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    • Day 19

      Marken im Markermeer.

      June 4, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute ging es von Volendam über Monnickendam nach Marken.
      Monnickendam ist ein kleiner kuscheliger Ort und der Kirchturm hat eine markante Spitze.
      In Marken ging es zuerst zum Leuchtturm Paard van Marken auf der Nordost Spitze.
      Auf den Straßen von Marken dürfen nur die Einheimischen mit dem Auto fahren.
      Touristen und Besucher müssen ihr Auto auf dem Parkplatz nach dem Dam abstellen.
      Danach in den Ort Marken.
      In der Klompenmakerij kann zusehen bei der Fertigung von Holzschuhen.
      Der Baustil der Häuser auf Marken ist einzig.
      Bevor das Ijsselmeer und das Markermeer mit Dämen von der Nordsee abgetrennt wurde standen die Häuser auf Stelzen.
      Erst danach wurden die Stelzen verkleidet und konnten als Wohnraum genutzt werden.
      Es gibt auch ein Marken Museum. Dort erfährt man alles über die Geschichte von Marken und kann die Inseltracht bewundern.
      Der Hafen von Marken ist eingerahmt von Restaurants und Souvenirläden.
      Von hier geht auch ein Schiff nach Volendam.
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    • Day 37


      November 4, 2023 in the Netherlands

      Day Trip to Regional Netherlands

      Took a day tour to the region surrounding Amsterdam, seeing the windmills (in action too!), the original Edam cheese factory, and some coastal towns that are below sea level (kept un-flooded by an intense system of dykes, dams and pumps).

      Fun fact of the day: despite the entire village being below sea level, Marken hasn't flooded since 1916
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    • Day 1


      March 30, 2018 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Nach einer kurzen Zimmererkundung und Rast im Hotelzimmer beschließen wie uns gleich nochmal auf den Weg zu machen und Region hier ein bisschen zu erkunden. Uns zieht es ans 'Meer'...

      Marken, eine 'kleine' Insel in der Gouwzee welche bis 1957 nur mit dem Schiff erreichbar war, ist unser Ziel. Wenn man nun über den Damm auf die Insel kommt wird man gleich in einem Parkplatz geführt, da viele Teile der Insel verkehrsberuhigt sind. Nur die Anwohner dürfen meist fahren, was aber auch super ist.

      Wir parken und laufen über die 'Beatrix Brug' gleich Richtung eines Souvenir Shop, dieser wird aber gerade trotz der späten Stunde von 19 Uhr von einer spanischen Reisegruppe gestürmt, so laufen wie nur kurz durch. Die Siedlung ist wunderschön, mit kleinen, leicht typisch Holländisch anmutenden Häusern. Wir laufen Richtung Hafen...

      Das war früher Mal ein Fischerhafen, ist aber jetzt 'nur noch ein touristischer' Hafen mit vielen Privatbooten. Trotzdem wunderschön und aufgrund der späten Stunde haben wir den fast für uns alleine.... Sogar die kleinen Läden direkt an der Pier haben schon 'gesloten'.

      Wir laufen einmal eine Runde ums Hafenbecken bis zum kleinen Strand am Ende. Auf dem Weg hat uns ein Restaurant angesprochen, wo wir noch zum Abendessen eingekehren werden.
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    • Day 1

      De Visscher Taverne

      March 30, 2018 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Nachdem es bereits beginnt zu dämmern (8 Uhr) beschließen wir hier in Marken auch gleich zu Abend zu essen.

      Am Hafen suchen wir uns de Visscher Taverne aus. Das Restaurant ist schön dekoriert und macht einen gemütlichen Eindruck. Die Spezialität des Hauses sind Pannenkoeken. Wir ordern Tomatensuppe, Pannenkoeken mit Ziegenkäse, Fish 'n' Chips und diverse Getränke.

