Senamiestis (Kaunas)

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    • Day 38

      Noch nie erlebt - wohl nie mehr

      July 15, 2023 in Lithuania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Wieder einmal wurden wir aufs schönste und aussergewähnlichste überrascht.
      Es war einfach unglaublich,
      Entschuldigt den Ausdruck, es war genial geil.
      Um die Mittagszeit kamen wir nach Kaunas in Lettland. Die Strasse auf der uns Frau Google führte schien gesperrt zu sein, aber ein freundlicher Ordner deutete uns reinzufahren - also fuhren wir.
      Wow, wir landeten mitten in der Stadt am grössten Motorradtreffen. Es waren tausende Bikes auf dem Platz und wir wurden von den Kollegen freundlich begrüsst und eingeladen am Corso teilzunehmen. Ein überwältigendes Erlebnis! Ein mehrerer kolometerlanger Strom von Töffs auf abgesperrten Strassen durch die Stadt an den Flughafen - unglaublich, unser blaues Pferdchen mittendrin - Wahnsinn. Welch eine geniale Überraschung.
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    • Day 3

      Other part of city, andere kant van stad

      May 5, 2024 in Lithuania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Now it was time to go back to the apartment, while walking through the other part of Kaunas, after the last picture I decided to use an eletrical scooter again to get back to the apartment. (Maybe taking a day pass in Vilnius to travel around)
      Nu was het weer tijd om naar het apartement te gaan, dit deed ik via de andere kant van de stad. Na die laatste foto besloot ik maar om weer een elektrische scooter te pakken om naar het apartement te gaan (in Vilnius misschien maar een dagabbonement nemen)
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    • Day 2

      Kaunas Old Town

      May 27, 2024 in Lithuania ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      A walk round Kaunas Old Town, including many former synagogues & Jewish businesses. Jewish buildings are distinguishable from their Lithuanian or Soviet counterparts by their arched windows.

      The yellow building pictured is the ‘Butchers Synagogue’ funded by proceeds from the Butchers market nearby- the half green half white building.

      See also a statue of Abraham Mapu, Hebrew novelist. He is depicted standing on a chair, a clever way of skirting around the Lithuanian/Jewish convention of not commemorating individuals by placing them on pedestals.

      Finally, an amusing monument to nothing particular.
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    • Day 3

      The Longest Day......

      October 17, 2023 in Lithuania ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Tuesday was the longest day of our trip to Lithuania.
      To be more precise, Tuesday was actually 13 days long as I went to visit and walk across the longest bridge in the world.
      In order to cross the Vytautas* The Great Bridge (to give it its formal name) from one bank of the Nemunas to the other took 13 days, because Kaunas belonged to the Russian Empire and Aleksotas to the Prussian kingdom up to 1807. The different sides of the river had different calendars, which included a 13-day difference. During World War II, the bridge was blown up twice, only to be reborn in 1948 (architect Levas Kazarinskis); the bridge retraction mechanism is still of use today. Having crossed the Nemunas, you can try the funicular and climb to the Aleksotas area where you will see a breathtaking panorama of Kaunas.
      Once across the river, you can embark on a funicular journey, which is a unique experience in Kaunas, as this is the only city in the Baltic states where this means of transport is available. The Aleksotas Funicular; built in 1934, is much sought for the view you'll get (of the Old Town) once you reach the hill of the same name and stand on the observation platform.
      After walking down the steps back to the bridge, I made my way across the bridge back into Kaunas and walked towards the castle 🏰

      Vytautas*, also known as Vytautas the Great from the late 14th century onwards, was a ruler of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He was also the prince of Grodno, prince of Lutsk, and the postulated king of the Hussites.
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    • Day 8

      6ter Tag geschafft!

      August 24, 2023 in Lithuania ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Morgens gemütlich gefrühstückt mit unserem lieben Pärchen aus Leipzig, zusammen gepackt und ab zum ersten Punkt des Tages. Es sollte ein Wasserfall sein aber wirkte eher mehr wie eine Stromschnelle. Dort trennten sich für ein paar Stunden unsere Wege. Sie fuhren gleich zu einer Atomraketenbasis, während wir noch Richtung Küste fuhren um uns ein paar Bunker anzusehen. Dort angekommen sind wir gleich rauf auf die Überreste der Bunker, die noch nicht ins Meer gefallen sind und haben den Ausblick genossen. Nach ein bisschen erkunden gings weiter zu einer orthodoxen Kirche die auf den Fotos wirkte als stünde sie mitten im Wald. Leider stand sie in einer ziemlich schäbigen Plattenwohnsiedlung😐.... und wir hatten auch nicht gerade die passende Kleidung zum reingehen an. Also gings über Nebenstraßen, die uns an gute Balkan Straßen erinnerten, zurück nach Litauen und zur Atomraketenbasis!
      Dieser Zeitzeuge des Kalten Krieges führte uns wieder mal vor Augen wie selbstzerstörerisch die Menschheit doch sein kann. In der Bunkeranlage der Raketenbasis wird veranschaulicht wie die beiden großen Mächte früher mit dem Thema Atomkrieg und Zivilschutz umgingen. Ein Foto von Reagan und Gorbatschow zeigte das 2 Männer die Welt ein bisschen friedlicher machen können!
      Danach fuhren wir zuerst ohne großartiges Ziel weiter um uns dann schlußendlich mit den beiden Leipzigern in Kaunas wieder zu treffen. Ihr Hotel Tipp erwies sich als richtig toll und auch das anschließende Abendessen in einem kleinen Lokal war echt klasse. Morgen Abend ist schon die Zieleinfahrt. Mal sehen was wir noch so erleben.
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    • Day 9


      June 20, 2023 in Lithuania ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Hallo Litauen! In diesem Land könnte man sich auch einiges anschauen, jedoch wollen wir etwas voran kommen, sodass wir das Land nur durchqueren. Wir verbrachten ein paar Stunden in Kaunas, starteten mit einer Aussichtsplattform und schlenderten dann durch die Stadt. 🌞 Hier gab es erfrischende Bögen, wo ganz feines Wasser raus gesprüht wird, soo angenehm bei der Hitze. 💦Read more

    • Day 113


      July 29, 2017 in Lithuania ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      It's KAUNASTIC!

