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    • Hari 65

      VIJF FOTOS-Amsterdam Day 10

      17 Juni 2022, Belanda ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      I woke up this morning with cold symptoms that doubled down a bit from yesterday. We already planned a low-key day. After going out for coffee, we returned to the boat and I slept for several hours.

      Yesterday, I talked briefly about the recently graduated student. He is very enamored with the Oregon Trail. He noticed Pete the Cat, and I explained to him about this storybook character and the photos we send to our granddaughter. Ben is a graphic artist, and he felt inspired to send me an image with Pete at the reins of a Conestoga Wagon as a gift to Olive. 💞

      I woke up feeling significantly better. We enjoyed our immersion into canal life with no agenda. We heard the excited shouts of children in a nearby schoolyard. We watched young folks gather at a dock along the canal. We watched young boys jump off the foot drawbridge, and we waved to those riding by in their boats.

      The experience causes me to recall a myriad of summer adventures near the water with friends and family when I was young.

      I remember sunburns on top of sunburns and my mother slathering me with Noxema.

      I think about staying in cottages in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Cape Cod. I remember picking blueberries in Truro when I was 6. I remember the merry-go-round at Watch Hill. I remember being the only one in the family to go in the ocean at Sand Beach in Bar Harbor, and being covered with blankets when my lips turned blue. I loved bodysurfing and playing with pinball machines at the beach arcade in Misquamicut.

      I remember responding to the dare of friends to join then in jumping off a small cliff into Lake Erie. I think of times with high school friends at the Flaming Gorge in Wyoming.

      What I saw today were people enjoying the promise and gift of summer. I know that being next to some body of water in the summer provides solace.

      Another day of just being present was the perfect prescription for the day.

      Thank you, Amsterdam. Next stop: Ireland.
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    • Hari 63

      Cinq Fotos-Paris Day 4

      15 Juni 2022, Belanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I see dead people.

      More accurately, today we visited the resting places of a number of famous people in the largest greenspace in the city.

      Before we left the flat, we enjoyed an apricot cake that Stephan made for breakfast. Last night they recommended some options for our last day in Paris. We decided to explore the Cimitèrie du Père-Lachaise.

      When we arrived at the cemetery the multitude of above-ground vaults reminded me of the cemeteries outside of New Orleans with the exception of all the trees and hills here. Famous artists, authors, composers, politicians and others are found here. There are memorials to those lost in the Holocaust. There are tributes to resistance fighters. And there are whimsical and unusual sculptures throughout.

      The chapels and monuments are quite elaborate. I'm reminded of the ways that some societies play tribute to the dead. I have always found a walk in the cemetery to be calming, and I admire the inscriptions and tributes.

      There were some gravesites that I wanted to visit. The first site was the Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde. While I have not read any of his works in depth, I have appreciated his quick-witted tongue and I'm drawn to his tortured story for being a man who loved other men. Wilde was imprisoned for two years in England for homosexual acts, and when he was released, he moved to France and never returned. The time in prison left him in poor health, and he died at the age of 46. The inscription on his memorial is from one his last poems:

      "And alien tears will fill for him
      Pity's long-broken urn,
      For his mourners will be outcast men,
      And outcasts always mourn"

      We also visited the gravesite of Jim Morrison. Like too many musicians of his era (Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix), he died very young. I was 9 years old when his song "Light My Fire" was released. I remember thinking the song was dumb at the time. I rediscovered Jim Morrison when I was in grad school. I liked his haunting baritone voice and I was intrigued by many of the lyrics and mood changes.

      A celebrity buried here that I knew less about was Colette, who was an actor and writer. I was reminded when we went to Moulin Rouge that she almost caused the venue to be shut down when she gave a long kiss onstage to another woman in 1907. She is known for her books, most notably a novella that was adapted for the movie Gigi.

      We also witnessed Anerican novelist Gertrude Stein's grave who is buried next to her long-time partner Alice B Toklas. I admire them as those who came before us who demonstrated living authentic lives. "A rose is a rose is a rose "

      Rather than continuing with a name-dropping list of famous dead people I have walked by, I want to offer this reflection:

      I think most of us want to be remembered.
      Did we love?
      Were we loved?
      Did we make any contribution that mattered without needing to be famous?
      Will people still talk about us when we're gone?

