Bay of Islands

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    • Dag 13

      Paihia, Neuseeland

      23 oktober 2016, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Heute haben wir eine Bootstour durch Bay of Islands gemacht und uns die schönen Inseln hier angesehen. Die Landschaft ist wirklich toll und zusätzlich haben wir noch Delfine beobachten können, die sich bis auf einen Meter an unser Boot hinangetraut haben!Meer informatie

    • Dag 30

      Kayaking, Camping, Wallet Loss

      26 februari 2016, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      A seven-hour drive from Scott's Place got me to the Bay of Islands. The drive should only have taken five, but about 45 minutes into it I realized just how tried, hungover and possibly even still a little drunk I was. I pulled into a gas station and promptly fell asleep for nearly two hours. Upon awaking I did the unthinkable and ate lunch at McDonalds. I do not possess the vocabulary to properly explain just how revolting it was, buy in my weakened state I just needed food...any food. Sadly I don't think this qualified.

      Even after a nap and some empty calories I contemplated stopping and staying in Auckland for the night. Continuing on proved to be the right decision because an hour later I began to feel much better. The drive was quite nice, too and I was in a much better mood by my arrival in Piha. Scarfing down a pizza and drinking a beer made me feel better. After dinner I cleaned up my belongings, prepped for my three day kayak trip, washed up and fell asleep.

      Morning came quickly. I felt like a kid waking up Christmas morning and getting to my destination was all I could think of. Despite a little trouble finding the beach, I arrived on time. In fact, I was plenty early based on when we actually left. Originally everyone was slated to have a single passenger kayak but one of the other people on the trip was too big for it, so the guide had to go back and get a tandem kayak. I won't lie, I chuckled a bit at this. When the new kayak arrived we packed up and left.

      It was sunny and warm as we paddled and not more than 30 minutes in a couple dolphins swam right by us. A good start indeed. We then stopped at an island and summited its small peak to behold some breathtaking views of the surrounding islands and almost neon blue water. Following this we paddled to the next island over where we would set up the camp we would use for this night and the next. As soon as my tent was up I grabbed the guide's fishing pole, some artificial bait and some jig heads. It was time to fish!

      Unfortunately, the wind was pretty strong, even through sunset. This stood no chance of deterring me and I paddled directly into it and through some serious chop. No shortage of motivation befell me, though, because the fish were nibbling my bait nearly immediately. After several chewed up pieces of bait and repeated paddling back into the wind after being blown away it was fish on. I repeated this sequence until I had three keepable fish and the sun was nearly down. That night our appetizer was snapper and it was good.

      Day two was as beautiful as the first. We ventured out on the ocean side of the islands and we're greeted by swells large enough to lose sight of my kayaking companions from time to time. I've never kayaked in such swollen water and it was exhilarating. Falling out would have sucked, so I didn't fall out. We pressed on past this island and back into the safety of the bay for a break. The other couple on the trip walked around the island. I went back out fishing. No large fish were caught but a weird one grabbed on. I'm not sure what it was, but it looked like an aquarium was more suitable for it than a frying pan, so I tossed it back.

      We launched once again and finally stopped for lunch. During this time I was introduced to a spear gun and with a snorkel and mask only (no fins or weight belt) speared a kingfisk. What a thrill, although dragging a bleeding fish through waters known to harbor sharks was a little scary. Next time I'm anywhere where this is an option, I'm doing it.

      By early to mid afternoon we paddled to the only island with a bar. The couple had a drink and since we were close decided to head back to camp. Sam, the guide, and I decided tequila shots sounded better and proceeded to buy each other shots and beers until an hour and a half before sunset. During our drinking we met the island manager and a very interesting character named Goody. Goody was the caretaker and maintenance man for the island twelve months out of the year, but the island was only open to visitors for five months annually. I had to learn more.

      Thankfully Goody was friendly and after a beer offered to show me his place and have a smoke with him. How could I refuse? His place was just one of the rooms that you could rent. Unit 1. It was probably 80 or 100 square feet inside with a patio outside of half that where we sat at his table and chatted. It turns out he has been on the island for nearly seven years. Prior to his arrival he lived about a hundred miles away. One day while sailing, or so the story goes, he arrived at the island and just never left. After being gone two years his wife contacted him to ask if he was ever going home. His response was that he was already home. Excepting a couple visits to his now grown kids per year, he stays on this island full time. I asked him if he ever got lonely and he chuckled and said he could, and would prefer to, live there all year with no visitors.

