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    • Hari 37

      Am Indischen Ozean!

      10 Jun 2023, Kenya ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Mit dem Einbiegen auf die abenteuerliche Piste zum Hotel, ein letztes Mal "Hakuna Matata!" und nach insgesamt 167 Tagen, knapp 40.000km und vielen vielen Stunden auf dem Motorrad sind wir gestern in Diana Beach am Indischen Ozean angekommen.

      Am Morgen noch mitten in den Usambara Bergen (ja genau, da wo das entsprechende Veilchen seinen Ursprung hat!) gestartet, kamen wir ziemlich zügig zum Grenzposten Tansania / Kenia. Seit unserem Aufbruch im Dezember letzten Jahres ist es der 24. Grenzübergang.... und auch dieser erforderte wieder die notwendige Geduld. Nach fünf Stunden war es dann aber soweit. Der Schlagbaum öffnete sich und wir nahmen die letzten 80km bis zum Ziel der Afrika Etappe unter die Räder.

      Der Kontinent ist so völlig anders, als alles was ich bisher gesehen habe. Dies zu beschreiben, würde dem nicht ansatzweise gerecht werden, so dass ich es auch gar nicht erst versuche. Wer es erleben will, muss hier gewesen sein!

      Für uns alle endet jetzt die Zeit in Afrika. Die Koffer sind gepackt und so wird jeder nach und nach aus Mombasa wieder in Richtung Heimat fliegen. Hazel ist ebenfalls bereits verstaut und geht im Edelweiss Van zunächst im See-Container nach Hamburg und später weiter nach Österreich auf die Reise. Ich selbst werde in zwei Tagen nach Italien fliegen und von Venedig aus die letzten Kilometer der Reise zurück nach München laufen.

      Damit war es das an dieser Stelle auch fürs Erste mit dem Projekt The100 - 100.000km auf dem Bike. Fortsetzung folgt! Jetzt mache ich mich allerdings ersteinmal zu Fuß auf durch die Berge.
      Baca lagi

    • Hari 13

      Dag 10-13: Diani Beach

      12 November 2023, Kenya ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Na de drukke en vermoeiende safari, hebben we wat rust ingepland aan Diani Beach. Dit is een typische resortbestemming in de buurt van de zuidelijke havenstad van Kenia, Mombassa.

      Na een lange rit rechstreeks vanuit de Maasai Mara en door de riftvallei (waar de moderne mens is ontstaan/geëvolueerd), komen we opnieuw aan in de luchthaven van Nairobi voor onze vlucht naar Mombassa.

      Dit doen we met de lokale luchtvaartmaatschappij Jambojet. Ik moet toegeven dat de naam me bij het bevestigen van de reis geen vertrouwen inboezemde, maar alles verloopt vlot en netjes. Het vliegtuig zit er ook pico bello uit met een mooi purper-roze thema.

      Bij aankomst staat er iemand ons op de wachten aan de luchthaven, waarna een korte rit tot het Papillon Lagoon Reef Hotel volgt.

      Intussen zijn we de serene rust van de Maasai Mara gewoon. Het is dus even wennen aan de drukte van een groot all-in hotel, maar uiteindelijk lukt dit ons wel. Ook de gemiddelde vakantieganger is hier wat anders dan tijdens de rest van onze reis: oud, verbrand, te dik en soms zat.

      Maar we kunnen dit wel relativeren. We hebben er persoonlijk uiteraard geen last van!

      Bij onze strandwandelingen waan ik me bij momenten op een onbewoond tropisch eiland: spierwit zand, lichtblauw water en een rij palmbomen zo ver het oog kan zien. De waan wordt enkel gebroken door de troep lokale Kenianen die je achtervolgen tijdens de wandeling voor het verkopen van souvenirs, ritjes op hun kameel of excursies in hun bootjes.

      Katrien en Hilde hebben eveneens een nieuwe hobby gevonden: aquagym om 11u in het zwembad met het animatieteam.

      Vandaag voegden we nog een leuke extra herinnering toe aan deze avontuurlijke reis: we gingen snorkelen. De koraalriffen voor de kust staan hiervoor bekend, maar we hadden geen van beiden al te hoge verwachtingen na het huren van onze snorkel en zwemvliezen, er waren namelijk geen andere snorkelaars te zien.

