Kagoshima Shi

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    • Dag 17

      Beim Vulkan zu Besuch

      21. maj, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Wir fahren heute mit dem feudalen Kagoshima-Tram mit Samtpolster zum Hafen und nehmen dort die Fähre rüber zum Sakurajima. Zu Fuss machen wir uns auf den Weg zum Yunohira Observatorium (373 müm). Eigentlich gibt's keinen Wanderweg hier hoch. Aber das gilt ja für uns zwei nicht😄.
      Nach gut 1 Stunde kommen auch wir tatsächlich an den Punkt, wo wir umdrehen müssen. Auf der Strasse geht's dann hoch zum Aussichtspunkt.
      Wenn's hier losgeht, empfiehlt es sich definitiv nicht hier zu sein. Der nächstgelegene Schutzbunker ist mehr 5km weit weg😱.
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    • Dag 10


      25. oktober 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Yesterday we arrived to Kagoshima which is southest, decently big city in Japan. This is also my southest location on earth that I've visited. It's souther than spanish somewhere on the same line with north africaLæs mere

    • Dag 153

      Kagoshima, Japan

      15. juni 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      Today is another short day in port.
      We missed first shuttle out of the port, so instead of waiting for 40min for another shuttle, we took a taxi to the center of the city. From there we were told we can take city bus or a tourist bus like hop-on-hop off to Sengan-en. It is is set as a traditional Japanese garden which was owned by the Shimadzu family (leading clan) for over 350 years.
      The first city bus came and it was not wheelchair accessible. Then tourist bus came and it was also not wheelchair accessible. We gave up and took another taxi to the gardens.
      Beautiful gardens with view of volcanic mountain. Not every path is accessible for a wheelchair, but we made the best we could.
      Back in taxi to the center of the city, we had a little time to walk before returning to our ship.
      The departure was scheduled at 3:00pm, but due to some problems we departed at 6:00pm.
      Those wonderful local people on the dock were entertained us for over 3 hours.
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    • Dag 186

      Kagoshima, Japan

      15. juni 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      New-to-us Port #54.

      Although we arrived at our berth in Kagoshima at 7:00a, the first shuttle to the city center — about 30 minutes away — wasn’t until an hour later. We easily made that shuttle and joined the surprisingly few passengers ready to set off for a day of independent sightseeing.

      At the shuttle drop-off, we confirmed our plan to use the City View Bus to get around the city today. This is a bus that links many of the sites of interest to tourists, but locals also use it like any other public bus. When we told the tourist rep at the stop that we wanted to go to Sengan-en first, she directed us to stop #3, the closest stop for the bus heading in that direction.

      Once on the bus, we opted to purchase the all-day pass from the driver. Mui was about to put the passes in his wallet when a fellow rider stopped him from doing so. She showed him how to scratch off the appropriate spots on the passes to display the date of purchase and activate it so that the next bus driver would not question the validity.

      The ride to Sengan-en was 20 minutes long, putting us there right around 9:20a. Helpful staff members directed us to the vending machines to purchase our admission. We decided to buy the combo ticket, which gave us access into the house as well as the grounds. All set, we stepped up to the gate, showed our tickets, picked up a map, and took a couple of candies from the box the attendant held out to us.

      Sengan-en is a Japanese-style landscape garden that, along with the house on the grounds, belonged to the Shimadzu clan. The estate was built in 1658 by the 19th head of the clan. The scenery is said to have been the inspiration for selecting this particular spot. The house has been rebuilt and expanded over the years since it was first constructed. It has hosted such dignitaries as Edward VIII of the UK and Czar Nicholas II of Russia.

      After a quick coffee break, we went directly to the house, wanting to explore inside before it got crowded. At the entrance to the house, we took off our shoes and put them in numbered cubbies. Then we went inside to wander around the beautiful home that was built in the mid 1880s. This was our first time inside a Japanese home and we were struck by the simplicity of the design.

