New Zealand
Channel Rocks

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    • Day 10

      Day 349/350: Merry Christmas in Bluff

      December 25, 2024 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      It’s hard to celebrate holidays on Gap Year and we actually made an effort this time to not travel or do anything crazy for Christmas. We found a small house in a town called Bluff in the Deep South on the coast. Our campsite was only a 50 minute drive and we couldn’t check in until 1 pm so we stopped by a community pool to swim and shower. We get a treading workout in and met an older couple from Phoenix who are HUGE Lord of the Ring Fans and traveling in New Zealand for 8 months (the third time). We talk in the hot tub for 45 minutes and cooked ourselves because the convo was too engaging.

      Close to check in we hit the store for Christmas goodies (lamb, root veggies, cookies, hot chocolate, mulled wine). We agreed for Christmas we wouldn’t worry about gifts and instead go to a liquor store to get each other a drink secretly.

      Our house in Bluff is a group home with three bedrooms and we hoped no one else booked the place. Made it our own in the time being and set up shop in the living room watching Love Island. They had a real fire place, but we couldn’t figure it out at first and smoke would sneak out the front so the flume was blocked or something else needed to occur.

      Woke up Christmas Day and called both parents at 10am because it’s Christmas Eve at home! We open each others gifts; Kieran got 6 different beers (mostly stouts) and Mary got two bottles of wine to match her personality (one skull and another with weird little lambs trimming gas). We made hot chocolate coffee with Baileys and ate caprese sandwhiches for breakfast. Lunch was a Camabert cheese with raspberry jelly and bread

      We figured out how to make the fire and enjoyed movies, reading, and video games. Roasted the lamb at 4pm and sadly at 5:15pm we hear the door open!!! We had to share our Christmas house and evening with another couple; we scrambled to clean up some messes, un-take over the living room, and get the food out the oven. Luckily, we timed the lamb to come out during a potential check-in time so we would be out of the kitchen for the rest of the evening.

      Lamb and food turned out great!

      They were a very nice Australian couple with the husband originally from Poland. They planned to do a great hike tomorrow so they went to bed early and woke up early. We stayed in our room and continued Love Island Australia.

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    • Day 111

      Bluff - TA Ende

      February 18, 2020 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Letzter Tag des TA 😁
      Heute war Countdown mit 34km bis Bluff. Wir frühstücken zusammen um 8h und Anja und ich liefen los, Sebastian brauchte noch etwas... Wir wollten gemeinsam finishen.

      Das Wetter stand auf Trauer, es nieselte. Zuerst ging es ganz nett noch weiter an der Bucht entlang, aber dann etwa 25km am State Highway. Es war viel Verkehr und die riesigen Trucks bliesen mir mehrfach meine Mütze vom Kopf. Aber wir hatten keine andere Wahl, da mussten wir durch. Zu zweit war es nicht ganz so schlimm...

      Kurz vor Bluff holte uns Sebastian ein, wollte aber noch über den Hügel. Wir holten uns aus dem Liquor Store jeweils einen Piccolo 😎

      Um 16h hatten wir den Stirling Point, den südlichsten Punkt Neuseelands erreicht. Wir stießen an und jubelten. 3000km waren geschafft. Es ist so unwirklich, ich kann es immer noch nicht glauben!!! Wahnsinn

      Anja musste zu ihrer Fähre nach Stewart Island und ich blieb noch ein bisschen sitzen. Dann kam noch Antoine und Sebastian und die 6er-Gruppe von den letzten Huts. Party!

      Ich brauchte etwas Zeit für mich und lief zurück in mein Hostel. Wahrscheinlich realisiere ich die ganze Geschichte erst in den nächsten Tagen...

      So, mein NZ Trip ist aber noch nicht zu Ende. Ich habe ja noch ein paar Tage bis zum 27.2.. Also nehme ich morgen erstmal die Fähre nach Stewart Island und sehe dann weiter, ganz entspannt 😉
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    • Day 8


      April 6, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌬 8 °C


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