Puerto Vallarta

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    • Day 29

      PV: A Lovely Day

      January 9, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      As I noted in the “teaser” footprint from this morning, we had a delightful day in Puerto Vallarta … PV in shorthand. Here’s the story of our day.

      We were off the ship around 9:45a. Stopping to chat with the woman at the information kiosk, we picked up a map and headed out of the cruise terminal … filled with shops, for those interested … we weren’t.

      Hopping on the public bus going to the Centro, which conveniently stopped at the terminal because the traffic light had turned red, we headed into Old Town PV … MXN $10 each (or USD $0.50 per person). Our original plan had been to go to a beach. But the cool morning temp changed our minds. Hence, the bus. Sure, it warmed up considerably as the day progressed, but the rough surf we spotted along the shoreline confirmed that our decision to switch plans was a good one.

      We bookended our Old Town exploration with churches — Nuestra Senora del Refugio, where we got off the bus near Hotel Rosita, and Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y San Jose en Marcha, near where we got on the bus at the end of our visit to the Old City. In between, we strolled the malecón; photographed the surf crashing ashore; admired the many sculptures decorating the promenade; watched the Papantla Flyers performing on the beach; window-shopped the stores lining the boardwalk; rode a horse … true, it was the rocking kind; had a delicious lunch at Xolo; and were charmed by the mosaic benches at Lazaro Cardenas Park. I even exchanged emails with a friend who sent a note to say she was on NCL Joy … docked alongside Insignia … alas, did not manage a meet up.

      The return bus, conveniently marked “Walmart,” dropped us off at the mega store … overflowing with locals, crew members from two ships … and passengers, too. We needed just one thing … more disinfectant wipes to clean our shoes after we return from our day’s explorations. From there it was a short walk to the cruise terminal.

      We were back onboard just in time to run up to the pool deck. Not for food. Not for a dip in the hot tub or the pool. Rather, Oceania brought aboard a mariachi group to perform for us … two shows of 45 minutes each. Simply fantastic … a band, strollers in traditional attire, dancers in colorful costumes, a lariat performer. Wish I could share a video, but the file is too large to upload into FindPenguins. No worries, though. For those embarking in San Francisco, another performance is on the docket for Acapulco.

      Insignia quietly pulled away from its berth around 5:30p … ½ hour before its scheduled departure. Everyone must have returned early to catch the mariachi performances. Perfect timing, however. Had we left on time, Mui and I would not have caught the breaching whale that we saw from our veranda. What a perfect way to end our perfect day in PV.
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    • Day 114

      Hotel - Joint coworking

      December 21, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      I struggled to find a hotel in Puerto Vallarta that had a car parking space. This one I found is a coworking space/hotel. Which means it has great Internet and I can finally backup photos and videos that we've taken over the past couple of weeks.

      Now to enjoy Puerto Vallarta whilst everything backs up.

      We didn't use the hot tub, which was practically next door to our room. But we did find cat Island in PV where we fed lots of stray cats.
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    • Day 2–4

      Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

      January 3 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      The next 2 days were spent exploring the city of Puerto Vallarta and enjoying finally being in the tropical weather. After constantly moving for the past 4 months we were keen to reduce the pace of our travel from here on. On the list of “Mexican must-do’s” was:
      1. try street tacos,
      2. drink tequila,
      3. have a Margarita, and
      4. Hit the beach!

      So on day 1, we did just that. We walked from our apartment to Malecón, a large water-front promenade that is the main attraction for Puerto Vallarta. The promenade is lined with restaurants, bars and boutiques to cater to all the North American tourists. On our hunt for our first margarita in Mexico, we could only find well-overpriced, and ridiculously oversized, cocktail-sized options. We finally found a place on the sand that looked like it would do the job. Not quite but at least we knew it would be smarter just to keep making our own at home like we’d always done. (The troubles of living with a career hospitality professional and a lover of quality drinks 😜)
      * have a Margarita ✅