      I cited a few of the individuals surrounded by a cast of deceases celebrities more to illustrate that everyone has a story. If we pay attention, we can learn their stories while they are living. We can let them know that they matter and not wait to build a moss-gathering monument after they're gone.

      One of the best parts of this trip is taking time to learn the stories of others we have met in our lodging or other chance meetings. It's a great lesson to bring home, and it was a gift that this cemetery walk brought to me today.

      Au revoir and merci, Paris. It was fun. And we're back up to Amsterdam for a few days. We're wishing everyone a good night from our floating home.
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    • Hari 4


      5 Juni, Belanda ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Festgemacht haben wir gegen 1415 Uhr gegenüber Justitiepaleis Amsterdam. Unsere Grachtenfahrt beginnt gegen 1545 Uhr, beim einsteigen in die beiden Kutter hat die Armada in beige alles gegeben. Was für Szenen 😂. @ Miffi: wenn ich auch einmal so bin sofort ein paar aufs Maul für mich 😉.

      So los geht’s. ik ben blij.
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    • Hari 3

      Day 3

      29 Mei, Belanda ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Upon landing in Istanbul, I retrieved my bag from the overhead locker and was concerned when I saw that one of the pockets was still open. I double checked the locker to see that my ASIC and house keys had fallen out, which I retrieved. Thank God for my constant checking!

      Istanbul airport was enormous - truthfully, one of the biggest airports we’ve been to. It was a very long walk to the transfer gate, with an equally huge queue of people. We would’ve arrived there sooner if it hadn’t been for my ankle injury, and getting stuck behind a sporting team from Djibouti. The security was chaotic too - a lot of yelling and disorder but we made it through somehow.

      We had been excited about seeing the Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul airport, which has been touted as one of the best in the world. Sadly that excitement faded when it took forever to get there - and once there we had only 10-15 minutes before having to head to our next gate. I couldn’t believe it when I saw that our next gate was LITERALLY the furthest one from the airline lounge!

      I asked the receptionist if I could possibly get some assistance as my ankle was really giving me trouble, but she said I would have to pay for a buggy if I wanted assistance. Disappointed, we set off for the gate which, as mentioned, was a long way away. My ankle was throbbing by the time we arrived and even then, we had to wait even longer for boarding to start.

      When we finally started boarding, we were then left waiting ten minutes in the aerobridge before we could go onboard. The business class is pretty nice though - although it’s a bit dated looking, we each have our own private suite. This would’ve been better on the international flight, as you could’ve changed into your travel pyjamas without having to use the toilets! It’s a funny feeling too because you can’t see anything outside of your own cabin, so I had no idea the main door was closed until the safety demonstration started on the personal TV screens.

      The flight to Amsterdam was similarly very pleasant, with great food and polite service. Despite intending to watch a heap of movies and TV shows, I enjoyed the Turkish Airlines “quiet zone” to just read my book. When we began our descent into Amsterdam, we were greeted with grey skies and impending rain! It wasn’t quite the springtime arrival we were hoping for, but it was still nice to be back somewhere we haven’t visited for a long time.

      Fortunately, Schiphol airport isn’t half as difficult as Istanbul Airport, so the customs and baggage collection process was really simple. The only tricky part was trying to get into the city - the two InterCity trains had broken down so we waited about 25 minutes for a different train in, which was totally packed of course due to the cancellations.

      Upon arrival, we considered taking an Uber to the accommodation but decided to walk the 20 minutes instead. Unfortunately Amsterdam isn’t the most pedestrian friendly city when you have luggage, particularly since my suitcase has dodgy wheels. Our accommodation is wonderful though, as it’s on a beautiful quiet street and provides free coffee. Woohoo! We didn’t need to wait long for our room either and, even though we’re located on the 5th (top) floor, there was an elevator (rare in Amsterdam buildings) that took us all the way to the 4th floor, lessening our difficult climb with luggage.

      We decided to do some sightseeing which was very casual as we have been to Amsterdam before. Easier said than done though as the number of bicycles around are terrifying! I’m sure I saved Ted’s life more than once from being mowed down by a flying Dutchman. We are located near the Anne Frank House so we joined the surrounding crowds in getting a photo before continuing on. For lunch, we stopped at a Dutch pancake restaurant where I had an an apple and banana pancake with extra coffee.

