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    • Day 62

      Das einmalige Auslaufen aus Lissabon

      October 6, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Was für ein Highlight zu meinem 2-monatigen Seeleben: Kaum kam ich von meinem Ausflug zurück, ging es auch schon auf das Crewdeck um das Auslaufen aus dem Hafen Lissabons zu beobachten. Noch dazu hatte eine Kollegin heute keinen Ausflug zu begleiten und hat stattdessen eine halbe Stunde an der berühmtesten Bäckerei Lissabons angestanden um die einzigartigen Pasteis de Belém zu ergattern. Diese haben wir dann auf dem Crewdeck gemeinsam vernascht.

      @Ingrid: Du hast nicht zu viel versprochen. Die Pasteis sind unsagbar lecker!
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    • Day 5

      La classe: présentation au Commandant

      January 9, 2020 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Après une journée consacrée aux activités du bord, nous étions reçu par le commandant pour un cocktail de bienvenue. Tout le monde était coiffé, maquillé, enfin, toutes ces dames. Les messieurs quant à eux avaient sorti le costume et la cravate, voire le neud papillon. La vraie vie quoi. Le commandant a dû faire un petit millier de photos, affichant toujours le même sourire. "Bonsoir" en italien, un petit geste pour vous inviter à vous installer à ses côtés, "souriez", clic-clac et on va boire un coup. Pas avec lui car il a d'autres occupations plus importantes... Puis, présentation de l'équipage au grand théatre. Chaque officier resonsable d'un secteur est appelé (en cinq langues) , à monter sur scène et fait un petit coucou de la main avant d'aller rejoindre tout sourire ses collègues. On est pas forcé d'être là. On peu aussi rester au bar où deux charmante musiciennes distillent de la bossa nova bien agréable aux oreilles. Puis, le grand spectacle de gala avec des danseuses à plumes et des accrobates. Balaises les gars. Ce matin, au petit déjeuner, la giffle. Nous avons tenté d'aller le prendre au pont 6, là où nous dînons; C'est le restau des "Auréa". Et là, badaboum, on s'est fait jeter comme des malpropres. VIP certes, mais pas assez. Direction de pont 5. Nous avons franchi le détroit de Gibraltar vers 22:30. A tribord, l'Europe, à bâbord l'afrique. Des lumières de chaque côté du navire. Un pied en europe, l'autre en afrique. Ce matin, l'atlantique. Plus gris et moins calme que la méditerrannée, mais ce n'est pas la tempête, loin de là, même si certains symptômes de mal de mer apparaissent ça et là. Et j'ai perdu mon pari. Ce soir, point de Fado, mais un groupe de jeunes chevelus qui chantent des trucs comme "She loves you yé, yé, yé" : des clones d'un groupe qui était connu paraît-il, dans le temps, les Beatles. En voila une musique qu'elle est bonne! En attendant, nous arrivons à Lisbonne. Il paraît que c'est plein de portugais...Read more

    • Day 133

      Lisbon, Portugal

      April 30 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The hairstylist had to cancel my previous appointment due to illness, so I had it rescheduled for today at 8:00.

      After my hair appointment, I went back to the room and tried to pay our roofing contractor one more time.

      We went to lunch at 11:30 AM. Jenni joined us at lunch. I tried to talk her into seeing if she could join our tour as she didn't have a tour for the day. She said that she would think about it.

      I ran downstairs and picked up our passport for the final time.

      We then got our coats on and headed out for the tour.

      We asked the excursion person if there was room for Jenni. She indicated that they had confirmed Jenni on the tour and we were assigned to the same bus.

      Once on the bus, I called Bank of America's fraud department because they blocked my online payment to our roofing contractor. I am hoping that this payment will finally go through.
      We could immediately tell that we had a good guide today. He gave us a lot on information and had a great sense of humor.

      We drove to the Queluz Royal Palace while the guide gave us information on the history of Portugal.

      The Queluz Royal Palace was impressive. We toured several wings of the palace and the garden.

      We then drove to the quaint, hilly town of Sintra. Our guide was from Sintra so he was a wealth of information regarding the town. There is a National Palace located in Sintra but entrance to this palace was not part of the tour. We toured the "garden" of the National Palace which was really a pour excuse a garden.

      Bob, Jenni and I walked through the town. We toured an actual artist school where students were working on tiles and other ceramic art.

      We met the group just outside the National Palace, walked to the bus, and then had a drive along the coastline.

      The traffic was bad so we didn't get back to the ship until around 7:00 PM. We quickly changed and had dinner in the restaurant with Jenni because lobster thermidor was on the menu.

      We really enjoyed our first day in Portugal. It was nice to have a great guide.
      Drove to Sinatra
      Toured garden which was a poor excuse for a garden
      Walked through town
      Toured an actual art school
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    • Day 9

      Lisbon Day Two

      April 8, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      My dogs are tired. We walked on what the book said would be a 4-hour self-guided walking tour that took us all day. Sheryl and I caught up on our sleep. Lennart went out to get some fresh bakery bread in the morning for our breakfast. Cheese, bread, butter and coffee. What’s not to love?

      Across the street, the Sao Vicente de Fora and Monastery were amazing. The tile work, gold tapestry, and tons of narrative that went with it were great fun. We also went through the “flea market” nearby with both stuff you would find at any outdoor market and some art as well. I find that I love to look but don’t really want to buy. I’m hoping to find something that I just can’t live without but not on the first day.

