Work work work :)

I usually bring in some adventure even on the days I'm working, but today was almost all work. I enjoy what I do and the people I work with, and it allows me to make some money while I'm traveling, soRead more
I usually bring in some adventure even on the days I'm working, but today was almost all work. I enjoy what I do and the people I work with, and it allows me to make some money while I'm traveling, soRead more
Wir sind gut in Myanmar angekommen. Jedoch total erledigt und erschöpft, da die Überfahrt anstrengend war so wie die Einwanderung und das Zurechtkommen im neuen Land.
Nach einer kurzen Dusche habenRead more
This day went unexpected for me, but very good in the end!
I got up at 4am to make it to the airport in Yangon and arrived at Myeik in the south at 9am in the morning. By 11:30, I had checked into myRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Kawthoung, Kawthaung, KAW, ကော့သောင်းမြို့, เกาะสอง
Birga Rohweder
Don't forget to eat ;)