Pjazza Tal-Parroċċa

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    • Day 11

      Day 11 • An evening in Rabat

      April 1 in Malta ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      This morning we took the Gozo fast ferry to Valletta and then a BOLT * to Rabat - Mdina for our last two nights on Malta. We visited the Mdina on the way back from Dingli Cliffs last week (see Day 4), but hadn’t wandered around Rabat. Accounts of Rabat - Mdina seem to vary - but there’s no doubting a rich history going back many thousands of years. More info below.

      We arrived at our new digs, grateful for an early check in and delighted to find we had a light and airy studio with kitchen facilities and a sunny terrace. The French went for a stroll to a nearby shop and came back with provisions to make a ham cheese and tomato baguette for lunch on the terrace. 😎.

      In the afternoon The French went back to the Mdina and also did a reconnaissance for likely dinner spots not far from our apartment. He discovered quite a few restaurants in the heart of Rabat, and just 800 metres away. It was a fine evening, and we enjoyed a slow stroll, through some charming narrow streets, and dinner in the courtyard at Castelletti. We had a small (very small) martini blanco as an aperitif (or I should say aperitivo) to begin.

      Lovely evening. Last day tomorrow. 😎

      More here on Rabat and Mdina…

      * Travel tip: Up until my knee started playing up we’d mostly taken local buses (frequent, efficient, on time, inexpensive, clean) to move around - when ferries were not an option. In the past few days we’ve opted for a BOLT car door to door. On Malta they have taxis, Uber and BOLT (new to me) with the last being the most popular. We’ve never waited more than a few minutes. Given the size of Malta, and Gozo much smaller still, it’s rare to need a long/expensive journey. Most of our journeys have been between 5 and 10 kms. Recommend downloading the BOLT app if visiting Malta / Gozo.
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    • Day 47


      October 23, 2022 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Die gleich an Mdina anschließende Stadt Rabat (bedeutet Vorort) entstand vor ca 2000 Jahren als Teil der Stadt Mdina.
      Am ersten Bild sieht man die St. Paul Kirche. Sie wurde in Gedenken an den Apostel Paulus und den Stadthalter Publius 1664 - 1683 erbaut. Paulus soll 3 Monate in der unter der Kirche sich befindenden Grotte gelebt haben, bis er den römischen Stadthalter Publius zum Christentum bekehren konnte.
      Danach sind wir ein bisschen unter der Erde in schmalen Gängen herumgekrabbelt. Die St. Paul Katakomben dienten seit dem 3./4. Jhd. vChr. als Bestattungsanlagen. Zur Zeit der Römer wurden die Gräber genutzt, da das begraben der Toten innerhalb der Stadtmauern verboten war. Auf 1,5 Quadratkilometern gibt es hier viele verschiedene Grabhöhlen, die damals in Familien-, Clan-, politische Gemeinschafts- oder Zunftgräber aufgeteilt waren. Wenn man da bei einer Gemeinschaft war, hatte man schon für danach vorgesorgt. Wenn man keine Grabstätte hatte, konnte man zu einer Art Organisation gehen, die einem dann gegen Geld eine Grabstätte bereitstellte.
      Auf jeden Fall beeindruckend, was für ein Netz von Gängen und kleinen Höhlen hier unter der Erde nur mit Hammer und Meißel geschaffen wurden.
      Die Kirche St. Dominic & the blessed Virgin befindet sich in der Mitte von Rabat und hat einen wunderschönen Innhof mit Garten, umgeben von einem breiten Gewölbegang. Sie wurde im 14. Jhd. erbaut und war ebenso wir Medina Drehort für The Game of Thrones.
      Die Kirche selber war schon geschlossen, nur in die kleine Kapelle konnten wir hinein.
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    • Day 3

      St Agatha's catacombs

      October 20, 2022 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Once visited St Paul's catacombs, I moved to the other side of the street to the much larger site of St Agatha's. Actually, where the St Paul's catacombs consists of one very large catacomb, and two smaller ones (currently being in repair), the site of St Agatha's includes more than 20 much smaller catacombs, from very various origins, usually older ones. There are pagan tombs, usually from pre-roman times, some of them linked to Carthago, Roman ones, but also a whole lot of Jewish ones, with interesting carvings and also rite places.
      One thing that stroke me is the humidity in those catacombs, I came out of them very wet, even though the temperature there was rather cool (17/18 degrees vs. 24 outside), but also, blatantly, not sunny at all 😉
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    • Day 3

