The Big Four Zero ... 40

juillet - août 2020
Despite the definite damper of Covid-19 ... finding 40 with family, friends, food, fun and frolic!! Celebrating four decades! 💖 En savoir plus
  • 20empreintes
  • 2pays
  • 40jours
  • 138photos
  • 13vidéos
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  • Jour 1

    Enroute to the Celebration!

    22 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Despite the dreary damper of Covid-19 ... we're hoping that finding 40 ... four zero ... fourty ... four decades ... will be entirely fabulous for one of the most beautiful souls on the planet! Let the fun begin ... 🎉🎉

    Sherisse, Krissy, Schanell and I headed up to Calgary the night before so we didn't have to endure the stressful drive in the wee hours of the morning! Britt opted for that early AM jaunt so she could spend the evening with her sensational sons and hubby!

    Tiana and Janine opted to leave the night before as well … they got a different hotel than us and were scheduled to depart from Lethbridge an hour AFTER us. We were strategic about departures because we feared that our paths didn't cross en-route.

    As Pookie stated "I drive slow and Tiana drives fast!" We didn't want to risk spoiling the surprise by having her pass us on the highway! We pulled into our hotel and cracked into the red wine I brought ... but alas ... we had to go get ice to bring it back down to room temperature! It was about 32°C as it endured the three hour drive from Taber to Calgary. So despite being in the Costco Cooler bag ... it heated up a bit too much to be optimally pleasing to our palates!

    I was delighted that we got the room so cheap through Hotwire ($72 with breakfast included) ... but then ... there were a few surprises! First ... there was no shuttle from the hotel to airport! And then, the breakfast that was included was entirely disappointing (also due to all the restrictions surrounding Covid-19).

    We were also a bit surprised to discover that the N95 masks that Papa had purported were "way easier to breathe in" were NOT! Every time I looked down my glasses fogged up so much I couldn't see. And, I got to fearing that my temperature would rise from the heat of the condensation dripping into a puddle in the bottom of this mask.

    Nonetheless ... we all passed thermometer and questionnaire 'inspection' and settled into the, at most, half full flight. We were eager to be our way and were looking forward to seeing the 'surprise' on Tiana's face when she saw us all waiting to greet her with much love and drinks in hand!

    And ... I am getting ahead of myself here, but upon arrival in Vancouver, we found our rooms at Auntie Sharon's house were beautifully decorated and so very warmly welcoming! She even had flowers and hospitality gifts generously prepared for us. All these little details were deeply appreciated! Stay tuned to hear how our dreams for her celebration translated into reality!
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  • Jour 2


    23 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Our flight arrived 'on time' and were met by two vehicles ... Sharon driving one and John driving the other. We were whisked away to the Flying Beaver (a beautiful waterfront restaurant) where we enjoyed some drinks while Sharon went back to the airport to pick up Tiana and Janine. Our plan was to exit the restaurant and hide down the stairs on the other side of the road in the sunken parking lot behind the guard rails. That way, we could walk up the stairs and emerge one at a time after she, Janine and Sharon arrived at the restaurant!

    We were all crouched behind a cement wall along the edge of the roadway. We had to keep reminding Papa to crouch down lower because he is tall and he was holding the bouquet of helium balloons! And well, nothing ruins a birthday "Surprise!" more than seeing your Dad's head and a bunch of birthday balloons poking out from the side of the roadway! Ha Ha.

    Once they arrived at the restaurant, we each walked up the steps and emerged before our the birthday girl to join her as the birthday fun commenced!! Sharon video recorded it on her phone as she immediately wandered across the road to welcome each of us with a warm hug.

    We enjoyed some wonderful appetizers at the restaurant ... and ... imbibed a bit (perhaps excessively given that we started at 10:30am!) ... but, the energy of celebration was undeniable!

    We followed up our time at the restaurant with the best car ride ever on the way home to Auntie Sharon's house! Papa and I had Tiana, Janine and Brittany in our vehicle. Sharon asked us to dawdle a bit on our way home to give her, Krissy, and Schanell some extra time to get things set up at the house before we arrived with the birthday girl. We were instructed to stop at a particular liquor store to get some items we needed for home .. and so ... we pretended to be having some trouble finding said liquor store.

