New Zealand
Island Bay

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    • Day 339

      Ende und Anfang

      October 29, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Hiermit ist es jetzt ganz offiziell, meine Reise hat vorerst ein Ende, doch das Abenteuer geht weiter.
      Bevor ich aufgebrochen bin haben einige Leute (ihr wisst es, wenn ihr gemeint seid) zu mir gesagt: "vielleicht findest du dort ja jemanden und bleibst ganz da" (sinngemäß, da ich den genauen Wortlaut nicht mehr weiß)
      Tja, was soll ich sagen... Auch wenn ich es selbst kaum glauben kann, ihr hattet recht. Wir ziehen nach Wellington. Chris hat dort einen guten Job gefunden.
      Seit gut einem Monat sind wir jetzt hier und so langsam habe auch ich mich eingewöhnt. Ne passende Wohnung zu finden war ganz schön schwierig. Die Mieten hier sind ziemlich hoch. Und so teilen wir uns das Haus mit noch 2 anderen Mitbewohnern, was für einige von euch vllt unvorstellbar klingt, aber so schlimm ist es tatsächlich nicht.
      Ich habe noch keinen Job, aber ich muss mich auch erstmal um mein neues Visum kümmern.
      Damit kann ich dann für ein weiteres Jahr hier bleiben und auch arbeiten.
      Wann ich wieder zurück komme? Keine Ahnung. Klar, ein Besuch in Deutschland steht auf der to do Liste, aber auch da hab ich noch keinen wirklichen Plan, vllt November 2020?
      Ihr werdet es erfahren, sobald ich mehr weiß.
      Dieser Teil meines Abenteuers hat gerade erst angefangen.
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    • Day 410

      Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

      January 8, 2020 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Wie immer, kommt auch dieser Post wieder ein paar Wochen verspätet. Ich glaube, das liegt an der Entfernung, die er zurücklegen muss 😅

      Unsere Weihnachtesferien habe wir großteils auf dem Campingplatz in Wanganui verbracht. Es war eine schöne Abwechslung wieder im Auto unterwegs zu sein und zu schlafen. Und natürlich auch im Auto Geschenke auspacken 🤣

      Kurz nach Weihnachten haben uns dann noch Julie und Chris, unsere beiden Lieblingsstalker, auf dem Campingplatz besucht. Die beiden sind grad auf der Reise durch Neuseeland. Und wir haben nicht schlecht gestaunt als sie uns Dinge von unserer Reise erzählt haben, die wir schon gar nicht mehr so genau wussten. 🤣
      Es ist gut zu wissen, dass der Blog gerne gelesen wird und auch hilfreich sein kann.

      Am 28. Dezember waren wir dann bei Chris's Tante in Tokoroa. Dort haben wir dann noch mal Weihnachten gefeiert, diesmal nach traditionell Inselart mit jeder Menge exotischem Essen. Und natürlich wurde alles mal probiert 😅

      Für Silvester ging es dann wieder zurück nach Wanganui. Wir lieben eben diesen coolen Zeltplatz und haben auch diesmal wieder ein bisschen mit ausgeholfen beim sauber machen und an der Rezeption.
      Aber so richtig der Knaller war unser Silvesterabend. Wir waren eine Weile bei Jackie und Darryl, den Besitzern des Campingplatzes, und haben bissl erzählt und Wein getrunken. Aber um 11 Uhr waren Chris und ich so müde, dass wir dann ins Bett sind. Und wir haben auch sofort geschlafen. Um Mitternacht haben wir uns dann im Halbschlaf ein Happy New Year gewünscht und sind dann gleich wieder tief in die Traumwelt versunken.

      Und schneller als uns lieb war, waren die Ferien auch schon wieder vorbei und es hieß, zurück nach Wellington.
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    • Day 60

      A shakey night!

      November 14, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      So this was when the earthquake struck. Since the quake, from talking to people, it would seem the experience varied considerably depending on where people lived and the type of house they lived in. Some felt the shake but nothing so bad as to make things fall and others, like us, felt like the house was going to collapse. I will just tell it as it played out as best I can along with a few bits we have since learnt. One thing for sure that news coverages misses out an awful lot!

      The first I knew of the earthquake was hearing Justine say "oh, is that an Earthquake?" I had just finished putting on shoes and started walking and couldn't feel anything before then, Rachel though agreed and when I stopped I could feel the shake under my feet. It very quickly went from a rumbling shake at this point to a heavy, rolling, lurching movement which had Justine running to the doorframe yelling that "oh shit, this is a big one".
      We just blindly followed suit, having no idea what to do in a quake and just in panic mode really. I remember gripping the doorframe with Rob infront of me and Justine, who I couldn't really see, in front of him, all three of us squished in and trying to stay upright. It was hard to stay balanced and I looked across the room to see Rachel hiding under the pinball table by the glass doors that led outside. She was just crying out for Dave, her fiancé, in a panic, who seemed to have followed James to the other side of the room to be near the kids and shelter in their bedroom door frames.

