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    • Dag 34

      8 Fevrier Nosy Be

      8. februar, Madagaskar ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Après une belle navigation de 684 Mn, nous voici arrivés à Nosy Be.
      Nous avons réussi à descendre à terre à bord de la première chaloupe.
      Une belle journée d’excursion nous attend. Météo magnifique, grand soleil, mer d’huile, très très chaud
      À 08h30 nous sommes prêts à partir pour notre balade en bateau, direction Nosy Komba, une petite île de 32 km2 , un vrai paradis. Les locaux ont inventé la regligion Musulique un étonnant mélange d’islam et de catholicisme.
      La visite du village et des environs a été une très belle expérience. Les enfants étaient très heureux des petits cadeaux que nous avons apportés.
      Les lémuriens sont superbes et presque apprivoisés. Un endroit magnifique.
      Marielle a enfin trouvé son chapeau en radia…
      Puis direction Nosy Tanikely pour se baigner. Séance snorkelling au top avec de belles tortues, l’eau de mer doit faire 32deg, c’est très très chaud. La plage est magnifique.
      Repas sympa sur la plage où nous avons goûté du Zébu qui était dur comme de la semelle.
      Nous retournons à Hell-Ville pour un tour en tuk tuk qui nous mène au marché, où nous achetons de nouveau de la vanille.
      Sur le retour nous avons rencontré deux petites filles trop mignonnes à qui nous avons offert des jouets.
      Retour au bateau après 17h00 avec de merveilleux souvenirs de Nosy Be.
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    • Dag 11

      Madagascar Canoes

      11. februar 2023, Madagaskar

      No sooner had our ship set anchor near Nosy Be, than a dozen or so dugout canoes paddled right up to us.

      One man sold fruit directly to passengers as they sat in their tender boats. Others sold handmade souvenirs.

      A few, however, seemed to be visiting our ship out of curiosity more than anything else.

      We also saw single sail boats. Having grown up with one, I have a soft spot for that type of water craft. It reminds me of many happy hours sailing with my dad.
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    • Dag 91

      Nosy Be, Madagascar - 3 of 3

      15. april 2023, Madagaskar ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Our last stop was the Hotel Espadon in Nosy Be for local snacks and a chance to step into the Indian ocean at the beach … for the first time.

      Note: the videos here are of the lemurs discussed in prior post and Tuk Tuk traffic jam.Læs mere

    • Dag 11

      Snake Dancers

      11. februar 2023, Madagaskar

      As we wandered through the beautiful grounds, we came upon a group of locals singing and dancing.

      As you can see, one guy had a snake around his neck. He kept quite a grip on the creature’s neck, which made me wonder if it was venomous. (Maybe it was just not in the mood to dance!)

      The dancers all wore shirts labeling them as staff, so I’m not sure if they were holding a snake simply to impress tourists, or if it held more significance than that.

      I would have liked to ask questions about the whole scene, but we’d lost our guide at this point, so I wasn’t able to do more than just observe.
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    • Dag 125

      Nosy Be, Madagascar

      15. april 2023, Madagaskar ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      New-to-us port #36.

      Madagascar = Lemurs. So, there was no doubt in my mind as to what we would be doing when Insignia finally brought us to Nosy Be.

      My initial plan was to do the boat trip that takes visitors to a lemur reserve in the jungle. Then I did a bit more research. It quickly became apparent that with heat and humidity added to the equation, the trek was out of the question for me. I’d melt before we ever got to the lemurs!

      So, we did the next best thing. Together with Sonia and Boris, we hired a couple of tuk-tuks that took us to Lemuria Land. This is a zoological park set on a plantation with ylang ylang trees and mangroves along the river … with several types of the 117 known lemur species roaming freely.

      It is possible to wander around Lemuria Land at your own pace, but we decided to accept the services of a tour guide — tip in addition to the park admission. It turned out to be a smart move as he was able to take us to the lemurs — and other critters, such as tortoises, crocodiles, and chameleons — without wandering aimlessly in the sweltering heat that felt like a sauna.

      In fact, it was so hot and humid that once we accomplished our goal of seeing lemurs, we skipped not just the ylang ylang distillery on the property, but also nixed plans to take the shuttle into town.

      Air conditioning never felt as good as it did today!

      P.S. Signage was in French, so researching the types of lemurs we saw is going to have to wait until I have better internet.
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    • Dag 11

      Voice of the Sea

      11. februar 2023, Madagaskar

      Larry and I were chosen to take part in the ship’s Voice of the Sea competition. Larry auditioned with Elton John’s “Candle in the Wind,” while I sang Sarah Brightman’s “Think of Me.”

      For the show, Larry performed “My Way,” since it’s such a crowd pleaser and he does it well.

      The ships had a very small list of songs to choose from and I couldn’t find anything for a soprano in the English choices. On a whim, I chose the German song, “99 Luftballons.”

      I could have sung it in English, but I’ve met a lot of nice Germans on the ship, and no one else was singing a tune in their language.

      I figured German people might get a kick out of it, and it would be a fun challenge, to boot. My German friend, Tom, helped me with pronunciation.

      I learned a lot!

      Our server, Edgar, kept the wine flowing during dinner on the night of the show and even sent us out the door with a couple glasses to go!

      We weren’t able to watch the show, alas, because they kept us backstage where we could only see it on a black and white monitor.

      Singing with a live band is so much fun! Larry and I had a great time. We even made it to the final 3.

      In the end, a woman from Holland won. She sang Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” It was well deserved. Her voice is beautiful.

