur hatten wir eine reichliche Stunde Zeit und haben uns in einem Kaffee Kuchen und Eis schmecken lassen.
      Dann ging's die gleiche Strecke zurück. Wir hatten beides mal Glück, der Zug hinzu war wenig besetzt und unsere Nachbarplätze frei. Rückzu war der Zug voll, zum Glück waren unsere beiden Nachbarplätze wieder frei.
      Es war eine tolle Fahrt mit wahnsinnig schöner Landschaft.
      Heute Abend gab's Pizza und Buchweizennudeln mit regionalem Käse und Wirsing. Hier sind immer noch 30 Grad. Das ist schon am späten Abend ganz schön heiß.
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    • Dag 28

      Lake Como Train

      11 januari, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      Although today was little more than a travel day, it was one of the more interesting that I have had during my travels. This was because I would be able to finally visit Lake Como, something I missed in the first part of my trip due to financial constraints. Even still, I would just be seeing it via a train ride, and we wouldn't have any opportunity to stop and smell the roses. Nonetheless, it still made for a very exciting train ride and a nice travel day. After a few hours of taking photos and completing journals, we arrived at the small little town of Tirano. We arrived just as a lot of restaurants were beginning to close for the Italian ciesta, so rushed for a quick feed. After this, it was early afternoon, and so began to see what the small town had on offer. A part from a nice man-made river running through it, with the typical clear and light blue water from the alps, there wasn't a lot on offer. We walked to see a small cathedral that was built on the location in which the virgin Mary appeared to Mario Omodei, and although not looking like much from the outside, was spectacularly detailed on the inside. Every inch of the walls and rooves contained the statue or sculpture of an angel, a priest, a Saint, or some other religious figure. The patterns and detail that the cathedral contained made it one of the most shocking and surprising that I had seen. This was about it for our afternoon, we walked back along the river and had a drink in the afternoon before hitting the shops for some groceries and parking up for the night.Meer informatie

    • Dag 24

      Arrivederci Italy!

      29 mei 2018, Italië ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Travelled by train from Venice to Tirano, a small town near the Swiss border. The train ride was very pretty as it skirted Lake Como. Tirano is a lovely little town with an abundance of clothing stores, particularly those that sell bathers. Now I walked every street and didn't see a swimming pool, nor is it by the ocean, so by the sheer volume of bathers on sale every home here must have a hot tub.
      Graham spend the morning looking for boot polish as for some reason his boots are looking dull. Maybe it was when they went wading in Venice.
      We have had the most amazing time in Italy and had lots of laughs, made some fabulous memories, survived the Great Positano Flood of 2018 and more importantly managed to drive in Italy without killing anyone or getting killed (only hit one pedestrian). A miracle. If I had to give anyone Italy travel advice I would say a) get away (far, far away) from all the "tourist spots" and b) stop taking posing selfies of yourself girls!
      Next stop (drumroll please)..............SWITZERLAND.
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    • Dag 2

      Basilika Madonna di Tirano

      19 september 2021, Italië ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Die 1528 geweihte Kirche wurde laut der Legende einem Feigenpflücker von der Jungfrau Maria persönlich in Auftrag gegeben, als Gegenleistung dafür erlöste sie die Stadt Tirano und Umgebung von der Pest.

      Obschon andere Gebiete zu dieser Zeit auch ohne Kirchenbau vom Schwarzen Tod befreit wurden, verdankt Tirano diesem Umstand eine aussen und innen sehr reich geschmückte Basilika. Neben zahlreichen Fresken und vielen Stuckarbeiten ist dabei die (nicht zu übersehende) Orgel besonders prunkvoll.

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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Tirano, Тирано, Tiranum

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