      Es dauerte ein wenig und das Gedächtnis unserer Bedienung ließ auch zu wünschen übrig, sie fragte nochmal nach den Pannenkoeken, es kam Sprite statt Rivella, die Suppe wurde mit den Essen serviert, obwohl sie Vorspeise sein sollte,... Aber das Essen war wirklich gut. Die Tomatensuppe frisch zubereitet und kein 'Packerl' oder 'Dose', der Pannenkoeken wirklich sehr gut, die Chips sahen sehr nach handcut aus. Nur der Fisch war leider nicht mehr knusprig, als er an den Tisch kam. Alles in allem können wir de Visscher Taverne empfehlen. Es ist mit Sicherheit kein Gourmettempel, aber die Qualität des Essens ist gut und die Preise sind angemessen. Die Pannenkoeken sind wirklich sehr gut zubereitet und auch die Kombination aus Ziegenkäse, Speck, Rucola, Honig und Pinienkerne überzeugte absolut.
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    • Day 112

      118ème étape ~ Marken

      November 22, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Nous avons visité la presqu’île de Marken. Autant vous dire qu’il ne nous a pas fallu très longtemps pour en faire le tour.
      Bien que les maisons avec leur style typiquement hollandais et le port soient très jolis, il n’y a pas grand chose d’autre à voir.
      Mais nous avons fait une jolie balade et admirer les beaux paysages.
      D’ailleurs nous sommes passés à côté d’une collection d’éoliennes plantées dans la mer. D’après nos calculs, il devait y en avoir environ 110 ! C’était très impressionnant.
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    • Day 194

      Marken island, Netherlands

      November 18, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Marken is a tiny village not far from Amsterdam boasting colorful wooden houses, drawbridges, and picturesque corners, located on a former peninsula. Marken island has been connected to the mainland via a dam since 1959. The entire island is like most of Holland below sea level. This is very pronounced by the retainment wall that surrounds the entire island. As soon as you drive onto the island the road dips by about 6 feet. There was actually a flood way back when that killed 12 people. Many houses were traditionally painted with tar or a mix of tar and grass which is why the traditional colors here are mostly black or green. This was a cute town to stroll through on a non rainy day in Holland and we enjoyed a quite afternoon outside the countries capital.Read more

    • Day 3


      June 12, 2016 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      On our way to Marken we stopped by a little village to watch clogs being made. Marken is a little village port where we took the ferry across the largest fresh water lake in Europe disembarking in Volendam.Read more

    • Day 61

      Five Villages on a 10€ Bus Pass!

      July 6, 2018 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today Alison, Nancy, and I headed north to visit villages lining the western edge of the Zuider Zee (southern sea). We bought a 10 euro bus day pass at Amsterdam Centraal station to begin our journey.

      Our first stop was the tiny village of Marken. The town is one of those places that are so cute, one wonders if people actually live there. Sort of like Bruges or Disneyland. We got a shot of some LBBs (little brown birds) waiting for the crumbs from the cookie that came with our cappuccinos.

      In Marken we caught a ferry to Volendam. Another, slightly bigger, quintessentially dutch town with a seaside strip that had suffered the same fate as the previous town. Shop after shop of kitch and fried food. We quickly began walking north toward the next village and were rewarded with a pleasant town with lovely houses and canals just a block away from the tourist strip. Volendam was actually a very nice place! At one point we passed an elementary school as it was letting out for the weekend. Lots of parents on bikes picking up their offspring. I turned to look at the school and it was named after J. F. Kennedy. Nice.

      Our walk wended north along a canal to the town of Edam. Famous for its cheese. At the top of the village was the Grote Kerk or Big Church. It wasn't being used for services any longer but there was an art exhibit being set up for the season. I took some shots of a few of the more formidable pieces and they can be seen here:

      I also had one of those sublime experiences sitting on a bench outside of that church. The view was of flat green fields framed by an old bridge and stretching out in the distance. A cow grazed on the near field, occasionally scratching its chin on willows by the bank of a small canal. Very pleasant.

      From Edam we bussed it north to Hoorn a base for the Dutch East India company. Extraordinary town with lots of 16th century buildings and a rather fancy shopping area. I've included some more photos of Hoorn here:

      Last stop was the town of Monnickendam where they were preparing for a weekend of traditional Dutch inland sailing boats. They were all amassed in the little harbor. We had pretty good fish and chips while watching the goings on.

      All in all a very pleasant day.
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    • Day 12

      We Embrace our Dark Sides

      September 5, 2016 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Monday September 5th
      In Which we Embrace our Dark Sides

      I am not sure who came up with the original idea, but I gather it was some sort of collaborative effort between Maggie and Pauline. "Let's spend a day riding scooters around Amsterdam", she suggested one night while I was putting this trip together. I have never been game to even hire a bicycle in Amsterdam, so why would anyone in their right mind even consider riding a motor scooter anywhere near the craziest city on earth, especially when none of us had any previous experience on any sort of motor bike?