      I really hope they will offer regular karaoke on the ship. This was fun, but I much prefer singing when it’s not a competition. It’s a wonderful way to meet fellow music lovers.
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    • Dag 3

      Il trasferimento al campo

      14. august 2022, Madagaskar ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Appuntamento h.9 in reception per recarci al porto dove con la barca saremmo salpati finalmente per Nosy Komba, l'isolotto dove è situato il nostro campo.
      Nonostante indossi due orologi, continuo a fare confusione con il fuso orario. Mi sveglio ben 2 ore prima della sveglia preventivata, ma mi accorgo dell'errore solo dentro la doccia, quella che sarebbe stata l'ultima con acqua calda per le prossime 4 settimane.
      Per le 9 mi presento finalmente all'appuntamento e qui conosco Riccardo, un altro romano di 22 anni, con cui condividerò anche il programma di Conservazione Marina. Sembra davvero simpatico ed infatti si instaura subito un buon rapporto. Abbiamo interessi comuni e la conversazione si protrae per molto tempo.
      Nel frattempo arriviamo in uno spot intermedio, perché ci comunicano che con la bassa marea non sarebbe stato possibile arrivare al campo. Nell'attesa visitiamo questa splendida spiaggia dove i bambini corrono, giocano e raccolgono granchi e conchiglie.
      Facciamo un giro e ci accorgiamo di quanto sia diverso questo mondo. Ci sono bancarelle con teste di pesce mozzate vendute sopra fogli di carta scritti a penna e contornati da mosche. Forse li usano per pescare (?).
      Dopo qualche ora finalmente possiamo muoverci e arriviamo al nostro campo, una serie di capanne in mezzo alla foresta e direttamente a picco sul mare. Sembra un film. Il passaggio è UNICO.

      Ci assegnano le camere. La mia si affaccia verso nord (ahimè) ma ha una vista spettacolare sul mare. Sarò anche con Sam, il ragazzo inglese che era con noi questa mattina. Un po' timido. Vediamo se evolverà.
      Monto la zanzariera e disfo lo zaino. Ho appuntamento con Riccardo per una piccola sessione di snorkeling di fronte la spiaggia del campo.
      Qui conosciamo il resto dei ragazzi che sono appena tornati da un weekend a Nosy Iranja (entusiasmo allo stato puro nei loro occhi, sicuramente la visiterò).
      La giornata termina con una veloce doccia (gelata) e una cena frugale alle 18 (riso, poca carne e un po' di verdure cotte), cui segue quella che diventerà il nostro appuntamento quotidiano con le attività del giorno successivo... LA BOARD!
      Sono stanco. Davvero stanco. Ma ciò non mi impedisce di fare un paio di foto con la GoPro alla volta stellata. SONO EUFORICO. NON C'È INQUINAMENTO LUMINOSO.
      Rimango perplesso quando mi rendo conto che le mie qualità di orientamento notturno, non sarebbero servite nell'emisfero Australe. Bene, ho qualcosa di nuovo da studiare!
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    • Dag 11

      Nosy Be Dancers

      11. februar 2023, Madagaskar

      When our tender boat reached the dock at Nosy Be, it was a chaotic scene.

      As passengers rushed up the gangway, I peered into the azure water and saw that it was thick with fish! Most appeared to be silvery herring, but these were punctuated with bright orange and yellow fish, as well.

      Unfortunately, the throng of impatient passengers prevented me from being able to stop and get a photo of this wondrous sight.

      Locals greeted our ship’s arrival with an energetic dance as tuk tuks zipped by, taxi cabs called out to us, vendors hawked their wares, and tour vans parked willy nilly.

      The dance was really something: One woman casually balanced a bottle on her head, while the other women took turns writhing face down on the ground and twerking!

      Add a hefty dose of heat and humidity to this and you have one hectic scene!
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    • Dag 11

      Madagascar Tortoises

      11. februar 2023, Madagaskar

      They keep three kinds of Madagascar tortoise at the Ylang Ylang farm.

      The first photo shows a Star Tortoise. Their shells are so pretty!

      As you can see, male Soc Tortoises have a bony protuberance in front. They can fight each other with this, although I imagine it must be a very slow paced fight.

      And lastly, you see a Bell Tortoise named Napoleon. According to our guide, Napoleon is more than 220 years old.

      Sadly, he was shot during a war (stupid humans!) You can see the damage to his shell. This wound caused him to go blind when he was around 200 years old.

      Our guide says they make sure Napoleon stays well fed, and that he continues to thrive despite losing his sight.
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    • Dag 11

      Ylang Ylang Farm

      11. februar 2023, Madagaskar

      We visited a Ylang Ylang farm near Nosy Be, Madagascar. See that tree I’m standing under? It’s Ylang Ylang.

      And see how the trees are hunched over? They are pruned this way so that the blossoms can be picked without a ladder.

      Ylang Ylang blossoms are a lighter green than the leaves, nor do they look like a traditional flower blossom.

      At the entrance to the factory, they had a framed photo of Ghandhi with a wonderful quote, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

      Must confess that we were melting from the heat and humidity at the ylang ylang distillery.

      I much preferred our trek through the neighboring forest, where we saw bananas growing, and so many gorgeous plants.

      I smelled Ylang Ylang everywhere we went that day. It wasn’t until I undressed for a shower back on the ship that I realized I was the culprit; a little sprig of Ylang Ylang blossoms was snagged in my bra strap!
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