Cerro de Águia

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    • Dzień 31

      Albufeira - Marina

      14 marca 2022, Portugalia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Heute mache ich Ortehopping 🙄🤔.

      In Albufeira suche ich mir den Hafen aus und folge den Schildern "Marina".

      Dort finde ich, gut geschützt, einen großen Parkplatz (mit öffentlichen Toiletten - kann mein WC entleeren).

      Der Hafen ist nicht sonderlich nennenswert. Das schönste Motiv bietet mir die Mermaid A Sereia.... und bei der Zufahrt die kunterbunten Häuser.

      Das Wetter wird wieder schlechter 😞. Als ich aussteige bläst ein kälter Wind und der Himmel hängt voller Wolken.

      Hatte mich gestern gefreut, endlich meine Sommersachen rausholen zu können 😞.

      Für die Nacht habe ich hier zumindest einen guten Platz.
      Morgen ist ein neuer Tag - neues Glück 🍀
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    • Dzień 32

      Der Hafen - 2. Blick ❤️🔱

      15 marca 2022, Portugalia ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Ich muss meine Aussage von gestern Abend gänzlich revidieren!
      Die Marina von Albufeira ist absolut sehenswert! Ich hatte nur einen klitzekleinen Teil gestern davon gesehen. War wohl zu mehr nicht mehr aufnahmefähig 😄.

      Morgens mache ich meine Gassirunde an der Hafenpromenade entlang und erkenne das schöne Ausmaß dieses Hafens.

      So so schön (trotz Regen). Es ist für jeden Geschmack etwas geboten: ob für die Kleinen oder die Großen:
      Minigolf, kleine Kartbahn, internat. Restaurants, Cafés, schöne Boutiquen und Geschäfte, Spielecken für die Kleinen usw.
      Hausboote! Ich möchte sooo gern mal auf einem eine zeitlang wohnen und reisen.

      Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall!! 🍀
      Jetzt ist wohl die falsche Jahreszeit, es ist alles wie im Winterschlaf😄

      Der ☔ macht aber meinem Plan mit der Bootstour wieder einen Strich durch die Rechnung.
      Soll nicht sein 🙏🕊️
      Da ist es wieder gut, dass ich nicht online gebucht habe.
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    • Dzień 174

      Albufeira and Alvor

      6 października 2017, Portugalia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Hello again, I'm getting lazy, the sun is still shining and sky is blue. Only a few of things worthy or note to tell you about.
      The whales we saw, we are fairly sure we're Brydes Whales
      The night before we left Alvor john had already gone to bed and I was getting there when we heard a very loud scraping noise and assumed that as it was dark some idiot had just run into us. Opps, no we had actually run into someone we had managed to trip our superdooper Rocna anchor and it was dragging, we managed to hit the only other boat in the anchorage rather than ending up on a sand bank. Needless to say I got little sleep that night after that but the anchor had held fine for the previous 36hours, we have to assume that as we swung round on it in the afternoon with the tide change, that it tripped.
      Just one last thing was that on our way to Albufeira we saw a submarine I tried to take a photo but you still can't really see it, we used the binoculars.
      The cliffs to Albufeira were dramatic, and as you can see the buildings in the marina are all pastels a bit twee but nice. We’d visited the town before for a winter break a few years ago so didn’t need to do any sightseeing. We met a German guy who’d been in the marina for 5 years he had a lot of stories.
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    • Dzień 24

      Dolphins and Caves & more bones

      26 października 2021, Portugalia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Today is Russ’s birthday and we had a boat trip organised to go and see the dolphins and caves. After a late breakfast and a chilled morning we drove to the marina at Albufeira for a 12:30 launch.
      After donning our life jackets and getting a brief safety check we climbed aboard our zodiac fastboat with 20 other people and off we went. 10 miles out to sea and we saw a couple of pods of Dolphins, some of the other passengers thought it was the best thing ever and one lady even said this was the best day of her life but in all honesty it wasn’t that impressive. By the time we had caught up with the dolphins they were diving for 10 minutes then we’d have to wait for them to surface and catch them up again and repeat the whole process again. What we were disappointed with was the boat handling. The boat only stayed on one side of the dolphins and never turned so people in one side couldn’t see to get pictures but Russ was only there for the caves really.
      Off we went again, 10 miles back to the coast and along abit and the first cave was the Bengali Cave. Unfortunately it was packed with kayakers, bodyboarders and swimmers, not to mention the numerous other tour boats trying to get in. Again our boat seemed to just nose in and then back out, unlike the other boats that seemed to do a 360° turn giving everyone a good view. Russ was disappointed but he marked the cave off on his phone to come back.
      Then it was back to the shore, 30 miles in total and 2 hours. We had a small lunch of baguettes and then went shopping for a bbq tomorrow and on the way back to the villa we stopped at the local chapel of bones in alcantarilla. It wasn’t as large as the big one in Faro but it was still impressive and Russ got some good shots. Then it was back to the villa to unload the shopping and spend the evening chilling with tripod the 3 legged cat. Colin then gave us the keys to the car so Russ could go back to the caves in the morning and hopefully get a drone shot.
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    • Dzień 3

