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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Esposende
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    • Dag 6

      Where the Fao Are We?: Apulia - Marinhas

      5. maj 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Brigit and I got a wee bit lost on our last day together. I blame Pavlov.

      The two of us exited the bed and breakfast we had coincidentally both booked for May 4, and right around the corner was the boardwalk we had come to love these last 20 or so miles. We hit the wood.

      This was despite both of our guidebooks recommending we turn inland for the shorter path to the town of Fao “through a brief stretch of heavy woodland.” But we were on the coastal and there were boards. We knew boards. We had seen a lot of them, and they had never led us astray. We became increasingly doubtful, however, when we didn’t see any of the metal or ceramic markers that assure a pilgrim they are on their way. We saw a few painted yellow lines with painted red lines below them, which was concerning.

      So we asked folks. No less than 3 assured us we were good. One expounded the benefits a seaside vs inland walking. The others all nodded encouragingly and shooed us on our way. We eventually left the sea and walked through some woods, along a very busy road. So…maybe.

      Then, in a nondescript seaside town, we came across the universal sign for ‘you blew it’ - a yellow arrow crossed out with a red, diagonal stripe. Portuguese translation -‘ Este nao e o Camino.’ So finally, like the confident women we are, we stopped to ask for directions. Two women nearby were walking home with market bags. We begged their help. While one stopped to drag us to a cafe to find someone with ‘some English’ the other hustled off down the sidewalk. Smart girl.

      There wasn’t much English to be had at the Ilha Restaurante, but there was a toilet. So - Winning! They also stamped our Camino passports with the restaurant name and address. We sought directions from the proud owner of the cafe, a passerby, and a young woman smoking a cigarette on the patio to the next town, Fao. They were confused.

      We enunciated heavily, spoke louder, and poked at the maps on our screens. “Fao! We want to get to Fao! How go Fao?”

      More confusion.

      Finally,I said, “ bridge,” and the proprietor got it. He offered the directions we sought in a universal language: We needed to go straight-hand-moving-down-the-sidewalk-wiggle-it-right-wiggle-it-left- humpty-hump-the-bridge.

      Ahhhhhhh. Thanks! (Really. How did these people not know where the town of Fao was?)

      Brigit and I finally crossed the bridge into Marinhas. By this time my Spidey senses, ignored since we hit the boardwalk, we’re really tingling. “Hey Brigit. I’m wondering if maybe…”

      Later I checked my pilgrims passport. The address of Ilha Restaurant, where three locals tried almost in vain to help two very confused peregrinas was stamped in crisp black ink:

      Av. Antonio Veigo N 80….

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    • Dag 4

      Porto to Povoa

      24. april, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      We’re on the Camino for real! After breakfast we taxied to the beach north of Porto — and started walking at the Praia da Memoria obelisk. Most of the 13 miles to our destination in Povoa de Varzim were along a beach boardwalk, sometimes past sand dunes, always surrounded by wildflowers, and lots of bamboo stands. We walked thru a couple of small fishing villages, then thru a large urban area at the end. There were dozens of other pilgrims along the way, a handful of bicyclists, and many locals enjoying the boardwalk as well. At lunchtime we chatted with a young couple from Ireland at an outdoor cafe — she had recently walked a pilgrimage in Japan. Sunshine and a cool breeze were the perfect accompaniments to our first day. The hotel that was booked for us in Povoa was similar to the one in Porto: our twin beds were side by side in a very tiny room!Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Povoa to Beach Resort Hotel, Esposende

      25. april, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Today was Dia da Liberdade, and the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese revolution. It was another short(ish) day of walking — 13 miles, only 6 hours with breaks. Beach boardwalk, then inland boardwalk, some towns, a golf course, a quiet wooded stretch on a dirt road. Kathleen took lots of flower photos — spring is a great time to be here! We’ve been seeing the same people at break stops and on the trail, and everyone wishes each other Bon (or Buen) Camino! Our hotel upgraded us to a Jr Suite — and the twin beds were all of 18” apart, not smushed together like at the other hotels. Kathleen, of course, did her traditional headstand on the beach, and we had a great sunset view at dinner.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Hitting My Stride

