Jardim Municipal do Horto das Virtudes

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    • Day 37


      October 20, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      This restaurant had been recommended to me by Stephanie Hall. It is in an extremely tiny space, with only six tables that seat two people, two chefs and two wait staff. They have an interesting wine list and a fairly small but very interesting menu. The dishes are all seasonal, reflecting the local produce that is currently available. The restaurant has been running for eight years and was totally booked out for the two seatings.

      We started with a shared platter of Portuguese cheese and sausages. We had two mains which we also shared; sea bass on a bed of spinach, chickpeas and parsley was the first dish. This was followed by Pork done a secret way with sweet potato, capsicum and herbs. Both dishes were absolutely delicious.

      To go with this fabulous meal we had a bottle of red made from the Aragonez (a local name for Tempranillo) and Tourgiga Nacional. We also indulged in dessert - Ian had a chocolate cake with a strawberry ginger sauce and I had the dessert of the week, which was an almond torte. Both were very good. We also indulged in a white port to follow dessert.

      We had a great night, met some lovely people and got to chat with the chef and find out a bit more about the dishes. We then had a 20 minute stroll back to our apartment through lovely Porto. Life is good.
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    • Day 8

      Penultimate day

      May 10 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Leaving from Santiago back to Porto today so we are starting to realise that the walk is done and home is calling. 4 hours on the bus seemed like a drop in the ocean, and it was a little strange to see the places we’d walked past pop up so quickly on the bus route..

      It’s been a brilliant trip, with legs made from steel and walking very firmly planted in our future.

      Before we left Santiago de Compostela we managed to grab some early pics outside the cathedral when no one was around - amazing! We met a German lady, Heike, who had done the Camino 17 times! Crazy, but who knows maybe we’ll be that person taking photos for someone else, and sharing our own Camino stories…

      Once we leave Santiago, we have one last night in Porto to see the sunset and have a few glasses of Super Bock.

      We are also passing on our walking poles to someone else who’s attempting the Camino tomorrow - as they say - ‘the Camino provides’. I hope those poles go on to have a long and fruitful life up and down the coast.

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    • Day 20

      Days 18-19 - Santiago - Porto - Home

      May 11 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Our bus journey from Santiago to Porto was super smooth and we even managed a snooze. It was lovely to see some of the places we walked through, or nearby, even if it was funny to think that our sometimes 6hr walks were barely a 10 min car journey away.
      Porto was delightful as always! We met up with some internet strangers, who we passed our walking poles along to - may they be of as use to them as they were to us! Strange to think that having completed the walk once already, those poles will now be making their way back to Santiago, supporting someone else. And, of course, that’s what the Camino is all about - paying it forward, supporting people where and when you can.

      So… what did I learn from this trip? I’m still processing some of the things, and I think it will be a little while before it all sinks in, but overall that I should trust myself to do and choose the right thing. That magical coincidences do happen; that we are all connected in small and big ways; that we should be more accepting of ourselves and others M- foibles and all; that I should be prouder of myself and what I can do and where I come from; that tourism does not have to be a curse, it can be a blessing when properly done and is responsible and respectful; that there is happiness and joy to be found in small things and gestures; that the right travelling companion makes all the difference; and that not everything has to be rushed. I am not in hurry. Because if I was, I wouldn’t be walking.
      Ultrea and ¡Buen Camino!
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    • Day 39

      Late afternnon wanderings

      October 12, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      As we were pretty sure the way home was mainly flat or downhill and it wasn’t raining we decided to walk back to the apartment and wandered down streets and areas we had not yet seen. We even spotted some street art by My Name is SAM.Read more

    • Yo Soy Un Peregrino!

      June 26, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      It’s official! I am a Peregrino. A pilgrim on the Camino.

      The overall flight from JFK to Madrid to Porto, Portugal went well. JFK - Madrid - Our “premium economy” seats were wide and comfortable, and we had plenty of leg room with no one in front of us. The food was decent as was the attempted sleeping. Madrid is a huuuuge airport, especially when coming through customs, legally anyway.

      On the other side was a plane waiting for us, eventually, to take us to Porto. When was the last time you walked out on the tarmac to get on and off the plane?

      Getting to our hotel went well. Picked up by a
      driver and then walked about 100 steps up to our room with a fantastic view of the Rio Douro.

      Then the fun began. We walked not very far, but with all the up and down over 16,000 steps. First place we went was the Cathedral. A XII Century building that is amazing. The architecture is incredible and it is huuuge. Especially interesting was the statute of St. James with all of his identifying traits. His hat had the clam shell and the St. James cross was with him also. With the age and history of the cathedral along with all the art, frescos, paintings, carvings and reliefs it was a wonderful experience.

      We also found the starting point for our Camino tomorrow. Best of all, I got my first stamp on my Camino Passport for the Camino. I became a Peregrino! In order to prove you have walked the 100 km minimum in order to receive the certificate or Compostela. So, you have a Pilgrim’s Passport with two stamps a day showing where you have been.

      Great day and a great start to the Camino Portugues.
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    • Day 31

      Are These Hills Getting Steeper?

      September 30, 2015 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The city of Porto is divided by the Douro river with the Ribeira and City Center districts on the north bank and the Port houses in Vila Nova de Gaia on the south.

      On Monday we walked down to the waterfront and over the Luis 1 bridge to do our pilgrimage to the Port houses.Unlike most tourists, after crossing the bridge, we took the high road on the south bank, which brought us to the wineries located at the top of the hill. As a result we had only to roll down the slopes as we went from tasting to tasting.

