Camino de Santiago

março - maio 2024
Uma 49aventura de um dia na Lexie Leia mais
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  • Dia 5

    Bulking up in Zubiri

    27 de março, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Doing the bare minimum to read between the lines, you'll have determined I was in a weird mood arriving to Zubiri, which was not helped by checking into the supposed to be €8 albergue and getting charged 14. I fear the days of this being a viable pilgrimage are over, and I think all these price hikes are recent, because we got given a sheet in SJPP with all the albergues and prices and it's not lining up.

    Cold, feeling ripped off, flirting with glumness, I recalled the age old wisdom that a feed probably helps. I went to a warm bar and got LOTS of delicious calories. A pilgrim I'd leapfrogged a few times on the trail today was in there too and he came over to introduce himself. Luca, the Roman osteopath, proceeded to bitch about the price of everything which cheered me right up, as did his face when I pulled the party trick of switching to Italian.

    After plodding through my enormous meal with the same slow pace and determination I walk with, I felt ready to face the albergue again. On my return I had the worst shower of my entire life and could not connect to the wifi, cracked it, and went straight back out for a wine.

    It all perked up in the end, on the way back I ran into Luca and another Italian I'd met coming into Zubiri, and we hung out for the next few hours around the table with Nicole the private school teacher from London and Rusty the Australian and another guy. My Italian is better than Lucas' English so we tried to speak that so he could practice.

    Rusty's bank card has been cancelled, not because of transactions here but just awful hack timing. They're sending him a new card but on the Camino that's not super helpful. I spent about 45 minutes trying to get his new card on Samsung Pass so he could use his phone instead, before we realised he could potentially just transfer money to a pilgrim and they could withdraw cash for him. So began the potentially highly suspect Bank of Lexie. It was quite a wad, please pray as I do that this is an example of the Camino spirit. In Rusty we trust.
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  • Dia 6

    Instead of a smart watch

    28 de março, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    ...I have this photocopy wot that nice lady in SJPP gave me. See what I mean about SJPP to Roncesvalles? The top line is the Napoleonic route which was closed, the dotted bottom line is via Valcarlos. Much more chill yesterday (although that downhill bit at the end killed my knees) and today.Leia mais

  • Dia 6

    Fast and Zubirious

    28 de março, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    Nicole found BLANKETS last night so I am starting today both well fed and reasonably rested which, turns out, makes a huge difference. I wrapped myself up then slotted myself into my sleeping bag, like a Beef Wellington if the bacon was a blanket and the pastry was a sleeping bag, and you squint.

    Off I go to Pamplona! I said, and got 50m down the road, did the speed trap (because I am at my core, a silly billy) then realised I forgot my bread and went back. I like to think anyone watching thought that was my whole day. Out, SPRINT, job done, in.
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  • Dia 6

    Zubiri to Pamplona - part one

    28 de março, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    What an absolute Great Day. Folk pop usually makes me either really happy or really sad but the gamble with Noah Khan's Stick Season album paid off today and I was swinging my arms and tilting my head like Winnie the Pooh down the path. At one stage, without anything chasing me, I actually ran up a hill. Can you imagine.

    Gear MVP continues to be the hanky I stole off Dad, it occupies prime strap real estate and is summoned into service often. I'm actually starting to think I must sweat through my nose, I'm a drippy gal. If I was a dog, with my wet nose and bright eyes, I'd be adopted quick smart.

    Cats seen 1, cats pet 0, to be fair though I saw an information board about the amount of birds of prey in this area so I reckon they're just being stealthy. Luca caught up with me after a while, I heard him on the phone before I saw him, apparently someone was sending him a patient and he was trying quite hard to explain he was actually in a Spanish field at the moment and perhaps another doc could do it?

    Popping out of a hemmed in section, we encountered the cops parked rakishly across the path, stood looking serious in their surely over-engineered outfits. We all got sheepish for some reason and wandered over, assuming it was a passport check or a quiz about Jesus to confirm we were the real deal. Turns out, and bless their HEARTS, they were there to hand out cards with special pilgrim help numbers and insist we call them if we run into any trouble. I mean ACAB but it was sweet, good on em.

    Across the bridge from that, there was a cafe and we recognised a bunch of pilgrims in it and thought it was a good idea. In for a coffee by the fire, Nicole, Rusty, Marrick (Mr 4.5kg) and a few others turning up while we were there. We all discussed where we'd be staying in Pamplona, and I let them know I'd be staying two nights. I'm genuinely enjoying the easy company of this group, and am upset to move out of sync and potentially never see them again.

    On the flip side, I've known them for less than three days, and the part of me that gets too attached too quickly is one I'm working on out here. So, in an act of pulling my emotional big girl pants on, I think the fact I'm uncomfortable with moving out of step with them is the exact reason I need to do it.