      Our tacos for dinner the night before would certainly have met the requirements to tick this one off the list. But it’s highly likely all of these are going to be repeated on a regular from here on. Street food stalls are almost on every corner and the tacos are all amazing! We didn’t realise how many different ways there were to prepare a taco until now. Seemingly every region of Mexico has a different way of preparing them and we are in heaven! Our lunch was at a colourful place called Pellizcadas, translated to The Pinched. A super authentic place that we loved so much that we came back the next day.
      * try street tacos ✅

      By chance, we found a nearby place offering Tequila tasting as a complete experience with an explanation of how it’s made. Being so close we dropped by to see if they had availability. We arrived at the bar hosting the experience just as the last session was finishing. However, they were happy to talk us through a private session right then. With an old Mexican guy as our host we soon realised that for every tasting he gave us, he would also pour himself a shot. And it was obvious that he had done the same for the previous 3 sessions of the day 😂. Despite his increasing intoxication, we had a lot of fun. We tried 5 different types of tequilas with some very generous pours (because our host told us it was happy hour 🤷‍♂️)
      * drink tequila ✅

      As for our final must-do… well basically everything else we did during our time in Puerto Vallarta was around our sessions kicking back at the beach. so Hit the beach! ✅
      We found out in the coolest way that the area is known to have a lot of turtles nesting along the coast here. One afternoon a family next to us had a couple of baby turtles emerge out of the sand next to them. I’m assuming they weren’t meant to hatch at that time of the day however we did our best to get them to the sea.

      So after our first couple of days in Mexico, we had happily adjusted to the warm weather and ticked off our short list of Mexican experiences. Puerto Vallarta had been a great starting point but it was much more touristy than we had expected and been looking for. Time to see what else it had to offer.
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    • Day 47

      3 nights in Puerto Vallarta

      January 26, 2020 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Since our short trip to San Blas, we just hung out for 5 days and did beachy things with Pat and Gail, and apartment neighbours, Van and Lola, in Chacala. They are from Bellingham also and Lola has been busy getting things ready for the ukulele workshops. Gail will be running jam sessions during the workshops and Pat will be a gopher. So lots of excitement as everyone around us prepares to do their part. James Hill, the ukulele guru from Nova Scotia, arrived with his family and is staying with his mother-in-law, Dorothy. Chacala is small, so communication is pretty good.

      On Sunday, after a significant Saturday rainstorm, all of us packed up and got ready for the next segments of our trip. It’s always a little sad to say goodbye but we know we will meet up sometime in the future. We just don’t where! It has been a fun 3 weeks with our old friends.

      Pat and Gail moved into a hotel for a week and we got a bus to Vallarta. It was an extremely easy 2 hour trip to the bus terminal near the airport. We paid a taxi driver 200 pesos to take us right to our hotel, Hotel Eloisha, in the Old Town. Quick and easy!

      I picked the hotel because it is in an interesting part of town, was a reasonable price, and at the far end of the malecon. There is a park directly across the road and the hotel has a rooftop patio and small swimming pool with a good view of the ocean. A light breakfast is served in the mornings.

      We arrived before check-in time and we were offered available rooms. We actually chose an indoor room that ended up having a bit of a septic smell, so after the first night, they moved us to a room overlooking the park with a nice sunny balcony. We enjoyed watching the activities in the park. The huge patio on the rooftop was a great place to hangout and the pool was just right.

      Walking on the malecon was a daily treat. One day, we stood and watched a big pod of whales spouting and causing waves. Another day, we watched a very tanned man stack large and small rocks, one on top of another. Quite the balancing act. There are lots of wonderful restaurants so one night we took a break from tacos and pozole and had a pasta dinner in an Italian restaurant with wonderful service and excellent food. I think it was called Dolce Vita. Another afternoon, we ate two Mexican favourites of ours - a guacamole and Molcajete - at a nearby place called Margaritaville.

      We had a final laundry run before packing up and I got my hair cut. Mexican prices and service are the best!!! Our boarding passes for Our flight to L.A. were printed off in a nearby cyber cafe and we bought some didactic games for our grandkids at the Book Fair that was going on.

