New Zealand
Gore District

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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Gore District
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    • Dag 12

      Gestern Fjordland Nationalpark

      6. februar 2023, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Wir reisten zum Doubtful Sound, einem der eindrücklichsten Fjorde Neuseelands.
      Am Nachmittag führen wir raus auf die Tasmanische See, mit Wellengang. Seelöwen räkelten sich auf den Felsen. Leider hatten die Delphine keine Lust auf uns.
      Später war Kayakfahren angesagt (fakultativ 😂). Es sah aus wie ein Ausflug der Schwimmenten.
      Nach einem herrlichen Abendessen, mit lecker Wein, legten wir uns in unsere Kojen.
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    • Dag 165

      Kepler track & Drive to Mataura

      23. juni 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      This morning we checked out the hostel by 10. We first drove to Te Anau bird life sanctuary which was free to get in. One of the rare birds we saw was the Takahē that you can see in the pictures. The Takahē is a flightless bird only found in New Zealand

      Next we drove to the Kepler track for a walk. We started the walk at the Kepler track control gates. We walked through a rainforest surrounding by small fern, moss and tall trees. We walked to Brod Bay. It had a lovely beach. Unfortunately it was a bit cloudy so we couldn't see any mountains. After a 2 and a half hour walk we had our packed lunch in the car, cheese and ham sandwiches.

      We then drove to Mataura a 2 hour drive. We booked a air b&b for the night here before we go to the Catlins. It was the straightest drive we've done but was surrounded by rolling hills and farmland. We checked in to the air B&B. We have our own room with a double bed, lounge to use, kitchen and shared bathroom. Conny cooked spaghetti Carbonara in the evening for us all. It was delicious. In the evening we relaxed in and watched a film.
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    • Dag 90

      Stuck in a flood

      4. februar 2020, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      We returned to Manapouri at around 14:30. The goal was to drive towards Queenstown and sleep in our tent again on a campsite along the way. It was raining here again however, and it would likely not stop until midnight. Nevertheless, we figured we could camp as the weather the next morning would be dry and likely sunny. We had already researched some good campsite options as well. The car was thirsty for fuel, and our app Gaspy said the best place for that would be in Mossburn. But on the way there it didn't take long before the road was closed. A friendly guy in orange vest told us that due to flooding we'd have to take a detour. In hindsight, this is when we should have turned around and found accommodation back in Manapouri or Te Anau. But we weren't aware of the severity of the situation. Sure, it was raining, and this particular road was just closed, but surely it's not as bad as in Fiordland?

      We only just made it to Mossburn taking the detour, with less than a liter left in the tank, and we fueled the car. But we started wondering if we could camp tonight at all. We saw more and more puddles on grass fields and also close to the road. We realised we couldn't camp tonight unless we wanted to try out how good our mattresses can float. Queenstown accommodation was booked out unless we felt like spending over 240nzd. There was a nice camping with cheap cabins 4 km north of Mossburn, which sounded perfect. But... the road to it was closed due to flooding. We figured we could still get there via a different road taking 44km. That turned out to be wrong. At the crossing to it near Lumsden another nice guy told us that this road was closed too, which also happened to be the road to Queenstown. He mentioned it might still be possible to go to Queenstown via Gore but that he expected more road closures throughout the day as the water levels were rising. Airbnb and Campermate mentioned some motels and hotels in that direction and Lumsden already looked a bit crowded and what was there was expensive. Not knowing where else to go, we continued in direction Gore.

      The rain got more intensive and the road conditions worsened. Several times we had to pass through flooded road parts, which were tricky to control our Suzuki Swift in as the water tried to push it to the side. We reached Balfour, but their only Motel was booked out. We continued another stretch to Riversdale. At this point it was getting a bit desperate, we were sick of driving in these conditions. Riversdale's Hotel was booked out, too. They told us Gore was also booked out. We felt stranded. We considered sleeping in our car or pitching a tent on a small not too flooded piece of grass in the center of Riversdale. Both didn't sound too good. A Suzuki Swift isn't really the car for sleeping. The Internet now told us there was a state of emergency issued for the area. We decided to go back to the hotel and asked if they knew someone with a couch or a floor or at least a roof. They discussed a while, called someone else in the town until eventually two road maintenance workers who stayed in the hotel offered to share a room (they had one each) and give their other one to us. We were incredibly thankful. Especially when we later in the evening received an emergency SMS alert asking inhabitants of Gore to prepare for evacuation, and the river that caused that was flowing nearby Riversdale too. The hotel room wasn't cheap but cheap enough, and the in-house cafe served us a nice pizza dinner. We were mainly glad we could finally relax, and that we didn't end up trying to camp.
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    • Dag 12

      Doubtful Sound nach Gore

      6. februar 2023, New Zealand

      Heute noch einmal auf dem Fjord gefahren. In einem Seitenarm hielt unser Schiff an, Motor aus und wir Passagiere wurden aufgefordert, mäuschenstill der Natur zu lauschen. Einfach nur wundervoll.
      Nach diesem schönen Abschluss führen wir mit dem Tourbus nach Gore in die heutige Unterkunft.Læs mere

