Mount Biking

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    • Giorno 15

      sChNoRcHeLn & wHiTe BeAcH

      26 dicembre 2019, Filippine ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Am Morgen hat es leider etwas geregnet, so dass wir erst auf besseres Wetter warten wollten, bevor wir zu den Wasserfällen aufbrechen wollten. Da es bis etwa 11 Uhr regnete, beschlossen wir den Plan zu ändern und zu einem Schnorchel-Spot zu fahren, der uns von anderen Travellern empfohlen wurde. Nach einer kurzen Fahrt mit dem Roller verbrachten wir dort etwas Zeit, aber richtig überzeugt hat es Marc und mich nicht. Es gab leider keine wirklichen Chill-Möglichkeiten und es waren viele philippinische Familien dort die mit 20 Familienmitgliedern und diversen Kühlboxen anrückten. Also nicht wirklich gemütlich und die Fische überzeugten uns au nicht. Wir beschlossen wieder an den White Beach zu fahren und dort noch etwas zu chillen und im Anschluss dort zu essen.

      Auf dem Weg dorthin fuhren wir an einer echt lärmenden Halle vorbei und wendeten spontan, um zu sehen was dort abging. Für teure 6 € Eintritt wurden wir Augenzeugen von Hahnenkämpfen. In der Mitte die „Arena“ und rundum wild gewordene, schreiende und mit Geldscheinen winkende Filippinos. Sabrina und ich waren die einzigen Frauen hier und wurden zwischendrin argwöhnlich belächelt. Den Hähnen wurde unten am Fuss eine Art Messer befestigt und bevor der Kampf los ging, wurden diese mit den Schnäbeln zusammengetätscht. Keine Ahnung, ob die Hähne deswegen so aggressiv wurden aber die sind regelrecht aufeinander los! Zwischendrin hat der Schiedsrichter beide wieder hoch genommen, fallen gelassen und der Kampf ging weiter. Wobei so ein Kampf vielleicht 2-3 Minuten dauerte. Sehr brutal und überhaupt nicht nachvollziehbar, was daran so toll ist. Wir verliessen das „Event“ schnell wieder. Zu heftig für uns!

      Zum Abschluss vom Tag gönnten wir uns direkt vorne an der Hauptstrasse, wo unser Hostel liegt, noch eine Massage. Diese war weitaus besser und professioneller, als der Laden von aussen aussah und echt entspannend! So ging ein gemütlicher Tag zu Ende und wir bereiten uns seelisch auf den 4. in unserer Runde vor, welcher bereits im Flieger hockt: Daniel sollte morgen, wenn alles gut läuft, gegen 17 Uhr bei uns im Hostel ankommen.
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    • Giorno 10

      Bee Farm

      20 febbraio 2023, Filippine

      Zum z‘Nacht mache mir üs ufe Weg zur Bohol Bee Farm.
      Bohol Bee Farm isch im 1998 gründet worde, die ganz gschicht het mitemne Gmüesgarte und mit 4 Mitarbeiter gstartet. Sie hei nid nur Gmües about sondern o sechs Kolonie vo Biene hei gha und drmit Honig hei produziert, im Jahr 2000 isch das ganze scho viel grösse gsi und sie hei 200 Biene Kolonie gha und si alli drü Mönet i ne neui Stadt vo Bohol umgsidlet um Honig z‘produziere.
      Mitlerwile isch das es grosses Unternehme, me cha ir Bee Farm übernachte, es git e Shop wo verschiedeni Produkt verchouft und o es Restaurant wome sehr fein cha esse.
      Hüt findet me ir Bee Farm leider ke Biene me, ufgrund vor Pandemie hei sie ke Königinne für Ihri Stämm chönne la importiere und somit hei sich ihri schwärm nüm chönne vermehre. Jetzt bezieh si Honig vo lokale produktione vo de Philippine.
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    • Giorno 33

      Bee happy

      22 maggio 2019, Filippine ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Die Bohol Bee Farm bietet nicht nur Gästen ein Zuhause sondern beherbergt auch viele Bienenvölker. Bei einer kurzen Besichtigung erfuhren wir mehr über die Lebensweisen der Bienen und durften sie selbst aus nächster Nähe betrachten. Neben den Bienenstöcken werden auch eigenes Gemüse und Obst auf der Farm angebaut. Was einst mit einem kleinen Restaurant neben der Farm startete ist über die Jahre gewachsen. Und so gibt es mehr als zehn weitere Cafés die über die ganze Insel verteilt sind und sowohl bei de Einheimischen als auch bei den Touristen immer beliebter werden.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 14

      Beach Fun in Monsoon Season...

      13 novembre 2018, Filippine ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      I've decided to roll the last couple of days into one as to be honest they weren't very eventful.

