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    • Day 1

      1. den: BA - Valdobbiadene

      July 24, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Dnes sme sa konecne dockali a po rannom “nalodeni” do nasho tatosa zaciname s pani M nasu letnu dovolenku. Objem batoziny uz vobec nekomentujem a k fotke iba dodavam, ze naozaj ideme iba dvaja ;) Presun z BA do prvej destinacie vo Voldobbiadene sme uspesne zvladli aj s jednou obcerstvovacou prestavkou v rakuskom Movenpicku za 7 hodin a 35 minut. Caka nas tu krasny domcek, ktory mame cely len pre nas, parada. Po rychlej hygiene vyrazame do okolia. Sme dost prekvapeni z dvoch veci. Za prve nemaju tu chodniky a za druhe vsetky vinarstva koncia ochutnavky o siestej, co sme tesne minuli. Teda skoro vsetky a nase usilie sa vyplatilo a zakotvili sme v rodinnom vinarstve Famiglia Scotta. A bolo super. Aj jedlo, aj prosecko. A sice nemali uplne otvorene, aj tak okolo nas kmitali. Dali sme dosticku predjedla, pani M gnocchi a ja stejcik. Vynikajuce, na jednotku. Naozaj home made. Z ich vlastnych proseciek sme postupne ochutnali Millesimato Extra Brut, Brut, Extra Dry. Dalsie Extra Dry sme uz s vidinou bliziacej sa burky nedali, tak sme si zobrali flasku so sebou a aby nebola smutna pridali sme aj jeden Brut ;-) No a dohodli sme, ze na druhy den doobeda si uz autom prideme nakupit aj nejake vacsie zasoby ;) Burka neprisla a tak sme vyuzili vonkajsie posedenie v nasom domceku a pri gycovej atmosfere zapalenych sviecok dali zatial neochutnane Extra Dry Prosecco … takisto vynikajuce. Burka vsak nakoniec predsa len dorazila a s nou dorazili hromy, blesky, krupy… kukni video, ako koniec sveta. Ale blesky a hromy zo vsetkych stran naraz, panoramaticka, 360stupnova apokalypsa, aku sme este nezazili, nevideli. Lihame spat unavani, tesiac sa na dalsie dni dovolenky, ale s vypadnutou elektrikou (a to nielen my, ale cele Valdobbiadene) a obavou, co spravili krupy s nasim milaskom vonku ;( … drzte palce.Read more

    • Day 120

      Veneto - Part Three: Valdobbiadene

      April 4 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      When buying Prosecco, we always look for DOC or DOCG Valdobbiadene on the label. It's the benchmark for quality Italian bubbly. We were, naturally, very excited to take the one hour bus ride from Conegliano for a day trip to the city bearing that name.

      The fact that the bus was almost empty should have tipped us off that something was wrong.

      The bus dropped us off very close to the main town square, which contains the requisite bell tower, municipal building, cathedral and what looks like the world's biggest bird bath. What it didn't have was people. It was like a ghost town. There were a couple of cafés open, but for the most part, it looked like it was a civic holiday.

      Where are all the enotecas and wine shops? We Googled where we could do wine tastings, and most of the better rated ones were far outside the city. Brenda found Casa Brunoro, with a 4.8 star rating and only a 28-minute walk from town. After yesterday's long walk through the hills around Conegliano, the last thing I wanted was another uphill climb, but that's exactly what we got. On the plus side, the winery and tasting were outstanding, and the winery deserves its high rating. We tried four different Proseccos and were shown the different types of soil from the different vineyards where the grapes were grown.

      After the tasting, we walked back down the hill into town, hoping to have a bite to eat, but, according to Google Maps, the closest open restaurant was back in Conegliano!

      Mamma mia!

      We found a cafe that served us some pretty good veggie sandwiches and then hopped on the bus for the return trip to Conegliano.

      Not our best day in Veneto, but at least we discovered Casa Brunoro.
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    • Day 10


      September 20, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      (Italenisch für kontrollierte und garantierte Herkunftsbezeichnung)

      Auf dem Weg zu unserem nächsten Zwischenziel stoppten wir heute bei schönstem Wetter in der Geburts- und einzig wahren Herkunftsregion des Prosecco, der Provinz Treviso. Traumhaft in den Südausläufern der Alpen gelegen, gedeihen hier tausende Rebstöcke in Reih und Glied, gesäumt von unzähligen Kelterein und Weinverkäufern. Geplant oder nicht - aber am heutigen Sonntag schien auch ein sehr günstiger Tag zur Weinernte, und so schlängten sich eine ganze Reihe, mit reifer Trauben voll beladener Traktoren durch die engen Straßen der Weinberge. Bevor wir weiter zogen ließen wir uns natürlich auch nicht die ein oder andere Kostprobe des leckeren Schaumweins entgehen...Read more

    • Day 29

      Valdobbiadene region

      June 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Today we travelled with Verena and Albert to their favourite prosecco region for a wonderful prosecco tasting followed by a fantastic meal at their favourite restaurant 😋

    • Day 12

      Casa di Stefano & Pantxoa

      September 5, 2015 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Wow, our fantastic home for the time being (until we get thrown out or decide to leave).
      Green all around, our own private apartment, a swimming pool, a bike to explore with (or scooter) and great company.
      We met so many new people already and have so many new invitations, it's overwhelming.
      The first few days, so far, have been tranquil and restorative. But it won't go on fo long, they have so may plans for us... fantastic :)
      I love Europe.
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