Het IJ

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Reizigers in deze plaats
    • Dag 18

      Velo Fähri

      4 oktober 2023, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nacher 4.5 stündige Autofahrt simer chli userhalb vo Amsterdam-City ufemne idyllische Camping ahcho. Mit em Velo simmer de 30min id Stadt gfahre über gmüetlichi Veloweg und metere Fähri wo mer mitem Velo direkt druff fahrt.Meer informatie

    • Dag 27

      Our farewell dinner

      14 juli 2022, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Our group. Friends from Florida
      Birthday celebration
      Our fabulous waiters
      Ana - our hospitality host & Alex massage therapist
      We said goodbye to our friends & will be leaving for the airport in Amsterdam at 5:00am
      A memorable trip - I hope you have enjoyed it!
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    • Dag 4

      Celebrity APEX

      9 augustus 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Obwohl dies bereits unsere 19. Kreuzfahrt ist, davon 17 mit Celebrity Cruises, können wir das Boarding kaum erwarten. Wir freuen uns riesig darauf.

      Nach einem Kaffee mit Süssgebäck im Bakhuys wurden wir von einem Taxi bei unserem Hausboot abgeholt. Noch ein paar Kurven bis zum Hafen. Da stand sie, die APEX, stolz mit ihrem orangenen Magic Carpet mittschiffs.

      Hier ein paar Zahlen dieses wunderbaren Schiffs:

      Tonnage 129.500 BRT
      Baujahr 2020
      Länge 306 Meter
      Breite 39 Meter
      Anzahl Decks 14
      Passagiere 2.910
      Crewmitglieder 1.320
      Restaurants 12
      Pools 3
      Bordsprache Englisch

      Da dies bereits die dritte Reise ist mit ihr, werden wir uns bestimmt gleich ab der ersten Minute zu Hause fühlen. Wir sind neugierig darauf welche Crew Mitglieder wir bereits kennen und welche wir neu kennen lernen werden. Es fühlt sich immer wie eine grosse Familie an. In diesen 12 Nächten baut man schon eine spezielle Beziehung zu den Mitarbeitern:innen auf. Die freuen sich auch sehr über diese Kontakte. Sind sie doch meistens neun Monate mit einem Contract von zu Hause getrennt. Es ist nicht selten, dass ein Mitarbeiter am Ende des Contract‘s nach Hause fliegt und zum ersten mal sein Kind sieht und in die Arme schliessen darf.
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    • Dag 6

      Centraal Station - Welcome to Amsterdam

      21 december 2019, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      We've arrived in the Netherlands! Navigating the trains was a bit more difficult here due to the predominance of Dutch, but we managed. So far the stations and the trains seemed much nicer than those in London, likely due to age. Hopefully that's part of where my "tourist tax" is going.Meer informatie

    • Dag 100


      18 september 2023, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      What an interesting city. The whole city feels like anything goes except for cars. I recommend visiting Amsterdam.

      Three lanes for pedestrians, one lane for public transportation, one lane for cars and one lane for bicycles and very few cars on the one lane.Meer informatie

    • Dag 123

      Sun upper in Amsterdam

      4 september 2023, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Das Einzige wonach wir uns bei unserem Trip richten müssen ist Mutter Natur.
      In diesem Fall:
      Durch die Gezeiten dreht sich die Strömung 4x am Tag und es macht sehr viel Sinn mit der Strömung zu fahren und nicht dagegen.
      Also um 7 Uhr abgelegt in Amsterdam 🥱
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    • Dag 1

      Off to Amsterdam!

      23 maart 2023, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The alarm went off at 0430 but I was already awake. It's always the same when I am going on a trip, I tend not to sleep very well, possibly subconsciously worrying about sleeping in! Barbara and I got up, and after a quick shower and breakfast we were ready to go when our lift to the airport arrived. We arrived at 0600 and with only hand baggage, we were through security within 15 minutes. The flight was on time and it felt like we had only just taken off when we were landing in Amsterdam.

      Schiphol is a very big airport but we had no trouble finding our way to the train station connected to the airport. It was a bit confusing at first but we worked out which train we needed to get, and how to get a ticket, we had to ask a member of the train staff where to get the right train. I have to say that if there is an information point in the train station, it's not obvious, but again we asked someone on the platform who assured us we were on the right train.

      As a UK citizen it can be daunting going abroad because we are not great at learning other languages, and Dutch looks and sounds like an improbable and difficult language. Fortunately, as far as I can tell, every Dutch person speaks great English, which for us made everything a lot easier, and in my experience, every Dutch person we interacted with was helpful and friendly.

      By the time we arrived at Centraal Station in the heart of Amsterdam, we were very hungry, so we went for some lunch in a pancake restaurant of which there are quite a few in Amsterdam. It was ok but not great.

      We had a few hours to kill before we could check into our hotel, so we wandered around a bit, we found our way to the Anne Frank House for which we have booked tickets for the Sunday and then wandered around a bit more, but eventually we felt we should go to the hotel and try our luck with checking in. We decided to get a taxi (expensive in Amsterdam) because we had no idea which bus/tram to get, but we thought (correctly) that the staff at the hotel could give us that info for the rest of our trip. Trams are the best way to get around and are easy to use, you can buy a ticket allowing unlimited journey's for 1, 2, 3 days or more. The ticket becomes valid from the moment of first use. Top tip - you have to tap the ticket on the sensor when you get on AND off the tram otherwise it invalidates the ticket. The taxi to the hotel was indeed expensive and we arrived about an hour before check in but the room was ready and we were welcomed in.