      The lurching once again got worse and it felt a lot more now like we were lurching and rocking/shaking all at once. You could hear the house shaking and the feeling of the violent rocking was so frightening. This was also when things started to fall. Right by us was the shelving unit with bottles of expensive alcohol and other such things which slid off their shelves and smashed on the floor by our feet. I remember involuntarily wailing in surprise and fear at this point as each thing fell and just trying to cover my face with my arms just in case. There was fish tank between us and Rachel and the fish tank lid kept lifting up violently with water spilling out all over the floor. This was one reason for Rachel's panic and crying out. She was at floor level, with nothing to grip onto, a pinball table lurching about above her, glass bottles smashing at her eye level and a glass door that could have smashed beside her head at any time. I just remember her sounding more panicked at this point and hearing Dave yell loudly at her (I now know he yelled at her not to move as she had asked about running to him, a bad move during a quake), and then she just fell silent. Just the noise of the rumbling quake and the entire house shaking now.

      It seemed to go on and on and on and on, at the point everything was smashing around us I felt quite sure the house couldn't possibly keep holding out and was just terrified it was going to collapse on us all. Talking to everyone since, I wasn't the only one, it was incredibly long for an earthquake (110 seconds) and was stronger and longer by a long long way than anything the locals had ever experienced before.

      Eventually though the shaking stopped, well on the ground at least, all of us were left shaking like a leaf, uncontrollable shaking that passed for some, but for myself, Rachel and the kids did not let up in the end for a couple of hours. This wasn't helped by the constant aftershocks and the threat of a tsunami which had me even more scared.

      The aftershocks came one after the other every minute or less and had us all running to and for the door frames so often that I ended up just staying in the doorframe of one of the kids rooms. The children are pretty well prepared at school for this but one of their younger boys was particularly shook up and upset and k have to say it was only because of trying to calm him down that I didn't just burst into tears myself.

      We had the radio on and were looking for updates online almost immediately. It came in as a high 6 magnitude at first, which Justine could not believe was high enough (she was correct, it was two quakes simultaneously and a 7.8 just 15km deep). The initial tsunami warning was that there was none, but the advice is also to just get to high ground after such a big quake regardless of warnings, and we were only a block of houses from the sea. This just made me nervous, I didn't want to overreact but I also didn't want to be amongst the people that stay still and then get hurt, or die. The radio after some time started to announce the evacuation warning and despite a couple of the guys not wanting to go we grabbed bags and made a move to evacuate up the hill. It seems silly now I know the tsunami was only a metre and just hit the beach but on the drive I just couldn't help thinking about a silent wave creeping towards us in the pitch black. Makes it worse when you have no idea where you really are. There were lots of cars and people all heading the same way and we ended up parked on a hill away from any power lines etc, just in case of another quake. We sat for about half an hour here and I think at this point I started to message that we were safe. Online it said we had to wait until morning before going back due to more tsunamis and when we heard one of the local bays had gone out 200m we realised we had to stay put. Justine and James made a call to a friend and despite having a few months old baby, they agreed to let all 9 of us (four of us basically strangers) to sleep at theirs until morning.
      We all started to feel a bit calmer at this point, but the shaking from aftershocks prevented me getting any sleep really. I did get to see a beautiful sunrise though.

      By morning and in the light everything seemed less scary and fortunately the tsunami occurred at low tide and did not each past the beach. We had a cup of tea and everyone else worried about work and school, which all turned out to be closed. Just as well really as no one was in a fit state for it. The CBD was completely closed too so the city would be asleep for the day.
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    • Day 29

      Zurück in Wellington

      January 9, 2021 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Unser letztes Frühstück auf der Südinsel haben wir auf dem Markt in Nelson gegessen. Der Markt ist wirklich super mit verschiedenen Essensbuden, frischem Obst und Gemüse und allerlei Kunsthandwerk.
      Nach dem Markt ging es nochmal den Queen Charlotte Drive entlang nach Picton.
      Dort haben wir dann den Rest des Tages relaxed und auf die Abendfähre gewartet.
      Die Überfahrt war ruhig und kurz nach 23 Uhr waren wir dann zu Hause.

      Unsere 4 Wochen auf der Südinsel waren, wie jeder Urlaub, viel zu schnell vorbei.
      Auch wenn wir wetterbedingt nicht alles machen konnten, was wir uns vorgenommen hatten, hatten wir eine tolle Zeit.
      Und es ist ja nicht weit weg. Wir werden also auf jeden Fall nochmal hinfahren und einige Gegenden genauer erkunden.

      THE END
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