Sungai Bisik

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 2.341

      Heading to the Highlands

      26 de abril de 2022, Malásia ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      I wake at just after 9 and have raging toothache but take a few pain killers. I have arranged to do breakfast with James. He picks me up on the bike and takes me to a cool little cafe where a lawyer has all his books and has opened it so other lawyers can come and use them while having a coffee or sandwich. I've packed my rucksack which just seems to get easier each time I do it and James once again kindly offers to drop me to the bus station. I'm quite sad saying goodbye to him as he's been the best company for the last 10 days and although we are polar opposite have got on brilliantly. I board the bus for the 5-6 hour journey and I'm a little disappointed that I haven't got a massager on my seat this time. The bus journey passes quite quickly as I've downloaded a few things off Netflix and caught up on my blog. When we get to a place called Ringlet it's a good 40 minute snaking road upto the bus stop passing lots and lots of plastic covered green houses sitting on steep hills that house all tge vegetables they are famous for growing here. It's only an 8 minute walk to my hostel so I grab my rucksack and walk there. I'm so hungry so I literally drop my bag and head for food. My first stop though is to buy some mosquito spray, I've been eaten alive In KL and need to take precautions here. The guy in the shop recommends a traditional indian restaurant here and I order the chicken korma with roti and they even have 3 layer tea. When it comes out its more like a Madras but still delicious. I leave here and find a chemist they have no painkillers but Clove oil and to be honest it works better than the pain killers. I take myself to bed early to get up for the dentist tomorrowLeia mais

    • Dia 4

      Cameron Highlands

      6 de dezembro de 2022, Malásia ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Plan für heute waren die Cameron Highlands und die Besichtigung der Landwirtschaft Malaysias. Wir starteten mit einer Erdbeereplantage (die man sich auch hätte sparen können) fuhren weiter zu einer Imkerei und anschließend zu einer riesigen Teeplantage. Die Imkerei war extrem spannend da die Bienen in Malaysia ungefähr doppelt so groß und doppelt so gefährlich aussehen 😂 wir haben verschiedene Sorten Honig probiert. Einer davon extrem teuer und extrem bitter - nicht zu empfehlen. Das Highlight waren die highlands heute. Ich hab vorher noch nie Tee gesehen abgesehen im Beutel. Es war echt spannend zu sehen, wie der geerntet wird.
      Danach haben Larissa und ich uns einen Tee gegönnt mit ordentlich Milch drin - war legger
      Als wir draußen zur Abholung bereit standen kamen circa 15 Kinder auf uns zu und wollten mit uns hunderte Bilder machen. So viel Freude beim fotografieren hab ich noch nie gesehen. Ich war in dem Moment der Affe im Käfig gefühlt 😃
      So Schluss jetzt
      Bis dann
      Leia mais

    • Dia 4

      Enjoying several rewards

      15 de agosto de 2019, Malásia ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      After arriving at the tea plantation I rewarded myself with apple cake and icecream. I then hiked back and had another Indian meal for dinner.

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    Sungai Bisik

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