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    • Dzień 9

      Lisbon Day Two

      8 kwietnia 2023, Portugalia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      My dogs are tired. We walked on what the book said would be a 4-hour self-guided walking tour that took us all day. Sheryl and I caught up on our sleep. Lennart went out to get some fresh bakery bread in the morning for our breakfast. Cheese, bread, butter and coffee. What’s not to love?

      Across the street, the Sao Vicente de Fora and Monastery were amazing. The tile work, gold tapestry, and tons of narrative that went with it were great fun. We also went through the “flea market” nearby with both stuff you would find at any outdoor market and some art as well. I find that I love to look but don’t really want to buy. I’m hoping to find something that I just can’t live without but not on the first day.

      The rest of the day we wandered from place to place on my already mapped out walking tour and decided not to actually go in to the places. They were swamped with tourists and not all that interesting. The tile on the outside of the buildings, and people-watching was a better bet.

      We stumbled upon a museum of fascism and resistance on the location of a former prison where the Portuguese government tortured and jailed people from the 30s up through the liberation on April 25, 1974. A very long time. I couldn’t read some if it. They showed cells that had a bed and a little room, another with only a slab to lie down on and finally one that was too small to actually lie down in. The cruelty was terrifying and heartbreaking. They had copies of the resistance publications and stories plastered all over the walls. They also showed Portugal’s colonial reach and how these places finally achieved there independence. I’m glad we stopped in.

      After, Kirsten who is a tiny little thing, insisted on gelato. Who am I to stand in her way? While in Rome, she had 4 gelatos in one day… We have work to do. Sheryl also found a wine tasting where you serve yourself from a dispenser. Very cool and nice selection of wines.

      Sheryl took us on yet another wild goose chase to try to find the Botanical Gardens. After a couple of attempts, I finally used my google maps to find the entrance. We saw lots of heat-loving trees, bushes and some parrots too. It was nice to get off the beaten path to a garden.

      Tomorrow is Easter Sunday so several of the things we wanted to see are closed. Sad face. But we will survive.
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    • Dzień 1

      Planung vs. Glück

      19 sierpnia 2023, Portugalia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Was für ein Start! Wenn man für eine 3,5h Fahrt 8h einplant um gemütlich Kaffeepausen machen zu können ist man auf der sicheren Seite. ...oder? Der Reiseverkehr sieht das und so kommen wir nach knappen 7 Stunden Fahrt um 17:00 am Flughafen Mailand Bergamo an. Koffer abgeben geht bis 17:10 & das Auto muss noch auf den Parkplatz. Uiii. Während Lioba und Dominik mit dem großen Koffer lossprinten, finden Sebastian und Chipo heraus, dass es eine Fastlane gibt, die noch schnell gebucht wird - wir brauchen jede Sekunde. 😅 Koffer fliegt per Sperrgepäck noch mit, Sicherheitskontrolle ist kein Problem und so sprinten wir zu Gate A6 - wo gerade Last Call zum Boarden ist. Punktlandung würde ich sagen.
      Die Landung des Piloten ist ...weniger punktgenau, aber immerhin alle unbeschadet gelandet. 😅
      Lisboa wir kommen.
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    • Dzień 1

      Abenteuerreise nach Lissabon

      12 lipca 2022, Portugalia ⋅ ☁️ 35 °C

      Der Tag der Anreise. Ein aufregender Tag. Alles begann mit einer ruhigen Zugfahrt nach Frankfurt.

      Dann ging es zur Kofferabgabe. Die Schalter haben extra früher aufgemacht, damit sie es pünktlich zum Flugbeginn schaffen. Doch wie sich schnell herausstellte, war unser Flug 1h verspätet.

      Wir hatten einen großen Spaß auf den Rolltreppen, wo man laufen konnte. So bekamen wir die Wartezeit super rum.

      Am Ende flogen wir statt um 19.40 Uhr um 21.05 Uhr los.

      Der Flug war super entspannt. Wir entschieden uns ein Taxi zu nehmen, damit wir nachts um 00.00 Uhr nicht mit der Metro fahren mussten. Dafür standen wir dann auch nochmal 30min an. So viele Leute haben wir noch nie gesehen, die mit einem Taxi fahren wollen.

      Angekommen und glücklich erreichten wir dann gegen 1 Uhr unser Zeit (Deutschland 2 Uhr) unser Appartment.
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    • Dzień 293

      SANTOS POPULARES: festa a Santo Antonio!

      13 czerwca 2022, Portugalia ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      After 3 years, the celebrations of the Santos Populares are back in Lisbon!
      On the night between 12 and 13 June Lisbon celebrates Santo Antonio (in Italy called "from Padua", but actually he was born in Lisbon).
      All Lisbon citizens dance, make processions, drink beer and eat sardines and bifanas in the streets of Lisbon!
      A wonderful moment of collective joy!
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    • Dzień 4

      Restaurant Gato Pardo

      14 maja 2023, Portugalia ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Auch draußen sitzt man zu späterer Stunde schön, man sitzt windgeschützt und es stehen Decken zur Verfügung.
      Sehr sehr empfehlenswert sind neben den Garnelen auch die Fleischbällchen sowie der Starter mit Brot, Olivenöl, Oliven und Thunfischaufstrich. Der rote und der weise Sangria sind sehr lecker, mein Favorit ist allerdings der weiße. Beide werden frisch zubereitet😋😋😋 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 307

      Lissabon 2

      3 maja 2023, Portugalia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Alte Strassenbahnen , der schönste Fahrstuhl der Welt und der tollste Hundeplatz mitten in der Stadt. Lissabon verzaubert , auch wenn die Stadt viel zu überlaufen ist. Daher fahren wir wieder zurück auf die andere Flussseite und genießen den Ausblick auf die ganze Stadt. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 35

      Lisbon Letter (2)

      12 października 2022, Portugalia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      As well as having fun in Alfama, choosing badly in restaurants and eating too many custard tarts, we made a couple of day trips.