      Eventually, we made it out into the grounds. Beautifully landscaped, lush green, and with the“borrowed scenery” of Kinkō Bay and Mt Sakurajima adding to the charm of the grounds. I have since figured out that “borrowed scenery” means incorporating background landscape into the composition of a garden. This is apparently an important element in traditional East Asian garden design.

      We could have easily spent more than the three hours we took to enjoy ourselves at Sengan-en … even had lunch at the restaurant overlooking the bay and the volcano. But our time in port was was short and I was hoping that we could enjoy a bit more of Kagoshima before needing to take the shuttle back to the ship.

      It was really too late to take the ferry across the bay to Sakura Island to see the lava fields of Mt Sakurajima. So, we listened to the descriptions given as the City View Bus approached various sites to see which one we wanted to visit next. Spotting a stone bridge that looked quite picturesque, we hopped off at stop #14 — Ishibashi Memorial Park.

      At the end of the Edo Period (late 19th century), a local lord had five bridges constructed to span the Kōtsuki River. These bridges were called Gosekkyō, which literally translates as “five stone bridges.” Back in the day lords and their sumurai were required to alternate living in Edo — current day Tokyo — with living on their feudal lands. They used these bridges to o travel to/from Edo. Unfortunately, during heavy floods in 1993, two of the bridges collapsed. The remaining three were relocated and restored at the Ishibashi Memorial Park.

      We had a mere 30 minutes before the next City View Bus arrived at our stop. Visiting all three bridges would have required more time than we had. Thus, we had to be satisfied with seeing just one of the bridges … the Nishidabashi … which is the largest of the three bridges. Limiting ourselves to one bridge allowed us to wander the grounds and also visit the museum that has exhibits showing the step-by-step process of constructing these bridges, and how they were moved to the park.

      Another short ride on the City View Bus returned us to the city center. This time we got off at stop #18. Spotting a covered market that was sure to yield some food options, we walked in that direction. We were wrong. Yes, there were a couple of pastry shops and an Italian restaurant, but we wanted something a little more fitting for Japan. No worries, we decided a meandering walk around the city instead, with no specific destination in mind, would have to suffice as our time in Kagoshima was quickly dwindling.

      All in all, another successful day of DIY sightseeing in Japan. A day that we wrapped up with a quiet stroll around the garden at the port before embarking Insignia.
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    • Dag 152

      Kagoshima, Japan - ERUPTION 2 of 2

      15. juni 2023, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Our time on the active volcano Mt. Sakurajima, which is not just 3,500 feet above the bay but 31 square miles, 32 miles in circumference and 3664 feet high was a unique experience.

      Smoke and ash are seen almost every day, sometimes along with louder mini-eruptions. They consider an eruption when the cloud of smoke raises 1,000 feet in the air. This day we were told it looked close to 1,000 but they can’t tell until the reports come in in subsequent days. Either way, we were safe …no lava flowing past us! The last major eruption was in 1914 where 3 billion tons of lava poured out and was so massive that when the lava hardened it bridged the bay connecting an island to Osumi Peninsula. The Arimua Observatory was the place you start your journey up and which was built on a volcanic hill created by another eruption in earlier times.

      We enjoyed this interesting excursion to a volcano and our third stop in Japan. When we got back to the ship and got on just before we were leaving we found out that there had been an “outage” on the ship, no elevators and everything running off of generators. This only delayed us a few hours as they corrected the problem and tested it. One of the interesting things was that the welcoming committee that had been at the dock from early in the day, insisted on staying until we left. They kept the red carpet rolled out, played music and even danced as the last few greeters held out until we pulled away. That’s hospitality!
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    • Dag 152

      Kagoshima, Japan - Overview 1 of 2

      15. juni 2023, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      We are in Kagoshima, the southern most major city on Japan’s large island of Kyushu. This area was ruled for over 700 years by the Shimadzu clan and became a big trading port at least since the mid 1800s. Kagoshima was highly influential in the Meiji Restoration (a major political revolution in 1868 that led to the overthrow of the shogunate period) because of its early access to foreign cultures, ideals, knowledge, and technology brought by sea trade. Japan was forced to open up to the world after US Commodore Matthew Perry’s Black Ships arrived in 1853.

