Curaçao Adventure

januar - mars 2023
Et 48-dagers eventyr av Cathy Les mer
  • 35fotspor
  • 2land
  • 48dager
  • 296bilder
  • 30videoer
  • 8,9kkilometer
  • 3,7kkilometer
  • Dag 17

    The business of yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️

    3. februar 2023, Curacao ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    Trying to catch up with the blog and capture the time spent in Curaçao. The bites as still nasty and most days I look like I have chicken pox, but a Healing Salve remedy from BueTeaFul (gifted by Sean) has really helped the healing and reduce the itching!!
    The first week was a roller coaster ride… lots of classes taught, 28 surveys completed, a proforma financial statement completed. Business is tough and it was a difficult week for Christel… doubting the success. Difficult week for me knowing where to fit as Wouters parents are also in the home and want to spend time with just their family.
    I spent lots of time in the studio, making bliss balls, and some time to walk through the Pietermaai District. Pop Cultures healthy popsicle was a hit on a hot day, but I also enjoyed coffee and wifi at another shop!
    On Friday I was going to go for a swim after morning class, but stayed at the studio and mopped the entire place and the outside patio as we were going to have a “happy hour” afterwards. It was so nice to relax outside after class with some wonderful women!! 🤍
    Les mer

  • Dag 18


    4. februar 2023, Curacao

    Had a really nice weekend with Christel’s mom. She came to the class on Saturday morning and then we went with Christel to a very local eatery place (Food Market — Plaza Biau or Old Plaza). The food was amazing — enormous portions and gluten free, the smell was mainly pumpkin pancakes with raisins (looked delicious but I couldn’t try). Apparently the cactus soup is good but it looked fat to slimy for me!
    I was with Mom (Michelle Mesker - a talented painter) for the rest of the day. We went to a fantastic local beach (Niffo) and meant up with her friend Rita (and Rita’s BF). It was cloudy, which was great for this fair skinned girl! We swam out to some kind of drilling platform, climbed up, jumped off and swam back. A few more dips (mainly pee breaks and photos) and we were headed to the restaurant at the bottom of the hill. The view and sunset was amazing, food was great (I had a stuffed potato) and we left when the mosquitoes started to feed. I am amused that both Christel and her mom are very healthy, but neither like to walk and both want to drive and park as close as possible to places.
    Les mer

  • Dag 19

    Goat Mountain

    5. februar 2023, Curacao

    Sunday we prepared the schedule for the week at Movements and posted to Instagram. I went to Goat Mountain and did a hike with Michelle. It was nice to walk and see more of the island! We passed ruins (where they quarantined people) and an old Fort.
    After we meant a group of women to share tea outside (on the side of road with beach chairs) and watch the moon rise.
    Les mer

  • Dag 24

    A fast week

    10. februar 2023, Curacao

    Taught ten yoga classes this week! More and more people are showing up and Pilates is going really well. A few big influencers are coming and posting about the classes which is helping get the word out. The business plan needs to be completed for the bank and encouraging Christel to complete some of the last bits of info needed to pull everything together.
    On Monday I explored Pietermaai a bit and found a coffee shop (La Reina) that sells some GF treats. In the evening we went to yoga class with Edward at the windsurfing school (with Christel’s mom) and he mentioned to Christel that we would like to teach at the studio — she was really excited 😊. On Wednesday I got to go to the mall, Sambil, and picked up a couple of white shirts. I have basically been living in yoga clothes and haven’t worn 3/4 of the clothes I brought in my carry-on.
    Friday, Christel went surfing and dropped me at Mambo beach. I swam the inside length (1.3km) and I’m getting better at it! Then had a nice smoothie (at table 51 — match my age), before being picked up again. Friday evening some of the girls stayed after Pilates and brought drinks to celebrate the end of the week. It was really nice!!
    Les mer

  • Dag 24

    Jump In

    10. februar 2023, Curacao

    Friday was a long day… swimming at the beach, teaching, making bliss balls, washing towelettes, drinks on the patio of Movements, going to another jump in (this time with hats as the “ticket,” and listening to more Tumba, eating (shrimp) at a food truck after and then counting $$ from the week of yoga donations (415fl) afterwards.Les mer

  • Dag 25

    Jan Thiel

    11. februar 2023, Curacao

    Christel was meeting up with a friend so dropped me off at Jan Thiel beach. To the right is a dog beach, I headed in that direction but was stopped by an eagle eating it’s fish (see video). I finally passed him and then the rain came, which is normal to have a few showers a day. I tucked in under a bush and waited for it to pass. I them walked around the little inlets and saw a trail, so decided to follow (in flip flops — people here call them slippers— that kept coming apart). I would later find out that the trail leads all the way to Mambo beach, but I only followed it to the bluff. The music at Jan Thiel beach (and bar called Zanzibar) was loud electronic and I was happy to find the silence in nature.
    I returned to the beach to wait for Christel, then we had a couple of Gin and Tonics while watching the sun set. We also drove around to a look off site (that says I ❤️ Curacao) before heading home.
    Les mer

  • Dag 26

    Tree of Life

    12. februar 2023, Curacao

    A full day!! Was supposed to hike and beach with Michelle but Christel decided to go to Tree of Life with Laura (her sister) Ralph, Louise. It was an amazing climb with lots of views (7 peaks). It took 3.5 hours (and Christel was stung in the eye by a wasp… Laura fell into a cactus). There is a palm tree that is unique to this country on the top of the final peak (Cabana and Sabapalm).
    After the climb I meant up with Michelle at Jan Thiel. We went for a swim, walked around the hotel area (and infinity pool) and I had nachos (with Brie cheese). Another nice sunset ☀️
    Les mer

  • Dag 30

    Week Two of Yoga

    16. februar 2023, Curacao

    Second full week of classes. Things are going well, the business plan is complete and classes are filling. We got Momoyoga scheduling software for the classes and people are signing up and starting to purchase 10 class punch passes and single sessions. Christel is feeling the roller coaster ride of business.
    On Thursday we went to Avila Beach Resort to walk around (and look through the museum), then to Sweet & Blue (but the menu wasn’t great) so off to Ten. The “dress code” was above our yoga clothes but we went anyway and it was delicious!! I was going to the Pier to socialize with sailors but since Yin had 19 people the previous week, we decided that both of us should do the class — not as many showed, but still a nice evening.
    The weather here is great, and it rains once or twice a day (so far I haven’t got soaked in it), but it sounds and smells beautiful and only usually lasts for 5-10min.
    Les mer

  • Dag 31

    Photo shoot

    17. februar 2023, Curacao ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

    Christel dropped me off early so she could get to her fitness class, and I went to Van Gogh coffee. The coffee and snack was great (but 13.50 for the snack). I had a call on Thursday with SJTC to do a business plan for them and spent the afternoon working on the proposal. Christel went surfing, and was nervous about the photo shoot. We picked up some groceries and headed back to the studio. Lots of people (18-20) came for it and both Ashley (photographer) and Christel did an amazing job!Les mer

  • Dag 32

    A day outdoors

    18. februar 2023, Curacao ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

    Went for a hike with Michelle’s walking group. I was picked up at 6:45am and we walked from La Reina (in Pietermaai) along the coast towards Mambo and back. I went to Christel’s class (but late) at 9:15am.
    Wouter was going kayaking when we got home, and Christel wanted time alone, so I left with him. We kayaked 8km, in and out of little bays. We went for a swim and a drink at Sandals and back home to relax for the first time on the deck chairs. Later in the evening Christel made the fixings for rice wraps. First time doing it and it will definitely we something I’ll do at home with a group of people! Felt so good to be outdoors all day!
    Les mer