      We loved the convenience of everything. We will miss Mexico...
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    • Day 4

      Engagement Celebrations in PV

      February 20, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      After a wonderfully relaxing day, Dad and Betty organized an engagement party for James and I at Trio in Puerto Vallarta. Handshake from the chef, roof top views and an incredible Mexican wine pairing with most delicious food - it was amazing 🤩
      Thank you D&B ❤️🤗
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    • Day 233

      Puerto Vallarta

      February 23, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Auf den ersten Blick erinnerte uns Puerto Vallarta, wegen der Promenade und der vielen Meeres-Skulpturen, an La Paz. Aber Puerto Vallarta ist deutlich größer, touristischer und vor allem schicker! Man bekommt schnell das Gefühl, dass hier die Reichen und Schönen Urlaub machen. Weniger die Mexikaner, sondern eher die Gringos.

      Bisher waren wir noch nicht in einer so großen Stadt, die dann auch noch so sauber war. Die Stadtsilhouette besteht förmlich aus Hotels, Resorts, Sonnenschirmen, Strand und Palmen. In (abgezäunte) Pools direkt am Strand bekommt man Cocktails gereicht. Trotzdem hat diese Stadt keinen Ballermann-Charakter, sondern ist eher glamourös.
      Neben riesigen überdachten Hallen mit dem typischen, selbstgemachten Trödel, gibt es hier viele Läden die hochwertigen Schmuck verkaufen. Hier gibt es lokale, wunderschön dekorierte Restaurants mit stolzen Preisen und eine große Shopping Mall mit bekannten Marken.

      Trotz der vielen Menschen, fühlen wir uns erstaunlich wohl in dieser schillernden Stadt... Auch wenn wir ein klein wenig bezweifeln, dass Puerto Vallarta Mexiko authentisch wider spiegelt... 😉
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    • Day 85

      Byebye America…Hola Mexico!

      April 26, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      🇨🇭: zack do bini wieder! Jo was isch denn i dere Zit so passiert. Mir hend gfühlt ehwigs da Auto ned chöne verkaufe…. Hend meh wie 2 Wuche bide Sandra verbrocht (irgennd eh Verwanti wo mir beidi ned kennt hend hahaah) aber soooo eh liebi Frau, mit so wahnsinnig viel Energie😂 hend ihre als dank defür eh Wand ahgmolt!
      Wo mir denn s’auto endli verkauft hend (leider au gar ned zu dem Priis wo mir hend welle…) egal am gliche Tag no ehn Stink billige Flug nach Mexico burchet. Gnauer gseit Puerto Vallarta (isch billiger gsi hahaha)
      Sind denn am halb 4 morgens ufgstande und wie ihr eu da vermuetli denke chönd, so guet wie gar ned gschlofe hahaha😴
      Am 4ii het üs ehn Bekannte abgholt und zum flugi brocht, isch alles recht schnell gange und am 6ii isch üsen Flüger nach Phönix, wo mir eimol hend mösse umstiege. Ich bin denn währendesse bim Gate i pennt und zitig ufgwacht für de nögsti flug😅
      Nach öbbe 3h sind mir denn endli in Mexico acho! Alles glofe wie gschmirt und sind denn nur no rasch fix backpacks gehole. Dusse hemmer denn ehn Bus gnoh (isch egal wie wit distanz isch meh zahlt det umgrechnet ned ganz ehn dollar) interessanti fahrt gsi hahaha. Mir hend zu üsem Glück s‘hostel au sehr schnell gfunde jnd i checkt und hend no bitzli Stadt besichtiget. Git demnöchst sicher no meh zu verzehle aber mir sind echt K.O😅