    • Dag 41


      21. marts, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Have to share these wonderful murals. A lot of towns are doing this and I think it's a very cool thing to do. We are rather impressed with Gore. It is very tidy with nice public gardens and pretty council gardens through town
      Also the Baptist Church is pretty smart . The pastor is our friend Mark's brother. BTW Driver seems to have pinched my Leader cap. I haven't been given a new title yet. Watch this space 🤔
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    • Dag 41


      21. marts, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      One last photo from Manapouri on the way out. This wee bookshop is quite NZ famous. I'm sure you've seen it on TV or in magazines. Driver brought us to Gore today. Spotted these two old dears along the way. Took a wee detour to drive pass Samantha and James beautiful farm with gorgeous rural views. Not home for us to visit. ☹️ Then a stop at Mandeville where driver was able to fulfill a dream with a 15min Tigermoth flight. Note the mile wide smile.😄 Crossed that off the bucket list.✍️ The weather was perfect for the flight with a beautiful cloudless blue sky, sunshine and no wind. Actually after all the rain and cold we had last week the 🌞 is very welcome and almost too hot. Driver was very pleased to find the bakery we visited last time we were in Gore is still operating and still has delicious donuts. 😋
      We are free camping at the RSA tonight so will dress up and dine in the restaurant. Very impressive building with a wall of amazing murals. A sit down is always needed after a town walk about in the heat. 🥵
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    • Dag 74

      Die Insel der Insel

      27. december 2016, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Am 23. Dezember ging es für uns nach Stewart Island, eine Insel, die zu Neuseeland gehört. Die einstündige Fahrt mit der Fähre war sehr schauklig und witzig. Stewart Island ist sehr idyllisch und naturbelassen, auch wenn es sich dem Tourismus angepasst hat. Leider hatten wir die ersten Tage auf der Insel nicht allzu schönes Wetter, was allerdings dem umliegenden Regenwald geschuldet ist. An Heiligabend haben wir dann ganz traditionell ein Weihnachtsessen gehabt und ihn versucht so weihnachtlich wie möglich zu gestalten.Læs mere

    • Dag 74

      Merry Christmas from paradise

      27. december 2016, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Den ersten Weihnachtsfeiertag wollten wir auf einer Nebeninsel der Insel verbringen - Ulva Island. Die erste Überraschung wartete direkt auf dem Boot, denn weil Weihnachten war, mussten wir nichts bezahlen. Sowas wäre in Deutschland tatsächlich undenkbar. Auf der Insel angekommen wussten wir, dass wir die beste Entscheidung überhaupt getroffen haben. Wir haben das Paradies gefunden. Es war eine so kleine, wunderschöne, naturbelassene Insel mit ganz vielen Stränden, Urwald, Tieren... Auf unserem Weg sind uns sogar zwei Kiwis begegnet.
      Also sind wir von Strand zu Strand gezogen und das Wetter war einfach fantastisch - die zweite Überraschung an diesem Tag. Es war wirklich das schönste Weihnachten, was wir uns am anderen Ende der Welt hätten vorstellen können und wir können unser Glück noch immer nicht fassen. Seit November war auf der Insel wohl nicht mehr so schönes Wetter. Nur leider hat der Bikini gefehlt (dafür war eine Mütze im Rucksack).
      Zurück im Hostel wartete Überraschung Nummer Drei. Die Hosts haben für uns alle gekocht. Es gab Würstchen, Fleisch, Kartoffeln, grüne Salate, Kartoffelsalat, Obstsalat, Schoki, Cracker, 3 Torten und Eis. Und so ging tatsächlich der schönste Tag in Neuseeland noch schöner vorbei.

      Am 27. Dezember sind wir dann wieder zurück nach Bluff gefahren. Und das war mit Abstand der schlimmste Tag bisher in Neuseeland. Wir haben schon auf Stewart Island gemerkt, dass es sehr stürmisch ist und so war es natürlich auch auf dem offenen Meer. Die Wellen waren so unglaublich hoch und wir wurden zu allen Seiten geschüttelt. Einmal kam eine so hohe Welle, dass der Kapitän die Geschwindigkeit stark gedrosselt hat. Von links sah man nur eine riesige Welle, rechts sah man 5 Meter nichts - das Boot stand regelrecht senkrecht. Wir hatten tatsächlich kurz Angst um unser Leben und noch immer ist uns flau im Magen. Aber wir schreiben diesen Blog. Wir leben also :)
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    • Dag 394


      10. november 2015, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      V Goru jsem byla pred mesici s Mirou a jedine, co jsme tu delali, bylo, ze jsme tu nacerno kempovali na ulici ;-). Ono se u toho v podstate o moc vic delat neda. Tovarna na ovesne vlocky uz je v podstate jen skladiste vlocek, obchody normalka.
      Zato stoji Hokonui Moonshine Museum, muzeum mistni whiskey z kopcu Hokonui, co ji tu v 70. letech zacali nacerno palit skotsti pristehovalci. Vcetne ochutnavky v cene 5$ vstupenky. Fair enough. A whiska dobra, jemna, zahrala... ale bylo ji trochu malo :-(.
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