San Francisco

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  • Day 263–272

    San Pancho

    May 2, 2024 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    1. Mietwagen besorgt, ausgecheckt, dann lecker fast Bali like gefrühstückt. Anschließend Fahrt nach San Francisco/ San Pancho. Im Casa de Giulio eingecheckt, gechillt, Strand besichtigt, Workout, leckere Enchiladas und Tacos am Straßenrand neben unserer Unterkunft.
    2. Gemütlicher morgen mit Kaffee im Bett, Frühstück eine Straße weiter mit bagel und fruit bowl. Dann mit dem Auto zum Playa de Burros, erst bisschen erkundet, dann zum Surfen. Surf ganz ok, aber Highlight waren Wale, die aus dem Wasser sprangen nur paar hundert Meter entfernt. Rückfahrt über Sayulita, richtig hässlich, nach San Francisco. Workout und wieder zu unserem Tacostand vor der Türe.
    3. Gemütlicher Morgen mit Recherche und Spaß. Frühstück direkt neben an, dann die anderen am Playa la Lancha getroffen. Danach wieder zu burros, Wellen nicht so gut wie Tags davor, trotzdem 1,5 Stunden drin. Zurück nach San Pancho und Quesadillas und Tacos unseres Vertrauens.
    4. Planungen am Morgen, Frühstück, dann 30 min Richtung Norden in den Ort Los Ayala und von dort 45 min Wanderung erst zum Mirador und dann zum Playa del Toro. Sehr schöner Strand mit Mexikanern beim Baden. Zum Sonnenuntergang nach Hause, leckere riesige Pizzen mit Livemusik gegönnt.
    5. Kompletter Reiseplanungstag nur mit Frühstück und Abendessen außerhalb des Zimmers.
    6. Nochmal morgens geplant, dann steht aber so gut wie alles bis Juli. Frühstück im Marias sehr lecker, dann Wellen gecheckt (keine) und anschließend BVB im CL Halbfinale gegen PSG ins Finale einziehen sehen am Pool. Dann Fahrt mit kleinem Umweg wegen leerem Tank zu Burros. Surf leider recht voll und nur wenig Sets. Daheim geduscht und zum roten Taco Haus, sehr fettige, aber gute Quesadillas und riesigen Becher Saft.
    7. Frühstück bei uns ums Eck, dann bittere Bayern Halbfinale Pleite gesehen. Surfen in Burros richtig gut mit wenig Menschen zu Beginn. 3 workouts und Abendessen im zweiten Tacoladen.
    8. Vätern zum Vatertag gratuliert, dann vergeblich nach Büros gefahren. Zurück ins Zimmer, dann brunch nebenan. An Pool, bisschen gechillt, dann zweite Runde Burros, swell klein, aber wenig Leute. Erst alleine, Hanna macht Fotos. Abends endlich wieder Quesadillas vor der Tür.
    9. Gemütlicher Morgen, Auszug, Frühstück, Einzug in neues Zimmer ganz oben mit großer Dachterrasse. Chillen am Pool in auf der Terrasse. Sinnlos Surf in San Pancho, Pool, workout und dann lecker Pizza zum Abschied.
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  • Day 241

    San Pancho

    January 12, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    So we managed to drag ourselves away from Lo De Marcos a whole 20 minutes down the road to see our friend Frida (a Swede) & Todo (a dog) from Baja who were living in San Francisco (or San Pancho as it is known locally). It was such a different town, full of surfers and youngsters enjoying themselves, and therefore a bit more touristy. The camping didn't look very appealing so we parked up outside Frida's house and spent the evening enjoying the nightlife.

    The next day we spent lazying around on the beach, and had a weird experience in a beach bar, as they were apparently filming a Tequila advert & let's just say it was v strange - you'll be able to see from the photo.

    We liked San Pancho but we're going so slowly and there's so much more to see that we decided it was time to leave the coast and head for the hills.
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  • Day 34

    San Pancho

    September 10, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Weil Sayulita jetzt net des größte Städtle ist, in dem man 4 Tage immer wieder was Neues sehen kann, haben wir aufgrund von Tips noch das noch kleinere Städtchen San Pancho besucht. Der Strand war dort der Wahnsinn! Aber leider auch mit sehr sehr wenig Schatten.
    ...Naja ich mein, entweder man will Strandurlaub oder halt net. Und dann ghört so klein bissle Sonnenbrand halt auch dazu. ;)
    Ein netter Neuseeländer, der mit uns im Hostel war, hatte ein Mietauto und hat uns begleitet. *eigennutzaufbeidenseiten* :D
    Abends haben wir dann noch einen kleinen romantischen Strandspaziergang gemacht. Wie's sich ghört :D ;) um uns vom Strand zu verabschieden :(

    ABER das wird vermutlich nicht das einzige und letzte Mal am Strand gewesen sein. Also nicht trauern, sondern wieder ab in die Stinkestadt :D

    UND: wir haben natürlich noch eine asiatisch aussende Frau gefunden, die ein Foto von uns gemacht hat. :D Darf ja schließlich auch nicht fehlen :D
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  • Day 20

    San pancho trip

    February 13 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Went for nice breakfast that Lucas picked. Had a nice walk around after. Then got the car and drove 20 mins to a smaller hippy beach town. We loved it, much more chill beach and great waves for playing.