      As I mentioned we were staying in dorms and this morning we had quite the commotion in our female dorm. At about 3am a very large Chinese guy walked in and fell asleep in one of the spare beds. To be honest had he done this and been quiet no one would have known. Instead he fell asleep and then snored like a ships horn continuously for 30 mins. Luckily we had one brave lass in the room that woke the, clearly drunk, guy up and told him to leave. What a champion!! I must admit I was far too British to comfront. After the guy left the cockrels started, the dogs were barking and there was no way anyone was getting back to sleep. At 7am I got up and ready for the day.

      After the morning events and having been bitten alive by mosquitoes (honestly I feel like the elephant man as they are all over my face) we decided to move homestay. We moved to Bougainvillea Campground Paradise Resort which was a thousand times better mainly because it didn't have as many plants around and the room had real walls. The campground had a gorgeous and friendly dog called Mocha who loved being stroked and would snuggle his head in your lap. It was so cute.

      The rest of the day was spent scootering around the various beaches on the island including the private local beach 200m away, white beach where we got trapped in the pouring rain and then the southern most beach for sunset.

      The next morning we got our confirmations that our visas were granted for India! We spent the morning planning our next couple of days and began the planning for India. I booked our first two nights in a homestay in Kochi. People have always said India is cheap but wow... I booked 2 nights including breakfast in a 9.2 rated homestay, on the main square and it was £10 total. Hopefully our money goes even further!! Just as we finished planning and were ready to head out obviously the heavens opened again, so we waited for it to stop. It weened off a bit so we jumped on the scooter had some lunch and headed to a famous cliff dive spot. The weather turned and it was just miserable. We were cold and very very wet. When we arrived we watched a couple of crazy people dive into the sea and Will went for a snorkel. The waves were really big due to the weather so he didn't stay in too long.

      As its our last day on Bohol tomorrow we decided to finally pluck up the courage to book another dive for the morning and then headed back to campground where the locals were all drinking beer and told us to join. I must admit I'm glad they were there as we were both so miserable and cold. We chatted for a while, another couple staying also joined and then the rum came out... We drank a lot of rum. The rum is really nice! For dinner we had roasted chicken again.
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    • Giorno 12

      Final Stop Bohol Island

      11 novembre 2018, Filippine ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Today's plan is to go to the Coco Resort for a bit of snorkeling before heading to Bohol. Having looked up boats to Bohol we were aiming to catch the 7pm ferry.

      So up we got, said hello to Cheryl and Curby and after checking the boat times with her she said there is only one at 12:30pm! Ahhh, time to rush. Showered, dressed and packed up we jumped on the scooter to get a classic Philippino breakfast of egg, rice and sausage and then grabbed our luggage and jumped onto a tricycle. The guy was super nice and let us stop at the bakery for some moon cakes on the way.

      When we arrived at the port we found out our original timing was correct and we should have caught the 7pm ferry. The 7pm ferry was slower but a quarter of the price and not the tourist ferry. With the 12:30pm ferry they try and same tourists for everything including charging for luggage! We just walked straight past the luggage area and onto the ferry and luckily it worked.

      The boat was only 2 hours so we arrived by late lunch in Bohol. We had done zero planning for Bohol having had shocking internet the whole time. When we arrived all the tricycle drivers were moithering us asking us where we wanted to go etc. We didn't have a clue and we just needed 15 mins to get our bearings, but they wouldn't leave us alone. I must admit I got pretty short tempered after a while. Once I had booked our accomodation I was pretty brutal with my haggling and got the tricycle down to 200 pesos. Normally they charge 400+. Maybe it was slightly unfair of me but honestly after being badgered for 15 minutes constantly, after politely asking them to leave us alone for a couple of minutes while we booked, I was not taking any prisoners.

      The driver was lovely and took us all the way down a very rocky road to our homestay, supposedly most just leave people at the main road which is about 8 mins walk away. I am so glad he didn't. Just on arrival the heavens opened and wow did they open. The rain didn't stop until about 4:30pm, so we just stayed in the common area drinking tea, eating our baked goodies as late lunch and chatting with everyone. It was a very social homestay.

      For dinner we just stayed on the coco farm and had veggie burgers with fried rice. We finally tried the local Red Horse beer and to be honest I was ticked up in my dorm room by 9pm.
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    • Giorno 154


      12 giugno 2019, Filippine ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Après El Nido nous avons pris l'avion pour L'île de Panglao où nous avons séjourner dans un coin complètement perdu tout près de la mer.
      La nuit on dormait dans une espèce de hûte et la journée on louait un scooter pour faire le tour de l'île. On a acheté des masques pour allé voir des coraux mais on s'est surtout reposés parce que j'ai été malade à cause de l'eau du robinet 🤮.

      Ah oui on a vu une belle araignée dans les toilettes du logement...
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