    The ride home was absolutely hilarious because ... the girls thought we actually did get lost trying to locate that particular location. We knew where we were going, but ended up having so much fun killing time on the way home.

    There may or may not have been some additional imbibing ... along with an impromptu stop at a different local liquor store to replenish our stocks. There was definitely some carpool kareoke-ing ... and ... lots of giggles and gaffahs and hilarity!! You must notice the look on Papa's face in the rear view mirror in one of those pictures!! 😂🤣

    And, the gals in the other car were having just as many laughs! Apparently a stop at Auntie Sharon's office was necessary for the partiers who were admittedly "three sheets to the wind" and needed to relieve their bladders of a bit of beer. It was hilarious to hear them speak about wearing their masks into the office ... trying to avoid eye contact with any of Auntie Sharon's colleagues. I can only imagine what was going through the coworkers minds as these masked pie-eyed people wandered past them trying to look sober .... 😷😜

    By the time we arrived at the house, the appetizers were being served and the smiles were simply getting bigger!! 😀😁😆
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  • Jour 2

    The Most Outfits Challenge!

    23 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Oh my ... who knew that by the time we got to the house ... we were just getting STARTED! 😉

    As more drinks were enjoyed, and the stories were told, the conversation turned to the packing for the trip. While most of us had arrived for the weekend with everything squeezed into our carry-on bags ... Schanell and Brittany opted to check a big bag in addition to their carry-ons. They got to discussing who actually could make the most outfits out of all they had packed! And so ... the 'Outfit Challenge" fashion show was ON!

    Each of them was to walk the outdoor 'runway' from the house and past the galley of spectators ... showing off their outfits. The trick was, though, that once they had used an item, it could not be used again. And so, in order to ensure there was no cheating ... they agreed that once an item was worn, it was to be taken off.

    And so ... they layered upon layered upon layered their garments. They both started to look like good year blimps !! At one point, Schanell could hardly bend her legs anymore to get back up the stairs. I believe they had 13 or 14 (?) different outfits were all layered up when they took a wee break for refreshments and smoking.

    I could be mistaken, but I believe the grand total of outfits was 17 (?) or someone else thought it was 19(?) unique and exquisite ensembles before one of them ran out of additional options. Oh ... Krissy was the most exceptional DJ for the fashion show! She chose some of the BEST ever runway tunes for the event! It was nothing short of completely hilarious to see them prancing along fashionably (in time with the music) ... striking the most model-like poses ... and ... receiving the hoots and hollers of their adoring fans!

    Oh, I should also share that their efforts were not simply for our appreciation! There was a PRIZE! In addition to a beautiful ceramic wine stopper … each of the spectators tossed in $10.So … the competition was both fierce and funny and financially lucrative!!!

    Funnier yet was watching them trying to get out of all those layers. It's exceptionally hard to disrobe when you can't bend your arms or see your waistline. And well ... they both took different approaches. Schanell struggled to get the first item off for a considerable amount of time. Brittany's strategy was to lay down to get the first few layers off.

    What no one expected was Schanell's somewhat 'aggressive' response when she realized that Brittany was perhaps losing layers faster than she was. Fortunately, Auntie Sharon caught the fiasco on video. It is attached here in two parts. Be sure to check it out!!! It was definitely a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ event!

    In the end ... the competition was deemed to be a TIE! Two beautiful, talented, creative winners indeed!! 🤩 We owe those gals a tremendous amount of respect for teaching us just how many options one has when they choose to check one bag for a weekend adventure!

    We laughed and laughed as we reminisced about that "push"! Yes, that "fashion show" will go down in history at one of the moments that we will all fondly remember!! Our supper ran a bit late because of the shenanigans, but it was a great start to the birthday bash.

    Well … I have to concede that some of us never even made it to the yummy supper that Sharon created for us! I will always regret not being able to stay up for the succulent shrimp skewers, salmon and cauliflower risotto that Sharon created! You never want to miss a meal that this culinary genius creates … they are all so darned delicious!!!