      St Paul's catacombs

      October 20, 2022 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      At the end of the village of Ir-Rabat is a major funeral site, all of it under the form of catacombs. The total site, with both St Paul's and St Agatha's catacombs, allows for 1,500 tombs, out of which more or less 1,050 have been occupied (used).
      The site itself includes not only tombs, but also some places for the rites themselves, as well as some more practical places, stairs, places for tools or offerings...
      The first and biggest of these catacombs is St John's catacomb, quite large and including lots of turns and dead ends... a true labyrinth 😰 I even nearly list myself once, but could find my way back.
      Be reassured, there are red "panic buttons" placed in every corner, so that if you feel not good, you can call for help... just think of the people then, they did not have electricity, hence little light, and no panic button...
      This catacomb is mostly a Christian one, I shall elaborate about other catacombs in my next post.
      Oh, and just in case you had any doubt, Béatrice did not join me in these underworld adventures... 😊
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    • Day 8

      Mdina / Rabat

      May 15 in Malta ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Malta was controlled by the british for over 100 years, which i didn't know. Ergo, I also didn't realize my rental car would be driven on the left side of the road. Which i have never done before!!!

      But there's a first time for everything, right? 😁

      Holy crap that was challenging to adjust to. If cars were in front of me, it was a bit less on the brain.. follow the crowd. But all the roundabouts were clockwise instead of counter clockwise, and left hand turns did awful things to my brain. Always looking behind me for a car coming up on my right instead of a car coming in front on my right.

      But otherwise i think i did really well!! I could hear Soni pounding her shoes against her imaginary brakes in the passenger seat haha. But she kept telling me i was doing really well and it was her that was forgetting we were exactly where we should be haha. Oh boy, what a hilarious experience and on crazy roads and crazy busy roundabouts with cars going every direction.

      Ok back to where we went. Drove to the northern tip of the island and took the ferry to the island of Gozo and got ourselves to Victoria in the middle of the island. Beautiful fortress and maze of narrow streets below to yet another gorgeous cathedral.

      Checked out the sights and then headed back to the ferry to the malta main island and to the elevated fortress city of Mdina. Yes that's spelled correctly. Which is a twin city to Rabat. Amazing walled city on a hilltop. Felt like a prince walking through such amazing grand buildings and cobbled passageways. And outside the fortifications, Rabat was wonderful too. Narrow maze like streets filled with beautiful churches and restaurants

      We found a cave restaurant that offered a somewhat expensive 5 course meal maltese foodie experience and we went for it. Sooooo good. I'm such a spoiled person wow.
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    • Day 5

      In den schmalen Gassen von Rabat

      August 25, 2023 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Nahtlos an Mdina hat sich die Stadt Rabat entwickelt. Hier stehen viele maltesische Häuser mit ihren bunten Balkonen und kleine Geschäfte. Die Stadt ist auf Tourist*innen ausgelegt, befolgt jedoch streng ihre Siesta - täglich 13 bis 16 Uhr. Viele Läden waren noch geschlossen als wir durch die Straßen gingen, sodass wir nicht stöbern konnten.Read more

    • Day 3

      📍Step 5 ➡️ Rabat and Catacombs

      August 11, 2023 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      ☑️ The catacombs are the largest among the numerous other types of hypogea present in the area.
      The main complex consists of two large halls, with Doric-style pillars upon columns and painted plasterwork that has been worn away by time.
      There are also two tables obtained from a single piece of rock, which resemble the reclining beds used in Roman tricliniums.
      According to scholars, these artefacts were used to make meals during the anniversary in memory of the deceased
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    • Day 8

      The Heritage

      September 28, 2023 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I would like to say huge thanks to The Heritage Boutique Accommodation for the gorgeous stay in Malta. It was very pretty with notes of local architecture. Also aromas! Aromas are everywhere!

      Outside is a small square with several restaurants, with good wine and food

      If you ever want to stay in the same beautiful place -
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    • Day 5

      Unterm Granatapfelbaum

      August 25, 2023 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Bei dieser Hitze freuen wir uns über jedes schattige Plätzchen. Wenn es dann auch noch unter einem Granatapfelbaum ist, ist die Freude riesig. Denn so einen Baum haben wir zuletzt als Strauch in Amerika gesehen. Als Baum mit ein paar Früchten wirkt er viel schöner. Nach einem kühlen Getränk gingen wir noch ein bisschen durch Rabat bevor uns der Bus zurück brachte.Read more

    • Day 5

      In den Untergrund

      August 25, 2023 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Nachdem wir Mdina ausführlich erkundet und uns danach auf den Weg Richtung Rabat gemacht hatten, spürten wir (mal wieder) wie viel Kraft die Sonne hier hat.
      Daher kam uns die Gelegenheit, die Katakomben von Rabat zu besuchen sehr recht! Weil unter der Erde + viel Felsgestein = schön kühl!!!
      Also 6€ pro Person bezahlt und ab ging es in den Untergrund der bereits an dem 17. Jahrhundert bis zum 2. WK genutzt und immer weiter ausgebaut wurde.
      Die erhoffte Abkühlung trat jedoch nur bedingt ein, da die Luftfeuchtigkeit dort unten sehr hoch war 😬
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Pjazza Tal-Parroċċa, Pjazza Tal-Parrocca

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