      Firstly, Evora, a couple of hours away by train, and probably most famous for the Capela dos Ossos, part of the Church of St Francis. Faced with a dearth of interior design ideas, and having 5,000 exhumed bodies on hand, the entrepreneurial Franciscan monks thought that lining the walls of the chapel would be a good use for all those hard-to-store bones.

      It was strangely aesthetic rather than gruesome, although the building trade are unlikely to offer it to would-be buyers anytime soon. Still, for DIY…

      There was also a museum displaying, among other things, a part of the monastery’s collection of over 2,000 nativity scenes, some of which were magnificent pieces of craftsmanship and others just plain weird.

      Evora also has a Roman connection, and we took a walk past the ruins of the Temple of Evora, another part of the town’s UNESCO heritage.

      We also visited Sintra, set in a lush, beautiful bunch of hills just northeast of the city.

      Joining a surging mass of tourists, we queued up for our turn in the Pena Palace, a fantastical faux fortress built in 1838, by then King Consort Ferdinand II (although it was on the site of a ruined fortress that had existed since the Middle Ages). It had spectacular views of the surrounding countryside (at least, after the fog lifted) and the clambering around the ramparts was fun, but we had to sort of flow through the interiors along with the rest of the sea of visitors and didn’t really get a chance to savour the experience.

      More interesting in some ways was the National Palace, in Sintra township itself. With heritage dating back to the Moors and additions made, mainly in the 15th and 16th centuries, by a succession of kings and queens, it was a quite fascinating look at the way the royal court lived and interacted with the rest of us.

      The National Palace also has a pair of very distinctive tall, white towers and we pondered over their use until, at the end of the tour, in the kitchen, we found out that they were the chimneys!

      Our time in Lisbon has now come to an end, almost as soon as we had mastered the metro, taken the tram and learnt the labyrinth of the local area. We are off to the Algarve tomorrow for - hopefully - some time in the sun.
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    • Dzień 33

      Lisbon Letter (1)

      10 października 2022, Portugalia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      No Lisbon travel story would be complete without a shot of tram 28 winding its way through the tortuous streets of the Alfama district. The photographs, however, don’t convey the shaking of building, rumbling and rattling of machinery and screech of steel wheel on rail that accompanies the passing of each one past our apartment. Two metres from our apartment. Every fifteen minutes (and often much more frequent), six-ish in the morning to after ten at night.

      Actually, despite the noise, the discovery that we were on the route for tram 28 was quite exciting, and we loved watching the trams squeeze through the narrow passageway near our place and being able to use them for some of our commuting into town. The Alfama district was a great and welcoming place to stay.

      We started our look around Lisbon on the bank of the Tagus River, staring at the vast, prosperous-looking Placa do Commercio, with King Dom Jose I in its centre and the massive triumphal arch of the Arco de Rua Augusta guarding the way inland.

      We visited the very well-presented Lisbon Story, an audio-visual telling of Lisbon’s history, especially in relation to the earthquake of 1755, which quite possibly resulted in 90,000 deaths as well as the flat, regular grid system of the downtown Baixa district, while the areas to the east and west are completely higgledy-piggledy.

      We walked up to the Miradouro de Alcantara, one of a seemingly endless number of viewpoints around the seven hills of the city, then rode downtown again on the funicular Ascensor de Gloria.

      By far the best views of the city and surrounds, however, were from Castelo de Sao Jorge (another Saint George - he seems to have utilised his dragon-killing skills in lots of places), where we also stumbled around the battlements and looked into some archaeological diggings.

      On our second day, the Lisbon Marathon took place. How they found enough relatively flat streets for it is anyone’s guess, but there was a great carnival atmosphere downtown, accompanied by cheers from the spectators and limping and groaning from the competitors.

      We also took in some culture at, among others, Mosteiro dos Jeronimos, west of town and containing the tomb of Vasco da Gama, as well as at Igreja de Sao Roque, a quite beautiful church with a museum devoted mainly to holy relics. Fortunately there were no saintly body parts on display this time.
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    • Dzień 12

      Sardines and St. Anthony

      2 lipca 2022, Portugalia ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      I made my way back to Lisbon by way of the Museu do Oriente, an Asian art museum. It was a little disappointing, with more decorative furniture and Chinese opera and less porcelain and painting than I had been hoping. I returned to the Alfama district for an excellent food tour - three and a half hours of going from place to place, learning about local dishes and eating and drinking. After the tour, I couldn't resist wandering around the Alfama to enjoy the ongoing St. Anthony Sardine Festival. Apparently it's a joint celebration of St. Anthony of Padua, who was born in Lisbon and is revered in Lisbon although St. Vincent is actually their official patron saint, and the arrival of fresh sardines. It seemed like the whole neighborhood was out on the streets, selling grilled sardines on toast and ginja, a sweet cherry liquor, drinking Sagres, listening to bands and djs, and dancing. Some locals taught me how you're supposed to eat the drinking-snack snails - you suck them out of their shells and only use the toothpick for the difficult ones. Much faster than my toothpick-only method. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 3

      Restaurant Gato Pardo

      13 maja 2023, Portugalia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Hier gibt es Tapas. Oktopussalat, Schweinebäckchen in Rotweinsoße und vor allem die Garnelen sind sehr zu empfehlen. Dazu Kartoffeln, Brot sowie grüne Paprika und das Abendessen ist perfekt 😋😋😋 Der Sangria war ebenfalls spitze sowie die nette Bedienung mit sehr guten Deutschkenntnissen.
      Sehr zu empfehlen!
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