    Then we went home and got some snacks for lunch. Really nice homemade banana bread from the corner shop.

    We then rented some surf boards for two hours and went surfing - another great day.

    Went for a fancier dinner this time - apparently the owner was Uruguayan. I had more hibiscus flower tacos - but disappointing but amazing pistachio dessert. Too many passion fruit bits in the cocktails for Lucas. Live music and annoying americans dancing.

    They gave us free tequila shots so went home a bit drunk.
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  • Day 147

    Playa San Francisco (San Pancho)

    December 13, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Our next stop was the village of San Pancho, a village on the coast of Nayarit. Lots of fun enjoying the beach and attempting (ans mostly failing) to surf.

    Unser nächster Halt war das Dorf San Pancho, ein Dorf an der Küste von Nayarit. Wir hatten viel Spaß am Strand und versuchten zu surfen (und scheiterten meistens).Read more

  • Day 11–17

    San Pancho

    October 19, 2024 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Hello! Jem here! Let’s start off at the end of Cancun:

    The dwindling alzam stash was yet again threatened as the heavens opened one last time just to make sure we wouldn’t find the car rental return place. At one stage after my third turn on and off the highway, direction commands were coming from 3 anxious voices: Kyla, mom, and moms phone navigation on the loudest setting. 😬 thank you Cancun for that last farewell 😂 Not to worry though because getting to the airport a bit late means looong lines with people and their dogs. So Kyla and I were very happy squealing at various doggo friends.

    We finally arrived in San Pancho at about 5pm, ready to find food and have a dip in the pool (the order of which did not matter). The short walk up and down the main road leading to the beach really highlighted the quaint beauty of San Pancho. The quiet streets glow with life from the restaurants that choose to be open each evening (there seems to be no real rule for business days and hours in the town as most places were erratically closed at random times). The restaurant and taco stand tables spill out into the streets and the sound of live music bounces down the road from a not too far away beach bar. On this first night we had dinner at a boho style spot where a glass of wine was a steal at R80! A slow jazz duo serenaded us through a *few* glasses of wine, heehee, at our table in the corner of the stoop. After watching a few people go in and out of a small door next to us, mom remarked: “goodness! Quite a few people live up there!” Kyla and I fell apart when explaining that it was actually the loo!

    The next few days were occupied by a lot of absolutely nothing at all and it was fabulous. Thanks to a nasty full body sunburn I got on morning 1, despite being in the shade, and the rough waves at the beach which had us all in shrieks trying and failing to not get absolutely pummelled by the huge barrelling waves in the shallows, we stayed happily at the peaceful poolside for most of our days.
    Obviously this meant that we punctuated our pool time with meal times!

    In this unassuming town we had some of the best seafood and service of our trip so far. At a slightly fancy dinner spot we had shrimp aguachile (raw prawns in a red fresh citrus sauce), oysters, soft-shell crab tacos, and fish ceviche - nearly a home run except that mom felt very hoodwinked by a R210 glass of *ok* wine. One night we tried an Italian place which had only just opened the week before. The Italian chef came out to chat with us, we were given a free desert, and mom’s prawn pasta was to die for (also only R90 a glass of wine). Needless to say we went back again for our last dinner where the chef convinced mom of a lobster risotto and I finally scratched an itch about lasagne! Just outside our hotel was a street side taco place where we went one evening straight from the pool - Kyla and I just in our towels as the post dinner swim was already calling to us!

    For two sunsets, we had cocktails and seafood on the beach. On one of these occasions, our shrimp aguachile arrived just as we realised a turtle hatchling release was happing further up the beach. Abandoning our cocktails and feast, we run over to see what the fuss was about. What an amazing blessing to be in the right place at the right time! In San Pancho, Project Tortuga aims to protect the endangered turtle population by relocating eggs from the beach where high temperatures, birds, and humans threaten their survival. Once the eggs hatch, they are released safely within hours, and on some evenings, these releases are done at sunset for the public to watch. On this evening, about 200 few-hours-old hatchlings were released to make their toddle down the beach to the sea. It was an incredible site to witness and the volunteers were so gentle with the teeny tiny turtles.

    Our final sunset was spent at a beach shack spot called Oyster Point, where we had to-die-for prawn skewers and surprisingly amazing braaied oysters in the regional Zarandeado sauce. Unfortunately, my sunset view was blocked for a bit by the waiter who was shamelessly flirting with Kyla for far too long 😂

    All in all, we definitely cracked the seaside holiday code with this one. On an evening visit to the nearby more popular Sayulita town and beach, this was confirmed as we all preferred our San Pancho which seems to promote a calmer, quieter, and more-down-to-earth type of tourism. Also! Following a local’s suggestion, we walked down to the end of the beach to the spot where children are taught to swim and had our peaceful beach swimming moment (even coming across a baby turtle having a swim in the waves with us!).

    What a beautiful week spent on the Mexican coast!
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