      Het is even zoeken, maar na een tijdje botsen we toch op de koraalriffen die voor de kust verspreid zijn. Waarschijnlijk was onze ervaring niet te vergelijken met een volwaardige snorkelexcursie naar een groot koraalrif, maar het was wat ons betreft volledig de moeite waard. We zien tientallen verschillende vissensoorten, zeesterren, zee-egels, anemonen en verschillende koralen verspreid doorheen de riffen.

      Morgen staat er nog een laatste rust- en leesdag voor de boeg, waarna we rond 16u morgenmiddag finaal onze zakken moeten maken om aan de terugreis te beginnen.

      Kwaheri Kenya! 🇰🇪 👋
      Baca lagi

    • Hari 29

      Mami Wata

      14 September 2024, Kenya ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      S Mami Wata isch mis Dehei für die negste knapp 2 Wuche.
      Es isch total härzig.
      Ich mues mi eifach no biz dra gwöhne ellei do z si und mi dehei fühle.
      Ich wird vo de Grace und em Erik umsorgt, was aber so also einzige Gast biz komisch isch.Baca lagi

    • Hari 4

      Diani Beach und Sand Island

      15 September 2024, Kenya ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Mit em Ngalawa, emene traditionelle Segelboot, gots hüd zur Sand Island go Schnorchle. D Sand Island isch e Sandbank wo bi Ebbe zum vorschin chunt. Direkt dört hets au paar Koralle zum Schnorchle. S Wasser do isch eifach klar und in de schönste Blautön. Bi Ebbe wird de Strand riesig und die Witi isch eifach Traumhaft.Baca lagi

    • Hari 9

      Unterwasserwelt 🐢🐠🐙🐚🪸

      20 September 2024, Kenya ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Hüd isch wieder Tauche uf em Programm gsi.
      Mir hei wieder viel spannendes entdeckt. Ich bi e richtige Fan vo de kleine Nudibranch. ☺️
      Zrug cho sind mr bi Low Tide und euse Skipper het Eus im seichte Wasser zrug manövriert. D Farbe sind eifach unglaublich und es isch e richtigs Paradies.🤩
      Nach em Tauche bini no vo mine CH- Buddies zu me Bierli iglade worde.
      Baca lagi

    • Hari 10

      Tag 9 - Diani Beach

      6 Oktober 2023, Kenya ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Gestern sind wir komplett kaputt in Diani Beach angekommen, mit einem lachenden aber mehr mit einem weinenden Auge 🙈

      Heute sieht die Welt zum Glück schon anders aus und wir sind richtig hier angekommen 😁

      Dazu hat auch beigetragen, dass wir erstmal knapp 12 Stunden geschlafen haben 😅 (im Bett von „von 9 bis 9“🎶).
      Baca lagi

    • Hari 13

      Beachlife 🏝️

      9 Oktober 2023, Kenya ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      🌅 Morgens um halb 6 am Strand zum Sonnenaufgang
      🤿 Schnorcheln im Meer
      🚣 Mit dem Boot zur Sandbank (Achtung für Seekranke😁)
      💃🏼 Tanzen zu afrikanischen Beats
      🎵 den Jambo Song in Dauerschleife
      🏊‍♀️ Aerobik und Wasserball im Pool
      🍷 Vino aus d Gugg an der Poolbar

      Jambo, jambo Bwana (Hallo, hallo du)
Habari gani (Wie geht es dir?)
Mzuri sana (Sehr gut)
Wageni, mwakaribishwa (Gäste, ihr seid Willkommen)
Kilimanjaro, hakuna matata (Kilimanjaro, kein Problem)

Tembea pole pole, hakuna matata (Walk slowly, slowly, no problem)
Utafika salama, hakuna matata (You’ll get there safe, no problem)
Kunywa maji mengi, hakuna matata (Drink plenty of water, no problem)
      Baca lagi