      Most of the sights we saw were the canals and houses which are always so beautiful, so after a couple of hours we headed back to our room. Last night’s lack of sleep was catching up with me, so I had a nap in the room. Ted woke me up after an hour to avoid messing up my sleeping routine but truthfully, I was so tired I could’ve easily slept another five hours.

      Originally we had planned to go to nearby Haarlem tonight to see my friend Dennis whom I’d met here 10 years ago, with his husband John, but since I didn’t want to worsen my foot injury, they said they would come to Amsterdam instead. After getting ready, we caught an Uber to the Taboo bar in the Amsterdam gay street and had a drink whilst waiting for Dennis and John.

      It was a great idea to catch up with the guys, as we always love a reason to go out with the locals. After having our fill of Heinekens, we went for dinner at the restaurant Black and Blue which was directly across from the bar. The waitress was American and mentioned her Aussie boyfriend was from Newcastle. The bar next door offered something called Wild Wednesday with beers for €2 so we went there to continue the evening.

      Before we knew it, it was 10:30pm, and the boys had to head off home. It was a bit unexpected as the days are much longer here, meaning there was still daylight until quite late. After catching an Uber back, we went to bed at about 11.15pm.
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    • Hari 5

      Monday - Breakfast and walk

      15 Mei 2023, Belanda ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Got up at 7. Finally a good nights sleep! Good breakfast and then headed out for walk of Joordan area. First stop - cheese stop for purchases and sampling. Then on to the head shop (hmmmm...). And then a stop at a bakery for coffees and a croissant with raisins. Now off to a nearby park.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 8

      Early morning walk photoshoot

      30 Maret, Belanda ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Got up at 520, expecting it to be quiet. People everywhere!

      Got the shot i was after and met a local man. Alvin. He has lived here for 35 years in the thick of it. He was really nice to talk to and he had a dog.

      Whilst taking some shots. I had to scare off the rats as i thought they were going to get into my camera bag.

      Lots of homeless people here, emptying bins looking for bottles and food, i presume.

      Proper photos on my camera to come later....
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    • Hari 5


      31 Desember 2022, Belanda ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      Verabschiedung der Gäste vom Kapitän und der Crew, gleichzeitig einläuten der Silvesterparty. Alle die dieses lesen:EINEN GESUNDEN RUTSCH INS NEUE JAHR 2023 🍀🥂🍾🎉.
      Heute morgen noch Brunchtime genossen, jetzt geht's wieder ab nach Hause. Verwöhnprogramm beendetBaca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5


      31 Desember 2022, Belanda ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Neun Uhr und wir starten zur heftig regnerischen Rundfahrt im Bus, Gott sei Dank mit Dach 😉. Gerade habe ich eine einstündige Grachtenfahrt bei 14 Grad Wärme und anschließendem 20min. Gang zu unserem Schiff hinter mir. Meine Jacke ist gefühlt nasser als das Wasser 😒mano. Nun ist erstmal Teatime mit Schuss angesagt, dann wird's besser.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 1

      Abendmenü und Party

      10 November 2023, Belanda ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Nach höchst interessanter Fortbildung und kurzer Chillzeit——> Abendessen … zum Teil mit Überforderung der anwesenden Mitesser 😁. Englische Karte - Essenauswahl- viele Gabeln, Teller und Gläser….. letztlich prima bewältigt 👍. Danach Party im Obergeschoss mit pfiffigem DJ und abhopsen bis 0:45. Prima war es und nebenbei bemerkt….hat die ältere Generation deutlich länger durchgehalten 😜😜😜😜Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 18

      Mit den Rädern durch die Niederlanden

      25 Juli 2020, Belanda ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Was kann man in Coronavirus Zeiten besseres machen als mit dem Rad quer durch die Niederlande?
      Amsterdam, Dünenlandschaft, Den Haag, Gouda🧀, Edam🧀... in Trekkershutten und Homestays entlang der Grachten und Flusslandschaften durch wunderbare Natur und vorbei an Schlössern und durch liebliche Dörfer.... von Corona keine Spur.
      Marthas und Emmas Freundin kommt vorbei und die drei machen sich zwischendurch alleine auf die Reise🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️. Holland wir kommen wieder ❤️❤️
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