      Goody's attitude was enlightening and epitomizes what I have seen in many travelers I've met on my trip. Home can be anywhere and anytime you make it. He was unattached to his possessions and unhindered by what a person "should do" and he was HAPPY.

      Pretty buzzed, Sam and I paddled back to camp. I stopped to take a few photos as the sun set also and just soaked up the experiences I had so recently had.

      The final day we paddled more, fished less, and finally made it back to the beach we started from. My back was twice as strong from mile after mile of paddling and I felt great. Ready to do it all over again if I could.

      Back in town I was a little tired, but a quick shower fixed that and I went next door to my hostel to a bar for beers and dinner. I was happy to hear that there was a band playing and sat inside, out of the sun, right next to them. After they finished their first set the oldest one sat down with me and introduced himself as Mike. The other guys were his sons. Not more than a second later Mike asked if I wanted a shot. Of course I did! I feel like I've already gone through this sequence once in this post, but if you were wondering, Mike and I bought shots and beers until the 50 foot walk home seemed hard. Somewhere in the midst of this he invited me fishing the following day. Bwck to the water I was to go.

      The next afternoon Mike picked me up as well as a Tanzanian bee keeper we had befriended and we set off. Sadly we only caught fish under the size limit so went off to another spot where Mike was going to scuba dive for scallops. Half an hour after descending Mike resurfaced with a bag of scallops. This was the first time I had eaten raw ones. They were delicious. We headed in after the sun set. Cruising along at high speed watching the moon rise was a real rush.

      We made it back to town, had a drink and called it. When I went to pay I realized that I had no wallet. After searching Mike's boat and van it was nowhere to be found. Strangely I had bought gas for the boat literally right before we set off, but there was no sign of the wallet anywhere. I went to sleep worried and a bit frustrated.

      The next day, still no sign of it. My friend Brian sent me some money so I could at least survive and I called a credit card company to get one replaced. I couldn't cancel them all because my upcoming camper van rental depended on one of the cards... and my license.

      Thinking of any place to get a copy of my drivers license I called the place I had rented my truck from and they actually had a copy. Thankfully the van rental place said it would be sufficient. Crisis averted.

      From here I drove to Auckland, saw the March family and then headed to the airport the next morning, my stay on the North Island in the books. All I can say is that I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
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    • Dag 40

      Bay of Islands, New Zealand

      12 februari 2014, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      The Bay of Islands are situated in the North East of North Island. Again the temperature started at 18C but was predicted to rise to 23C. We left the ship by tender, arriving at Waitangi. From there we walked to the local town of Paihia where we spent about an hour walking around the craft stalls and shops. We then took the ship's shuttle bus back to Waitangi. Waitangi was the location of the signing of the historic pact between Great Britain and the Maori chieftains in 1840, which affirmed Maori rights and also established the foundations of New Zealand. We bought tickets to enter the National Reserve, costing NZ$25 each. The reserve is beautifully maintained and lovely to walk through. We viewed a Maori canoe, called 'Ngatokimatawhaorua, built in 1940 and 120 feet long. We visited the house where James Busby, who did much to bring the treaty about, lived with his family and also stood by the Flagstaff, which marks the location where the treaty was first signed. We attended a performance of a selection of songs and dances performed by a group of Maoris in a beautifully ornate meeting house. It was a very stimulating and moving experience. It was a fantastic culmination of a visit to a country we had never previously visited and will leave a lasting impression.Meer informatie

    • Dag 133

      Roadtrip Day 3

      19 maart 2019, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      "Oh ja lass uns den Coastal Walk rund um Bay of islands machen!" Klar warum nicht 6-8 Stunden steht dran, das klingt sehr machbar. Wir uns also vorbereitet und losmarschiert. Nach einer ca. 1 Stunde für doof befunden und umgedreht.
      "Ja was machen wir jetzt?" Also sind wir einkaufen gegangen und haben nach einem Bikini für mich gesucht (warum verschwindet eigentlich alles ständig?). Leider erfolglos.
      Dann sind wir zu Wasserfällen gefahren und haben da nach einem kurzen Bad unser Lunchpaket gegessen und sind dann noch kurz spazieren gewesen bevor wir uns dann in Richtung Campingplatz begeben haben. Dieser war voll mit Sandfliegen, die uns befallen haben. Mit Gingerbeer und Pasta wurden dann erstmal die merkwürdigen Leute beobachtet, die sich direkt vor unser Auto gestellt haben. Natürlich waren sie deutsch, natürlich gab es Kartoffeln bei denen und wir waren beide genervt von ihnen.
      Spaß hat's trotzdem gemacht.
      Und mal wieder Bilder gibt's nicht. Erklärung dazu folgt später.
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    • Dag 9

