Departamento de Madriz

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    • Gün 81

      Somoto Canyon

      18 Mart 2017, Nikaragua ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Early in the morning the crew around Chuck left full of excitement to go to Somoto. I didn't realize till we were on the bus that it was a 2h busride just to get to that town. Here we were picked up by our guide who jumped with us on a second bus to get to the entrance of the canyon. Here we got a little introduction to the tour and left everything but our water bottles and cameras behind as we were swimming a big part of the tour. Luckily I had bought the neopren swimsuit from Kim as this would also keep me warm here. Also the had water shoes so I didn't have to get my sneakers all wet.
      First we walked for a while into the nature and along the water till the point where we had to enter the water for the first time. Our guide took our bottles and cameras for us in his dry bag so we could swim freely. They made us wear life vests which I first thought was stupid but realized pretty quick that this was pretty cool as you could just float through the water with it.
      Along the way there were a lot of situations where we could jump into the water from rocks of different heights. In between we would hike, climb, swim and float through the canyon. The views were super impressive. Floating on your back through the water looking up you would see the canyon walls on both sides and the clouds moving over the gap. It was such a weird perspective.
      The canyon got narrower and narrower and the rocks to jump down from higher and higher. The last one was 20m. But nobody did that one except for a local guide. And even he was standing up there quite a while before he jumped.
      I took the one below that which was probably about 10m heigh. For the last bit you take a boat till the end of the canyon. After a nice lunch we started making our way back which still took us a few hours. But it was a really nice daytrip and the crew was super!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 141

      Somoto, Nicaragua

      7 Mart 2017, Nikaragua ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Chicos in a Canyon.

      Somoto Canyon Tours is a small operation based just outside of Somoto at the base of the canyon which constrains El Rio Coman a tributary to El Coco the longest river in Central America. Fortunately for us, they're just a short ride to the western Nicaraguan border, making yesterday's travels possible.

      Henry and his family (read: countless family members) have been navigating the canyons for decades, the last of which they has been in the company of a well travelled and now retired Englishman named Brian. With the help of Brian's english and business savvy, Henry has turned a dodgy family owned canyon tour operation into a certified tour company, hostel and restaurant. Their complex has more than trebled in size and luxuries (flush toilets and power!) and their operation demonstrates professionalism we haven't seen since the states. They also use their profits to support community projects such as providing running water to houses. That and funding Henry's shiny new Hilux!

      We had two nights here, isolated in the countryside with a few other tourists, one of which we had previously met at our spanish school in Guatemala - small world! We signed up for a six hour canyon tour for a whopping $30 US pp. Ouch!

      Whilst fitting our shoes and life jackets on the morning of our tour, our bus showed up and we literally bolted off the porch and down the hill to meet it - mid fitting. Luckily we didn't forget anything but it was a very rushed start to what would be a chilled out day.

      We arrived at the upper end of the canyon and walked in on farm tracks, through rivers and scrambling along rocks. It was a slow start and the low water levels meant that the whole tour would be relaxed, even so much as we had to get out and walk sections. It was good fun scrambling over the slippery rocks and jumping from pool to pool. There were plenty of opportunities for adrenaline - numerous six - eight metre jumps littered the course peaking with a whopping 20m jump in the lower section. Fair to say we chickened out on that, but got a good rush from the 15m which left one bloke in a bit of pain. Our guides were awesome, carrying all our gears and snacks in dry bags and pointing out all the local flora and fauna. The water was pretty fresh and with no sun for the best part of the morning there were some chully bodies. At the bottom of the canyon we lay on the hot rocks like seals and warmed up before taking tiny steel dinghies out the base of the river and walking back up the hill to Henry's house for lunch.

      That afternoon was lazy until we decided to go for a hike. There was a look out above the canyon which had come recommended. Unfortunately nobody had mentioned the severity of the grade, so when Mike and I decided to run it we got awfully close to another MERC blowout! But not close enough. We caught the others just as they arrived at the top and admired the view soaked in a setting sun.

      Dinner and beers at Henry's that night were well earned and tasted that way too!

      Early the next morning we piled back into Henry's ute (all 13 of us plus bags!) and drove back into Somoto for the bus to Leon. That's where I am now, my right foot covered in raw chicken juice and my back sweat headed towards the rainy season! Mmmm!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 400

      Hongo gigante

      24 Nisan 2021, Nikaragua ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      De camino al pueblo de Somoto paramos un momento al lado de la carretera y ahí mismo estaba este hongo enorme.

    • Gün 29

      Tegucigalpa nach Somoto

      19 Ocak 2023, Nikaragua

      Die 140 km Strasse in 2.5 Stunden bis zur Grenze nach Los Manos ist ebenso abwechslungsreich wie deren Belag. 1 km vorher sind schon lange LKW-Kolonnen an den Strassenrändern parkiert an denen wir vorbei fahren. Unsere Dokumente geben wir wie empfohlen keinem der hilfsbereiten Vermittler ab sondern fragen uns Schritt für Schritt durch, der Prozess ist ja grundsätzlich immer der Gleiche. Zum Glück sind fast keine Touristen hier, so sind die Wartezeiten an den vielen Schaltern jeweils in verschiedenen kleinen Barracken nur kurz. Wir werden insgesamt 3 x gefragt ob wir eine Drohne hätten (deren Einfuhr verboten ist) und unser Gepäck im Auto wird durchsucht. Schliesslich sind es wieder 1.5 Stunden bis wir nach dem Schlagbaum in Nicaragua am letzten Schalter (Holztisch unter einem Schattentuch) die obligatorische Versicherung gelöst haben. Die 50 km zum Tagesziel schaffen wir in einer weiteren Stunde. Das 4* Hotel ist tiptop für die eine Nacht und mitten in der kleinen Stadt gelegen. Auf den ursprünglich geplanten Ausflug in den Somoto-Canyon haben wir schon im Voraus verzichtet, die angebotenen Touren sind eher für jüngere Abenteurer geeignet. So freuen wir uns auf den um einen Tag verlängerten Aufenthalt in León. Für das Abendessen bleiben wir im Hotel und sind damit für 60$ in allen Belangen besser bedient als im mehr als doppelt so teuren besten Restaurant Tegucigalpas vom Vortag. 👌 Nicaragua hat sehr gutes Rindfleisch, 95% davon werden exportiert, ein Grossteil davon in die USA.Okumaya devam et

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