    But, I just couldn't do it. I was tucked tightly into my very comfy bed by 8:00pm. I think Janine was right behind me. And while it may sound lame, may I remind you that we started the party at 10:30am!! In our defense, I am well over 60 years of age and Janine is not a big drinker! We had put in a full 10.5 hours shift by 8:00pm!! I believe the birthday girl also hit the hay a wee bit early! I heard she snuck right after supper ... 😴😴😴

    All in all, Sharon was lamenting loudly the next day about being both shocked and saddened to be the lone partier who was still standing at 10:00pm on our first night of fun and frolic!! Gosh ... it truly was a really great day!!
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  • Jour 3

    Grateful for Granville ...

    24 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    After a great first night of food, fun and fashion ... coffee was on our minds as we all arose to greet the day. We had a little coffee maker in our room and despite my enthusiasm for a nice cup of hot java ... the stove wouldn't work so I couldn't bring my caffeine driven desires to fruition.

    I headed over the main house where the rest were sleeping because I knew the old boy and Auntie Sharon had purchased a brand new 12 cup coffee maker in honor of our collective arrival! Unfortunately they hadn't tried it out and it didn't work either!! Seriously ... how could this be happening??

    We remain indebted to the resourcefulness and quick thinking of Krissy who wisely ordered a big paper box of coffee from McDonald's and had Skip the Dishes deliver it to the house! I could have kissed her. Actually, I should have kissed her. 😘🥰

    We were all so darn delighted to be sipping that delicious brew out of that big box! ☕☕☕
    So, we simply ignored the mess we left behind from the party the night before and enjoyed reminiscing about the prior days fun and festivities while we caffeinated our bodies and got ready for day two of our birthday party adventure!

    So, we chatted and giggled as everyone rose up with their recollections of the prior evening. Oh my ... and some great video footage was taken! After a nice breakfast of sausage, bacon, eggs and toasted English muffins ... we headed out to Granville Island.

    Despite the slowed pace that Covid-19 has exerted upon us globally … it was no easy feat to find two parking spots at Granville Island. But, we did it! And, as we wandered around a bit, and shopped a wee bit ... we all got hungry. We headed over to the food court and each picked out the particular plate that would most please our palates. Janine and Tiana both enjoyed a Thai curry soup that Janine exclaimed was the BEST soup ever!! We knew it was true because every spoonful delighted her to core of her soul!!

    If I hadn't been enjoying my burrito so much, I might have been a bit envious. Thai food is my very favorite!! Janine even bought a jar of the curry stock to bring home. It was THAT good! John got to indulge himself with some oysters … and … although I can't recall what everyone else had, I do not recall hearing any complaints.

    The only concern we had were the birds. Yep. They were stationed strategically around the boardwalk waiting for a chance to swoop down upon some unsuspecting snacker who made the mistake of looking up or away from their plate. Yep. We watched a few people whose lunch was swooped up and snatched away before their very eyes!

    We thoroughly enjoyed the views and took a few pictures to capture the energy of the moment. Later, we found a table in one of the restaurants on the water's edge and while the partiers enjoyed a few more cool ones … this old gal opted for one more cup of coffee. I had learned from the night before that I would have to better pace my inner party if I wanted to stay up past dusk. 🙄

    And, because Granville Island is the most glorious food festival of all ... we each headed out to buy one thing to contribute to our Granville Island Style 'Potluck Dinner' that evening. I could hardly wait to see what people brought to the table! It didn't take the birthday girl long to find a nice cake for her contribution … and … it didn't take us long to find her sitting outside sipping a beer waiting for all of us to reconvene and head off for the next part of our daily adventure.

    It was a beautiful way to enjoy the splendor of Vancouver and all the sensational sights and sounds and smells that come with being near the ocean. With supper organized, we dropped our goodies off at the house and headed off to White Rock to experience happy hour on the beach.
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  • Jour 3

    Whiling away at White Rock ...

