
Scopri le mete di viaggio dei viaggiatori che scrivono diari di viaggio su FindPenguins.
Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Langtang
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    • Giorno 51

      Day 5 of Langtang Trek

      25 marzo, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ -4 °C

      We woke up very early, as our sleep was still a bit disturbed, to 2 feet of snow covering everything! It was insane to see the transformation from brown shrubs to a white desert. We watched as the yaks slowly wandered through and as people began to wake up and try to carve a path through.

      The plan that day had been to have a day hike up to our highest point, Tsergo Ri at 5,000m, which would have been a 9-10 hour trek there and back, from where we could see over 20 peaks, the Langtang Valley, and frozen lakes. However, as the path was now likely completely hidden and slippery with snow, it was not an option. When we went up to the common room and spoke to Dil Man, he said the new plan was to rest until after lunch and then head back down to Langtang village and spend the night there instead.

      So we had the morning to go play in the snow and hang out. Very surprisingly, even though the snow was cold, the sun was shining and it was SUPER HOT. I could barely wear a jacket. With the sun so hot, the snow was melting pretty quickly, so it didn't look like we'd be snowed in after all.

      While eating lunch, a helicopter landed in the field in front of us and picked up two people who looked like they'd just come off the path from Tsergo Ri. My guess was either they attempted it and got altitude sickness or they were super rich and couldn't be bothered to walk down the rest of the valley, like the rest of us plebs.

      After lunch, we leisurely made our way back down the path from yesterday to Langtang village, which seemed SO much easier now we were used to the altitude and it was downhill.
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    • Giorno 61

      Nepal Tag 4

      1 marzo 2020, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Start in den Tag:

      Tag in 6 Worten:
      ▪️Pferde mit Glocken haben uns geweckt
      ▪️Wackelige Hängebrücken
      ▪️Helmut (unser Hund bis zur ersten Hütte) hat uns wieder verlassen
      ▪️Laufen Langtang Khola entlang
      ▪️Puhh anstrengend
      ▪️2480ü.Nn. ➡️ 977 Höhenmeter gelaufen (syabrubesi to Lama Hotel)

      Was hat uns heute ein Lächeln auf die Lippen gezaubert:
      Dummes gelaber beim Wandern.

      🕗 Toast and 2 fried eggs both sides
      🕗 Toast and 2 fried eggs both sides
      🕐 Fried Momo
      🕐 Momo
      🕕 Potatoes with butter
      🕕 Roasted Potatoes

      Besondere Begegnungen:
      Ein Peruaner, der auch unsere Strecke wandert, danach aber über den Himalaya nach Afghanistan laufen möchte.. (ja er war stoned🍀)

      Mit Feuer warm, ohne kalt.
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    • Giorno 62

      Nepal Tag 5

      2 marzo 2020, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

      Start in den Tag:

      Tag in 6 Worten:
      ▪️Wieder von bimmelnden donkeys geweckt
      ▪️Herr der Ringe/Alice im Wunderland mäßige Wanderung
      ▪️Yaks, Baby und Mamayaks (Naks), Dzos und Mules
      ▪️Snow ❄️ und Mütze verloren
      ▪️Überragendes Mittagessen
      ▪️3400ü.NN ➡️ 920 Höhenmeter gelaufen (Lama Hotel to Langtang Gompa)

      Was hat uns heute ein Lächeln auf die Lippen gezaubert:
      Ein kleines flauschiges Dzomo, das eventuell knuffeln wollte, aber Hörner hatte. Habs am Ende doch gestreichelt und gefüttert. 😍🐃

      🕗 Chapati and 2 fried eggs both sides
      🕗 Chapati and 2 fried eggs both sides
      🕐 Daal Bhat
      🕐 Daal Bhat
      🕕 Daal Bhat
      🕕 Daal Bhat

      Besondere Begegnungen:
      Deutsch/Österreichische Reiseschnapsgruppe

      Warenlieferung der Teehäuser erfolgt über Eselponys.
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    • Giorno 63

      Nepal Tag 6

      3 marzo 2020, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 0 °C

      Start in den Tag:

