Gemeente Waterland

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    • Day 105


      June 30, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We spent our final day in Amsterdam with a tour of the northern countryside. The Netherlands has 12 provinces and Amsterdam is in the North Holland province. We visited a few more areas in the North Holland province. From the bus, we saw how flat most of this area is. We learnt that the Netherlands means "low lands" as most of the country is below sea level.

      We started with a stop just outside Edam at a cheese making factory where we learnt all about the traditional Dutch way of making cheese. It takes a massive 10L of milk just to make 1kg of cheese, and then once hardened the cheeses are placed in a salt water box for up to 48 hours to create the protective wax coating which enables it to last unrefrigerated for up to 1 month. We learnt that cheese is also broken up into 3 different ‘ages’ - up to 4 weeks is young cheese, up to 4 months is middle aged cheese and over 1 year is old cheese. We finished the cheese experience by trying lots and lots of yummy cheeses with many different flavours such as beer, pesto, coconut, garlic, truffle, lavender and many other interesting flavours. We really enjoyed the jersey cheese, goat cheese and sheep cheese (particuarly the aged ones) and Gab loved the truffle cheese.

      After probably having a kilo of cheese between us, we then went back on the bus and made our way to the harbour town of Volendam which is a fisherman's town. There, we enjoyed a nice walk along the water and looked into the shops. We then travelled to the town of Edam. This town is famous for their cheese and we went for a very scenic walk through the streets and along the small canal. It is a very pretty small town and we enjoyed walking along the historical streets.

      Our final stop of the day was Zaanse Schans, a very touristy spot but one we couldn’t miss! Here we managed to tick off the last traditional Dutch thing - clogs! We walked through a clog museum and saw a clog making demonstration where they are able to make a pair of clogs in about 5 minutes using machines. This is much faster than the traditional 3 hour it would have taken an experienced clog maker back in the day! Once complete, clogs are waterproof and are certified as official safety shoes for construction sites! We finished our stop with a walk past some Dutch windmills there before jumping back on the bus and heading back to Amsterdam.

      After finishinh the tour in the afterrnon, we went back to the hostel to pack up our stuff and played some cards to chill before heading off to another country tomorrow!
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    • Day 37


      November 4, 2023 in the Netherlands

      Day Trip to Regional Netherlands

      Took a day tour to the region surrounding Amsterdam, seeing the windmills (in action too!), the original Edam cheese factory, and some coastal towns that are below sea level (kept un-flooded by an intense system of dykes, dams and pumps).

      Fun fact of the day: despite the entire village being below sea level, Marken hasn't flooded since 1916
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    • Day 19

      Marken im Markermeer.

      June 4, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute ging es von Volendam über Monnickendam nach Marken.
      Monnickendam ist ein kleiner kuscheliger Ort und der Kirchturm hat eine markante Spitze.
      In Marken ging es zuerst zum Leuchtturm Paard van Marken auf der Nordost Spitze.
      Auf den Straßen von Marken dürfen nur die Einheimischen mit dem Auto fahren.
      Touristen und Besucher müssen ihr Auto auf dem Parkplatz nach dem Dam abstellen.
      Danach in den Ort Marken.
      In der Klompenmakerij kann zusehen bei der Fertigung von Holzschuhen.
      Der Baustil der Häuser auf Marken ist einzig.
      Bevor das Ijsselmeer und das Markermeer mit Dämen von der Nordsee abgetrennt wurde standen die Häuser auf Stelzen.
      Erst danach wurden die Stelzen verkleidet und konnten als Wohnraum genutzt werden.
      Es gibt auch ein Marken Museum. Dort erfährt man alles über die Geschichte von Marken und kann die Inseltracht bewundern.
      Der Hafen von Marken ist eingerahmt von Restaurants und Souvenirläden.
      Von hier geht auch ein Schiff nach Volendam.
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    • Day 13