    24 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    White Rock Beach was such a beautiful way to let nature wrap her gifts around our spirits. We wandered through the water and sat on the beach. We sipped some cool drinks and simply let the day seep into our souls. Some tender conversations and time together to simply appreciate the gifts of family and friends and all the joys in those precious attachments.💝

    The sun was shining brightly as it prepared to dip behind the horizon. Feeling the warm heat on our shoulders was simply sublime. Papa even got a new style when Krissy noticed him squinting. He looked quite stunning in her hat, don't you think? 🤩

    There was only one little hiccup at the beach! Bladders were filling with beer and there was no porta-potty anywhere to be found. So … what is a girl to do?? The answer to that question produced some of the biggest laughs ever when the girls decided to pop a little squat in the ocean. And, true to form when women are out and about ... no girl likes to venture off to the restroom alone. Yep, we gals like to visit the restroom together.

    And so, see that picture of those three gorgeous gals seated in the water together ... laughing hysterically? Yep. They were just piddling in the Pacific! 😂🤣
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  • Jour 3

    Fun and Games - Balls

    24 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We arrived back from White Rock and determined that we actually had enough scrumptious selections from Granville to have two suppers!! So, we cooked up half of our contributions which included some delicious lasagna and some wonderful salads and some of the special birthday cake!! For some reason, I don't have a picture of the cake ... but ... it was beautiful!

    Once our tummies were full, we headed over the garage and driveway to enjoy the FUN AND GAMES! It all started with the balls. The object of the game was to swing the balls that were loosely dangling between your knees from your waist and knock over all the beer cans standing in a long line before your opponent got theirs tipped over.

    It was entirely hilarious to watch! It appeared to me that the secret was in the bend of the knee! And, if you got really lucky ….. one can would knock down another can (just like when you are bowling and one pin downs another!).

    It was a tight race right up to end. We took videos of most of the matches, but alas, I can only post two videos on each post here. The finale was between Sherisse and Janine. It looked like Janine had taken Sherisse down, but then we noticed that one of Janine's cans was still standing. We tried to alert Sherisse that she still had a chance to win ... she just needed to knock down her last can ... but with all the commotion, she didn't hear us. 🤦‍♀️

    And so ..... Janine was crowned the grand winner of the BALLS! Congratulations Janine!! 🙌

    Nothing makes a birthday party more fun than a few games, right?? 🤣😂😆😁
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  • Jour 3

    Fun and Games - Cups

    24 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    And then ... came the cups game! The object of this challenge was to flip the cups so they landed face down on the table. Upon doing so ... you would move the shot glass one step closer to your opponents side of the table. Once the shot glass hit the end of the table, that person lost the round and drank the contents in consolation.

    I didn't include the footage ... but ... the most evenly matched round was between Schanell and myself! It was anyone's game!! I thought I was going to win ... and ... she'd make a masterful comeback! Then ... she'd be one flip away from victory ... but THEN ... I'd pop a few and close the gap. It was a legitimate nail biter!! In the end ... Schanell took the won that battle but never won the cup war.

    Britt took her Dad down and after a number of other entertaining rounds, Janine found herself in the cups finale against Sherisse! And ... yep ... she took it!! In the words of her sister ... Sherisse was very handily "demolished!"
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  • Jour 3

    Fun and Games - Leg Wrestling

    24 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    The leg wrestling was fun to watch!! Clearly ... we had a couple of highly skilled leggy, loin wrestlers in our midst! While Janine took trophy in this game too … there was a whole lot of conversation around Britt's mad skills in this department!

    As Schanell shared:

    "And that leg wrestle with Brittany … wow, that felt like a choke hold when my bra strap and necklace just happened to grab the carpet like that. Yikes Brittany might make some side $$$ if she did that in pubs. Haha. I always knew Janine was the queen of that but Brittany might be some stiff competition. Haha"

    Krissy concurred that she was a bit surprised by how effective Britt was in the grand scheme of leg wrestling. She is still trying to wrap her head around how Britt could be so fierce on the mat. As she exclaimed in response to Schanell's expression of respect of Britt's skills, Krissy enthusiastically agreed by saying:

    "right!?! I’m still trying to understand the physical effort Brit took to turn over a 170lbs woman..... I believe this was me!"

    All in all, Janine stands firm in her conviction that the secret to leg wrestling is in a strong core. Some may dispute this, but … there is no disputing that Janine took home all the ribbons in all the games played that night! 🥇🥇🥇

    While everyone displayed utmost sportsmanship ... it might be accurate to say that some were a bit miffed by Janine's string of wins during our game fest. Sherisse was quick to confirm that ...