    Oh ps the SUN CAME OUT.
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  • Dia 6

    Transit oriented teens

    28 de março, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    And I say to you again, this is peak mobility, I don't make the rules.

  • Dia 6

    Zubiri to Pamplona - part two

    28 de março, Espanha ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

    How's it going, I'm on cloud nine.

    Chanced a 'not the main route but more scenic' detour coming into Pamplona which followed a linear park for a really long time, it felt like I was on the outskirts of the city half the day. It was lovely but I really missed the reassurance of all the waymarkings on the normal route. They are so good I never have to look at my map, where as this thing had me second guessing everything. At one stage a nice couple came to help as I clearly looked useless, and the scallop shell, I suspect, makes people a bit easier on you. You're a stupid tourist but at least you're doing it slowly and quietly.

    Having said that there's been a marked difference in the interest rural versus city locals pay us. Until Pamplona, you couldn't really get past an old man (it's almost always an old man) out for a walk without covering yes I'm doing the Camino yes I started in SJPP yes it was quite steep coming over the mountains wasn't it, oh I'm from Australia, yes very far away spot on, buen camino, muchas gracias, adios. Once I hit the city outskirts nobody gave me a second look. Probably for the best, if I'd needed to have that convo with everyone I passed I'd still be out there.

    Got a bunk at Jesus y Maria, the biggest albergue in town I think, with 100+ beds built into the naves of an old church. It's pretty stunning but the same acoustics that make those hymns pop are going to be fun tonight. Earplugs running a close second in the MVP stakes. Washing machines were freeeeeee so I gave all my stuff a go, had a really good shower, and sat around in shorts and wet hair waiting for my stuff back. Feeling the cleanest I've been since Hobart, I wandered around Pamplona for a few hours, buying food for when I assume the city shuts down due Good Friday tomorrow.

    Back at the J&M pad, I've spent 40 minutes in very shattered French and English with the 64yo guy from Paris who's cycling instead of walking. He's got "20 days" but not really, he's retired and he hasn't booked his train home yet, I think he's just trying to make me feel better. I've seen him in SJPP and Zubiri and now today. He had to stay back a day at the start due to rain, so he did SJPP to Zubiri, Zubiri to Pamplona, and tomorrow will smush another two days into one by going to Estella, so I won't see him again. He said there's an Easter procession at 8pm from the cathedral we are extremely close to, and we made loose plans to go together. By which I mean I said I'd come and I have no idea if that landed.

    Pamplona, by the way, is SO similar to Naples, vibe wise, which is a huge surprise but given I bloody adore Naples it's a nice one. Going to try to go out for dinner tonight, which is a bit of a tightrope to walk given restaurants close 5pm to 8pm and the albergue locks the doors at 11pm. Reckon I can do it though, and I can afford a late one because I don't have to walk tomorrow! Should probably allow time for getting up to the top bunk though, I think my thighs might actually explode and that'll require some clean up.
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  • Dia 6

    Exploring Pamplona - part one

    28 de março, Espanha ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    It's tough to judge a city on its historic centre because they are always nice but woof. Digging it here so much it ended up being a 45k step (nearly 32km) day.

  • Dia 6

    PT in Pamplona

    28 de março, Espanha ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    Bearing in mind this is all within the old city walls, some interesting variety in parkiteers going on. The broader city is a university town and they tend to be very bikey so would potentially have even more. Also been watching how they intersect bike paths with bus stops, which can be really hard!Leia mais

  • Dia 6


    28 de março, Espanha ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    Old mate and I found each other in the albergue and bundled up to the Cathedral. He's got a 25 year old daughter (the relationship took some working out but I was relieved we settled on daughter) in Paris and perhaps I'm her stand in for the minute.

    I sort of steered him along even though it was his idea, he just kept mumbling about Mary and asking everyone he passed "procession?". I mean when there's a human tide moving in a direction it's not super hard, but to reassure him I did ask one of those over-engineered traffic wardens holding a machine gun and got the nod.

    Squished against the walls of the narrow street, he fumbled excitedly with his enormous cube digital camera that looks like a box brownie, nearly dropping it when everything kicked off LOUD. The procession started with about a hundred hooded figures, four abreast, the first half with drums and the second half with horns. Drums went solo for a while, an unbelievable racket, and my lovely mate turned to me and shout-whispered he was scared.

    After a while they turned around, the horns had a go, then a bunch of floats got carried out of the church followed by other, different hoods, and, without explanation, something out of asterisk and obelisk. This was all well and good but where was "MAY-REE"?! He started following what was now a moving ordeal, presumably to find her, and I told him I'd see him later and went to find something to eat.

    On reflection, I think he's got his days mixed up, Mary gets a go on Good Friday.
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