      Drei Männer auf dem Weg nach Frankreich

      July 7, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Wir haben ausgeschlafen und machen die Sparks nun startklar. Lara und ich werden gleich von Bord unserer Sparks gehen. Stefan (Crew Liberty) wird für die nächsten 5 Tage die Bugkabine beziehen. Stefan hat Zeit und absolut bock Tobias und Nick nach Frankreich zu begleiten. Richtig spitze!
      Nun ist es soweit, Abschiedstränen bei Mama und Nick. Die kommenden 14 Tage werden wir uns nicht sehen. Denn Tobias und Nick (inkl. Stefan für 5 Tage), werden unsere Sparks nach Saint-Malo (Frankreich) segeln. Ich muss noch ein paar Tage arbeiten und werde mit Lara mit dem Bus nach Reisen.
      Um 11:30 Uhr heißt es Leinen los zum Ablegen. Es ist heiß (30grad) und es weht nicht mal ein mini kleines bisschen Wind. Das Ziel der Jungs, in ca. 24 bis 30 Stunden in Dunkerque (Frankreich) anzukommen. Lara und ich dürfen es uns nun auf der Dinie gemütlich machen und die Nacht dort verbringen. Danke an Nadine und Frank (die Crew der Dinie)!
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    • Day 3

      Stellplatz Volendam

      April 28, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Etwas versteckt im Hafengelände stehen wir jetzt in Volendam auf einem Stellplatz mit Blick auf den Deich. Hier möchten wir einige Tage bleiben und von hier aus mit den ÖPNV Amsterdam anfahren. Wie alle Touristen haben wir heute schon einen Bummel entlang der Strandpromenade von Volendam mit den vielen Geschäftchen und Lokalen gemacht. Scharen von Touristen werden hier aus vielen Ländern mit Reisebussen hingefahren und übervölkern den Ort.Read more

    • Day 22

      Say cheeese &herring &kibbeling &olieb-

      August 18, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Before our drive back to Eindhoven we stopped in at Alkmaar (kaas/cheese market) and to Volendam (fishing village) for a deep dive into the Dutch culinary delights. The kaas markt was abundant with colour and bustle, they were putting on a market show right outside the National Cheese Museum where there was lots to learn about buying, weighing, transporting and selling the cheese. Tom helped translate for me the way the men transporting the cheese were in a Cheese Carriers’ Guild, and how they earnt their different coloured ribbons on their hats, and how the different dress of the people in the yard was displaying what purpose they had at the market. It was great! But busy, so we rounded a corner to try and find a stall with enough space to stop, try some cheese and pick something for our lunch. We probably spent too much $ on cheese, but it was THE Dutch cheese markt and it was the yummiest cheese I’d ever had. Vikum chose a softer, nuttier young cheese and I chose a 5 year old, darker saltier cheese. They were both delicious, and lasted us a long time so cost the per day wasn’t so bad haha. There were little white spots in my cheese which was how little salt crystals had interacted with the cheese which I thought was interesting. There were market stalls everywhere and Tom saw one for ‘oliebollen’ which he said was something the Dutch would usually only be able to buy and eat around Christmas time so we had to try those too of course - they are basically fried dough/donut-like balls dipped in icing sugar, and as the resident sweet tooth, I ate most of them 😋.
      Onwards from here we drove to Volendam, a classic harbour village with a wide spanning view over Markermeer lake. It was beautifully sunny and the perfect time to be near the water. We picked up herring (“hah-rrring”) and kibbeling upon Tom’s recommendation from a seafood vendor right on the water. The herring was fresh and not as slimey as I’d expected, it was served with onion and pickle. I really liked it - though I imagine eating it cut up like we did was much more enjoyable than the classic way of dropping the whole fish down your gullet while holding the tail. The kibbeling was probably my favourite, it was a fresh fresh fish lightly battered and fried with a tartar sauce. Yum! We found a lovely seat in the sun to share the food and then just basked in the good weather for a while. Quite meditative to watch people walking around the marina and the boats coming in and out. Plenty of sail boats at full mast around the lake too.
      While we were at it, I took the chance to get another food ticked off my list - it was a requirement for me to eat poffertjes in the Netherlands (small fluffy pancake bites). I love them so much I have a poffertjes pan at home, so I needed to ensure I’d tried the original in Holland so that I could imitate them when I got home…due diligence is all. They were so yummy and buttery!
      We then hopped back in the car and drove home to Eindhoven. Tom and I played a music quiz game all the way home while V attempted to nap in the back while Tom and I blasted 80s, 90s and Dutch classic songs whilst guessing the name and artist at speed. Sorry V.
      When we got back to Eindhoven, with Myra and Paul we had plenty to tell them about our time in Amsterdam. They then had an event to get to so Tom, V and I stretched out on the couch watching football until the evening when Tom had planned to take V and I through the longest strip of bars and clubs in the Netherlands which lives in Eindhoven central town. We ordered “kapsalon” (like a doner meat on chips with salad) for an easy dinner and then drove in around 11pm to centraal. We drank a beveragino at a terrace and watched the people walking past, then tasted the nightlife and had a quick boogy at a few clubs, tasted one shot from a bar with over 150 flavours to choose from and then threw the towel in pretty early - grabbing a bitterballen from a snack bar on the walk back to the car. A little throwback to partying with Tom during uni and the classic meat on chips deal that we’d grab on the walk home to WSA apartments. Good fun.
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    • Day 9–10