    "The games in Sharon's workshop were super fun (piss off Janine ..... winner of everything 😉😉)

    Ha ha. Yep. Good fun. Good humor. The laughs never stop with these ones. It really was a wonderful day .... and ... guess what??? I stayed up until 1:00AM !! And, even at that, I might have been the first one to bed! And, I don't think, from what I have heard anyway, that Sharon was the last soldier standing at the end of that evening!

    Rumor has it that Krissy took the crown on holding up the longest. 🏆 In fact, Krissy was sharing a room with Brittany, but she never made it home that night. That is her … in the middle of the bed, with her head between the feet of Janine and Schanell. It all looks so carefully orchestrated ........... 😜😆

    Rumor also has it that she had some trouble finding that small, narrow upside-down space in the bed and, at first, ended up really comfy cozy with her head in Janine's lap.. Apparently that position didn't last long, but one must never underestimate the ingenuity of a woman who is in search of optimal slumber! Ha ha ... 💕

    All such harmless fun! So darn much fun. So very glad we made the trip out to spend time with this amazing group of women. I don't think I have laughed as much … or … as hard … or … for as long in a while!

    Thanks to all you beautiful souls for generating such joyful, playful and fun-loving energy. You are all simply the best ...... 😘
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  • Jour 4

    Lazy River Float or Rapid White Water?

    25 juillet 2020, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Saturday ... was our last full day celebrating our daughter's big 4-0 in Vancouver. We sipped up leftover coffee from the box with the eager enthusiasm of peaked partiers who needed to summon up the gusto for more fun and frolic.

    The plan was to be ready by 11am so we could hit the road for the 90 minutes drive to Chilliwack and enjoy the afternoon lazily floating down the Vedder River. In fact, Sharon had checked it out ahead of time and had a friend who had floated on it many times before and was going to come with us! It sounded like a perfect way to spend a hot sunny day in B.C.

    We also thought it would be fun to stop at a winery along the way but we hit the road a little later than we expected … and then … the TRAFFIC. It was bumper to bumper to bumper along the highway. It took us nearly twice as long to arrive at our departure point as we expected … gah. The commute was definitely stressful. I know in our car we opted to embrace the notion that the fun we were about to have would generously compensate for the extra time we spent on the road.

    It also took us a bit longer to get the tubes inflated than we expected. John patched a tube that was leaking and Auntie Sharon even made a run back into town to get a few more tubes. I enjoyed a serving of chicken and fries from a food truck while we waited. It was absolutely delicious!!

    Now, you should know, I do not like adventure! I do not seek adventure. I am a complete scaredy cat when it comes to any kind of thrill-seeking activity. When I heard that the water was moving quite fast for the first bit … my instinct told me not to go. I even looked at the other options of what | could do to pass the time instead while my peeps were on the water for a couple of hours.

    But then … I got to thinking how left out I was going to feel when they were all talking about all the fun they had experienced … reminiscing about this moment … and fondly recalling that moment. I also reassured myself that we had gone white water rafting in Glacier National Park on a family vacation with our daughters about 20 years ago. I was scared spitless back then too … but I ended up enjoying it so very much!!

    And so, I decided to get my brave on. I had a good talk with scaredy-cat self and decided that I didn't want to let my 'fear' make me miss out on this part of our daughter's birthday adventure together. And so … that is how I ended up on the tube.

    We donned our life jackets … or it might be more accurate to say … some of us donned our life jackets and we scaled down the river's edge to launch into the water. Sharon's friend was with us and had floated the river and said that current was fast for a bit in the beginning but once we got a way down it would settle and be very nice. He suggested that we "stay to the right." And so, that is what we did.

    But before I tell you how I ended up out of the tube and into the water ... let me share what I learned about tubing on the Vedder River after we got back. As Sharon had researched, the Vedder was rated as one of the 10 nicest rivers to float. One site rated it as 7 out of 10 in terms of the most desirable floats in B.C.

    "7. Vedder River // Chilliwack
    This will be a breathtaking rafting ride, but make sure to take it seriously. Though most the river keeps a steadily moderate pace, at times there are some serious rapids. There are multiple places to start and end, so map out the trip before you hit the water. Be safe, have fun and float on!"