      🇺🇸: i‘m back!! So whats happen in this time…? We had some struggles to sell the car. In this time we stay in sandras house ( a family member from dominique) so a lovely woman with so much energy!😂 as a thank you, we painted the wall for her, as you have already seen!! After we finally sell the car
      ( but not for the price we actually want…)
      At the same day wy bough some really cheap flights to Mexico, exactly puerto vallarta ( was more cheaper)
      Next day we have to wake up really early. Half 4am and a friend of us take us to the airport. And how you can imagen we didn‘t sleep much so we are really tired hahah.
      Our flight take of at 6am to phönix. There we had to change to plane and i was fall alseep by the gates 😅 after a 3h flight we finally arrived in mexico. And then it goes really fast, take of the backpacks and go to the bus. This drive was also really interesting… ( it also doesn‘t matter how far away you stop is, u just pay 1 dollar or something)
      We found the hostel really fast so we can check in. After we walking a little during the city, buy some food and went back. Next time i can tell more, but today we are to tired😅
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    • Day 86

      Puerto Vallarta

      April 27, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      🇨🇭: Puerto Vallarta isch eh herzigs chlises Städtli. Mir hend üs nach üsem fruchtige zmorge unterwegs id Stadt gmacht. Zwei Gringos ide Stadt hahaha, isch mega läss gsi het au vieli Ständ gha zum ahluege. Hend üs unterwegs no zwei Simcharte kauft, heisst mir sind jetzt eigentli überall erreichbar!😊Sind mitte Nomi denn an Strand und hends würkli warme Wetter gnosse. Was mir üs sus no so vorgnoh hend für Mexico wer:
      1. Tequilla tasting!
      2. Surfe lerne
      3. tanze lerne
      Morn gohts uf Sayulita wo mir vorhend zum chli surfe… mol luege wie das usse chunt🏄🏻‍♀️
      Am Obet simmer denn in nes Restaurant wo es Buffer gha het au sehr fein gsi und direkt am Strand also üsi ussicht isch richtig geil gsi🌅

      🇺🇸: Puerto Vallart a small cute city. After our fruity breakfast we decide to going in the city. Two gringos in the city hahaha was kinda funny but really hot. In the afternoon we went to the beach and enjoy the warm weather there. What we also plan for mexico is:
      1. Tequilla tasting!
      2. learn how to surf
      3. dancing
      Tomorrow we drivw with a bus to Sayulita where we want to learn how to surf🏄🏻‍♀️
      For dinner we are going to a nice restaurant next to the beach. The view was really amazing🌅
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    • Day 7

      Last full Day in PV

      February 23, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After another session of morning workout (it’s SO MUCH easier right by the sea!!), we had a wonderful morning in the garden, actually seeing whales again! 🤩
      We then went to explore Puerto Vallarta in a bit more detail before we returned to the house - packing for our journey home 🥹😐Read more

    • Day 2

      Lazy day

      December 28, 2019 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      (Apparently I only took pictures of food and drinks today)

      Fairly lazy day today. We slept hard (me especially being the one who can't sleep on planes). All the same, Caty woke up around 6, and had to suffer until 7 for breakfast.

      After breakfast, Laura and I hit the gym for an hour while Caty read and watched movies, before spending some time at the pool.

      Once the sun came out in earnest, we took a taxi down to the Malecón (boardwalk) to walk around and get lunch. Caty was starving by this point (and the grumpies had settled in), but we powered on and meandered towards Layla's, which opened right as we arrived. It took a while before we had food in front of us, but it was well worth the wait. Laura had fish (which will be a constant on this trip), Caty had a hamburger, and I had spicy spicy chicken (spicy will also be a constant for me). I also had a surprisingly good Mexican craft beer -- very unexpected.

      After lunch we continued waking the boardwalk until Caty hit the point of exhaustion, and taxied back up the mountain to the hotel for a nap and more time at the pool/hot tub.

      For dinner we went back into town and had grilled meats and cocktails. We had shrimp wrapped in spiiiiicy peppers and a dish of Ceviche appetizers. Matching our experiences thus far, a meal out was a multi hour affair, so by the time we were done Caty was ready for bed, and we went straight back to the hotel, after a brief stop to pick up sunscreen for tomorrow.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Puerto Vallarta, Пуерто Валярта, Pto Vallarta, پورتو بایارتا، خالیسکو, PVR, 푸에르토바야르타, Пуэрто-Вальярта, 巴亚尔塔港

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