      Kagoshima is the second largest producer of green tea. Sencha (in particular Gyokura) and Macha Black teas are also popular (i.e., Bancha, Genmaicha, and Himefukki). Personally, I would rather drink their sake. There are two types: Futsu-shu and Tokutei mesho-shu (the better stuff). Ginjo-shu and Namazake are served cold and Honjozo-shu and Junmai-shu are served warm.

      We spent our day here visiting the most iconic symbol of Kagoshima, the active volcano Mt. Sakurajima which towers 3,500 feet above the city and bay. As you can see here, a highlight was getting to Mt. Sakurajima, which took a bus and then a ferry to the island and a drive up to the volcano. The ferry was a pleasant 20 minute ride where we were told we had to try the noodles ... really, noodles on a public ferry. We were told they were the best and only took 30 seconds to make. In our case it took 32 seconds .. but we didn't mind since it tasted delicious! Life on Mt. Sakurajima is not easy when there is volcanic dust continuously falling (see posters in the photos).
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    • Dag 15


      26. marts, Japan ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Back in Japan, have to pass through immigration again. Windy, dry looks like might brighten up this pm. Taxi to the Sengan-en gardens. Japanese lunch pork Katsu with rice, pickles and salad. Washed down with a cool beer. Mike had warm sake. Impressive gardens over 15 acres, interspersed with tasteful shops. Imposing view of the active Sakurajima volcano…. thankfully not churning out any ash or lava today.Læs mere

    • Dag 152

      Naze, Amami Oshima, Japan

      14. juni 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Tomori Beach is the main feature of the Amami Oshima Island, due to the fact that it's considered to be one of the most famous and beautiful beaches.
      The weather promised to be good with rain starting around 1:00pm.
      Younga, David and us hired a taxi and in about 45min we were on the beach. It was empty, clean and beautiful. The water is crystal clear. We spent two hours swimming and waking on the beach.
      The taxi was waiting for us and we asked the driver to take us to a restaurant not far from the port.
      Most restaurants were closed, finally he found one that was open. When we got a menu and translated it with a help of Google, we understood the restaurant has an Italian menu. No, we are in Japan. We need Japanese food.
      We walked out, it was raining. Few blocks away we found another restaurant with strange looking food. We decided to try.

      It happens to be one of Japan most popular cuisines. Local “okonomiyaki”. It’s like a pancake, which includes a mix of seafood like prawns, octopus, scallops and a thinly-sliced pork and shredded cabbage. It served with a video instruction showing how to use the heating table. We had to follow instructions on supplied iPad. Definitely an interesting and delicious experience!
      We walked back to the ship in the rain, but full and happy. It was a fantastic day!
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    • Dag 21


      18. oktober 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Kagoshima is the southernmost big city on Kyushu. Sakurajima, a very active volcano across the bay is the backdrop of Kagoshima. Eruptions happen almost every day: it’s quite a sight! Views from Sengan-en garden are good: tomorrow we are planning to ride around the volcano.Læs mere

    • Dag 17

      18 Tag Kagoshima

      28. april 2018, Japan ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Heute haben wir einen Ausflug auf die andere Insel gemacht. Es war sehr cool. Es war ein sehr schöner Weg, und es gab auch coole Tiere, wie zum Beispiel diesen Vogel auf dem Foto. Ab und zu hatte der Vulkan auch sein Ausraster
      🌋🤯. Und am Abend sahen wir noch eine Show. Die war sehr cool aber wir haben leider keine Fotos (schade). Und Delfine haben wir auch gesehen von denen ich ein Video schicke

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    Kagoshima Shi, 鹿児島

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