    I ended up following up on another thread of one person asking for a few more details. One person responded:

    “I grew up beside the Vedder river. I've swam and tubed down it multiple times. Watch out for trees or other obstacles on the sides, also watch the river and notice where the current wants to take you. You can also notice where large rocks are by how the water behaves around them. If you fall out of the tube... swim to shore on a diagonal. if you feel stuck in a current, keep your ass up, feet forward, and paddle your arms in a clockwise motion. You'll roll right over any large rocks, and you'll hit a shallow spot eventually. It comes down to reading the river, and paddling where you need to be before you get there. 15 minute walk east on Chilliwack lake road. all the way to the train bridge is the most worth while stretch of river to float down.”

    Another person warned: “Be wary of debris, there's a lot of semi-submerged logs in strong current. Getting trapped against one of these isn't fun.”

    And, guess what?? We learned that getting tossed into a big log jam was not ideal either. Yep. We learned the hard way that all of those tips and warnings were absolutely TRUE!

    Thank goodness we were all paired up so no one was tubing alone. My tube was tied to the old boy's and Sharon came along in our grouping. Within a couple of minutes of getting out on the water, I was getting grumpy with John because he kept putting his hand on my tube. His intention was good! But, in trying to hold me close ... my tube kept turning me backwards so I couldn't see where we were going. 😕

    Somehow, our little threesome ended up in the front of everyone else. Not sure how it happened, but we weren't in the water for more than 5 to 8 minutes when we found ourselves careening towards a huge log jam. 😲😨😰😱

    Yep. Just like in the movies. Thriller movies. Both the old boy and Auntie Sharon got dumped out of their tubes and swept under the big log that was lodged horizontally and completely traversed the river before us. Somehow, I lunged forward to grab onto that log and I just hung there ... Indiana Jones style, for quite a few minutes until I could figure out how to make my way as safely as possible to John and Sharon. I could see both of them wrestling with the water in the distance … and … although I didn’t really want to head back down into the current, I knew I couldn't/t just hang out there on that log all day. Please excuse the corny pun …

    Sharon said that she was yelling at me to let go of the log. I honestly don't remember hearing her. All I remember is deciding to hold my breath and trust that my life jacket would carry me if/when I let myself drop into the rapid water flowing beneath me.

    And so, I let go. Once I arrived near Sharon, she went into full protection mode instantly. I felt incredibly supported as we made our way to edge. She reminded me not to stand up ... the current was too strong. She reminded me to sit on my bum. The rocks were incredibly slippery. We made our way together to the edge. That said, I remember emphatically telling her I wanted to go at my own pace. Yep … it was nothing short of downright disastrous.

    The old boy had sailed a whole lot further down the water. He finally made his way back to us and we began assessing the injuries. John had clearly been knocked in the head near his eyebrow which was red and bruised and scraped up. He believed he broke his pinky finger. His hand was swelling up as fast as balloon attached to a tank of helium. His toes were chewed up and bleeding.

    Auntie Sharon was instantly nauseous and knew her knee was screwed. She also had severe pain in three of her toes. They started to bruise up immediately as well. This was not good because the three of us had to walk all the way back to where we had launched into the water. And, although we had not been in the water long, the current was swift and we had a fair hike to get back to our car.

    I was the least injured of us all. My right arm hurt from hanging from the log like a monkey in Africa ... but ... aside from a few bruises, I was pretty much unscathed. We lost all our shoes and belongings. I lost the only pair of expensive sunglasses I had ever bought. Yep. My precious Versace shades were headed down stream. I was so damn grateful that I heeded my instinct to leave my phone safely on shore. Thankfully, all three of us had wisely left our phones on shore.

    I think we were all in a bit of shock when we safely got to shore. But then, when it occurred to me that all the rest of our group was heading towards the log jam too .... I absolutely PANICKED. Fortunately, it was not too long before I could see a few of them portaging their tubes away from the log jam. I relaxed when I could see that they were taking a different path channel down the river towards us.