      Tag in 6 Worten:
      ▪️Kurze Wanderung
      ▪️Joint im Himalaya
      ▪️3830ü.NN ➡️ 400 Höhenmeter gelaufen (Langtang view guesthouse to sunrise guest house)

      Was hat uns heute ein Lächeln auf die Lippen gezaubert:

      🕗 Chapati with cheese
      🕗 Chapati with fried egg
      🕐 Fried vegetable Momo
      🕐 Fried vegetable Momo
      🕕 Fried Potatoes with cheese and vegetables
      🕕 Veg. Noodle Soup with rice

      Besondere Begegnungen:
      Immer noch die Deutsch/Österreichische Reiseschnapsgruppe mit Peruaner.

      Immer links von den Mani walls vorbei laufen ➡️ bringt Glück!
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    • Giorno 65

      Nepal Tag 8

      5 marzo 2020, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Start in den Tag:

      Tag in 6 Worten:
      ▪️Immer noch blauer Himmel und Sonnenschein
      ▪️Aua Sonnenbrand
      ▪️Wir haben Knie(je)
      ▪️Schneekleidchen, Monkeys, Reh
      ▪️Roxy getrunken
      ▪️2480 ü.NN ➡️ 1350 Höhenmeter gelaufen
      (Kyanjin to Lama Hotel)

      Was hat uns heute ein Lächeln auf die Lippen gezaubert:
      Mit Esel geknuffelt. 🐴

      🕗 Chapati with cheese
      🕗 Veg Omelette
      🕐 Dal Bhat
      🕐 Dal Bhat
      🕕 Veg cheese momo
      🕕 Veg cheese momo

      Besondere Begegnungen:
      Peter und Manish, die wir/uns immer wieder eingeholt haben.

      Es wird alles den Berg rauf getragen.. 😳 Ein Paket sah aus wie eine Spülmaschine.
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    • Giorno 30


      15 febbraio 2023, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ -7 °C

      Weil es in Kianjing Gompa sehr schön ist, wollen wir noch eine Nacht hier oben bleiben.
      Sarah verbrachte ihren Restday gemütlich mit Buch im Bett, zugedeckt von mehreren Decken und dick angezogen, weil Zimmertemperatur = Außentemperatur. Tim nutzte seinen "Restday" lol um einen weiteren Berg (Tsergo Ri 4985m) zu erklimmen und pünktlich zum Mittagessen wieder da zu sein. Danach machten wir noch einen kleinen Spaziergang ums Dorf herum.
      Jetzt sitzen wir in der Stube (einziger geheizter Raum) und lesen und spielen bei bestem Panorama.
      Morgen geht es dann wieder früh los, das Tal runter.
      GaLiGrü :)
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    • Giorno 50

      Day 4 - Langtang Trek

      24 marzo, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

      Today was only a half day, but due to the altitude, it still felt pretty hard. It also gets colder as you go up in altitude, so even though the sun was hot, it was still very cold. The temperature drops approximately 6.5°C per 1,000 meters of elevation gain, so it's about 27°C colder than it was at sea level, so near 1-7°C during the day.

      Although challenging, it was the most beautiful day yet. We became surrounded by snow-capped peaks, and the clear sky made looking up a breathtaking experience as we became immersed in the majesty of the mountain landscape.

      We arrived about midday at our teahouse at Kanjin Gompa, sitting at 3,870m above sea level. We settled into our room, which had the most stunning view yet. After a long, relaxing rest, we headed out with the group for a short 2-hour trek up to the closest peak, Kyanjin Ri, which sits at 4,604m. To help with altitude, it's good to go higher than 500m and then come back down again and sleep at the lower elevation. It was SUPER steep and REALLY hard going. As we got higher, it got windier, and James and my vertigo were starting to get to us. So, when we got to Lower Lower Kyanjin Ri at 4,300m, we decided to turn back, leaving Dil Man and Nicolas (Dad, Fredrik had already turned back) to continue to the top. We later heard from them that it took them 25 minutes to reach the top once we left them and 25 minutes to get down, whereas it took us 1 hour to get just to where we had got to and probably the same to get down. Bloody youths.

