May 20. Sun. Belmonte, Averio/Porto

Very busy day. Just recovering from Degustation Dinner last night! Probably shouldn’t have had the humungous toasted cheese and ham toasted sandwiches and pastries for lunch in Tomar. LessonRead more
Very busy day. Just recovering from Degustation Dinner last night! Probably shouldn’t have had the humungous toasted cheese and ham toasted sandwiches and pastries for lunch in Tomar. LessonRead more
We collected the rental van, lovingly called the Blue Bird of Happiness. Euan was the driver and David the navigator in chief, with four support co-pilots. (How lucky are they?) We had a slight detourRead more
Today we headed to the area on the Douro Valley that grows grapes for Port wines. We will be staying in a town called Lamego for 10 days, recharging our travel batteries and sightseeing in theRead more
Since Marvao Castle is one of my favorites, I got Joe up there early in the morning for a visit with minimal climbing. Then after breakfast, we drove to Spain, to see Trajan’s bridge (106 AD) overRead more
13th century monastery now high end hotel
Started at 8pm, now 10pm and we’re 4 courses in ! 11pm update. We are back in our rooms, meal over!! Fabulous food, spoiled by slowness of first 4 courses.
10:00 czas na malowniczą podróż doliną rzeki Duoro
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Beautiful setting: lovely rooms. Good thing you are doing lots of exercise to deal with degustation marathons xxx
Traveler Yes, well, today has been a van and boat day Esmee🤨.