    We chatted briefly with Sherisse and Krissy and Sharon's friend to figure out how we were going to get across the river and back to safety. We decided to use the two tubes we had left (one of them had burst when it hit the log jam) and Sharon's friend generously offered to give us his so we could float towards a landing point on the other side that we could see from where we were. He offered to swim to that point.

    The rest of the gang continued on floating ... we were all resting somewhat assured that we had already been through the worst of the rough water. I'll spare you the adrenalin and cortisol of that little ride traversing the river to the other side! With the help of so many kind folks ... we were able to scale the banks of the river and make the long walk back to the car. The old boy and Sharon were barefoot on the road. Krissy had been kind enough to give me her own shoes!! What a beautiful heart that girl has …. I wanted to kiss her again. 🥰 Maybe I even did. 💋 I hope I did. I know I hugged her tightly and allowed her compassion and support to fuel my resolve. 💕

    Apparently, the stretch that dumped us into the drink was not the only treacherous stretch of the river. I am really glad I didn't know that. Schanell and Janine almost hit a huge log that was jutting out of the water in front of them too. Fortunately ... Janine manhandled that thing and it never got the best of them. I think there is a wee video reflecting upon their experience in that moment. Gah.

    I am so glad I was envisioning them having a really good, relaxing float!! And, when all was said and done … they did really have a whole lot of fun. Although Janine said she could see the terror in Schanell's eyes, Schanell says she would do it all over again.

    In fact, upon reflection, one of Schanell's favorite memories is of seeing "Tiana and Brittany crushing drinks on the other side of the log that almost killed Janine and I." She also really enjoyed the little break the four of them took on the beach … aka "boulder village."

    Once again, there are more videos than I am allowed to post, but the pictures they took confirm that the ultimate in both polarities of agony and ecstasy was experienced on the Vedder that day!
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  • Jour 4

    After the Vedder River Ride ...

    25 juillet 2020, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    And ... while our gals were enjoying an hour or so more on the river, the old boy, Sharon and I were just so darn grateful to be on firm ground. We hopped in the car and headed to town to replace some of the items we lost in the river (including our footwear). We also opted to pick up some antiseptic ointment and Band-Aids and a tensor bandage for Sharon's knee. Sharon then dropped us both off so she had enough room in the vehicle to pick up our other floaters at the meeting points.

    The old boy and I enjoyed a little wine and snarfed down some crab cakes while we waited to be reunited with our peeps. As we were sitting there, though, it really started to hit us how lucky we had been that no one was fatally injured. Sheesh. It would not have taken much to get a knock on the head that caused significant injury. I felt especially bad for Sharon because she was sailing through that rough water without a life jacket even. Arghhhhh.
    Gratitude started to eclipse our felt sense of vulnerability. It was interesting to me to hear the old boy say that this experience was the "most powerless" he had ever felt in his life. Yes. It was definitely an event that will not be easily forgotten in body, mind or spirit.

    Update: it turns out that Sharon ended up being nauseated for many, many days after our incident. They believe she has torn an MCL or ACL in her knee. She was on crutches for a long time before she could even put weight on her knee. Her toes turned black more than blue but were not actually broken.

    John's finger was not broken either … but even as of this update (a full three 3 weeks later), the swelling has finally gone down so that he can get his wedding ring on, but it still hurts if he bumps it. Fortunately, his toes were not broken either ... even though they felt like it.

    Once we all got back together, it was gratifying to hear all the wonderful stories the rest of our tubers had to tell! I've added a few more pics and videos to give you a sense of all the fun that John, Sharon and I missed out on. It sure does my heart good to see that the rest of our gang really enjoyed their time on the water that day!!!

    We arrived home later than we had intended ... but only because we got off to a late start. The drive home was great as the traffic cleared and we thoroughly enjoyed serving up the rest of our pot luck dinner items. Sharon had invited some friends and neighbors and even had arranged for a DJ to come and play the tunes for our last night together.

    The food was, once again, phenomenal!! Thank you Granville Island for the delectable morsels that benefitted our bodies while we nourished our souls with the conversation and companionship around the fire pit over the evening.

    I think I was the first to bed again …. but … I do believe it was a respectable midnight-ish before I tucked myself in after that exciting day! I think the rest of the partiers did it up right again though … enjoying themselves into the wee hours of the morning.
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