      The first signpost we saw was for "Yeatman", a port neither of us had ever heard of before. It was an ultra-modern looking facility with two huge clay amphorae decorating the lawn at the entrance. It was only when we went through the front door did we wake up to the fact that we were standing in the lobby of a five star hotel, not a winery. D'oh! Not wanting to look too foolish, we walked in like we owned the place, admired the view from the balcony overlooking the river and the north shore and then sauntered off appearing unimpressed. I'm not sure they bought our act.

      Just a few meters down the hill from The Yeatman was Taylor's, which we knew for sure to be one of our desired destinations. We decided against doing their tour and tasting since their products are readily available at home. Onward down the hill we went and arrived at Offley who had a tour and tasting starting in 15 minutes. Our guide was a young Portuguese woman who spoke perfect English and French, and probably a couple of other languages. She gave a good informative description of the port making process, from vineyard to barrel, as well as an explanation of the differences between the various types of Port.

      The tasting at Offley consisted of an off dry white Port, a Tawny and a Ruby. The pours were generous and, with a 20% alcohol content, our already good moods improved considerably. To make matters worse, we then tried a fourth glass of Cachuca, an aged white Port that is only available at the winery or, of all places, at the SAQ in Quebec! It was quite delicious and I may pick up a bottle when we get home.

      We then set off to find a house whose products we hadn't tried before and stumbled on to Ramos & Pinto who had a very interesting selection of Port to taste. We decided to splurge on the €15.00 tasting that had an LBV, a 2007 Vintage, a 10 year old Tawny, a 20 year old Tawny and a 30 year old Tawny! They were successively more and more delicious and the 30 year old was liquid gold.

      Holding onto walls, railings and each other for support, we slowly descended the ever steepening hill to the south bank waterfront and headed back towards the bridge that would lead us back to our apartment.

      After a brief Port induced nap, we went out for dinner at a place that specialized in a local sandwich called a Franceschina. Mine had various vegan "meats" piled between two slices of bread and topped with a slice of melted cheese and a curry sauce. Just what the doctor ordered. Brenda was more reasonable and had a Seitan steak and salad.

      We may go back to the south bank for more tastings before we leave, but, if we do, we'll definitely pace ourselves a little better next time.
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    • Day 1

      ... in Porto

      April 11, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Estelle and I arrived this afternoon. We are staying in a small apartment in the old town. It is fantastic. This will be our base for the next five days before I set off on the Caminho Portuguese to Santiago.
      We did a short walk around Porto. It is a lovely place. We stopped in a few bars before ending up in a small bar around the corner from our apartment. We met two German guys from near Stuttgard who are beginning their Camino tomorrow. Their map was something printed off Google earth. We really enjoyed their company and sharing stories. An excellent day.
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    • Day 30

      Porto, Day One

      September 29, 2015 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Despite leaving Ottawa nearly one hour late, we landed in Porto only ten minutes later than scheduled. After flying to Southeast Asia last year, the six hour flight to Europe went by in the blink of an eye. We flew over on Sata airlines in an Airbus 330 whose space had been configured for maximum passenger capacity and minimum passenger comfort. In other words, my knees were literally pushed against the seat back in front of me. Fortunately, the aircraft was about half empty and Brenda and I were able to grab seats in the bulkhead row, where I could almost stretch out. I nonetheless only managed about 30 minutes sleep with my mind working non-stop imagining the adventure before us.

      As we approached the Portuguese coast, we could see mountaintops peeking through the cloud cover. Thinking ahead to our bike ride down the coast to Lisbon, I began to fear we were going to be in for a very difficult trek. Then the plane descended into the clouds and almost immediately touched down onto a tarmac completely engulfed in a blanket of fog. So, it looks like once again, I made mountains out of molehills.

      We took the Metro into the city and stored our backpacks in a locker as we set off to explore the city at about 10:30 until we could check into our room at 3:00 PM. As we set out walking with our bikes, we realized two things: 1) nobody bikes in Porto and 2) with very uneven cobbled streets and extremely steep hills, nobody wants to bike in Porto. We found a spot to park our bikes and continued our exploration on foot.

      Porto is a beautiful city with blue and white tiled buildings, ancient churches and impressive architecture everywhere. I was not, however, prepared for how hilly it is. Not just hilly, but also really steeply hilly. While we were walking with our bikes, on the steepest descents, there were times we had to apply their brakes to help maintain control. And we're talking rolling hills, you know the kind, you go up, you go down, you go up and you go down, etc, etc... It'll be good training for the cycling that lies ahead of us.

      Unfortunately, arriving on Sunday meant that most of the businesses and restaurants were closed. Nonetheless, not long after we arrived, the fog lifted and we were welcomed with a sunny, but coolish day that allowed us to get our bearings and enjoy the sites without any crowds.

      At 3:00 we checked into our accommodations, a lovely studio apartment that Brenda found online for about 30 Euros/day. It's located between the Ribeira (the riverfront) and the City Center on an extremely steep street. Fortunately, when we ride out of Porto, we'll go down to the waterfront so we won't have to push our bikes and carry our packs back up.

      Once we were settled in, we had a €0.60 glass of wine in a popular little local watering hole and then went for a delicious mushroom, bean and coconut curry in a Mozambican restaurant. After dinner, we rolled downhill, back to our apartment, read for 5 minutes and passed out with the lights still on. I woke up 11 hours later, rested and ready to take on the new day.
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    • Day 1


      November 9, 2014 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Porto war bisher unser schönster Kurztrip. Die Stadt ist einfach wahnsinnig süß und überall laden Bodegas oder nette Weinlokale zum verweilen ein. Besonders zu Empfehlen ist ein Besuch der zahlreichen Weinkeller! Überwiegend lässt sich alles zu Fuß erkunden, wenn einem die ganzen Berge nicht zu viel sind :)Read more

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    Jardim Municipal do Horto das Virtudes

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