      Aldtsjerk - De Rijp

      May 29, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Choveu muito durante a noite e ao princípio da manhã mas depois compôs-se e lá fomos nós. Mas não sem antes fotografar a lama que nos esteve sempre a observar 👀
      Atravessámos o maior dique do mundo, o Afsluitdjik, que tem 32km de comprimento, 90m de largura em auto-estrada e centenas de moinhos eólicos (mas dos modernos)…. talvez um dia todo aquele grande lago seja terra!
      Chegados ao outro lado, tudo continua a ser tão plano como os lugares por onde passámos antes e qualquer localidade mantém as casas seculares bem preservadas, e tem canais com barcos e bicicletas à porta e, a cada 100 metros, pontes que se levantam. Visitámos Hoorn uma cidade que data de 1357 com um grande parque natural com corças e muitas aves, e onde parece que se vive uma vida muito cosmopolita. Seguimos para De Rijp, pequena cidade de ambiente rural onde ficámos junto a um canal que abrigava o ninho de um casal de patos que zelavam à vez pelos seus ovinhos. Até amanhã!
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    • Day 2

      Erstens kommt es anders ...

      April 18, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Von wegen Edam ...
      ... nachdem uns der Service von LeBoat einen Ersatzschlüssel gebracht hat, machen wir uns sofort auf den wunderschönen Weg. Durch enge Kanäle, schöne Landschaften, flankiert von schönen Häusern und Hausbooten durchkreuzen wir Holland ...
      ... bis zu dem wunderschönen Örtchen "Broeck in Waterland" ...
      ... dort rammen wir nämlich ein Boot. :-(
      Nach langen Verhandlungen mit dem Geschädigten, Gesprächen mit Versicherung, etc cruisen wir weiter ...
      ... aber nur bis zur nächsten Hebebrücke - dort ist nämlich kein Brückenmeister und auf Telefonate reagiert auch keiner. Yirch Anwohner erfahren wir dann, dass die Brücke defekt ist.
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    • Day 3


      July 25, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Abstecher nach Uitdam
      Hier war unser Wochenendrückzugsplatz mit den Kindern. Der alte Campingplatz ist ganz und gar verändert. EuroParks mit Bootstellplatz, nur ein kleiner Teil ist noch ein altbewährter Campingplatz.
      Hier ist jetzt Sommerfrische für reiche Leute aus Amsterdam und Umgebung.
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    • Day 2

      Der Abend von Tag 2

      April 18, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Was wollen wir machen, eine Weiterreise ist nicht möglich, wir müssen die Strecke zurück.
      Wir beschließen in dem Ort zu übernachten, was sich später als eine gute Fügung erwiesen hat, weil zum einen der Liegeplatz wunderschön war, die Nachmittagssonne unser Skatspiel verschönerte und wir noch in einem tollen Restaurant mit supergutem Essen landeten.Read more

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    Gemeente Waterland, Waterland

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