      We were staying at the Best Western, and found it to be comfortable rather than luxurious, but spotlessly clean and throughout our stay we found the staff to be friendly and very helpful. We were tired so booked dinner and breakfast and went for a snooze.

      The dinner was 24.50 euro each which we thought was quite reasonable, again it was a buffet style and there was plenty to choose from and it all looked really good. Unfortunately the chef could not guarantee that there was no sesame, poppy or peanuts in the food and since they would put me into anaphylactic shock, I sat down to eat what would be the most expensive salad I ever had. However, the chef came over and asked if I liked meat, to which I said yes, and about 15 minutes later he came over to our table with a large grilled steak he had cooked especially for me. I was very grateful for his thoughtfulness, a trait that seems very common among the Dutch. The steak was amazing.

      My first impression of Amsterdam was that it is the busiest city I've ever been to apart from London, it was rammed and it wasn't even the main tourist season. The city, at least the 'old' part is architecturally very interesting, I have never been in a city with such a diverse range of style of buildings, every building is different from the one next to it, and many could only be described as a bit wonky. As you move away from the centre the buildings become more 1960's and 70's utilitarian blocks of flats which then give way to more modern and stylish but nonetheless utilitarian blocks of flats.

      The old town is not very clean but it is so busy it's difficult to see how it could be anything else with so many tourists. It is fairly easy to navigate as it is built around concentric circles of canals. The canals are as lovely as the postcard version, what you don't get on the postcard is the crowds and traffic. You need your wits about you when crossing roads, there are a lot of electric cars which you can't hear and bikes are everywhere and come (fast) from every direction, and even if the light is green for you to cross, it doesn't mean that bikes will stop. Cobbled streets are hard on the feet so if you are going to walk wear something comfortably cushioned.

      So on our first day we didn't do very much, well, we had been up since 0430, but it was a good day.
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    • Dag 1

      Nu er vi kommet til Holland

      18 juni 2017, Nederland ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Sidst da vi "snakkede sammen" var vi i Minden, Tyskland. Længe siden snart, men har vi problemer med netdækning i Danmark, så er det intet i forhold til tyskerne og hollænderne.
      Fra Minden gik det fortsat videre ad Mittellandskanalen til Hannover, en lille afstikker via en sidekanal til Osnabruck, som viste sig at være en hyggelig by. Et af billederne viser blå ringe i en gade, det er optisk bedrag, det er malede striber på kirke og huse.
      Slut med Mittellandskanalen. Goddag til Dortmund Ems Kanalen og derefter Wessel Datteln Kanalen - den førstnævnte kanel er ikke værd at skrive om, så det vil jeg undlade. Her er som tidligere beskrevet for det meste meget smukt at sejle, men det grimme og triste undgår vi jo ikke - måske husker vi derfor bedre det smukke. Jeg har vedhæftet et billede af de mildt sagt mindre skønne oplevelser.
      Så er det slut med Tyskland - Friedrichsfeld sluse - er den sidste i rækken af sluser i Tyskland - men der kommer mange flere. I mange af sluserne har vi været alene i de kæmpe store sluser, men dem er jeg blevet helt gode venner med. Så gælder det Rhinen. Vi har hørt og læst mange skrækscenarier om "hende den altid farlige Rhein" men hun var blid som et lam og vi nød de ca. 70 kilometer i "hæsblæsende" tempo. Da vi forlod slusen loggede vi omkring 9,5 km/t og da vi mødte "Frau Rhin" speedede vi op på nul komma fem til 17 km/t, men som sagt, alt gik helt fint.
      Så blev det Holland, da vi drejede til højre og ind på Pannendesh kanal. Klokken var 09.10 - altså morgentid - det var lidt tidligt at skåle, at vi var vel ankommet til Holland, med vi gjorde det nu alligevel. Har ellers en husbådsregel om, at det tidligst kan ske efter klokken 10, men nogle begivenheder falder jo ikke altid inden for rammerne, og det kan vi jo ikke bebrejdes.
      Første stop i Holland var i byen Arnhem - som næsten blev lagt i ruiner undet krigen. Besøgte en fantastisk kirke i byen - Eusebius kirke - og hold da op, det var bestemt de 12 euro værd. I følge brochuren om kirken står der at læse, at det er Europas højeste kirketårn med elevator, 80 meter op i en der er lavet i glas, uha, men udsigten var smuk. I et kapel bygget til kirken tabte jeg næsten vejret. Højt, højt oppe hang mange skulpturer af faldskærmssoldater, der symboliserede et slag fra krigen over Arnhem - har prøvet at tage et billede af det.
      Vi ser storke på reder med unger, vilde heste, kvæg og frilandsgrise, der nyder livet på digerne langs de Hollandske kanaler.
      Har ligget et par dage i byen Utrecht - den kan jeg varmt anbefale, en gammel hyggelig by med smalle kanaler, der skal besejles med tungen lige i munden, masser af blomster og super hygge. I går ankom vi til Amsterdam - ligger i Sixhaven lige overfor banegården og centrum - der er gratis færge, som sejler hele tiden. Det er varmt - temperaturen nærmer sig de 30 grader, og det er rigeligt.
      Pas på jer.

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    • Dag 27

      Amsterdam continued

      14 juli 2022, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Canal ride & city tour

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    Het IJ

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