    • Hari 144

      Diani Beach

      24 Februari 2024, Kenya ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      A couple of days ago, I left Mombasa to go to the southeast coast of Kenya. 🇰🇪 The hostel put me in contact with the driver Cosmus who would drive me all the way to my next destination - the Diani Hostel in Diani Beach. 🏝️ The 2 hour ride cost me 4500 KES (approximately 30 EUR) but therefore I didn’t have to deal with any of the hurdles on the way (changing from tuktuk to Matatu, taking the ferry that connects Mombasa oldtown with Likoni in the south, etc.). 😌 Actually I wanted to write my blog post about Mombasa during the drive to Diani Beach but Cosmus simply was the nicest Uber driver that I had in Kenya so far. We talked about many things and the time until we arrived at my hostel just flew by. 😅
      My hostel was very basic but also very cheap (5 EUR a night). I booked it only for two nights and later switched to another place. Being too far away from the beach and the main road, the hostel was simply a bit too quiet. 🤫I have been only one of 3 guests during the time and I was the only one staying in the 8-bed dorm.
      The climate in Diani Beach was very hot and humid - so not very different from Mombasa and other places on the east coast. 😰If you are lucky you find a fan that makes the heat somewhat bearable. My hostel didn’t have a fan and so I had to rely on one or the other breeze 🌬️Unfortunately, I was also not careful enough about keeping moskitos 🦟 away from my bed in the first night which resulted in many itchy mosquito bites. So, probably I slept only a couple of hours that night. 😴
      Anyways - coincidentally, it turned out that Kaili and Wim (from Belgium) which I already knew from Naivasha where also in Diani Beach. They planned to go diving on the next day and I quickly arranged with the dive instructor via WhatsApp that I would join them on the next day. 😃

      The next morning I woke up early to met the others at 8 am at the dive center at Galu beach. It was an hour walk 🚶 away from my hostel but I did not mind since it was early in the day and not yet so hot. Kaili and Wim had thoroughly selected Scuba Duka as our dive center. The dive instructors were very professional and the gear was of good quality as well. 👍We went on a boat to two different relatively easy dive sites: Milele and Galu Reef. Both were only 14-15 meters deep and with none to mild currents.
      Nevertheless, it was superwindy that day and there were a lot of waves 🌊 So, taking the boat was a bit challenging for our stomachs. 🤢😄 In the water, the visibility was not great (< 8 meters) but good enough to marvel at the abundant coral 🪸 and nearby fish 🐠 as well as the many big turtles 🐢 that we found at the bottom of the ocean. During both of our dives we spent approximately 50 min. underwater. We returned to Galu beach in the early afternoon and spent a little bit of time at the very cozy Soul Breeze Beach Club 🍻Then we went for lunch to Kaili‘s and Wim‘s place - Kaili cooked some very yummy vegetarian pasta - and chilled on their terrace. At 6 pm I took a boda boda (a taxi service but with motorbike) 🏍️ back to my hostel and spent the evening with watching YouTube videos. 🙄

      On the next day I moved 🧳 to another place - called „Rahani Beachfront Studio Apartments“. I booked it through but the place was very hard to find: in Google Maps sends you to a place that is quite far away from the actual location. 😡And when you drive to the location shown by, then there is nothing called „Rahani Beachfront Studio Apartments“. It turned out that the place has been a hotel called „Golden Sun Resort“ in the past but now is repurposed as airbnb apartments. 🤯 We had to call the phone number of the place in, to finally get the right directions. Poor tuktuk driver that had to drive me around for almost an hour or so. I gave him a tip to make up for the inconvenience.😎
      My apartment was pretty nice though. I had my own bathroom and shower, a kitchen with a fridge and other appliances, a living room and my own bedroom. So, it was a bit of luxury in between the many hostels I had stayed in in the past. 😛
      Of course, I had to visit the beach & the pool in the afternoon once I had checked in. It was still quite windy - good for the kite surfers but suboptimal for me who just wanted to enjoy the beach and the sun. 😩 During my walk at the beach I met Salim. He was very friendly and talkative. Obviously he wanted me to buy a coconut 🥥 from him but he didn’t ask me to buy one. After 10 minutes of conversation I asked him how much one of them would cost - we agreed on 300 KES (2 EUR). He opened it for me directly at the beach with a small machete 🔪 and kept talking about Diani Beach and it’s advantages. After 30 min. I ended the conversation and went back to the pool 🏊
      Although on the beachfront, the apartment was also far away from central cafes, bars and restaurants. After dark, when it was a bit cooler, I walked 🚶 for 30 minutes to the Carefore (which is basically in the city centre) for some grocery shopping and back again.
      One thing I did not like about Diani Beach in general is that it is very streched out along the main road 🛣️ so that you always have to either walk long distances or take a car, a tuktuk or a boda boda when you want to go somewhere. Other than that, the locals in Diani Beach have been all quite friendly and very helpful to me. It is the place in Kenya where I felt the safest so far. 😎