      Thats what they say and it makes complete sense to me now. To find out for yourselves, you will just have to come here! A fab city with lots to do for tourists but very few tourists around.. perfect :)

      We are staying in the suburbs in a lovely cottage in someones garden. Stuart has won a fan already in the guise of the owners dog who is waiting for him each time he steps out of the door. Kaunas acted as the capital of Lithuania between 1920 and 1939. It is our first taste of Lithuania and is home to a castle, a very successful basketball team, a huge mix of architecture and a devil museum, amongst many other things.

      After a round the houses bus trip on a mini bus we arrived across the beautiful river Nemunas straight into the centre of the old town, past the Perkunas "Thunder" house, an impressive gothic building housing a jesuit museum. We found our way to the Baroque style Town Hall in a very attractive square to collect a mound of maps from the tourist information.

      Heading first to the Cathedral we were treated to lovely singing from the balcony accompanied by the organist and quickly realised that we were inadvertent guests at a wedding! Don't worry we weren't the only tourists there, but whilst Stuart scarpered I lingered a while to see the dress of course! She was one of three brides that we saw in Kaunas this morning, the weather was lovely - and not too warm! - 23 degrees, obviously a perfect day for a wedding!

      Moving through old town streets mooching for souvenirs, we walked the length of "Laisves Aleja" (Freedom Avenue). It is reported to be the longest pedestrian street in Europe, so not surprisingly half way along we needed to stop for lunch. Our intended lunch stop was quite a distance away so we settled for Mexican. And boy it didn't disappoint! Food was delicious and Stuart had a skull drink. A cocktail in a skull shaped glass with food on cocktail sticks and a flaming sambuca in the centre.. this boy sure knows how to choose a drink! I meanwhile sampled a Lithuanian beer which apparently is the best in the World. Now where have I heard that before....

      On a majorly full stomach, and having been to quite a few historical museums recently, we decided to visit the Devils Museum. Basically it is collection of 2000+ devil statues housed in the house of the late collector, an artist named Antanas Zmuidzinavicius. Completely random but a bit of fun and interesting to read about the folklore from Lithuania and other countries regarding the devil, be he stupid or scary.

      To Stuart's delight we found another funicular, this one being the oldest in Lithuania Unlike the one in Prague - where we had to queue for 20 minutes - there was only one other guy riding it.
      At the top of the funicular we visited Christ's Resurrection Church. It was completed in 2005 and apparently is seen as an eyesore by some. It cost us 1.2 euro to walk the 165 steps to the top where you have great views of the city.

      Kaunas is also full of street art that they are obviously very proud of, so much so that they are all marked on the tourist maps.. We passed a lot on our travels, including an old man the size of a building with a pipe full of stars, a multi coloured shack and a space hedgehog.

      According to one of my many guides, we visited/saw 10 of the 15 top things to do in Kaunas today so all in all a good days sightseeing!
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    • Day 23

      Kaunas Lithuania

      July 18, 2016 in Lithuania ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We had a free day to explore Kaunas. What a neat city! There are too many places I visited and not enough pictures to post (I am only allowed 6). Its hard to imagine the conflicts that occurred in this area over the last 100 years. Everyone here is welcoming. Below are pictures of St. Michael Church, the old and new town streets, the town hall, a castle built in the 14th century and the military museum (they fought for freedom in 1920). Tomorrow we go to Poland.Read more

    • Day 13


      July 1, 2022 in Lithuania ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Auf dem Weg von den Kreuzen zur masurischen Seenplatte haben wir noch einmal in Kaunas halt gemacht. Vilnius war und zu wir an von der Strecke. In der Hitze ist das fahren auch so schon anstrengend.
      Empfehlen können wir den Besuch allerdings nicht unbedingt. Verglichen mit dem Hauptstädten die letzten Tage fällt es hier doch deutlich ab. Viel verfallen oder dringend zu renovieren.
      Wir fahren schnell weiter
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    • Day 9

      Kaunas Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul

      August 14, 2022 in Lithuania ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      Cathedral Basilica of apostles St. Peter and St. Paul of Kaunas (known then as only the Kaunas parish church) is mentioned for the first time in historical sources in 1413. April 22 in the letter by which Bishop Mikalojus of Vilnius grants her the privilege of indulgences. It is believed that it was built between 1408 and 1413. The presumed founder is Grand Duke Vytautas of Lithuania. At that time, this sanctuary was probably the only parish church in Kaunas and belonged to the Vilnius diocese.

      The present-day shape of the building results from a renovation in 1800. The church was promoted to cathedral status by Pope Leo XIII in 1895. It received the Basilica title in 1926 when the Diocese of Samogitia was reorganized into the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kaunas by Pope Pius XI. Pope Francis visited the cathedral on 23. September 2018.
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    Senamiestis (Kaunas)

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