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    • Dag 12

      Hunting Insects Like No Other Pt 2

      5. november 2023, Madagaskar ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      And then we discovered just the best thing I've ever seen: On moldy looking trees wasn't mold, but hundreds of insects. They just looked like snowflakes or cotton, it amazed me so much. These are the coolest creatures ever and nobody else cares about it.
      Now we know about it and care.
      We would get a very good rest tonight, I thought, because I suddenly felt the exhaustion of focusing and searching for Insects for 2hrs straight. We called it a day and drove back home to fall into bed and asleep.
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    • Dag 51


      29. november 2023, Madagaskar ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today, we spent our last day within the Madagascan National Parks, and I was eager to make the most of the final day. When we started our first walk, though, it was clear that there was a bit of sickness going around. Although I wasn't feeling great, I attributed it moreso to the malaria medication that can make your stomach upset if not taken with food. But, eventually, the nausea started to kick in, and I knew i was in for a long walk. I managed to hold it together and see some incredible lemur activity, which made the walk definitely worth it. But, in the end, what got me was the same thing that had been pissing me off all tour. On our way out, I felt fine while walking, but as soon as we stopped, I would get nauseous and dizzy. Not great when you have a group of elderly people who can not help but ask 40 questions every time they see anything from a lemur to a butterfly. So, in the end, we stopped to look at a spider, and when the questions started to somehow deviate to questions about cooking them, I knew I may as well just face the music and go be sick. Because we weren't gonna start moving any time soon. It was not a fun vomit, but I did feel better after the fact, and it meant I could get back to the hotel without risking being sick on the bus. My main fear. In the end, I skipped lunch, and the driver was nice enough to take me and one of the other ladies back to the hotel while everyone else continued doing the walks, many still battling sickness. Although we missed more lemur activity, it sounds like I got the best stuff of the day, so I have no regrets. It allowed me to rest and recover. We had a long bus trip the next day and then A LOT of travelling on planes, so I really wanted to get well asap. It was my first time being sick on my trip so far, and it wasn't horrible in hindsight. I was just a bit neasous and sick a couple of times, but by the end of the day, I was feeling much better, and so I was glad to have missed the activities and recovered properly.Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      Abenteuer Wanderung durch den Regenwald

      26. oktober 2019, Madagaskar ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Morgens geht es gleich wieder auf die Pirsch, villeicht sagt sich der Indri ja heute raus? - > und wir haben Glück wir können mehre Indris 🐒 beobachten, klein und groß, jung und alt. Wer entrant das Chamäleon zuerst?🦎 Die Bäume werden sehr genau abgeacannt. Dabei darf man den Boden aber nicht auf aus den Augen verlieren - die hohe Schlangendichte im dichten Regenwald!🐍Læs mere

    • Dag 11

      Driving to Andasibe - Impressions

      4. november 2023, Madagaskar ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We started early at 7.30am because we'd have to drive 6 hours to our first real overnight stop: Andasibe.
      We got into the bus and, honestly, I was deeply disappointed. It was a small, grey bus without any purple G design on it, with old seats that neither had lots of leg freedom nor any storage space for e.g. your water or phone. You also didn't have a USB-Charger. But hey, at least we could use our own bought water because G didn't even provided us with water in a country that is known for its lack... Oh, but we had to pay for our meals as well... So, very impressive G Adventures (not)!
      Okay, enough ranting and being pissed off. Let's give Madagascar a chance.
      As we left Tana, we saw hundreds and hundreds of policemen and soldiers along the way, as a protest was scheduled for tomorrow. When Seb said, that you would never have so many safety measures in Germany during a protest, I just plainly answered: "Yes, because Germans aren't desperate when protesting, because we have everything and are just complaining about stuff. These people have nothing, they are desperate and desperate people are dangerous because they have nothing to lose."
      Not to be said, that we were quite happy, when we left the Capital behind us.
      Driving through the Malagasy landscapes was weird, as there were lots of dirty, non-picture worthy villages that were crammed with cars and people, showing off the poorest bits of the country. And then there were endless green rice fields situated between mountains that gave you back the will to care. And then you learn about the once called "green island" of Madagascar is nowadays called the "red island", because of all the deforestation the Malagasy already did, showing off the red colored earth that's left behind. On the one hand, you want to be angry about the locals, on the other hand though they are only trying to survive somehow. Even if you'd educate them and show them how necessary the forests are for them (not only for better air, climate change, etc. but for tourism as well), they wouldn't have any other options. The country is just too poor, the politicians do nothing about it and even if they could, I wouldn't think they could do enough. As I said... These people are desperate, and desperate people don't decide for the greater good but for themselves.
      We finally arrived in our Lodge in Andasibe, checked into our bungalows and got some lunch. The afternoon would be free time or you could choose to go to a Community Reserve to see some lemurs. Obviously, this optional activity wasn't included in the tour price either. It would cost another 50.000 Ariary p.p.
      Anyway, we'd do it.
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    • Dag 110

      Ask And Yea Shall Receive

      28. oktober 2023, Madagaskar ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      It never hurts to ask.

      I arrived in Madagascar through an indirect and largely unplanned route.

      Being in a country renowned for biodiversity and endemic species means: nature hikes!

      Normally, nature hikes means: binoculars!
      I love the magic of bringing beauty right up close.

      My travels to date weren't of the birding persuasion and while I have occasionally wished I had binocs, I hadn't had a strong enough need nor opportunity to obtain decent quality. Until, that is, I was faced with a large group of friendly Scandinavians who were here having a lovely time with long camera lenses and... Binoculars.

      So when it came up that they were leaving for home, I asked someone if she would be willing to sell her binocs to me ... I'm delighted that she agreed.

      After a little logistical struggle, I've transferred an entirely reasonable amount of money from the USA to Norway, and am the proud new owner of almost-new swarovski 8x25 field glasses.

      This is the sort of feel good moment that makes me happy that I was raised by Bonnie Broyles- a woman who has never shied away from meeting her new friends at any destination.

      Let the adventure continue!
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    • Dag 17


      31. oktober 2017, Madagaskar ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We are now traveling back up north towards Antananarivo we have had some wonderful experiences traveling through Madagascar yesterday we were taken down the valley to experience the life of the farming community there main crop is rice where they irrigate the paddy fields the same way as the Chinese this land is paradise and the people however poor are so friendly and happy souls I would love to send some of our Young misfits hear to give them a new aspect on as Lorna would say a full stop.lets take a breath then do som more.Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      Mitsinjo Project

      13. april 2018, Madagaskar ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Our first outing in Madagascar. We visited a community project and helped their reforestation efforts by planting 6 tiny trees. When they are grown up the lemurs will play in them.

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