      The rest of the day we wandered from place to place on my already mapped out walking tour and decided not to actually go in to the places. They were swamped with tourists and not all that interesting. The tile on the outside of the buildings, and people-watching was a better bet.

      We stumbled upon a museum of fascism and resistance on the location of a former prison where the Portuguese government tortured and jailed people from the 30s up through the liberation on April 25, 1974. A very long time. I couldn’t read some if it. They showed cells that had a bed and a little room, another with only a slab to lie down on and finally one that was too small to actually lie down in. The cruelty was terrifying and heartbreaking. They had copies of the resistance publications and stories plastered all over the walls. They also showed Portugal’s colonial reach and how these places finally achieved there independence. I’m glad we stopped in.

      After, Kirsten who is a tiny little thing, insisted on gelato. Who am I to stand in her way? While in Rome, she had 4 gelatos in one day… We have work to do. Sheryl also found a wine tasting where you serve yourself from a dispenser. Very cool and nice selection of wines.

      Sheryl took us on yet another wild goose chase to try to find the Botanical Gardens. After a couple of attempts, I finally used my google maps to find the entrance. We saw lots of heat-loving trees, bushes and some parrots too. It was nice to get off the beaten path to a garden.

      Tomorrow is Easter Sunday so several of the things we wanted to see are closed. Sad face. But we will survive.
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    • Day 5


      September 21, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Walking tour - Americans - when are we getting on the bus! Walked around the old town then the relatively modern area to contrast, listened to a lot of the history. Used the funicular to get to the top of the hill. Then left to explore by myself and find my own way back.Read more

    • Day 1

      Planung vs. Glück

      August 19, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Was für ein Start! Wenn man für eine 3,5h Fahrt 8h einplant um gemütlich Kaffeepausen machen zu können ist man auf der sicheren Seite. ...oder? Der Reiseverkehr sieht das und so kommen wir nach knappen 7 Stunden Fahrt um 17:00 am Flughafen Mailand Bergamo an. Koffer abgeben geht bis 17:10 & das Auto muss noch auf den Parkplatz. Uiii. Während Lioba und Dominik mit dem großen Koffer lossprinten, finden Sebastian und Chipo heraus, dass es eine Fastlane gibt, die noch schnell gebucht wird - wir brauchen jede Sekunde. 😅 Koffer fliegt per Sperrgepäck noch mit, Sicherheitskontrolle ist kein Problem und so sprinten wir zu Gate A6 - wo gerade Last Call zum Boarden ist. Punktlandung würde ich sagen.
      Die Landung des Piloten ist ...weniger punktgenau, aber immerhin alle unbeschadet gelandet. 😅
      Lisboa wir kommen.
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    • Day 10


      November 7, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Lissabon ist die Hauptstadt Portugals und liegt am Fluss Tejo. Die weiße Stadt am Meer wurde auf 7 Hügeln erbaut. Sie ist die größte Stadt Portugals und wirtschaftliches sowie kulturelles Zentrum des Landes.

      Man findet hier Portugals wichtigsten Hafen, den Regierungssitz, 6 Universitäten und die Akademie der Wissenschaften.

      Eines der vielen Wahrzeichen der Stadt ist die Brücke des 25. April - mit einer 6-spurigen Autobahn verbindet sie die Hauptstadt mit dem Südteil des Landes. Mit 3 Kilometern Länge und 70 Metern Höhe ist sie eine der längsten Hängebrücken der Welt.

      Wir liegen mit der MS 3 am Kai direkt fußläufig zur Altstadt von Lissabon und haben einen wunderbaren Blick von unserem Balkon.
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    • Day 113


      February 15, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Lissabon - langsam merkt man, dass man wieder zurück in die Kälte kommt. Die Sonne scheint zwar, aber 14 Grad ist schon frischer als gewohnt auf der Reise. Die letzten Häfen sind auch nichts besonderes mehr. Für mich ist die Weltreise durch und die letzten Häfen sind einfach extra.Read more

    • Day 2

      Alfama, Lisbon

      April 9, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Alfama is a historic neighborhood in Lisbon, Portugal, known for its winding narrow streets, charming alleyways, and traditional architecture. The neighborhood is one of the oldest in Lisbon and is considered to be the birthplace of Fado, a traditional Portuguese music genre.

      Alfama's history can be traced back to the 8th century when it was settled by the Moors. Over the centuries, the neighborhood was shaped by a mix of cultures, including Christian and Jewish communities, who lived together in harmony. You often find people in Alfama having a mixed heritage.

      The neighborhood is filled with historic sites, including the Lisbon Cathedral, the Castle of Sao Jorge, and the National Pantheon.

      One of the best ways to experience Alfama is by wandering through its winding streets and alleys, discovering hidden plazas, and enjoying the vibrant street art and colorful tiled buildings. The tiles are useful to cool the buildings during summer when it gets very warm in Lisbon.
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    • Day 1

      Unser Schiff

      April 19, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Der Flug war ereignislos, essenslos und länger als veranschlagt. Dann mussen an einem quirligen Flughafen Lissabon alle Koffer und Passagiere eingesammelt werden. Doch schließlich und endlich waren wir an Bord , konnten kurz in die kabi ne gucken, mussten dann aber gleich zur Sicherheitsübung.. hinter unserer vergleichsweise kleinen Fridtjof Nansen liegt die riesige Aidanova. Wir sind froh auf einem kleinen Schiff zu sein.Read more

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