      The Bay of Islands

      9 november 2013, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ 14 °C

      The Bay of Islands, New Zealand
      Saturday, November 9, 2013

      Saturday 9th November

      We struck lucky today and I'm not sure how we will better it. The day dawned clear and sunny and 9am saw us on board the NZ Explorer to explore The Bay of Islands from the water. There are 144 Islands in total, some small with a single poignant tree and others large and luxuriantly wooded, but the overall effect is stunningly beautiful. Only four are populated, two owned by single families, with glorious beach houses, only approachable by sea or helicopter. Must be unbelievably tempting for the average billionaire - I could join him!! We approached the Island where Captain Cook landed (unpronounceable name) and hovered in Cook's Bay studying the spot where history was made. In 1769 Captain James Cook sailed into the Bay on his ship Endeavour and subsequently named it the Bay of Islands. We saw the sugar loaf hill he climbed to survey his surroundings and all was carefully documented in his log, rather like this blog, but sadly I'm unlikely to get to name anything! We were able to sail in amongst a very friendly pod of bottle nose dolphins, that really put on a show for us, gorgeous creatures that they are and finally the skipper nosed the boat through the hole in the rock in Piercy Island. A bit nerve racking, but obviously perfectly safe as he does it twice daily weather conditions permitting. An exhilarating ride back for lunch on dry land, before we headed to Waitangi, where the treaty between the Crown and the Maori was signed by Captain William Hobson for King William 1V and 500 Maori chiefs in 1840. We were taken on an entertaining and illuminating tour by the young great grandson many times back of one of the signees of the treaty. He is a modern man in every sense of the word, but with his roots very firmly in his Maori Culture and he explained very eloquently that the treaty is responsible for the equal status of the indigenous people of New Zealand. The estate is in the hands of a trust and now in a very good state of repair, although this has not always been the case. The ceremonial waka, or war canoe was carefully inspected and we were then invited to approach the meeting house for a Maori Welcome, but before this could happen, we would need to select from amongst our number, a chief, to greet the Maori and who could proffer a symbol of peace (a frond of silver leaf fern, the NZ national emblem). At this point there was much shuffling about and studying of shoes before Reg shoved Peter in the back and volunteered him. I know PL may have been considering a role for his retirement, but in his wildest dreams, I don't think Chief Peter, as he was now to be called, would have been a consideration!! The Chief had to stand his ground as he was approached by spear waving warriors with all the Haka type gestures of intimidation. Not a flinch from our hero, you'll be proud to hear. It was eventually established that our party came in peace and on removing our shoes we were allowed to enter the Meeting house and Mrs Chief had pride of place to watch Chief Peter perform the welcome ceremony. This involved presenting the silver fern leaf to the head warrior after much posturing and bloodcurdling war cries. Yet again, our chief held firm and concluded the ceremony with a rub of noses with a extremely large skirted Maori warrior. No comments please, believe me he has already heard them all!! He was then required to make a speech, which he delivered with his customary aplomb before being allowed to retreat to watch the rest of the presentation with Mrs Chief (naturally the power behind the throne) and his people! You will see various photos (I hope - don't know what happened yesterday, they are all showing on my copy here) which will hopefully give you a flavour of a most unusual episode and one we will certainly never forget. It will no doubt go down in Maori folklore, the day that Chief Peter came to the land of the Long White Cloud and made his own version of history!?!
      Follow that? Goodness knows how. I'm hoping for a boring quiet day tomorrow. This is only day two. Can we stand the pace.............

      There is a postscript to this tale, which those of you following this from Devon will find particularly interesting, if hilarious. We were just winding down from all the excitement and putting on our shoes outside the meeting house, when suddenly a voice pipes up ' Chief Peter, is that Reg Nicholls with you?!' Chief and Mrs Chief are somewhat confused, whilst Reg and Geraldine look on in astonishment as up walks Phil and Gail Bond who farm in neighbouring Dartmouth. You couldn't write the script!!!
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    • Dag 4

      Bay of Islands

      5 maart 2019, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Ferry Russel-Païa, douche froide pour Thi dans la rue, toilette dans un café (excellent) pour Oumouss puis départ chahuté en voilier vers la Bay of Islands, masque et tuba, promenade dans les hauteurs, pique niqueMeer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Bay of Islands, Baie des Îles, 아일랜즈 만, Бей-оф-Айлендс, 島灣

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