      After a tasty dinner, we headed back to our room to see that it was snowing, so we stayed up to watch the largest snowflakes fall that we'd ever seen. We went to sleep wondering when it would stop and how much would remain in the morning.
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    • Giorno 29


      14 febbraio 2023, Nepal

      Auf unseren ersten anstrengenden Wandertag folgte eine unruhige Nacht, weil unsere Körper noch ein bisschen brauchten, um sich an die Höhe und sportliche Belastung zu gewöhnen.
      Mit umso mehr Motivation ging es los auf die letzten paar Kilometer bis zum Ende des Tals ins Dorf Kyanjin Gompa (3800m).
      Hier fanden wir eine Unterkunft mit Bergsicht, leckerem Mittagessen und einer warmen Dusche für abends (die war ein Traum!).
      Nach der Stärkung speckten wir unser Gepäck ab und stiegen mit einem Rucksack (wichtig: genau 20min Tragezeit pro Person haha) auf den Kianjin Ri (4603m).
      Luft da oben war auf jeden Fall noch ganz gut, Aufstieg trotzdem sehr anstrengend, außerdem auch windig und kalt.
      Der Ausblick war wirklich unglaublich schön (gibt ca 10 Bilde dazu, upsi).
      Stolz wie Bolle über unseren ersten Berg über 4000 Metern ging es über Umwege zurück zum Dorf.
      Nach ausgiebigem Abendessen (es gibt hier das nepalesische Bergsteigeressen namens Dal Bath, bestehend aus Reis + Gemüse + Linsendahl, schmeckt supi und es wird endlos nachgefüllt) sind wir jetzt bereits für eine hoffentlich erholsamere Nacht, drückt uns die Daumen!
      Ganz liebe Grüße :)
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    • Giorno 48

      Day 2 of Langtang trek

      22 marzo, Nepal ⋅ 🌫 4 °C

      We started our day at 6 am with a hearty breakfast and packing up our bags. It turns out all the men suffered through the night because of the Momos we'd eaten at a rest stop. It must have been a sexist stomach bug because I was totally fine. 😆

      The start of the trek was through a rough road that was being used to get to the new hydrodam that was being built, so not the most pleasant start. However, after about 2 hours of this, we got onto the original path which was quieter and immediately beautiful. With rocks and trees lining the fairly steep path, we felt like we'd entered into a different world. We saw lots of bamboo and the river looked gorgeous blue from the glacier it had melted from. We even spotted some gray langur monkeys on the rocks eating the flowering trees.

      Our first lunch stop was at a typical Buddhist tea house with all the traditional coloured flags flapping. The food was all very carb-heavy, perfect for a tiring day's hike. We gobbled down some basic chow mein noodles and headed on. I came to love my hiking poles; after mastering the rhythm, I found them invaluable in helping me haul myself up the larger steps when my legs just couldn't do it. I realised I have a slow steady pace, which Fredrik, who was also struggling, enjoyed greatly.

      We arrived at Lama Hotel, our teahouse for the evening, after a 6-hour hike, reaching 2380m up (from 1550m). This was the most basic place we stayed, with just simple wooden walls, a shared squat toilet, and no WiFi or plugs. We think the view was good, but the clouds had rolled in so much that we couldn't see anything. After eating our meal in the common room, which was a largish room with benches all around the outside, with a hot stove in the middle and the kitchen just off this, where everyone came together to eat their meals and chat. Pretty tired but not too uncomfortable, we headed to bed early and fell asleep straight away.
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    • Giorno 11

      Artisans et Architectes

      18 giugno 2023, Nepal ⋅ 🌧 3 °C

      Les tailleurs de pierre travaillent directement dans les vallons les rocs qui dévalent des sommets.

      Ils les taillent sur place en briques plus ou moins idéales, les plus régulières sont gardées pour monter les murs des habitations, les intermédiaires pour bâtir les murets, et les moins géométriques servent à paver les routes, les fragments sont accumulés et viendront combler les interstices.

      Les menuisiers travaillent le bois sur place, transformant le tronc brut en cadre de fenêtre prêt-à-poser.

      Les maçons et charpentiers travaillent ensuite au montage des bâtiments sans sécurité aucune...

      Le ciment qui est monté à dos de mulet est économisé autant que possible.
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