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    • Giorno 29

      Important Stop

      24 maggio 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      We had to buy another bottle of sciacchetra (shah-kay-TRAH).

      Sciacchetrà is a sweet wine produced in the rugged hills of the Cinque Terre region in Italy. This exquisite dessert wine is made from a combination of Bosco, Albarola, and Vermentino grapes that are left to dry on racks after harvest. The drying process concentrates the flavors and sugars, resulting in a luscious, amber-colored wine with rich notes of dried fruits, honey, and floral undertones. Sciacchetrà is typically enjoyed on special occasions and pairs beautifully with desserts and aged cheeses. It is a true expression of the unique terroir and winemaking traditions of the Cinque Terre region, and a delight for wine enthusiasts seeking a taste of Italian excellence.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 15

      Cinque Terre

      30 settembre 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We left the hotel early so we could catch the 8.15am train to Monterosso al Mare before the crowds arrived. We went to the Focaccia bakeries to get an early warm slice of freshly baked local delicacy.
      We then went for a swim before wandering through the old city and then caught a train to Vernazza. I climbed up high to get a high vantage point over the picturesque city on the high hills of the coast.
      We traveled again by train to Manarolo and it was in the i in which we spent a couple of hours swimming in the most amazing azure waters from which the steep mountains fell precipitously into the Mediterranean from a huge height, mountains on which houses are stacked up on each other and are made more beautiful by the iconic wall colours and contrasting shutters on the windows.
      The last village we visited was Riomaggiore and we swam in two places in this village. We stayed until the sun was sinking into the west and then we boarded the train with wet swimmers to travel back to La Spezia, where, after a shower and a change of clothes, we ventured forth to enjoy dinner for the last night in amongst the myriad of pizza and pasta restaurants that line the cobbled streets.
      Geoff York took the record for the most swims of the day. He swam in seven separate beach locations in the villages we visited during an amazing day. Weather perfect, scenery even better, swimming in the aquamarine water of the Mediterranean was the best.
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    • Giorno 6

      Tag 5 | Cinque Terre

      5 luglio 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Der letzte Tag in den Cinque Terre verläuft für mich ruhig. Ich bereite mich auf die morgige Weiterreise nach Rom vor und genieße am Abend noch ein letztes Mal die Aussicht und den Sonnenuntergang vom Strand aus. 🦀🌴Leggi altro

    • Giorno 6


      27 luglio 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Hüt heimer dr Zug vo Moneglia nach Vernazza gno, is Härz vor Cinque Terre. Dert hei mer üs die dezänt überfüllti Stadt agluegt u si denn ar Küste na gwanderet. Es isch sehr schön gsi und mau e tolli Abwächslig zu de Täg ufem Velo.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 31

      Fire in the Foothills

      26 maggio 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      We heard a helicopter and looked up to see smoke coming from the hillside above Vernazza. They lowered someone down and the fire was out within minutes. All of the hikers on the trail turned around and came back quickly!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 10

      Cinque Terre

      10 ottobre 2020, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Passage obligé dans les tant vantées Cinque Terre, qui n'ont pas volé leur réputation.
      2 jours de randonnée sur des sentiers escarpés reliant 5 petits villages aux maisons colorées, nichés sur des falaises ou dans des criques de pirates. Une vue éblouissante sur la méditerranée, une petite baignade bien fraîche dans une eau turquoise de carte postale et en récompense aux quelques efforts de grimpette, un petit verre sur un presque couché de soleil. Limoncello et caïpirinha (car la qualité d'un bar se mesure à son savoir-faire une bonne caïpi 🧐).
      La découverte botanique du jour : un petit fruit rouge-orangé suspect au premier abord, mais délicieux qui s'avère être le fruit de l'arbousier, ou arbre à fraises.
      Pour ceux qui n'aiment pas marcher, il est possible de relier ces 5 villages en train ou en bateau, 20 minutes séparent alors les 2 plus distants, contre 10h à pied 🤪.
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    • Giorno 5

      5 terre Lovestory III

      30 agosto 2019, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Corniglia: ein bisschen vom Bahnhof entfernt, Treppen gesichtet, die zum genannten Dorf führten welches sich wohl auf einem Berg befindet. Sarah: „Boah scheiße Jaquie nee!! Ist bestimmt schön da oben... wir kommen wann anders nochmal wieder“
      Man hörte leidvolle Beschwerden aufgrund des Wetters und des schweren Gepäcks. Am Bahnhof mit Meerausblick sitzen ist aber auch ganz fein
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    • Giorno 29