      11. april, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Starting to learn how to become “one with the pack”. We most spent the day walking along the beach on boardwalks and sand. So grateful my sister Renee is here to share her experience and provide coaching. We turned inland for a bit and got a change of scenery as we passed soccer fields and a golf course next to the ocean. Definitely feel fatigued by the end of the day, but keep walking forward. Luckily, I won the sister room lottery and got to sleep in the private room.Læs mere

    • Dag 23

      Day 18 - to Esposende

      13. maj 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      This was our easiest walk yet - exactly 15 miles and no hills. A bit windy near the end but not bad - and no sand storm. We really weren't even tired when finishing.

      Part of the walk was right along the beach while other parts were through towns and green spaces. We passed by a golf course that was just off the beach and saw a few football matches.

      For several hours, we were accompanied by 29 year old Oleh from the Ukraine. Oleh is living and working in Munich. He went there to complete his master's and then got a job. When the war in Ukraine started, his father lost his job. It was decided that Oleh would stay in Germany to work and help support his family in the Ukraine while his 59 year old father serves in the artillery of Ukraine's army. He can not go back to Ukraine. From this mother's perspective, it breaks my heart. He is walking the Camino looking for an emotional respite as the last year has been emotionally very difficult for him.

      We had lunch at a cafe in Fao, just a short distance before we stopped for the day. The owner was quite friendly and even provided his card with phone number in the event we needed help. Right before leaving, he decorated 2 stones as souvenirs.
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    • Dag 5

      Day 4 - Póvoa de Varzim to Esposende

      26. april, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Woke at 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep, so finally gave up and hit the road just before 6am. Slight panic that the blister I have would hinder the journey, but after a while I didn’t even feel it.
      Lots of coffee stops to break up the walk, and quite a few cats. If I could, I would take them all home and look after them 😕
      Back to hostel living tonight, but have just the one roommate - Rita from London. Other walkers have been slightly standoffish but that’s ok - we’re all just doing our own thing, afterall. The locals on the other hand have been delightful and those little interactions have brought a smile to my face. From the man who came out of the cemetery to try and give me a walking pole someone had left behind - not a dead person, but a girl who’d just walked past and left it at the cemetery gate - to the cyclist who told me “de santo não tem nada!” when I said “santinha!” to his friend, to everyone who says “bom dia”, people have been friendly and welcoming.
      Also, food, glorious food! Had bacalhao a bras followed by arroz doce for lunch, and promptly fell into a food coma when I checked in 🤣
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    • Dag 4

      Arrived in Esposende

      19. marts, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Pit Pony Pilar was well excited this morning as the pain in her muscles had finally subsided. We set off a good trot, stopping for the obligatory Café con leche and custard tarts, which then spurred us into a bit of a canter along the boardwalk. Having picked up some freshly baked bread rolls, queso and schinken, we had our zweites frühstuck on the beach. Around midday, we paused again for a lunchtime Siesta (a little Inga) in the sunshine to rest our weary legs. Unfortunately, Pit Pony then went lame... she had her shoes on too tight, and her swollen trotters were so painful that she decided to walk in socks. After stepping in dog poo, I convinced her it would be a good idea to put her shoes back on. We continued at snails pace, but we got here in the end. Hat off to Pilar, she was clearly struggling for the last few furlongs, but made to the finish line. The sun always shines on the righteous, and we secured a fantastic penthouse apartment with a sunbathed terrace and views over the coastline.Læs mere

    • Dag 33


      10. januar, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Fast nur Portugiesen füllen den großen Platz neben der Polizei und der Bushaltestelle. Ein Fahrzeug sticht raus, deshalb habe ich es fotografiert.

      Wir fahren nochmal zu verschiedenen Stellen am Wasser, machen am Observatorium einen schönen Spaziergang und begegnen dem Krippenspiel in der XXL - Version.