      Club Sport Fishing and Boating - Albufei

      17 kwietnia 2023, Portugalia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Essen in einem Fischrestaurant abseits des Tourismus. Ziemlich urig

    • Dzień 109

      von ALBUFEIRA nach Isla Christina

      12 marca 2022, Portugalia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nachmittags fängt es zum Regnen an ich besuche noch den Hafen von Albufeira, und entscheide mich dann aufgrund des Wetters weiter nach Spanien zu fahren .
      Abends lande ich am Strand von Isla Cristina

    • Dzień 9

      Albufeira Marina

      9 czerwca 2022, Portugalia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Les r qui arrivent avec une semaine d'avancent c'est génial 👎👎👎
      15min pour trouver le Seacret Tour alors qu'on est passé 3x devant... 😂

      On a vu pleeeeins de dolphins!!!
      Les grottes de Benagil c'est pas ouf en fait, on a pas payé cher l'excursion mais je conseillerai pas forcément à quelqu'un de les faire !
      En tout cas la Mom Irish devant bibi sur le bateau n'est pas photographe pour un sosu, sa fille non plus. Sur les 50 photos qu'elles ont prises, pas une n'était nette ou cadrée 🚮
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    • Dzień 8

      Cuddles with a CuttleFish

      6 czerwca 2023, Portugalia ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Today began the same as the day before, up early to the dive shop! Excited to see what this day would bring. Steve was our dive master today. Quick to get out to miss the bad weather, we were in the water by 9:30 at a site called Santa, the water was still nice and warm with awesome visibility! We stayed shallow at 12M.

      As we descended down the anchor line, many small sunfish appeared out of the blue depths to come investigate us. Their funny way to swim with only their dorsal and ventral fin, no tail, makes them non-mistakable. Exploring around the reef turned very rewarding as we came upon more octopi, and squid. We all settled down to the white sand bottom out in front of the octopus’ garden and Steve gentle tapped his fingers on the roof of the cave. The octopus reached out with one of its 8 suctioned cupped arms to grasp him by the wrist and tried, luckily unsuccessfully, to pull him into the cave. Octopi are incredibly intelligent, curious animals. Both Steve and Jo remarked that octopi would take over the world if their lifespan was any longer. Octopi live an average of 3 years and female octopi are some of the most devoted mothers. When she has her eggs, she stops hunting and starves herself to ensure they are constantly being guarded. When the eggs finally hatch, her emaciated body is their first meal. Not something I would ever be willing to do for my potential future offspring to say the least!

      This dive, I finally figured out my buoyancy and my oxygen lasted over 1 hour underwater, extending my underwater exploration to the longest of the group. Perfected weightlessness transforms you into an aquatic animal, who’s natural habitat is 20m underwater. This serenity with the environment around you entices animals to interact with you. One of the more elusive creatures of the Portugal reefs is the ** cuttlefish.

      Masters of camouflage, these short skirted, long tentacled creatures were something I desperately hoped to see on this trip. Luckily, I was rewarded and between the two dives today, we saw at least 4 different cuttlefish. The first appeared in front of us as though he was one of the divers in our group. He emerged from his hiding spot and began to follow Vanessa before stopping and coming to eye level with me. I was able to be within inches of his tiger striped, ever colour changing body. His tentacles reached towards me and when I reached back, he suddenly released a jet of ink and water and zipped across the reef. He stayed across a small opening of white sand from us and hovered like a futuristic car as we floated on with the current away from him. The next were much less curious about us, but equally as colourful, perfectly blending in with the sand or reef, depending what was adjacent to them.

      When we came up from our second dive, the wind had really picked up. We had to battle 1.6M swells to get back in the boat. I was so giddy at seeing the cuttlefish that I rode the waves as if some fun ride at the fair, and not powerful crushing strength of Mother Nature. Back in the safety of the boat, I was able to see the waves for their true dangerous force, and held on tight as we sped back to the marina. Many tickle bellies along the way as we launched off the waves.

      Back to the AirBnB for lunch, a shower and then to the beach. The crashing waves lulled us to sleep until the sand fleas came out and chased us away from the water.

      We grabbed dinner at an amazing restaurant called **** and had a bowl of delicious octopus ****. After splitting a bottle of wine, we were ready to get back on the “horse” and explore the Albuferia nightlife. Located near to where we were staying was “the strip”. A stretch of road 4-5 blocks in length with over 40 bars. We started out with karaoke, where Mr Brightside got us up dancing and singing along with a group of 17 year olds from Amsterdam. We chatted further with them, turns out, European high school exams just let out, so the vast majority of the bar goers were almost 10 years our junior. For the first time in my life, I felt too old for the party. That didn’t prevent us from making a few more stops along the way back to our place, pulled into one bar or another by the music that was playing. These clubs did not hold the same addicting electricity of the Porto nightlife so we retired to bed much earlier than expected, in bed by 1AM!
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