      On my last full day in Diani Beach, I went together with Kaili and Wim on a snorkeling 🤿 and dolphin 🐬 watching trip at Wasini island and the Kisite-Mpunguti Marine National Park. During the drive to our destination, we almost had an accident with a truck. 😱 It was close but luckily nothing happened. 30 min after that shocker we arrived at the jetty at about 10 am in the morning - it was still low tide. At the jetty we changed from the mini bus to a dhow (a traditional arabic boat as seen often in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean)⛵️
      It was cloudy the whole day and when we arrived at the snorkeling spot, it rained heavily for approximately 15 min. That didn’t discourage us and we went into the water anyways. 🤷 We were surprised by the very good visibility (probably > 25 meters) as well as the many colorful fish and coral. 🪸 After snorkeling for a while, we also spent a little bit of time on a sandbank that - due to the high tide - disappeared shortly after. Then we tried to find some dolphins but were not successful. Instead we went for a late lunch lunch - fish 🐟 and seafood 🦞 as well as coconut rice 🍚 and chapati 🫓 It was really good considering that we payed for our whole day trip only 5500 KES (approximately 37 EUR) and the entrance to the national park was as already 4500 KES. 😊
      Although it was cloudy the whole time everyone of us got sunburned. The sun ☀️ is really strong on Kenya’s east coast and the clouds were misleading us. We all have to apply now heaps of aloe vera to ease the pain 😅
      At approximately 5.30 pm we were back at Kaili‘s and Wim‘s place and hung out for a bit.
      For dinner we went to the Salty Squid. They had really good cocktails 🍸 and food 🥘 there. It was a suitable location for our farewell. 😌
      Kaili and Wim will stay for 10 more days in Diani Beach while I will travel further north in Kenya - my next stop is Lamu. That’s a more traditional and not so touristy place with some arabic culture but also some beaches nearby that has been recommended to me from many Kenyans. I am curious what awaits me there 👀
      Baca lagi

    • Hari 2

      Nairobi nach Diani Beach

      13 September 2024, Kenya ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Mit 2 h Verspötig und ere langsame Passkontrolle bi ich guet in Nairobi a cho. Die ersti Nacht verbring ich in Nairobi um, am negste Tag, de Zug nach Mombasa chöne ne.
      Am 8i am Morge fahrt dr Madaraka Express. D Sicherheitskontrolle sind do extrem höch, s Gepäck wird 2 mol Scannt und eimol vo de Hünd abgschnüffelet. Nach dem ich dur alli Kontrolle dure bi und mis Ticket ha, dörfi au scho i stiege.
      D Zufahrt god 6h und me het e Schöni Ussicht. Ich gseh au scho die erste Elefante, Zebras und Gnu.
      In Mombasa a cho wird ich a gholt und nach Diani Beach gfahre.
      Do wartet mis hübsche und gmüetliche Dehei für die negste Täg uf mi. Ich mues mi no bizi dra gwöhne, dassi ellei bi und mi do dehei fühle.
      Der Nomitag los ich am schöne Strand usklinge.
      Baca lagi

    • Hari 5

      Diving the Crab

      16 September 2024, Kenya ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach dem ich gest e chline Refresh gmacht ha, gots hüd sit langem mol wieder go Tauche. Genau vor 10 Johr isch mini Advanced Diver License gstellt worde. Zu mid Jubiläum wärde mir uf em Wäg zum Tauch Platz vo de Delfin beehrt. 🤩
      D Tauchbasis Diving the Crab macht e tolle Job. Gueti Usrüstig, gueti Lüd und tolli Verpflägig an Board. Do aktuell grad nid viel los isch, sind mir nur 4 Taucher. Trotzdem tauche mir in zwei Gruppe, was sehr komfortabel isch.
      Binere feine Pizza im Nomads und me Spatziergang am Strand, gniess ich de schöni Tag.
      Baca lagi

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