      Zurück auf dem Stellplatz parken wir neben einem deutschen Camper, den wir schon in Afifi gesehen haben, wo zumindest mal ein kurzer Gruß ausgetauscht wurde.

      Portugal ist eine andere Zeitzone, das verkompliziert meine medizinische Abteilung, sodass ich mich erst einstellen muss.

      Jetzt wird es also noch früher dunkel, dafür um sieben Uhr morgens hell. Also zumindest das, was die Regenwolken als Tag bezeichnen.

      Die Temperatur ist gestiegen, von 7 auf 15, geradezu ein Quantensprung. Um 19 Uhr sind noch 13 °C, die sich bis morgen früh um acht Uhr auf null Grad absenken werden.
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    • Dag 3–4

      Dag 3: Vila do Conde - Esposende

      15. april, Portugal ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Deze ochtend al vroeg uit de veren zodat ik om 7 u kon beginnen aan mijn dag! Mijn kamergenoten gingen allemaal de centrale route op dus ik wist dat ik alleen ging wandelen.
      Toch maar mijn lange legging en lange tshirt aangedaan want de burns were burning!

      Het duurde een klein uurtje voor ik de stad zelf uit was en weer langs het strand kon wandelen. Wel wat meer wind dan gisteren maar gezien ik mezelf had verplicht heel de dag mijn lange kleren aan te houden, was dat eigenlijk ideaal!

      Rond 9 uur werd het tijd voor mijn second breakfast: een espresso en iets wat ze hier een croissant noemen, nu ja ‘t was zonder melk dus kinneke content, en nog eens voor maar 1,5 euro!

      Kort daarna week het pad af van de kust en liep ik door een combinatie van duinen, velden van boeren en kleine dorpjes. Wel lieve boeren, want ik ben slechts 3 keer en evenveel km verkeerd gelopen tot een oude boer mijn de juiste richting aanwees 🙃.

      De laatste 8 kilometer begon ik toch echt last te krijgen. Doordat de achterkant van mijn benen zo verbrand waren en de huid helemaal strak stond, ben ik onbewust anders gaan lopen waardoor ik al snel een blaar ter grootte van mijn duim kreeg. En dan bedoel ik even groot als dat mijnen duim lang is, GROOT DUS.

      Na nog een snelle Pilgrim’s Lunch (soepeke, veggie pasta, kommeke fruit, badkuip wijn en een theetje voor 11 euro) heb ik de laatste 5 km op puur karakter gedaan. Mijn voeten waren er echt klaar mee!

      Gelukkig kwam ik het laatste halfuurtje een ouder Brits koppel tegen waarmee ik al heel de dag haasje-over aan het spelen was en liepen we het laatste deel samen!

      Thank god voor mijn hostel vandaag! Wel weer het bovenste bed maaaaar met gordijntjes, stopcontact naast mijn hoofd en een handdoek even groot als België 💗 Ah ja, en een zwembad!

      Na mijn post-walk pintje ben ik nog even snel de Aldi binnengewaggeld voor ontbijt en wat fruitjes voor on the road.

      ‘K ga nie liegen, ik heb wat schrik voor morgen 😅

      Totale afstand: 53 km
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    • Dag 4

      Fao to Anha

      7. juli 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      As youth hostel had been full was sent to The Old Spot in Fao. Very modern, clean albergue. There were four people staying and we're were put into individual rooms, so good sleep apart from painful knee.
      Although on the Coastal route, it didn't go along the coast itself today, but it was a nice change to go through some small villages and woodland. Lovely donivito resting place with wide selection of food and drink on leaving the woods. Perfect timing for tired legs.
      Finally met more pilgrims today. People from The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Brazil (lovely lady let me borrow her Tens machine for my knee),.Italy, Canada and the US. I had been beginning to think there were no other people walking. Staying at Casa Carolina in Anho. Lovely hostel, great ambience (just had a lovely music session) and great vegetable garden.
      Preparing for some rain tomorrow
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    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Esposende, Esposende Municipality, اسپوسنده, ეშპოზენდი, Espozendė, Sposende, Эшпозенди, Ешпозенде, 埃斯波森迪

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