      On the other hand, we have proven numerous times in the past that we are always up for a challenge. After all it was the Ghostriders that climbed to Kopra Ridge in the Himalayas right in the middle of a blizzard and it was the Ghostriders that abseiled from Table Mountain in Capetown in the world's highest abseil. Prior experience counts for nothing when we all have enough copious amounts of foolhardiness to take on just about anything.

      Besides I was already sick of the mad crowds in the centre of the city so it would be great to get away from the crush of tourists and selfie sticks, even if it is was at the peril of our own lives.

      Eleven of us packed our helmets and walked to Central Station to catch the regional bus to Landsmeer. This is a small satellite town about 15 minutes from the centre of town. We purchased our tickets (so much easier than our own Myki muddle), boarded the modern bus and were soon deposited in the main street of this lovely little town. Once again the weather was absolutely perfect for this type of activity (blue skies and a temperature in the low 20s).

      We found the office of the Scooter Experience and saw a yard packed with dozens of scooters. Maggie was pleased that most of them were red, because apparently everyone knows that the red ones go faster.

      Leon, the owner, asked us if we had ever ridden motor scooters before. "Motor what ?" I replied. He looked a little anxious and went on to explain that we need some degree of skill to ride these contraptions. He did not seem impressed by the fact that we were cycling to Budapest and were thus incredible sporting specimens.

      We were then forced to fill in pages of legal indemnity forms, none of which we bothered to read any part of. Leon then ushered us out into the yard and made each of us show what we could do. He seemed to be able to quickly decide who could be trusted with his scooters and who couldn't. Thus three riders had their scooters confiscated and were sent back to the bus station. That reduced our scooter peloton (scootaton?) to 8 riders. Not a promising start, especially when most of us couldn't remember even how he told us to start the engine.

      Since Leon obviously took us for a bunch of deluded seniors he sent his assistant to tag along for the first few km, presumably to call for an ambulance in case of mishap. His apprehension was unfounded as we were soon flying along, pushing the scooters right past their red lines, performing wheel stands and generally hooning around. I quickly decided that this was fun and started challenging Douglas and David to sprints. Although we had been told that these machines were speed limited to 25 kph, we managed to coax them to almost double that.
      I can now say that I know what it feels like to be an outlaw bikie.

      It was a great feeling to charge along the road in a scooter pack, sowing fear into any pedaling cyclist in our way. When we rode into a small town I have to admit that I was tempted to do something really bad. Perhaps I would pull out a flower from someone's garden, or manically rev my 50 cc engine in the main street. I even considered getting a small tulip tattoo on my shoulder when I got back to Amsterdam. That would be sure to shock the kids !

      About half way through the day's ride we arrived at the tourist town of Marken. This is a collection of brightly painted houses and a lovely boat harbour. It provided the perfect location for our lunch stop. We were also met by the three others who had been rejected by the scooter wallah. They had caught the bus to the same location and were able to share lunch with us.

      After lunch we posed beside our machines for a group photo before roaring out of town with us much speed as we could muster. Ken took on the role of navigator and ride leader and it did not take him long to lose half of our riders on the outskirts of the next town. We doubled back and found them waiting for us on the correct path. We had some serious cruising to do in order to get the scooters back before closing time. Wind up the throttle, tuck in our arms and legs to reduce air resistance and enjoy the thrill of the high speed pursuit.

      At times I almost reached 46 kph, it was exhilarating. Douglas was frustrated that his scooter was obviously rubbish and unable to match the sheer power of my machine. I could have told him that he should have got a red one.
      Somehow we all managed to get back to the Scooter Experience office without further mischief or mishap and found Leon in the street anxiously looking out for his prodigal scooters. He counted them off and then let out a sigh of relief. "I never doubted you guys for a minute", he lied.

      We caught the bus back to Amsterdam for our final night in this city before resuming our Odyssey to Budapest. Several of us had dropped in a load of dirty laundry at a nearby laundromat. When we collected the washing David was disgusted to find that half of his clothing had been ruined and were covered in huge black stains. It had cost him 12 Euros to have this damage done, so he could be excused for being furious.

      Tomorrow morning we check out of the hotel and catch the train to Donaueschingen. The long train ride should give us a great chance to chat and sleep - sounds pretty good to me.
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    • Day 3


      October 27, 2019 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      I famosi zoccoli di legno olandesi vendono fatti ancora a mano con l’ aiuto di una macchina che trasforma il pezzo di legno in uno zoccolo. Dopodiché viene forato e levigato a mano. Provarli è stato divertente prossima volta ne compro un paio 😍Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Marken, Маркен

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