      Travel day to La Spezia, Cinque Terre

      11 aprile 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Our day started off with a stop at Poste Italia. I was hoping for a UPS store experience but unfortunately I got a typical Italian experience. Slow…Gabe was losing his mind. We got some things packed up into a medium sized box and shipped it home. It cost $36 euros. I thought that was pretty good. We are out of room in the car. We finally got on the road to La Spezia. It’s the town we are going to sleep in for the night while we visit the Cinque Terre or the 5 towns. Cinque = 5, Terre= Towns.
      Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso
      We drove straight to Riomaggiore. Which is the 1st town . We parked and walked down 100+ steps to the marina. Gabe rented us a little boat to see the towns from the water. The boat company suggested we get here as soon as possible because the weather is going to be bad for the next few days. So we got a layered up with gloves, beanies and rain jackets. Even though it was chilly and foggy, the views are beautiful. Seeing the towns from the water is a must! We were starving of course. A family walked in front of me carrying a paper cone filled with Fritto Misto!. Shrimp, calamari, fish, fries…Yumm. I pulled out my phone and found the place. Andrew was in heaven because they had fish and chips. Renee got chicken nuggets which were pretty good. We didn’t get a photo of this. Next time…
      Our boat guide was a nice, young man from La Spezia who likes to surf. He told Andrew about surfing in the area. We pulled into the marina in Vernazza to have a little walk around. They have cute shops and lots of restaurants. This town is what the movie Luca was filmed based around.
      We got back on the boat and finished the tour down the coast line. It’s not very long. Approximately 2 miles. Lots of people hike from each town but its very hilly and there are tons of steps. It takes approx 5 hours to walk to all the towns. That’s why there is a train and its so easy. Just hop on and off. The ride back to the marina was interesting. The weather was much worse and the rain started. We did have a cover thankfully. But we all for sure got wet.
      We walked back to the car and Gabe got his first parking ticket. Oops. We drove back to La Spezia and checked into the hotel. Our suitcases would not fit in the elevator because its so small. So we had to walk up 5 flights of stairs. Oh we haven’t discussed how the floors here are 0,1,2,3…So the 5th floor is really the 6th.
      We took the boat captains recommendation for dinner and walked over around 7:30pm. I had a different version of bean soup. It was chickpea and farro. La Spezia seems to be a nice town. It’s a huge shipping port. And the Italian Navy has a base there. The ships were super cool to see docked in the harbor.

      Cinque Terre is a National Park and a UNESCO world heritage site.

      **Laundry saga - Things have been going well with the washers. I successfully washed at the townhouse and they had a laundry line outside in the yard. I still don’t want to hang dry undies and socks. Hoping to find a coin operated laundry soon.
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    • Giorno 3

      Cinque Terra day3

      14 settembre 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      To continue, we took a fast train to La Spezia, which was quite a beautiful ride in the countryside. We would see little towns, and the next thing we were, by the ocean enjoying its beauty. We saw the Carrara quartz mine on the hills of Carrara. You could see the pattern of quartz chipped out of the mountainside. At first, it looked like snow, but it is just too damn hot for that today. A regional train took us on a short trip to Corniglia. We missed the original train due to a delay, but we had no issues. Ron tried a few times to see if Linda would get off the train to get him a coffee before it left for the next station. She did not bite for that, and we are learning that the sibling rivalry is only going to get worse as the weeks go on. The fun began as we stood in the hot sun baking, waiting for the town shuttle to pick us up and bring us to the center of town in Corniglia. When we finally got on, we were packed like a can of sardines. I sure said my prayers as we are pretty high up and the roads are slim.
      Our accommodations are beautiful. All the single ladies have a full apartment with beautiful views of the ocean and town. The married ones have bedrooms pretty much, but a lovely garden terrace. Our first priority was going for gelato at Alberto's. 5€ for a large cup with two flavors. My choice was caramel and pistachio. There are so many flavors so many days to try it all. No one was disappointed. We enjoyed some local wine before going for dinner. Ron's wish is to have his Eat, Pray, Love story on this holiday. I quote him as saying, " I hope I find love on this holiday." He started by getting a single candle, but it is going to take much more than that, or he will just get burned. Our next blip was a mix-up with our reservation at the restaurant across from our door. Our mistake took us to a restaurant across town for dinner on short notice. CC for short came recommended by our Airbnb host. They took our reservation last minute, and the meal was a totally spontaneous fish dinner, head and all. It was an expensive piece of fish at almost 250€. It was served with potatoes, green salad with olive oil, and balsamic vinegar and bread for soaking. Again, it is very simple and enjoyable. We enjoyed a dry local white wine with dinner. Dessert was offered and taken. Tiramisu, lemoncake, chocolate cake, along with our first complimentary lemoncello in Italy. It is a panty remover compared to what we have experienced at home. The wait staff at the restaurant were awesome and did well with their recommendations. The town of Corniglia is quiet at night, and we were the loudest echoing off the walls of the town. We all went to bed after as we have a full day ahead for hiking, swimming, drinking, and eating tomorrow.
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    • Giorno 4

      a colorful day in liguria

      10 luglio 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      today we explored the cinque terre, which are 5 towns along the ligurian coast: Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore😊

      we ate breakfast there and attempted a hike. the hike turned out to be too hard for beginners like us so we turned around😅
      after our attempted hike we cooled down a little bit before travelling to the next town🙃

      we walked around this small village and spent a lot of time sitting at the coast where we enjoyed the calm sea in front of us🌊

      we skipped Corniglia since the walk up was too high and it was too hot for us to walk more stairs🥵

      we sat down for a short drink, which turned out to be very expensive😵
      we walked around the village and saw some nice mosaique floors

      the last stop on the cinque terre tour🙃
      in this town the famous pictures of cinque terre are made
      we finished our tour with lunch in a small café😋

      overall cinque terre are beautiful towns🥰
      but very touristic, which means more expensive and more tourists
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